#Brought to you by the weekend thought of “do Snares squeak like dog chews if you grab them?”
diantheia · 7 months
Rush has absolutely no rizz, no game. They've developed the mentality of 'if I can't pull, no one can!' As a result, they've become aggressively protective of the flowers they grow in the greenhouse, not wanting them to be used by others in their courtship attempts. It's on sight if they see anyone trying to take them, and they're super suspisious of those who don't usually hang out in the greenhouse being there.
Entities sometimes hire Snares to try and grab some flowers, not that it has a high success rate. Rush has a near omniscient level of detection for when Snares are trying to pick flowers, so will charge through the greenhouse to stop them.
Picture: tiny Snare just happily plucking flowers from flower pots, just minding their own buisness. Next thing they know, Rush charges at them, grabs their entire tiny body in their fist (Snares emit a squeak like a dog chew when grabbed this way), holds them up to their face and asks "Who sent you?" really angrily. The Snares never spill, they can't talk.
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