#Buddy Silberman
kingstylesdaily · 2 years
Harry Styles and Florence Pugh Get Hot and Heavy in Olivia Wilde’s ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Sneak Peek
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Olivia Wilde brought the 1950s to CinemaCon, showcasing the first look at Harry Styles and Florence Pugh in the psychological thriller “Don’t Worry Darling.”
Movie theater owners at the annual exhibition trade show got a sneak peek of the trailer, which isn’t yet available to the public. The footage opens on Styles and Pugh’s characters snuggling in bed. They play a husband and wife living in an idyllic experimental community, lined with perfectly placed palm trees and fancy cars.
“You and me?” she asks her husband. “Always. You and me.”
Pugh plays a happy housewife, one who becomes increasingly suspicious that her husband’s glamorous company may be hiding disturbing secrets. He’s working on something called the Victory Project, which promises to change the world.
“I don’t trust him, and I don’t want to be here anymore,” Pugh says at one point.
Other scenes in the trailer show Styles screaming in a car, and later getting intimate with Pugh on a dining room table. They may not trust each other, but they certainly have no problem getting it on. In another sequence, Styles and Pugh are hot and heavy against a sink… never mind that Chris Pine’s character is in the same room. Later, Styles shows off his signature moves on top of that well-appointed dining room table.
On stage at Caesars Palace, where CinemaCon is currently taking place, Wilde shed a little light on the idea behind “Don’t Worry Darling,” which is inspired by “Inception,” “The Matrix” and “The Truman Show.” She calls the movie “a love letter to movies that push the boundaries of imagination.”
“I want you to imagine a life you had everything you could possibly dream of,” she told the crowd of theater owners. “Not just a perfect house, cars…”
“What would it take for you to give up that life, to do what’s right?” Wilde asked.
Wilde also highly praised her actors (who were not in attendance during Warner Bros.’ presentation on Tuesday night), referring to pop sensation Styles as “an up-and-coming actor with no other career that I am aware of, and he is nothing short of a revelation in this part.” Of Pugh, who is best known for “Black Widow,” “Midsommar” and “Little Women,” Wilde says her actor is “brilliant, sexy, fierce and tough.”
Along with Styles, Pugh and Pine, the cast includes Wilde, Gemma Chan, KiKi Layne and Nick Kroll. Katie Silberman wrote the screenplay from a spec script by Carey and Shane Van Dyke.
“Don’t Worry Darling” is Wilde’s follow-up feature to 2019’s coming-of-age comedy “Booksmart.” Prior to stepping behind the camera, she acted in movies and on TV shows such as “Tron: Legacy,” “Drinking Buddies” and “The O.C.”
Warner Bros.’ upcoming slate also includes “Elvis” (June 24), “DC League of Super-Pets” (July 29), “Creed III” (Nov. 23) and “Shazam! Fury of the Gods” (Dec. 16).
via Variety
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gossiprry-backup · 3 years
Regarding Spiderwoman movie - Spiderwoman is owned by Sony. Not Marvel/Disney. They had to make deals to get Tom Holland in the MCU movies. She is reportedly doing a Sony movie. So it would have nothing to do with Marvel cons and what not. It is true that Sony has never said one thing about it. Also, it said that "Wilde, Silberman and Pascal already have strong ties and the three are working on a Christmas buddy film at Universal they hope to do prior to this one" which we haven't heard about
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boulbilehibot · 5 years
Sam and Tommy, a Villain/Hero friendship
Sorry for my bad writing and bad English!!!
Hero had always been proud of himself for not showing when he was having an hard time.
Always strong, always here to protect and help others. Protect the town. His town.
And tonight, when he heard about Big Villain terrorising people on the central place, he didn't think twice before going.
Even if he feels sick. Even if he's unsteady when he walk. Even if the fever is only rising. Even if the ribs that Big Villain had break at their last fight torture him as he walk.
Just showing may make the Big Villain leave and he knows it.
However tonight, Big Villain doesn't redraw just by seeing him.
Well, he should have expected that. He looks terrible. Not really frightening...
So he jump into battle. Assaulting Big Villain with his all arsenal of fire techniques. Only rising up his fever more and more. After about twenty minutes, Hero is just exhausted.
Big Villain his breathless and try to regain strength. His hands on his knees.
It's hero's last chance.
Hero focus, closing his eyes and after a couple seconds, let go a deflagration who encircle him. Touching Big Villain and his sidekicks.
Hero hear Big Villain scream something. But he can't find out what. Probably to finally redraw because everything become silent and calm after that.
Everything his fuzzy... Blurry... Fuck... He won't be able to make it to his base... He has to try so...
He limps awkwardly in some direction... He thinks it's the good one... Maybe... This little ally remember him of something... Maybe... Damn... He's awake enough to know that he's beginning to lose it but not enough to remember his way home...he must return to his base... Home... Anywhere safe and with some...
He freeze.
Villain, a childhood friend who had take a different pace his standing right in front of him on the ally... Hero tried to steady himself a little and stopped holding his chest like to protect his broken ribs.
He had never tried to fight him... Always avoiding him... So why now... They are always friendly to each other when they meet unexpectedly in their everyday life...
-What are you doing here? Ask villain rising an eyebrow
-Going home... Not today Villain... Need to-go. Answer Hero advancing towards him to continue his hard travel.
You're in my perimeter here Hero. I have a reputation to maintain you know it, we've talked about it. Said Villain.
-'M not! Let me go Sam. Hero half yelled, half mumbled , continuing to walk right in front of him.
-You are. And you'd better walk back in your district. Said Villain noticing the fact that Hero calling him by his nickname in this context was more than strange.
Hero continue to walk slow to keep it steady. He try to inspire deeply. He can't breathe well. It's bothering him. He shake his head, like if he could do something.
"Don't approach. Hero, I'm not playing here! I'm warning you! " Villain yelled toward Hero who just keep walking to his direction.
Well, hero his arrived to Villain side. He barely look at him. Villain had no choice, but he doesn't go on him to hard. Villain just put a low kick on him. Trying to stop hero and make him react.
It stopped him a little to well. Hero's knee give up with the kick and hero start to fall limply on the ground. Not fast enough to put his arms in front of him for protection. Instead, he managed to fall on his shoulder.
He wasn't moving after that. His helmet resting on the concrete. Turning his back to Villain.
Villain looks at that with round eyes.
He had noticed that something was weird, the kick he gived him was far to weak to make his former friend fall like that. He was supposed to be a strength of nature... Was he playing games? Had he had a problem?
Villain carefully kneeled behind him.
Slowly turning Hero to lay on his back. His helmet rolling on the ground as he switched position.
-Hero? Are you ok?
No answer. Hero's chest his rising and falling really fast, moving only inches each time. He noticed the few pieces of skin that he could see was too pale and sweaty.
Villain gently begin to took Hero's helmet off.
Hero raised his arm to prevent it.
-No~ don't.
-It's me, Tommy, I need to take your helmet off, you seem struggle breathing properly with it...
-Yes, it's me, no one else can see us, trust me. Said Villain soothingly.
Hero let go of Villain's arm, his own arm falling on the ground loudly.
Villain managed to slowly take of the helmet.
Hero's face was white as sheets. His cracked lips shivering like his all body. Sweat was literally dripping from his forehead.
His breathing was too fast, rattling, wheezing.
Their eyes sweeping everywhere, loosing focus. Blinking longer than it normally takes.
- Tom? Are you with me here? Villain asked shaking Hero's cheeks softly. He was getting more and more worried.
- 'Am? ~ Silberm'n... Hero mumbled.
Silberman? The high school nurse? What the fuck was he talking about?!
- What happen' to you?! What's wrong?!
- n'thing... Can't breathe...
- You idiot, you can't answer "nothing" And " I can't breathe " In the same sentence! Yelled Villain.
- 'op screamin'... Groaned Hero, grimacing and imperceptibly moving his head away from Villain.
- Look at me Tom. Said Villain while checking Hero's forehead's temperature after quitting his gloves. You're burning up! He added.
Hero's eyes couldn't stay fixed on Villain. They kept fluttering away.
- You're coming with me. I'm not letting you die in here. Said Villain, beginning to raise Hero's Back with one arm.
- 'ome... Hero blown, his head lolling limply with the movement of his upper body.
-Yes, don't worry okay? Try to stay awake, we are at my base in a minute. Tried to soothe Villain in hero's hear while putting his other arm under Hero's knees.
He stands up. Hero's eyes widen in agony with his moved wounds and broken ribs, before rolling back.
- hgn! No Sam 'lease, hff" Hero puffs before passing out. His head lolling on Villain shoulder as he began to walk towards his base.
- Who did this to you?... Gonna fuckin' murder them...Villain whispered in the night.
Hero doesn't wake up when Villain lay him on his table to undress him... Well more cut of his clothes off... He's now naked on Villain's table. Shivering and spamming against his wooden table.
Villain needs hero to wake up in order to assess his injuries.
He already sees a wound that looks infected.
As if he couldn't take care of it. It wasn't even stitched...
He moved a little bottle under Hero's nose.
"Hey, wake up Tommy. Come on, open your eyes." Villain say while shaking Hero's shoulder.
It work a little to well. Hero jerks and scream before sobbing, trying to touch his shoulder, only to scream again as his broken ribs are disturbed by his movement. His hand fall limply on the table. Hero gasps while his eyes are rolling back again.
-No, no! Need you to stay awake! Tell Villain while putting Hero's face in his hands and shaking a little.
-hur~ hurts... Hero say with broken voice.
- I know buddy... Villain bit his lips with compassion. But I need to know where you're hurt to fix you up...
-Just sleep... Sobbed Hero, tears rolling on his hot cheeks
- Soon Tom... Villain tried to soothed him by stroking his hair out of his face. Now, does this shoulder hurts? He asked while touching the shoulder on which Hero had fall earlier.
-Arg! Fuck yeah! Stop! Yelled Hero. This time, pain seemed to waked him up.
- I think it's dislocated.
- Sweet! Now get out!
- It's my place... Replied Villain teasingly before Parcouring Hero's Arms and legs with the tip of his fingers. Nothing except bruises.
Hero was only breathing faster and faster. Taking less air with each gasps. Stars dancing before his eyes. Sobbing and groaning between his teeth. Clenching his fists.
Villain moved to Hero's ribs. Applying a little pressure on every one of them.
At some point, Hero jerked and vomited bile before opening his mouth to scream, only to struggle taking his breath.
-Ngrbl~ 'top! Tried Hero
-Can't. Replied Villain softly, continuing to asses the number of broken and cracked ribs.
By the time he finished counting them ( 3 broken and 5 cracked on his left side) Hero wasn't really here anymore. He was babbling and sobbing incoherently. White and clammy skin. He seemed too much in pain to breathe or even think. Spasms jerking his body against his will. Hurting him even more.
-You're badly wounded... Whispered Villain more to himself.
- Sa~ Sammy, can't- 'nt brea- Hero's tried. gulping for some tiny amount of precious and unreachable air. Panic in his unfocused eyes who tried to fix his old friend.
- I know. I got you. You're safe. Villain said to him, gently applying an oxygen mask on his face.
Hero's eyes widen in surprise before closing slowly. His body beginning to fall limply again and relax as oxygen was filling his cells again.
Soon he was dead to the world and Villain begins to wash him gently with wet cottons and disinfectant, sew him up, put his shoulder back in place, bandaging him, and finally, applying fresh tissues all over him to make his fever drop a little.
When he wakes up again, bandages are all over he can see on his chest and belly... It's hurt...There is something warm in his hand... He looks. Sam?! Sammy is holding his hand while sleeping next to him... What happened?... Yes, Big Villain... He was sick and went for a fight anyway... He had lost? Sam had found him?
He try to move and regret it. Groaning in pain.
Villain wakes up too.
- Don't try to move... You're pretty messed up.
Villain say while scrubbing his eyes with his free hand. Once he noticed that he was still holding Hero's hand, he blushes and remove it.
-'t 'pen? Words comes weird from Hero's dry mouth.
Villain helps Hero to sit a little.
Hero his hissing and sight with pain.
-Here. Drink and swallow that up. Said Villain after giving him a glass of water and some pills.
Hero is far to weak to even rise his arm more than a few inches.
Villain sigh and put the pills in Hero's mouth without ceremony before putting the cup of water on his lips.
Hero struggle to swallow and cuffs a little before sipping the rest of the glass.
- Now, tell me who hurt you so bad? Said Villain with a sparkle of anger in his eyes.
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thecomedybureau · 5 years
Booksmart Is the Coming-of-Age Comedy of the Summer
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Sure, this Summer hasn’t every officially kicked off yet, but we’re so charmed by Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut with Booksmart to say that it should reign in the coming-of-age comedy sub genre in 2019 like Blockers did in 2018. 
First off, we want to say that Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever’s performances really are the sparks that get this movie cooking. Their performances, for our money, should put Hollywood on notice of their arrival.
Overall, there’s a certain hope that we get from how Gen Z is depicted throughout the movie in a way that avoids being disingenuous. It’s refreshing to see a teen comedy that has hope for the future as its two leads are both high achievers, but are also fully realized as teens clawing for their first taste of freedom. The framework for the classic high school buddy comedy is there without pandering to any generation in particular. 
One could very easily say that it’s a “woke Superbad”, but that is being too reductive of our tastes and ignores the nuances that Wilde and writers Sarah Haskins, Susanna Fogel, Katherine Silberman, Emily Halpern crafted into the film. Booksmart truly manages a delicate balance of being a broad comedy, but still having lot of heart and warmth without forcing it.
Booksmart comes out nationwide on May 24th, but there are special advanced screenings that start tomorrow. Get all the details here.
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A Top Business School, FDU, Celebrates 50 Years
A Top Business School, FDU, Celebrates 50 Years
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From left to right: FDU President Christopher Capuano; New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy; alumnus Lester Owens, who accepted the Buddy Silberman Award for Social Change on behalf of JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Jayne Silberman, daughter of Samuel “Buddy” Silberman; and Andrew Rosman, dean of Silberman College.
Congratulations to all students, faculty and staff who have been affiliated with the…
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Spider-Woman Movie Coming From Olivia Wilde
Sony’s “Universe of Marvel Characters” is about to get a little bigger. And if Booksmart is any gauge, a little more delightful too. Multiple outlets report that Wilde has agreed to co-write and direct a new original female-led superhero property at Sony Pictures.
Deadline reports that the secret project is likely a Spider-Woman movie. The news, which Sony Pictures declined to comment on, also places Wilde on board as co-writer alongside writing partner Katie Silberman.
If accurate this is a major win for Sony Pictures and shows how Marvel properties continue to expand in big ways apart from Disney or Marvel Studios proper. Indeed, the mystery movie is being produced by Amy Pascal, making it potentially the third Spider-Man spinoff hatched under the Sony banner, the other two being Venom and next year’s Morbius. 
Wilde is a successful screen star who has impressively transitioned into being an in-demand director after Booksmart, which was her directorial debut. Previously best known for appearing in projects like Tron: Legacy, Drinking Buddies, and Vinyl, Wilde helmed the indie surprise hit darling Booksmart to rave reviews last year. Premiering at the SXSW Film Festival the movie went on to develop a devoted following and earned Wilde a BAFTA nomination for Best Screenplay, as well as a slew of critics’ awards for Best First Film.
Since then she has filmed her sophomore effort, Don’t Worry, Darling, a psychological thriller she also stars in opposite Florence Pugh and Chris Pine, and which she co-wrote with Silberman and Carey Van Dyke.
Getting Wilde to helm a Marvel project from the ground up is a boon for what Pascal and company are building at Sony. There are actually several Spider-Women in the annals of Marvel Comics, though the most famous is Jessica Drew, who first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #32, which was published in February 1977. Created by Archie Goodwin and Marie Severin, Jessica Drew originally received her powers thanks to a HYDRA experiment, which involved injecting her as a teenager with a spider-based super serum. Since then Spider-Woman has operated in various capacities, including as a spy, private detective, and superhero.
With an origin story like that, Jessica Drew would seem like a natural fit for Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it’s still not entirely clear how closely related Sony and Disney’s Spider-Man related projects are outside of Spidey himself. Still the Morbius trailer seemingly confirmed that what happens in these spinoffs can be tied in to the greater MCU as well. 
The post Spider-Woman Movie Coming From Olivia Wilde appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Q9BH3m
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naokimizutani-blog · 7 years
You know those days when you wake up in the morning to go watch the sunrise, and the coldness makes your face feel numb? It was one of those kind of mornings in Tokyo. Today is Thanksgiving in America.
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I read a headline about the heavy traffic in my hometown LA.
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My schedule in Japan never seems to allow me to visit family in the states for Thanksgiving. Not only is it an American holiday, but November and December is always the busiest seasons for my company in Japan.
There was no heavy traffic with people heading for family get-togethers here. The Japanese do that on New Years. There’s also no mobs of shoppers elbowing each other on Black Friday. We do, however, get our fair share of claustrophobia every weekday morning on the train.
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I started the day by reflecting on all the things I was grateful for.
It's Thanksgiving today so I wanted to share my gratitude with you all. It's been 8 years since I moved to Tokyo, and I've learned a lot about culture, business and myself. Thanks to all of you, I'm still growing, and I'm continuously learning and studying everyday. I still have a lot of areas in my life that I need to up my game, and see myself only as a student. I wish to be of use, and hope that those around me or those connected to me can exprience a little bit more happiness, health and wealth. I'm here today because of all of you, so thank you!
Gratitude is one of the most important mindset in life. I talk about gratitude a lot. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, you need gratitude. A lot of things are happening everyday that can easily make us feel fearful, worried, or angry, but gratitude is that magic potion that neutralizes the negative. That’s because I think gratitude involves both the emotion and intellect, the heart and mind.
Before lunch, I scheduled a quick thirty minute session with Ihoko. I met her in Nagoya and she learned TM at our center in Shinjuku. She recently realized she has an unique perception  to perceive and interpret people’s energy into colors and keywords. She always thought everyone could do the same, but recently found out that others couldn’t and so she started offering her services to others, and one thing led to the next.
I have to say, I was pretty impressed. The fact that she could perceive me with such clarity even thought we were 250km (160 miles) apart was far beyond my intellect. It’s people like her, who genuinely want to help others and brave enough to share their uniqueness to the world, that inspires me to do what I do. 
Later, Yoko and I went on a drive to go find a place to eat for lunch. We never plan where we go and spontaneously make turns until we feel like we’re at the right place. It’s brought us good for the past 8 years. Plus, it’s more fun that way and usually leads to new discoveries.
We randomly picked a place to park the car. I noticed that 8 out of 10 cars in the parking lot were Mercedes Benz. I then realized we parked at the Imperial Hote! Lol. “I guess we’re eating here today.” We picked a random cafe and ate Japanese-style curry sitting next to a random poster of Michael Jackson and a monkey. What can I say, it’s Japan.
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Ginza is a place for high-end shopping and fashion. After dropping off Yoko, I made my way to Hibiya Park and found they had a food festival! If it wasn’t thanksgiving dinner night, I would have emptied my wallet to eat all the takoyaki, crab soup, and grilled squid. Instead, I kept my eyes away from the food and walked straight to Pronto Cafe to order my green tea latte. I sat down to integrate my thoughts about my morning session with Itoko and shared my gratitude with her.
いほこさんのセッションは30分ですが、3億の価値があると思います。これは大げさではありません。その人の存在や真理のメッセージが知らなければ仕事やビジネスでは成功できないと思います。 いほこさんはそれを色で明確に感じ取れます。しかも250km離れていても、遠隔でも見れます! 彼女は純粋に感じとれた色を分かりやすくキーワードで伝えてくれます。私が持っている自然な特徴、エネルギー、メッセージや真理、役割や使命、コミュニケーション能力や相手に伝わっているエネルギー。とても優しくて何でもオープンに聞けて、力強い応援を感じられます。 驚き事は、妻とのコンビネーションを1秒で明らかにされたこと!どうやって分かるかは不思議ですけど、分かる人は生まれてから何かを持っているんですね。^^ 恋愛や使命について興味がある方、 いつもとちょっと違う角度から自分のことを知りたい方、 是非いほこさんをおすすめします!!! 水谷直樹 33歳、男、新宿区東京、経営者
Then, it was time to head over to Azabu-Juban district with Yoko and met Motoko for Thanksgiving dinner. My buddy, Andrew Silberman, who is a notorious business consultant by day and lead singer for his band by night, told me about Soul House Cafe, a place he performed at the other week. Social media led me to discover that the owners are from USA and they were taking reservations for an American-style Thanksgiving dinner. I couldn’t resist because I haven’t had Turkey, cranberry, and mash potatoes for years. The owners, David and Latonya Whitaker, were genuine and friendly. The place was packed and overflowing, and I could see why. They made everyone feel like home, and the food was good o’ Thanksgiving. :)
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For any dinner gathering, it’s about the conversation. While Nanami, who is 2 years old, enjoyed eating her first Thanksgiving meal, we had some deep and hilarious conversations about life and what we wanted to do in the upcoming year.
We then headed over to a cafe nearby, called Eat More Greens. I ordered hot apple cider with grated ginger which was perfect.
We continued our conversation about what we each wanted to do, but Motoko seemed to be a little unclear. Yoko asked her a really good question that I think everyone needs to ask themselves. “What would you want to purchase for yourself to make your life better?” Motoko fell silent. Perhaps a little startled. Before she was asked the question, Motoko was talking about selling a product or making handmade baby products. It kind of seemed to only ripple on the surface of the mind and not hit home in the gut where you feel intuition.
Then, she replied, “If I could buy anything, I would want by time for my husband to be able to rest more.” It came from such a pure place inside that we all felt her sincerity and conviction. There was power. I jumped in and said, “That’s your message.”
It’s never about the product you sell or the service you offer. It always about the “Why.” When you find that why that comes from a space where your thoughts, emotions and soul align, you naturally attract the right people who want to support you. That’s the start of a really good product or service.  
In essence, when people buy, they are buying time. They are saving time to experience happiness, health, wealth or whatever they need at a specific moment. When your “why” and another person’s “need” match, and you offer a good quality product or service that is a natural extension of your “why” and can be purchased in exchange for a certain value of money, that is the start of a business that can easily spread through word-of-mouth and achieve sustained growth more naturally.
At the end of the day, I was pretty stuffed. I also felt full on the inside, in a good way. :) Many more good days to come…
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