#Bruno Labeastia
Everything Great About a Match: Kayden Keller v Bruno LaBestia / Nero de Angelo (bgeast.com/watchfighters)
 Everything Great About these Matches: +8
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Kayden Keller v Bruno LaBestia / Nero de Angelo (bgeast.com/watchfighters)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
So let's begin: 
First we see Kayden v Bruno on bgeast...
+1: A point for the audacity of Bruno.  The guy has it all.  That swagger, that bold confidence, that concentrated aggression; no one messes with Bruno and comes out the same. 
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+1: Bruno may be Bruno but don't mistake this match for a squash. Kayden comes back hard and connects when he needs to.  The man is a 6 foot 3 inch force of nature to be reckoned with. 
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+1: For the two part-er.  I love the transition from boxing to mat wrestling.  Bruno needs to show the world that he triumphs in the ring and on the wrestling mats.  He totally dominates.
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Nero: I know I knocked you out. It doesn't mean we can't be friends.
+1: For the Sexy Signature move, Nero [devours you] or the Bruno's bite.  However you wish to celebrate the man in all his glory - I present to you his sexy signature move.  
+1: For the big finish.  Bruno not only out muscles and but he out heels Kayden.  The guy is so overwhelmed with testosterone that he completely submits, turning his body and mind over to Bruno.  
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Wow - a definite bonus point here [+1].  
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But wait there's more ... Kayden and Nero go at it again on watchfighters. 
+1: I love that this opens up again with boxing.  Kayden may be a hulking dude but Bruno, I mean Nero, is a bruiser and the guy came to wreck havoc.
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+1: For Nero showing he's not just here to hurt.  The guy may be the definition of beast mode but he has other sides also - witness Nero in caress mode.  
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+1: A point for a match within this match with Kayden and Nero in grapple mode.  I wouldn't quite call this Jujitsu or Judo but a point for effort and I did enjoy the finale.  
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------- Everything Great About this Match: +8
So there you have it.  This is a solid contest between two alpha males but in the end, Bruno/Nero is simply too much for any heel to handle.  Kayden is a mountain of man but Bruno manages to out beat the unbeatable.  If it wasn't clear, I love that Bruno out wrestles, out boxes, and dominates Kayden so thoroughly that in the end he has no alternative but to submit his load to the alpha man.  Try as hard as he might, Kayden is the helpless heel.  
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Sexy Signature Moves: Calvin "Caress me" Haynes (bgeast.com)
It's truly a thing to behold to watch a Calvin Haynes match. It starts off simple enough with your typical posing/flexing, after all, the guy has a lot to show off. But soon enough, win or lose, Calvin's opponents are laid lust drunk and craving that big, beefy body of his.
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Calvin "Caress me" Haynes (bgeast.com)
Like a cat in heat, his opponents never stood a chance really.  Sure they may have put up a good fight, may even have 'won' the match, but in many ways it sure looks like Calvin has conquered them.  I'd say it goes beyond seduction really, his opponents literally forget where they are and are entranced with some insatiable need to get their hands all over the man. 
I can't blame them really, the guy's signature move is a force to be reckoned with and falling for that manly, buff body can be every bit as debilitating as any other finishing move.  So with that, I bring you - Calvin "Caress me" Haynes.  
Appearances [Not all shown]
Calvin "Caress me" Haynes (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes vs Nino Leone (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes v Christian Taylor (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes v Bruno LaBeastia (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes v Kayden Keller (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes v Shane McCall (bgeast.com)
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Calvin Haynes v Ace Aarons (bgeast.com)
For the original post, check out:
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