#Bullet vs turret camera
(Because I don't like him I'm doing this.)
Somethings wrong with that boy. (Uh warning it might get gross and troubling)
Brandon information
Height: 5' 3"
Age: 12
Weapons:Bare body and heat vision
Strengths:Superhuman Strength (Despite being a 12-year-old kid, Brandon is much stronger than the average man. He can easily break bones through sheer grip strength, rip metal doors off their hinges, and is capable of lifting a small truck with a single arm) Superhuman Speed (Can move faster than the eye can track and is fast enough to reach the stratosphere in seconds) Superhuman Durability (Perhaps due to his alien physiology, Brandon is capable of taking hits from almost anything without a scratch, with his adoptive father even stating to have never seen him bleed) his heat vision can easily melt through people and metal. Can Fly at high speed. Brandon has the ability to manipulate electronics around him, he can cause lights to flicker and explode, prevent vehicles from starting, and is able to make cell phones and radios lose signal...somehow. Telekinesis can Rip a metal door off it's hinges with his mind. Was Stated to have never been sick.
Weaknesses:lacks fighting experience. Prone to fits of anger and tantrums. Never fought anyone on his level of power and could be hurt by people as strong as him. He can be hurt from the metal of his ship.
Freddy information
Height:*Abnormally tall* ( 6' 1")
Age: 14
Weapons:retractable bone spikes,enchanted katana,holy crossbow,various turrets, and plasma shield grimore (can store various things can also seal people away)
Strengths: superhuman strength(strong enough to match Craig Tucker who is stronger then Scott Malkenson who can rip up a boiler off of concrete and metal doors along with a massive Porta potty all of which is either bolted or welded to the concrete or the metal and the boiler is at least connected to several pipes underground. He also outmuscled the main boys all of whom can damage robots with basic crowbar swings and even throw crates as big as them.) Superhuman durability (Despite the various differences in his bodies/avatars he can easily walk off bullets and bombs. His weakest body possessing Ames plushie of himself is somehow fire proof. Most bodies can't feel pain and he can pop his limbs off with no issues) Superhuman speed (can dodge Human-Kite's bio energy lasers and wonder week's lightning. Can dodge fastpass who can run fast enough to set the ground on fire. Can react and think faster then most can move. Fires off spells faster then most can blink.) Genius intelligence (can easily trick various people in South park and could con all of Springfield he somehow got the drop on 3 people who took every chance to exploit all the loopholes he left while denying him any.) Can bend himself anyway he can. Can use various magic types as the first of the 'Blessed 100' (can use any spell he can think of as long as he can remember what it is. Also can use anti-magic to cancel out or reverse the effects of magic) can use telekinesis to fly or throw others. Can cause technology around him to not work (him walking around Freddy Fazbear's broke all the cameras and he also makes tvs go static when he gets mad. Somehow can force radios to play various different songs with a wave of his hand.) Can 'Legion' people (Legion has the ability to absorb the minds and powers of others when they die near him allowing him to get their powers. Freddy can do the same by using blood or soul Magic to do so but he dosent get memories or Legion's multi identity problems.) Can somehow function as just his core with a magical avatar made of all his power. If he dies he will self destruct taking everything out with him. (He will reform later the next year and the 'magic residue' will unlock people's magical powers and give then physic or superpowers. As he gets older the explosion gets bigger. As a child he could apparently sink the west hemisphere if he explodes.)
Weaknesses:ANY holy object can hurt him. (A bhudda statue burns him stars of David cut him up and crosses make permanent scars on him) his albinism makes him weak to lights and makes his vision terrible without his visor or any aids. His core can be destroyed with enough force but seeing a nuke couldn't kill him it will take a lot. While he hates most people he's willing to give people a chance also he also had a mental breakdown when he realized durning a fight with Kenny that he wasn't no better then the people who abused him which made him give himself up.
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isakthedragon · 7 years
Super Sonic Thieves Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Thieves Vs. Spies Vs. Robots
Intro Cutscene:
Sly: “Well, thieving around with Otto was fun, but he had to get back to the ‘war effort’ eventually, which meant it was time to move on. I took a quick look at the Thievius Raccoonus and it looks as though we are moving forward in time again, to go see my grandpa, Bruce O’Coop, who is one of the less known members of the family. I don’t remember much about him, but I do have a vague memory of him of someone telling me he actually worked for the US government once. And according to the Thievius Raccoonus, that was true, he was their spy who infiltrates groups suspected of being communists. Heh, how appropriate a thief does a spies work. :P And Bruce would go on to steal from confirmed Soviet Union spies. But it seems an investigation he went on lead to him disappearing. Something about that doesn’t sound right, Coopers don’t disappear that easily.. Looks like we’re off to visit America to find him.”
Sly Cooper and the Gang in…
*A view of a ‘50s computer monitor is shown and ones and zeros appear into they form a picture of the title card ‘Thieves Vs. Spies Vs. Robot’ .*
Hub Layout:
Setting: Undisclosed southeastern state’s swamp (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Gang Hideout: An empty, abandoned home outside of the city.
Surroundings: The safe house sits near to the river and ‘houseboats’ float up and down the river. On the other side of the bank sits an abandoned mansion to the east. North leads into the city of New Orleans, but it oddly seems quiet... West of the safe house is a swampy region, supposedly untouched by civilization, save for any voodoo practitioner. And to the south is a long road, separating the river and swamp.
Policeman Pawn: Pawns in police uniforms that’ll fire their pistols at you if they spot you. Drops 9 rings.
Army Pawn: Pawns in military fatigues that carry machine guns. Bet you can figure out what they’ll do with them. Drops 11 rings.
G-Man Pawn: A dapper pawn in the government black suit that carries around a briefcase. Get their attention and they’ll drop them on the ground, bringing up a turret gun that shoots bullets at you. Drops 13 rings.
Ruski Pawn: *Russian accent* He’s your standard spy pawn from the EGB. Very dangerous, as they can control nearby terminals to fire machine guns hiding in walls, trees, etc. They are invincible (unless you sneak attack them first. :P ). Drops 15 rings.
Treasures: (None. Sly isn't around long enough to warrant it. Besides, more treasure was used in the last Chapter. Also the reason why there are no Sly guards about.)
From Pedestals:
200 Year Old Gumbo Pot: No booby trap, but Bruce is needed to open the cage it’s in with his cane. Worth 1000 coins and 500 rings. On a pedestal near the entrance to the city.
Golden Mardi Gras Mask: Fall damage booby trap. Worth 1250 coins and 625 rings. Hiding on a roof of a building in the city.
Silver Tiara: Bomb booby trap, 1:30 minute timer. Worth 1500 coins and 750 rings. Hiding on a building in the city.
Voodoo Necklace: Not booby trapped per se, it will raise spirits to attack you as long as you hold it. Worth 2000 coins and 1000 rings. Hiding on a pedestal in the swamp.
The coins have a design of shrimp and gumbo on them.
Secret Clockwork Sighting: Hiding among the trees in the deep swamp.
Recon on the Bayou
Take recon of New Orleans
Bentley: “Alright guys, you know the drill by now. Get some recon photos of the area so we know what we’re dealing with.”
Sly: “Understood buddy.”
Vector: “It’s a good thing you chose me to go with you. I can swim in the river and swamp so you don’t have to.”
Sly: “Really now? Thanks… Say, Vector, does New Orleans seem a bit different to you?”
Vector: “We don’t exactly have a New Orleans, we do have a similar place that does Mardi Gras… but I sense what you mean… it feels… quiet. Definitely not the right atmosphere, and it’s not the swamp behind us.”
Sly: “Yeah… well, we better not keep Bentley waiting, let’s go.”
*The player takes Sly and Vector to the river first, to take a recon photo of the houseboats and abandoned mansion.*
*Once done*
Sly: “Hmmm… there’s something odd about them, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
Vector: “I have to admit those houseboats look suspicious, floating only around that mansion… Protection perhaps?”
Sly: “Maybe… aw well, move on.”
*The player now heads off to the city. Once there.*
Sly: “I knew this place was too quiet. No one is here.”
Vector: “Seems Metal Sonic has taken over. Look!” *He points to a nearby billboard which has an animated Metal Sonic, which goes into a terrifying face to scare people.*
Sly: “Hmm…”
*The player takes recon of the billboard and the transmitters in town.*
Sly: “Why does he need transmitters?”
Vector: “I’m not sure… I think we better move on.”
*The player then moves on to the swamp. In there…*
Sly: “I see Eggman has made the swamp his place of business.”
Vector: “Yeah. Hey, look at that gate.”
*The camera turns to a huge gate blocking access to going deeper in the swamp.*
Sly: “I see there is no way in… the gate is too large for us to break.”
Vector: “Yeah, and I can’t swim under it. We better return to Bentley.”
Sly: “Yeah”
Bentley: “Is this really all the recon you could get?”
Sly nods. “Sorry. There just wasn’t a lot to work with.”
Bentley: “Hmmm… what do we do next then…”
*Just then, as you could call luck, Bentley’s computer starts going off, warning of a hacker trying to hack his computer for information.*
Bentley: “What the? Who the heck is hacking my computer?”
Sonic: “Is it Eggman?! Or Metal Sonic?!”
Bentley: “I’m not sure. I’m gonna have to fight them off.”
A Hacker’s Desperate Plea
Beat the Unknown hacker
Find the hacker
*The player is sent straight into a hacking game, right into a battle against the unknown hacker. This hacker is kind of tough, sporting a huge AI ship. Whoever it is must be a part of the FBI, since the main part of the ship has the FBI insignia. The player has their work cut out to cut the guy down to size, but fighting smartly will make sure you win.*
*Once defeated...*
Bentley: “AHA! Success! I know where he is! He’s in the city! Let’s go! Sly, with me!”
Sly: “Do you think we should use the van?”
Bentley: “No. I think I may have spooked the guy. We have to get there fast, but silently. Come on, let’s go.”
*The player now has a set time limit to run into the city and make it to the waypoint set out to the coordinates of the hacker.*
*Once there...*
Sly: “Looks like we are just in time. He’s just leaving now.” *A turtle comes out of the building.* “Hey, he reminds me…”
Bentley: “Of me? I’m with you there. I wonder if he might be my grandfather… I don’t exactly remember him but this guy brings up the feeling, especially with the way he hacked. It seemed like mine.”
Sly: “Well, all we can do is ask him about who he is. I guess I’ll go first.”
*Sly goes and stops the turtle in his tracks.*
Sly: “Where are we going in such a hurry?”
The turtle jumps and hides in his shell in fear until he sees the raccoon feet. “Damn it, Cooper! You scared me! Where the heck have you been? I’ve been left dealing with this case alone.”
Sly stands in confusion. “Uh… whatever you’re talking about… all I know is that you have hacked my friend’s computer, and you’re going to tell me why.”
The Turtle: “Huh? Your friend? Wait… are you even Bruce?”
Sly: “You first. Why did you hack us?”
The Turtle: “Well, you make yourself obvious when you’re the only other computer signal in the area.”
Sly thinks and says: “... Fair enough. Bentley, come out.”
*Bentley comes out from the nearby shadows.* “Considering his bad eyesight, I think it’s him.”
The Turtle: “Who? What?!”
Sly: “Well, I’m not Bruce, I’m Sly, his future grandson, and this is Bentley, your future grandson.”
The Turtle: “Bentley? Hey, that’s my name too, though I like Ben better.”
Bentley: “I think we better continue this at the safehouse.”
Sly: “Agreed.”
Sly: “Once we returned to the safehouse and told him we’re from the future and helping the Cooper line, Ben told us everything.”
Ben: “I guess… if you guys are truly from the future and want to help… I’ll spill… Bruce and I were sent here to New Orleans by FBI orders to investigate Communist rumors spreading in town. Unfortunately… it’s much worse than we thought and makes me wish it were Russians. There’s these metallic… things just roaming around the city, scaring everyone away. And they seem to be controlled by an even scarier being with large spines!”
Sly: “Sonic and the others confirmed that he was talking about the Egg Pawns and Metal Sonic.”
Ben: “I think he’s connected to Bruce’s disappearance… I see you guys went to the swamp, from your photos… he went there to check out those things… but he hasn’t returned… I think your Metal Sonic guy grabbed him…”
Sly: “It was pretty clear… we had to go and find Bruce. If Metal Sonic is as bad as they say he is… well, it might be better to act now.”
Bentley: “Alright. Ben, Tails, and I have thought on this, and are pretty certain on one thing: We need to rescue Bruce from Metal Sonic’s grasp. Of course, we know this is tough. Metal Sonic is definitely not like the last of Eggman’s lackeys. Metal Sonic is a very smart android, pretty much the supercomputers of supercomputers. Even Bruce didn’t have a chance.  Hopefully though, our combined genius can beat that. Sly, you and Vector should go back to the swamp, in search of Bruce.”
Sly: “Got it.”
Vector: “Alright.”
Bentley: “And if you see anything interesting, recon it and we’ll deal with it after getting Bruce. Now let’s go.”
Swamptastic Voyage
Take recon of the deeper swamp
Find Bruce
*Sly and Vector sees the gate from earlier has been busted open by some force, breaking them off their hinges.*
Vector: “Wow… that gate was destroyed like it was nothing! Well, I guess that means we can head on deeper.”
Sly: “Yeah, but we better be careful. It could be dangerous in there.”
*The player heads on deeper, and find themselves passing by big machines that are draining energy from the swamp and New Orleans.*
Vector: “I wonder what Eggman is sucking up?”
Sly: “If I had to guess from past experience, he might be taking in supernatural energy. Swamps like these have tons of that energy.”
Vector: “Guess we should get some recon of them for Bentley.”
*The player takes recon of the 4 collectors as they head deeper into the swamp. Soon, they find themselves at the mouth of a cave.*
Vector: “This seems to be the only place we can go… think Bruce is in there?”
Sly: “I think so… only thing we can do is check.”
*The player enters and finds plenty of platforms and modern laser traps that make traversing the cave really difficult. Making it past rewards you with finding a very scared Bruce.*
Bruce: “Hoo, boy, you’ve really done it now, Bruce. Got caught by an angry android and now getting stuck in this cave. How elite I am.” *He hears Vector and Sly coming* “Aha! What monster dares to attack the mighty hacker Bruce, brave and strong!?!”
Vector appears. “Hey, Sly, it’s Bruce.”
Bruce: “AH! A CROC! DON’T EAT ME!!” *He curls up and hides his face behind his tail, waiting for the moment of being eaten.*
Sly appears. “Bruce, we’re here to rescue you.”
Bruce: “Huh?” *He moves his tail to see Sly and Vector smiling happily* “You are not going to eat me? You a friendly?”
Sly: “Well, my croc friend is. And I am as well, Bruce.”
Bruce smiles, then remembers his FBI training. “Hey… wait a minute, how do you know my name?”
Sly: “Well… we did find your friend Ben in the city, alone.”
Bruce: “Oh, my! Ben! Thank goodness you rescued him! It’s scary out there!”
Sly: “And… since I think I have to say in good conscious… I’m your future grandson. I came back in time with my friends to rescue you.”
Bruce thinks and says: “Hmmm… future grandson? I oddly believe that… heh, us Coopers are a mystic bunch. I mean, take me. I’m a hacker of 50’s computers!”
Sly: “Heh, Bentley’s going to like you. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
*The player leads the trio out of the cave and into the swamp again.*
Bruce: “Ah, the beautiful sky! How I missed it.”
Vector: “It does look pretty actually. That cave wasn’t as tough as it looked.”
Sly: “Yeah… almost too easy… almost no problems getting him out… Was it-”
*A dark and sinister, mechanical voice breaks the darkness.* “A TRAP? THAT IS CORRECT, SLY COOPER!”
*Metal Sonic, looking very dark among other things swoops out of the dark underbrush and grabs Sly.*
Sly struggles to break free. “Hey! Let me go!”
Metal Sonic: “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! EGGMAN’S ORDERS ARE TO EXAMINE YOU.” *He flies up into the air, out of Vector and Bruce’s reach.* “AND DON’T THINK ABOUT FOLLOWING ME, YOU ARE TOO WEAK TO DEFEAT ME.” *He flies off to the east.*
Bruce: “Ah! It’s that scary fiend!!”
Vector: “And he took Sly! We got to tell the others!”
Murray: “Sly’s gone?”
Carmelita: “So easily?”
Vector: “Yeah. He grabbed him and flew him away.”
Sonic: “He does do that sometimes, he’s got the determination.”
Amy mutters: “I know that…”
Bruce: “I’ve lost my future grandson!” *He cries a bit, but then changes to anger.* “No… I’m going to get him back! I think I know where he is!”
Bentley: “That’s good! You and Vector can go and save him! Meanwhile, Silver and Murray, you should destroy those supernatural energy collectors, so we can weaken Metal Sonic.”
Murray and Silver: “Got it!”
Bentley: “Next is to stop the transmissions of Metal Sonic in New Orleans.”
Ben: “I think I can stop them, though I think I’ll need you and Rouge’s help to protect me.”
Rouge: “Sure thing.”
Bentley: “And finally, I think those houseboats should be destroyed. Ben and Bruce seem to think they are filled with guns, and I agree with them.”
Tails: “Leave that to me! I’ll shoot them down with the RC Tornado.”
Charmy: ♪ “Can I help?! I want to see some action!” ♫
Tails: “Of course, Charmy.”
Bentley: “Alright guys, let's move. We need to seize the chance now.”
The Monster Mash
Destroy the supernatural energy collectors
*Murray and Silver look at the first supernatural energy collector.*
Silver: “These supernatural energy collectors are huge! I wonder how we can destroy them…”
Murray: “Easy! We just throw big things at it!”
Silver: “True… Well, we better get smashing.”
*The player has Silver and Murray grab or telekinesis various big rocks, machines, and other object at the large collector. Some pawns will come in as you’re destroying the machine, but it shouldn’t be too hard. Destroying the machine makes it explode, releasing the energy back to the swamp.*
Murray: “YES! Explosions are always good!”
Silver: “Well, we got three more big explosions to have. Ready for more?”
Murray: “Always!”
*The player moves on to the other collectors, blowing them up too.*
*Once done.*
Murray: “We’re done! No more evil collecting for Eggman!”
Silver: “That was fun! Let’s return to the safehouse.”
Party Crashers
Turn off all of the transmitters
*The player walks Ben, Bentley, and Rouge over to a transmitter.*
Bentley: “I believe this may be one of them.” *He sees a computer terminal, but it looks old.* “It’s a dinosaur!”
Ben: “For you perhaps, grandson, but not for me. I’ll handle them. Just provide me some cover.”
Bentley: “Of course, granddad! Come on, Rouge, let’s watch for Pawns.”
Rouge: “Heh, let’s hope for some action.”
Ben: “Prepared to be hacked, computer. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit…”
*The player enters a black and white version of the hacking minigames from before, in order to turn off the transmitter. Once it’s off.*
Ben: “Did it! I’m moving on!”
*Ben moves on to the next transmitter, while Bentley and Rouge fight off Egg Pawns.*
*This is done 5 more times for the other transmitters, protecting Ben and hacking the computer.*
*Once all the transmitters are hacked, the mission is complete.*
Ben: “That’s the last transmitter, and goodbye, Metal Sonic.” *The nearby billboards go back to normal, along with all the others.*
Bentley: “It looks like things are returning back to their normal state. We better get back to the safehouse.”
Smashing Down the River
Deactivate and destroy the houseboats
*Tails and Charmy arrive at the river’s edge to see something unexpected.*
Charmy: ♪ “WHOA! Look at that! Those houseboats have guns on them now! They’re gunboats!” ♫
Tails: “I would assume what they were before was standby mode, so as to not arouse suspicion. And it just made our mission a whole lot tougher. I can sink the boats, but those guns look like they’ll tear the RC Tornado to shreds.”
Charmy: ♪ “Oh! I can go fly on the boats and look for a deactivation switch! I’m an agile bee!”  ♫
Tails: “Alright, just be careful. Shut one off and then I’ll blast it down. We’ll do that to all 3 of them.”
*The player takes control of Charmy first, making him fly over to one of the gunships, avoiding gunfire. Once on, they search for the button and have Charmy push it down. The guns will disappear, which gives Tails 2 minutes to break the ships. Thankfully, they’re paddle boats, so completely breaking the paddle will make it start to sink.*
*The player returns to Charmy, to get to the next ship. These actions are repeated two more times to the other ships so they sink too.*
Charmy: ♪ “HOORAY! We did it! Those ships are sunk! That was so much fun!” ♫
Tails nods. “It was. Let’s go tell the others.”
Going Incognito
Find Sly
Rescue Sly
*Bruce and Vector stand in front of the abandoned mansion.*
Bruce: “It was a foggy memory, but I’m pretty certain I was held up in this building before I found myself in the swamp cave.”
Vector: “It looks like it’s been abandoned before he got started here, good for a base of operations. I wonder how we are going to get in. Metal Sonic seems to have installed a computer to open it.”
Bruce: “Heh, don’t worry, I got it. You could say my hacking skills are… futuristic…”
*The player makes Bruce pull out his cane, and point it at the computer. A hacking game starts, and completing it opens the door.*
Vector is speechless: “Uh… where have I seen that before…”
Bruce: “It’s a Sonic Cane, able to hack any mechanical lock, in this case, this computer! Why hack computers with my mind when I can just stick my cane into them? Hah!”
Vector: “Right… ahem, well, let’s head in.”
*They enter and the doors shut behind them. The lights in the house flicker on, showing what can only be called a horror-themed house.*
Bruce: “Uh-oh.”
Vector: “Figured the place would be hard to navigate, but this is the most scary of hard.”
Bruce: “As I said before, never fear! I got this. Let’s move quick.”
*The player has to make their way through the house, solving puzzles with horror-themed object before the room can kill them. There’s the living room, where you have to move the furniture back where they belong before the ceiling spikes crush you; the kitchen, where you fight some pawns off as the fridge and oven throw ice and fire at you; the dining room, with razor-sharp plates being thrown around; the lounge area, with an attacking, chained couch that lunges at you; and the bedrooms on the second floor. They have computers in each room that Bruce has to hack while Vector fights off more Egg Pawns. Hacking them all opens up the last room, the master bedroom, where Metal Sonic and Sly are.*
*Inside, they see Metal Sonic looming over Sly on the table, reading his body with his scanning eyes. He is about finished when he notices the duo. He grabs Sly and smashes through the wall, as Sly and Vector follow.*
*The player chases after him across the grass, river, and then road as they try to keep up, avoiding the lasers he is shooting from his back. Keep on dodging them until they end up at the safehouse.*
*Metal Sonic drops Sly off and disappears in a dark flash. Vector and Bruce grab Sly and take him inside.*
Sonic: “Are you alright, Sly? I’m surprised he didn’t hurt you at all, considering how much he hates us.”
Sly: “Other than the brush to my pride, I’m alright.”
Carmelita: “He got lucky, you know. No one captures you and gets away with it.”
Sly: “Thanks for the reassurance, Carm… someone sounds jealous.” *A slap is heard and he yells in pain.*
Bentley: “Alright, we have to deal with Metal Sonic now. I think we did a good job so far.”
Metal Sonic appears on the computer screen. “THAT’S WHAT YOU THINK, YOU LOW IQED TURTLE!”
Bentley: “WHAT THE?! How did you-”
Sly: “You won’t get away with this!”
Bentley: “How dare he violate my computer!”
Murray: “I think it’s time we introduce some FISTS into his program.”
Carmelita: “No… let me fight him… He doesn’t get to capture this ringtail like it was nothing…”
Sonic: “Let me fight him too. Our rivalry has been going on forever, and I think he still might trip up if I taunt him.”
Carmelita: “Fine, but stay out of my shots.”
Sonic: “No problem there.”
Tails: “The only thing that worries me is his strange supernatural powers… He seems stronger, and it might stop Sonic and Carmelita from harming him.”
Bentley: “I thought so too. I did look at those transmitters a bit, and I think we can reverse them to make them suck up supernatural energy, weakening Metal Sonic. It’s just the matter of getting him close to them.”
Bruce: “I think we can do that. I have a hunch that android can change directions with those traffic lights.”
Ben: “We can hack the traffic system, perhaps telling his brain to go down the green lit streets.”
Bentley: “Alright, just lead them to a transmitter we get working in reverse and we’re good to go.”
Knuckles: “Let’s get him!”
All: “YEAH!”
Operation Hedgehog Capture
Drain Metal Sonic of his powers and defeat him
*Carmelita and Sonic arrive in town, and Metal Sonic appears from a dark mass.*
Sonic: “We’re going to defeat you, Metal Sonic! I always do!”
Carmelita: “Eat shock pistol, Android!”
*The player goes into a battle against Metal Sonic, but the fight is futile. He is encased in a supernatural energy barrier, and nothing can damage him. After about a minute…*
Carmelita: “Damn… he’s too strong for my shots, Sonic.”
Sonic: “And he’s flying too high for me, but I doubt homing attacks can damage him either right now.”
Metal Sonic: “FOOLS! IF YOU ARE DONE MAKING A MOCKERY OF YOURSELVES, I HAVE OTHER PLANS.” *He starts to fly down a street.*
Sonic: “We need to keep up with him!”
Carmelita notices a nearby police car that has its keys in the ignition. She hops in and turns it on, and beckons for Sonic to enter the passenger side.. “Get in, Sonic, time for a police chase!”
Sonic: “Alright, cool!” *He gets in and Carmelita speeds off after Metal Sonic.*
*We change our view to the safehouse, where Ben, Bentley, Tails and Bruce have succeeded in hacking the city to their whim.*
Bentley: “Yes! We have got complete control over the transmitters and traffic lights!”
Ben: “Alright, grandson! Now you and Tails deal with the draining transmitters. Bruce and I will change the traffic lights.”
Tails: “Got it!”
*We enter a virtual map of New Orleans. There is a symbol of Metal Sonic and a symbol for Sonic and Carmelita that follow the streets. Any street intersection can be chosen, where there is an option to change the lights so the green will be on the other directions of the intersection. On the side is a meter of Metal Sonic’s supernatural energy. The goal is to drain away all of Metal Sonic’s energy by making him fly by a working transmitter. Once he flies by a working one, he loses a ⅙ of his energy then destroys the transmitter so it can’t be used again. Do this for all 6 transmitters to move on to the fight. Do note that with the more energy he loses, it will get a bit harder to get him to pass by a transmitter.*
*Once he is completely drained, we return to Metal Sonic and Sonic and Carmelita.*
Metal Sonic lands as his supernatural shell disappears. “I SEE YOUR FRIENDS HAVE DRAINED ME. NO MATTER, I CAN STILL BEAT YOU.”
Sonic: “Bring it on, you useless hunk of metal!”
Carmelita: “Let’s see how much shock you can take.”
*Now it is time for the player to fight Metal Sonic and defeat him. His offence includes firing laser from his spines that spread backwards, firing plasma blasts from his hands (like Carmelita’s shock pistol), firing a larger chest laser that he can move around, and firing a huge ball of plasma when he’s desperate. The fight is mostly of Carmelita firing her shock pistol at Metal Sonic until Metal Sonic is annoyed enough to fire off his huge ball of plasma. It absorbs Carmelita’s shock shots, so Sonic needs to run up and attack Metal so he hurts himself with the plasma ball. Then the duo can wail on the short-circuited hedgehog until he gets back up again. Do this as many times as needed until he is defeated.*
Outro Cutscene:
Sly: “It was a hard fought battle for Sonic and Carmelita, but they had stopped the rampaging Metal Sonic. It was a little weird to explain to our grandparents that he couldn’t go to the FBI, but had to go to Sonic’s world, but once they knew they had their own government agency (GUN), they happily let him go. They said they’ll note in their reports that they quashed the rumors and there seems to be nothing more. Afterwards, we did spend a little time with our grandparents. They were quite a fun bunch to say the least. I see why me, Bentley, and the others had the chance to meet up. I wonder where our adventures will take us next…”
Next Time: It’s time to get anime in Heian Japan.
0 notes
sad-ch1ld · 7 years
via RSI Comm-Link
Turrets in Bullet Points
A Guide to the New Ship Matrix
Greetings Citizens!
From Weapons we move onto Turrets, the next logical step on our tour of the New Ship Matrix. You may have recently seen our discussion on Around the Verse about improving the overall Turret Experience, and we’ve been hard at work on what we feel are significant improvements to their usability as part of ongoing advancements planned not just for Alpha 3.0, but beyond. In our next release, the way you control them is entirely refactored with better gyro-stabilization to help keep them on target, and hopefully giving you much more enjoyable and successful time when using them.
Turrets can be found on ships of all sizes, from starters to capital ships, and the mounts they attach to can vary as dramatically in size as well. The largest found on some capital ships are as big as the smaller ships flying escort, wielding weapons capable of massive destruction.
With this update to the New Ship Matrix, we now divide turrets in to two distinct categories: Manned and Remote. Both of these turret types support player, NPC or AI control via various methods detailed further below.
All Turrets
Turrets can only be attached to turret hardpoints, they cannot go on weapon or ordnance hardpoints.
Turrets themselves have multiple itempoints of their own for attaching armament to. These are traditionally weapon hardpoints, but some turrets can also have ordnance and utility hardpoints as well.
Turrets can only be swapped out for the same type of turret, and all turrets are “hull locked.” This means you can only swap a Manned Constellation Turret out for a different variant of a Manned Constellation Turret. You can not swap one out for a Manned Starfarer Turret, as example.
Remote Turrets cannot be swapped for Manned Turrets, and vice versa due to hull requirements.
- As they are now “hull locked” turrets no longer have a size attributed to them. You can only swap out like for like. They no longer have a +2 to the sum size of the weapons calculation.
Manned Turrets
These turrets are controlled by a player or NPC acting as player within them, usually in a seat that moves from within the ship hull into the turret itself.
All manned turrets have a consistent entrance tube diameter which means that upon destruction… they become a viable breach point.
Remote Turrets
These turrets are controlled from a station or seat elsewhere within the ship by a player or NPC acting as player. Their view is remotely sent back from the turret allowing them to control it and see what it sees while physically being elsewhere in the ship.
Remote turrets have no physical path inside them for players to enter, so they’re a great way for us to add defense on ships where space is a premium, but will often pack lower size weapons.
AI vs NPC vs Point Defense Turrets
Any turret can be controlled via an NPC acting as player, but AI or Autonomous Control is a separate function requiring a blade to be added to your computer item (formerly Avionics Module).
For each turret you wish to be AI controlled i.e. it engages and tracks independently of player or NPC input, you need to have a Blade equipped for that. Ships that come with these types of turrets either have these blades already installed or additional computer items to hold them in, as blade space is restricted. This is designed to force players into choosing between adding this feature or other blade features when customizing your ship.
Point Defense Turrets are simply AI controlled turrets with the computer and blades necessary, and with a specific weapon loadout intended to make them effective at neutralizing incoming fast threats like missiles or torpedoes. Any turret can be equipped with these particular weapons and computer blades. PDTs just come ready to go out of the box.
The Future of Turret Gameplay
or: How We Want Turret Gameplay to Feel
We’d like everyone who straps themselves into a turret to have a satisfying experience when doing so. To this end, we’ve been making improvements on the most important aspect of turret gameplay — aiming at, and hitting, your intended targets.
Controlling the orientation of the turrets has become more responsive and intuitive in Alpha 3.0, and the additional staggered fire mode means that you are able to scatter shots along a line of fire for better total accuracy at the cost of per-instance damage. We think being at the controls of such a powerful arsenal of weapons should be a visceral experience.
Camera shake, g-force effects, articulated directional controls, and an improved UI in which crew members can identify important targets to each other are all being worked on and should come in future 3.x patches.
When this continuing work is completed, having a crew member manning every turret should prove to be a formidable force, with each turret being capable of firing salvo after salvo at enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Gather a squad of teammates, fill those once-empty turret seats, and watch ships like the Retaliator become the flying fortress it was always meant to be.
Beware, you pesky Aurora pirates!
Frequently Asked Questions
or: Questions We Figured You Might Have
Q: What ships had “twin-link” or two weapons on a single gimbal and are now converted to remote turrets?
Mustang Series (Chin Turret)
Hornet Series (Canard and Ball Turret)
F8 (Rear Turret)
85X (Belly Turret)
Ursa Rover (Top Turret)
Reliant (Wing Turret)
Terrapin (Nose Turret)
Hull Series (Nose Turret)
Caterpillar (Command Module Turret)
Further Reading
Ship Mass
Careers and Roles
Ship Technical Information
coming soon: Ordnance Hardpoints
Weapon Hardpoints
coming soon: Other Hardpoints
coming soon: Variants & Modules
coming soon: scu and Cargo
   $(function() {      Page.init();  window.Page = new RSI.Game.About();      });    
0 notes
inexcon · 7 years
RSI Comm-Link: The Shipyard: Turrets
Turrets in Bullet Points
A Guide to the New Ship Matrix
Greetings Citizens!
From Weapons we move onto Turrets, the next logical step on our tour of the New Ship Matrix. You may have recently seen our discussion on Around the Verse about improving the overall Turret Experience, and we’ve been hard at work on what we feel are significant improvements to their usability as part of ongoing advancements planned not just for Alpha 3.0, but beyond. In our next release, the way you control them is entirely refactored with better gyro-stabilization to help keep them on target, and hopefully giving you much more enjoyable and successful time when using them.
Turrets can be found on ships of all sizes, from starters to capital ships, and the mounts they attach to can vary as dramatically in size as well. The largest found on some capital ships are as big as the smaller ships flying escort, wielding weapons capable of massive destruction.
With this update to the New Ship Matrix, we now divide turrets in to two distinct categories: Manned and Remote. Both of these turret types support player, NPC or AI control via various methods detailed further below.
All Turrets
Turrets can only be attached to turret hardpoints, they cannot go on weapon or ordnance hardpoints.
Turrets themselves have multiple itempoints of their own for attaching armament to. These are traditionally weapon hardpoints, but some turrets can also have ordnance and utility hardpoints as well.
Turrets can only be swapped out for the same type of turret, and all turrets are “hull locked.” This means you can only swap a Manned Constellation Turret out for a different variant of a Manned Constellation Turret. You can not swap one out for a Manned Starfarer Turret, as example.
Remote Turrets cannot be swapped for Manned Turrets, and vice versa due to hull requirements.
- As they are now “hull locked” turrets no longer have a size attributed to them. You can only swap out like for like. They no longer have a +2 to the sum size of the weapons calculation.
Manned Turrets
These turrets are controlled by a player or NPC acting as player within them, usually in a seat that moves from within the ship hull into the turret itself.
All manned turrets have a consistent entrance tube diameter which means that upon destruction… they become a viable breach point.
Remote Turrets
These turrets are controlled from a station or seat elsewhere within the ship by a player or NPC acting as player. Their view is remotely sent back from the turret allowing them to control it and see what it sees while physically being elsewhere in the ship.
Remote turrets have no physical path inside them for players to enter, so they’re a great way for us to add defense on ships where space is a premium, but will often pack lower size weapons.
AI vs NPC vs Point Defense Turrets
Any turret can be controlled via an NPC acting as player, but AI or Autonomous Control is a separate function requiring a blade to be added to your computer item (formerly Avionics Module).
For each turret you wish to be AI controlled i.e. it engages and tracks independently of player or NPC input, you need to have a Blade equipped for that. Ships that come with these types of turrets either have these blades already installed or additional computer items to hold them in, as blade space is restricted. This is designed to force players into choosing between adding this feature or other blade features when customizing your ship.
Point Defense Turrets are simply AI controlled turrets with the computer and blades necessary, and with a specific weapon loadout intended to make them effective at neutralizing incoming fast threats like missiles or torpedoes. Any turret can be equipped with these particular weapons and computer blades. PDTs just come ready to go out of the box.
The Future of Turret Gameplay
or: How We Want Turret Gameplay to Feel
We’d like everyone who straps themselves into a turret to have a satisfying experience when doing so. To this end, we’ve been making improvements on the most important aspect of turret gameplay — aiming at, and hitting, your intended targets.
Controlling the orientation of the turrets has become more responsive and intuitive in Alpha 3.0, and the additional staggered fire mode means that you are able to scatter shots along a line of fire for better total accuracy at the cost of per-instance damage. We think being at the controls of such a powerful arsenal of weapons should be a visceral experience.
Camera shake, g-force effects, articulated directional controls, and an improved UI in which crew members can identify important targets to each other are all being worked on and should come in future 3.x patches.
When this continuing work is completed, having a crew member manning every turret should prove to be a formidable force, with each turret being capable of firing salvo after salvo at enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Gather a squad of teammates, fill those once-empty turret seats, and watch ships like the Retaliator become the flying fortress it was always meant to be.
Beware, you pesky Aurora pirates!
Frequently Asked Questions
or: Questions We Figured You Might Have
Q: What ships had “twin-link” or two weapons on a single gimbal and are now converted to remote turrets?
Mustang Series (Chin Turret)
Hornet Series (Canard and Ball Turret)
F8 (Rear Turret)
85X (Belly Turret)
Ursa Rover (Top Turret)
Reliant (Wing Turret)
Terrapin (Nose Turret)
Hull Series (Nose Turret)
Caterpillar (Command Module Turret)
Further Reading
Ship Mass
Careers and Roles
Ship Technical Information
coming soon: Ordnance Hardpoints
Weapon Hardpoints
coming soon: Other Hardpoints
coming soon: Variants & Modules
coming soon: scu and Cargo
   $(function() {      Page.init();  window.Page = new RSI.Game.About();      });     http://bit.ly/2gtwKjP
0 notes
via RSI Comm-Link
Turrets in Bullet Points
A Guide to the New Ship Matrix
Greetings Citizens!
From Weapons we move onto Turrets, the next logical step on our tour of the New Ship Matrix. You may have recently seen our discussion on Around the Verse about improving the overall Turret Experience, and we’ve been hard at work on what we feel are significant improvements to their usability as part of ongoing advancements planned not just for Alpha 3.0, but beyond. In our next release, the way you control them is entirely refactored with better gyro-stabilization to help keep them on target, and hopefully giving you much more enjoyable and successful time when using them.
Turrets can be found on ships of all sizes, from starters to capital ships, and the mounts they attach to can vary as dramatically in size as well. The largest found on some capital ships are as big as the smaller ships flying escort, wielding weapons capable of massive destruction.
With this update to the New Ship Matrix, we now divide turrets in to two distinct categories: Manned and Remote. Both of these turret types support player, NPC or AI control via various methods detailed further below.
All Turrets
Turrets can only be attached to turret hardpoints, they cannot go on weapon or ordnance hardpoints.
Turrets themselves have multiple itempoints of their own for attaching armament to. These are traditionally weapon hardpoints, but some turrets can also have ordnance and utility hardpoints as well.
Turrets can only be swapped out for the same type of turret, and all turrets are “hull locked.” This means you can only swap a Manned Constellation Turret out for a different variant of a Manned Constellation Turret. You can not swap one out for a Manned Starfarer Turret, as example.
Remote Turrets cannot be swapped for Manned Turrets, and vice versa due to hull requirements.
- As they are now “hull locked” turrets no longer have a size attributed to them. You can only swap out like for like. They no longer have a +2 to the sum size of the weapons calculation.
Manned Turrets
These turrets are controlled by a player or NPC acting as player within them, usually in a seat that moves from within the ship hull into the turret itself.
All manned turrets have a consistent entrance tube diameter which means that upon destruction… they become a viable breach point.
Remote Turrets
These turrets are controlled from a station or seat elsewhere within the ship by a player or NPC acting as player. Their view is remotely sent back from the turret allowing them to control it and see what it sees while physically being elsewhere in the ship.
Remote turrets have no physical path inside them for players to enter, so they’re a great way for us to add defense on ships where space is a premium, but will often pack lower size weapons.
AI vs NPC vs Point Defense Turrets
Any turret can be controlled via an NPC acting as player, but AI or Autonomous Control is a separate function requiring a blade to be added to your computer item (formerly Avionics Module).
For each turret you wish to be AI controlled i.e. it engages and tracks independently of player or NPC input, you need to have a Blade equipped for that. Ships that come with these types of turrets either have these blades already installed or additional computer items to hold them in, as blade space is restricted. This is designed to force players into choosing between adding this feature or other blade features when customizing your ship.
Point Defense Turrets are simply AI controlled turrets with the computer and blades necessary, and with a specific weapon loadout intended to make them effective at neutralizing incoming fast threats like missiles or torpedoes. Any turret can be equipped with these particular weapons and computer blades. PDTs just come ready to go out of the box.
The Future of Turret Gameplay
or: How We Want Turret Gameplay to Feel
We’d like everyone who straps themselves into a turret to have a satisfying experience when doing so. To this end, we’ve been making improvements on the most important aspect of turret gameplay — aiming at, and hitting, your intended targets.
Controlling the orientation of the turrets has become more responsive and intuitive in Alpha 3.0, and the additional staggered fire mode means that you are able to scatter shots along a line of fire for better total accuracy at the cost of per-instance damage. We think being at the controls of such a powerful arsenal of weapons should be a visceral experience.
Camera shake, g-force effects, articulated directional controls, and an improved UI in which crew members can identify important targets to each other are all being worked on and should come in future 3.x patches.
When this continuing work is completed, having a crew member manning every turret should prove to be a formidable force, with each turret being capable of firing salvo after salvo at enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Gather a squad of teammates, fill those once-empty turret seats, and watch ships like the Retaliator become the flying fortress it was always meant to be.
Beware, you pesky Aurora pirates!
Frequently Asked Questions
or: Questions We Figured You Might Have
Q: What ships had “twin-link” or two weapons on a single gimbal and are now converted to remote turrets?
Mustang Series (Chin Turret)
Hornet Series (Canard and Ball Turret)
F8 (Rear Turret)
85X (Belly Turret)
Ursa Rover (Top Turret)
Reliant (Wing Turret)
Terrapin (Nose Turret)
Hull Series (Nose Turret)
Caterpillar (Command Module Turret)
Further Reading
Ship Mass
Careers and Roles
Ship Technical Information
coming soon: Ordnance Hardpoints
Weapon Hardpoints
coming soon: Other Hardpoints
coming soon: Variants & Modules
coming soon: scu and Cargo
   $(function() {      Page.init();  window.Page = new RSI.Game.About();      });    
0 notes
thatsgamingnl · 8 years
New Post has been published on That's Gaming
New Post has been published on https://wp.me/p4wsnI-8Bt
Titanfall 2's nieuwe content dit weekend beschikbaar
Titanfall 2’s gratis Live Fire update komt eraan, deze voegt de nieuwe 6v6 multiplayer modus toe, twee speciale mappen die ervoor ontworpen zijn, daarbij komt een complete overhaul voor het matchmaking systeem.
De nieuwe Live Fire modus zet 12 spelers tegenover elkaar in een pilots only wedstrijd zonder respawn, daarnaast heb je ook maar 1 minuut de tijd om de tegenstander uit te schakelen. Er zijn twee mappen voor deze modus, waaronder Meadow, hierin worden de zip lines weer geintroduceerd.
Ook komt er een Dubbel Xp weekend aan, deze begint morgen en zal maandag eindigen.
De patch file voor de nieuwe content vindt je hieronder:
Live Fire: A new Pilot vs Pilot elimination game mode! It’s a 6v6 round-based with no respawns, you will have one minute to eliminate the opposing team in order to win the round. You can also win the round if your team is holding the neutral flag when the round timer ends. The team to win 5 rounds first wins the match.
New Live Fire Map – Meadow, a lush location with grassy lanes and rocky outcroppings that provide site lines for long engagements and sneaky routes for flanking. Also zip lines are back!
New Live Fire Map – Stacks, an industrial location of open areas that sandwich a dense center point framed by towering structures. The verticality encourages attacks from above and rushes from the outside lanes.
New Faction Leader animations! Faction Leaders now play a randomly selected animation during the beginning dropship animation.
New Audio for the DLC Commander Intros.
Added a new execution, “Late Hit”. Deliver a flurry of Stim fueled punches that pummel your enemy to the ground .
Mixtape Matchmaking: A complete overhaul of our multiplayer matchmaking. This new feature will allow you to create your own “mixtape” of modes to your heart’s desire.
Gamepad: Custom Button Mapping (Pilot & Titan)
Gamepad: Crouch Button – “Hold to Crouch” Option (“Toggle” is still default)
Gamepad: ADS Button – “Toggle” Option (“Hold to ADS” is still default)
Controls: “Hold to Rodeo” Option (“off” is still default)
Advanced Hud: Disable Party-Member Coloring on HUD (some colorblind players may prefer this)
Community FAQ: New section of the FAQ to highlight upcoming patches, DLC drops, trailers, and creations from the community
New Sounds for the Stim Pilot Execution, “Late Hit”.
Added Film Grain Slider
New ambient environmental sound effects to bring the livefire maps to life. Meadow is a fusion of virtual reality and natural forest ambiences while Stacks is a fusion of virtual and industrial sounds.
Holo pilot decoy can now deploy on ziplines.
Holo pilot decoy is more resilient when stepping over things and colliding with walls at certain angles.
Holo pilot decoy is now visible in the threat scope and sonar grenade pings.
Holo pilot decoy no longer runs on top of dome shields.
Holo pilot decoy no longer crashes into the ceiling and dies when running through doorways.
Holo pilot decoy should be more resilient when started during wallruns.
Kraber can no longer be shot as a semi-automatic if the player presses the reload button at the same time as the fire button.
Titans that are invulnerable while performing executions will have their lifebars colored gold and flashing to communicate their invulnerability.
Added some out of bounds triggers and props to block off areas for Crashsite and Complex.
FOV is now saved per-user.
When switching weapons while editing a loadout, the game will now preserve your mod choices if possible.
Ronin now shows his sword in the loadout menus.
Credit purchasable items now show a credit symbol instead of a lock symbol.
Friends’ names will now show up green in chatroom and in-game.
Prime Titans can now use Nose Arts.
Network Admins can send messages to the network in-game, rather than only through titanfall.com
Added extra text to make clear that Warpaints are not supported on Prime Titans.
Capped max range of Reapers’ weapons in Attrition.
Toned down the excessively loud dropship sounds in Attrition.
Adjusted Volume Falloff of Cluster Rocket Explosions so you don’t hear them from across the map anymore.
Added some lobby text notifications to inform players that they are waiting on the party leader before restarting matchmaking.
Nuclear Eject damage no longer fills your Titan Meter.
Reduced the area affected by the Nuclear Eject screen shake.
Increasing crit damage Pilots deal to Reapers in Multiplayer.
Reduced Salvo Core’s damage.
Removed the damage falloff from Salvo Core rockets.
Increased the cooldown of Sonar Pulse.
Reduced the projectile size of the 40mm.
Tone Burst Loader Improvements:
Slight presentation tweaks.
Updated audio cues.
Leaving ADS now clears the charges
Removed the damage falloff from Flight Core rockets. This should make her more consistent in dealing high damage.
Increased dash regen rate.
Increased dash regen rate.
ADS’ing with his primary weapon will display the projectile’s path.
Fixed a bug with Vortex Shield where reflected bullets would deal a high amount of splash damage.
Added very far damage settings, reducing its damage at distance.
Added more kick to the first shot to make using single shots more difficult.
Increased view kick during sustained fire to create a slightly larger spread.
Fixed the homing speed so it will once again track targets as expected.
Reduced the projectile speed.
Increased the fuse time.
Fixed being able to be shot by snipers behind the cover of the amped wall if the shooter is really close.
Fixed sentries so they now properly track targets through the amped wall.
Fixed tracers not showing up when shooting through friendlies with bullet weapons.
Fixed the MP R201 not dismembering stalkers and ultimately being less effective as other similar weapons against stalkers.
Fixed bug with using A-Wall/Hard Cover while phase shifted.
Fixed some cases where players could plant turrets in mid-air.
Fixed HUD display incorrectly showing number of Electric Smoke charges.
Fixed case of scoreboard counting a Titan termination on a piloted Titan counting as 2 pilot kills.
Fixed MOTD not displaying over a certain character limit.
Fixed Charge Rifle with Quick Charge mod skipping cooldown after firing and switching weapons.
An elusive Nessie has still not been found…last seen in the mission Blood and Rust…
Fixed bug with getting doomed with Stealth Auto Eject while in the midst of melee. Also fixed rare case of being stuck permanently in a “Ejecting Titan” cockpit animation.
Fixed some cases of being stuck inside of level geometry with Rodeo.
Fixed Grenade indicators not showing up sometimes.
Fixed incorrect bullet hit detection immediately after being damaged.
Fixed some cases of being stuck inside of level geometry with Phase Rewind.
Fix Asian languages not always word wrapping correctly.
Fix input duplication between chat messages and the game.
Fix pick up ammo sound incorrectly playing in MP.
Fixed issue with browse not highlighting a network when clicked from lobby.
Fixed hover FX not playing in NPC kill replay.
Fixed Ion’s Laser Core FX appearing offset from crosshair.
Fixed showing the turret placement hint when player spawns, but doesn’t have a turret, due to watching a kill replay with the turret placement hints.
Fix camera becoming disoriented when navigating the store.
Fix formatting issues in stats page.
UI bug fixes when browsing networks and in the chatroom.
Fixed a bug with the nose art menu that left the player on a blank page sometimes.
Fixed a bug with SP achievements not correctly counting all Pilot Helmets collected. (Will trigger when opening main menu)
Fixed some stats related issues with player melee.
Accepting a game invite while the game is not running will now properly connect you to the invited lobby.
General stability improvements.
PS4 Pro:
Increased sun shadow resolution.
Stability improvements when browsing the store.
Fix not being allowed to start multiplayer after resuming the game from suspend when the player’s profile is not linked to an Origin account.
Fixed being able to accept invites to a game that the player is already participating in.
General stability improvements.
Correctly grab the system voice permissions from Xbox and honor it in game.
Added Adaptive Supersampling. When enabled and running faster than the FPS target, the game will dynamically increase rendering resolution up to 2x the target resolution to improve AA quality. If the maximum supersampled resolution exceeds 16K in either dimension (e.g. when running at Eyefinity/Surround resolutions), this option will be unavailable.
Added Very High to the Model Quality tiers.
General stability improvements.
Added Model Draw Distance to allow pushing draw distances further out.
Added description for Triple Buffered in the VSync description text.
In an effort to reduce hitches from texture streaming, the “Texture Quality” setting has been renamed to “Texture Streaming Budget” to more accurately reflect the setting’s function, and the tiers have been renamed to indicate the VRAM amount needed. A warning has also been added when the game detects that the chosen tier uses more memory than currently detected. The goal is to only use about ~75-80% of the VRAM when the game is running to avoid GPU memory management hitches.
Spun D3D texture creates off onto a dedicated thread to avoid driver stalls and added throttling to the number of textures that are made live by the streaming system every frame. The throttling mechanism is simplistic and can be improved, but we want to get this out earlier to see if we’re on the right track in reducing texture streaming stutter before investing more engineering effort. If you were previously experiencing stutter, please provide feedback on whether stuttering has noticeably improved after this patch.
Adaptive Resolution FPS Target is no longer capped by max monitor refresh rate and instead caps to maximum supported FPS (144).
Improve VRAM detection accuracy.
Improved SLI/Crossfire compatibility. Players are recommended to not use TSAA when running in multi-GPU mode because TSAA can negatively affect performance scaling.
Improved frame rate stutter detection tools.
Enabling adaptive resolution while VSync is set to Double Buffered should now reliably force VSync to Triple Buffered.
The game now prevents the screensaver/lock screen from coming up due to idling while the game is running.
Added additional info to rare startup error “Failed to CreateGameWindow. Resolution Unsupported?” and a speculative fix for it.
Fixed adaptive res FPS target incorrectly resetting to 60.
Fixed texture streaming being disabled on GPUs with < 2GB of detected VRAM.
Fixed the game crashing on startup if a user has AMD GPU drivers installed, but is no longer using an AMD GPU as the primary adapter.
Fixed memory leak experienced on Crossfire setups.
Fixed various UI scaling issues when running in Eyefinity/Surround ultrawide resolution.
Added text clarifying “Invite friends” functionality doesn’t work while the Origin overlay is disabled.
An here are the additional notes.
New logging to report player connection quality to help us track down reports of laggy games and disconnects.
Drastically reduced requirements for Match Loss Protection – Increased chance of not receiving a match loss for joining a game late that we do not expect you to win. When joining matches late if the game has progressed far enough you will see a message notifying you that you will not receive a loss.
Increased direct Pilot hit damage for Gravity Star.
Increased damage on the Flatline, R-97, Spitfire, L-Star, Double Take, EPG, and Thunderbolt.
Decreased damage on the Volt.
Regen no longer resets Pilot loadout names.
Assists count as Weapon XP again.
Nerfed Pilot Sentry.
Firestar will no longer display “Thermite Attached” if detonated on friendly Titans.
Fixed Ion Vortex Shield drain being framerate dependent.
Fixed bad AI navigation on Complex.
Fixed collision on Crashsite to prevent players from going into walls.
Fixed Legion Overcore not being available after using Smart Core.
Fixed “Fairfight category is incompatible”.
Fixed various stability issues.
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
D?as Update »Live Fire« für den Shooter Titanfall 2 lässt noch etwas auf sich warten. ?
Zum Thema Titanfall 2 ab 43,98 € bei Amazon.de Titanfall 2 für 54,99 € bei GamesPlanet.com Ursprünglich war geplant, dass das Update »Live Fire« für den Shooter Titanfall 2 noch im Verlauf des Februars 2017 erscheinen soll. Doch wir müssen uns wohl etwas länger gedulden.
Wie der Entwickler Respawn Entertainment jetzt auf der offiziellen Webseite bekannt gegeben hat, verzögert sich der Release noch etwas. Zwar gibt es auch weiterhin keinen konkreten Veröffentlichungstermin, doch immerhin hat das Team die vorläufigen Patch-Notes preisgegeben.
Kernstück des Updates ist der gleichnamige Spielmodus »Live Fire«. Bisher bekannten Informationen zufolge handelt es sich dabei um einen 6vs6-Piloten-Modus mit aufregenden Nahkämpfen an vorderster Front. Währen der Matches gibt es reichlich Zeitdruck: Nur eine Minute bleibt den Teams, um ihre Gegner zu besiegen und die Runde zu gewinnen.
Mehr: Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 - Keine Überraschung: Ein Hit, ein Flop
Hier die vorläufige Liste der Änderungen:
Patch-Notes für Titanfall 2 (Live Fire)
New Content
Live Fire: A new Pilot vs Pilot elimination game mode! It's a 6v6 round-based with no respawns, you will have one minute to eliminate the opposing team in order to win the round. You can also win the round if your team is holding the neutral flag when the round timer ends. The team to win 5 rounds first wins the match.
New Live Fire Map - Meadow, a lush location with grassy lanes and rocky outcroppings that provide site lines for long engagements and sneaky routes for flanking. Also zip lines are back!
New Live Fire Map - Stacks, an industrial location of open areas that sandwich a dense center point framed by towering structures. The verticality encourages attacks from above and rushes from the outside lanes.
New Faction Leader animations! Faction Leaders now play a randomly selected animation during the beginning dropship animation.
New Audio for the DLC Commander Intros.
Added a new execution, "Late Hit". Deliver a flurry of Stim fueled punches that pummel your enemy to the ground.
New Features
Mixtape Matchmaking: A complete overhaul of our multiplayer matchmaking. This new feature will allow you to create your own "mixtape" of modes to your heart's desire.
Gamepad: Custom Button Mapping (Pilot & Titan)
Gamepad: Crouch Button - "Hold to Crouch" Option ("Toggle" is still default)
Gamepad: ADS Button - "Toggle" Option ("Hold to ADS" is still default)
Controls: "Hold <use> to Rodeo" Option ("off" is still default)
Advanced Hud: Disable Party-Member Coloring on HUD (some colorblind players may prefer this)
Community FAQ: New section of the FAQ to highlight upcoming patches, DLC drops, trailers, and creations from the community
New Sounds for the Stim Pilot Execution, "Late Hit".
Added Film Grain Slider
New ambient environmental sound effects to bring the livefire maps to life. Meadow is a fusion of virtual reality and natural forest ambiences while Stacks is a fusion of virtual and industrial sounds.
Game Improvements
Holo pilot decoy can now deploy on ziplines.
Holo pilot decoy is more resilient when stepping over things and colliding with walls at certain angles.
Holo pilot decoy is now visible in the threat scope and sonar grenade pings.
Holo pilot decoy no longer runs on top of dome shields.
Holo pilot decoy no longer crashes into the ceiling and dies when running through doorways.
Holo pilot decoy should be more resilient when started during wallruns.
Kraber can no longer be shot as a semi-automatic if the player presses the reload button at the same time as the fire button.
Titans that are invulnerable while performing executions will have their lifebars colored gold and flashing to communicate their invulnerability.
Added some out of bounds triggers and props to block off areas for Crashsite and Complex.
FOV is now saved per-user.
When switching weapons while editing a loadout, the game will now preserve your mod choices if possible.
Ronin now shows his sword in the loadout menus.
Credit purchasable items now show a credit symbol instead of a lock symbol.
Friends' names will now show up green in chatroom and in-game.
Prime Titans can now use Nose Arts.
Network Admins can send messages to the network in-game, rather than only through titanfall.com
Added extra text to make clear that Warpaints are not supported on Prime Titans.
Capped max range of Reapers' weapons in Attrition.
Toned down the excessively loud dropship sounds in Attrition.
Adjusted Volume Falloff of Cluster Rocket Explosions so you don't hear them from across the map anymore.
Added some lobby text notifications to inform players that they are waiting on the party leader before restarting matchmaking.
Nuclear Eject damage no longer fills your Titan Meter.
Reduced the area affected by the Nuclear Eject screen shake.
Increasing crit damage Pilots deal to Reapers in Multiplayer.
Titan Balance
Reduced Salvo Core's damage.
Removed the damage falloff from Salvo Core rockets.
Increased the cooldown of Sonar Pulse.
Reduced the projectile size of the 40mm.
Tone Burst Loader Improvements:
Slight presentation tweaks.
Updated audio cues.
Leaving ADS now clears the charges
Removed the damage falloff from Flight Core rockets. This should make her more consistent in dealing high damage.
Increased dash regen rate.
Increased dash regen rate.
ADS'ing with his primary weapon will display the projectile's path.
Fixed a bug with Vortex Shield where reflected bullets would deal a high amount of splash damage.
Weapon Balance
Added very far damage settings, reducing its damage at distance.
Added more kick to the first shot to make using single shots more difficult.
Increased view kick during sustained fire to create a slightly larger spread.
Fixed the homing speed so it will once again track targets as expected.
Reduced the projectile speed.
Increased the fuse time.
Misc Bug Fixes
Fixed being able to be shot by snipers behind the cover of the amped wall if the shooter is really close.
Fixed sentries so they now properly track targets through the amped wall.
Fixed tracers not showing up when shooting through friendlies with bullet weapons.
Fixed the MP R201 not dismembering stalkers and ultimately being less effective as other similar weapons against stalkers.
Fixed bug with using A-Wall/Hard Cover while phase shifted.
Fixed some cases where players could plant turrets in mid-air.
Fixed HUD display incorrectly showing number of Electric Smoke charges.
Fixed case of scoreboard counting a Titan termination on a piloted Titan counting as 2 pilot kills.
Fixed MOTD not displaying over a certain character limit.
Fixed Charge Rifle with Quick Charge mod skipping cooldown after firing and switching weapons.
An elusive Nessie has still not been found…last seen in the mission Blood and Rust…
Fixed bug with getting doomed with Stealth Auto Eject while in the midst of melee. Also fixed rare case of being stuck permanently in a "Ejecting Titan" cockpit animation.
Fixed some cases of being stuck inside of level geometry with Rodeo.
Fixed Grenade indicators not showing up sometimes.
Fixed incorrect bullet hit detection immediately after being damaged.
Fixed some cases of being stuck inside of level geometry with Phase Rewind.
Fix asian languages not always word wrapping correctly.
Fix input duplication between chat messages and the game.
Fix pick up ammo sound incorrectly playing in MP.
Fixed issue with browse not highlighting a network when clicked from lobby.
Fixed hover FX not playing in NPC kill replay.
Fixed Ion's Laser Core FX appearing offset from crosshair.
Fixed showing the turret placement hint when player spawns, but doesn't have a turret, due to watching a kill replay with the turret placement hints.
Fix camera becoming disoriented when navigating the store.
Fix formatting issues in stats page.
UI bugfixes when browsing networks and in the chatroom.
Fixed a bug with the nose art menu that left the player on a blank page sometimes.
Fixed a bug with SP achievements not correctly counting all Pilot Helmets collected. (Will trigger when opening main menu)
Fixed some stats related issues with player melee.
PS4 Fixes
Accepting a game invite while the game is not running will now properly connect you to the invited lobby.
General stability improvements.
PS4 Pro Fixes
Increased sun shadow resolution.
Xbox One Fixes
Stability improvements when browsing the store.
Fix not being allowed to start multiplayer after resuming the game from suspend when the player's profile is not linked to an Origin account.
Fixed being able to accept invites to a game that the player is already participating in.
General stability improvements.
Correctly grab the system voice permissions from Xbox and honor it in game.
PC Fixes
Added Adaptive Supersampling. When enabled and running faster than the FPS target, the game will dynamically increase rendering resolution up to 2x the target resolution to improve AA quality. If the maximum supersampled resolution exceeds 16K in either dimension (e.g. when running at Eyefinity/Surround resolutions), this option will be unavailable.
Added Very High to the Model Quality tiers.
General stability improvements.
Added Model Draw Distance to allow pushing draw distances further out.
Added description for Triple Buffered in the VSync description text.
In an effort to reduce hitches from texture streaming, the "Texture Quality" setting has been renamed to "Texture Streaming Budget" to more accurately reflect the setting's function, and the tiers have been renamed to indicate the VRAM amount needed. A warning has also been added when the game detects that the chosen tier uses more memory than currently detected. The goal is to only use about ~75-80% of the VRAM when the game is running to avoid GPU memory management hitches.
Spun D3D texture creates off onto a dedicated thread to avoid driver stalls and added throttling to the number of textures that are made live by the streaming system every frame. The throttling mechanism is simplistic and can be improved, but we want to get this out earlier to see if we're on the right track in reducing texture streaming stutter before investing more engineering effort. If you were previously experiencing stutter, please provide feedback on whether stuttering has noticeably improved after this patch.
Adaptive Resolution FPS Target is no longer capped by max monitor refresh rate and instead caps to maximum supported FPS (144).
Improve VRAM detection accuracy.
Improved SLI/Crossfire compatibility. Players are recommended to not use TSAA when running in multi-GPU mode because TSAA can negatively affect performance scaling.
Improved frame rate stutter detection tools.
Enabling adaptive resolution while VSync is set to Double Buffered should now reliably force VSync to Triple Buffered.
The game now prevents the screensaver/lock screen from coming up due to idling while the game is running.
Added additional info to rare startup error "Failed to CreateGameWindow. Resolution Unsupported?" and a speculative fix for it.
Fixed adaptive res FPS target incorrectly resetting to 60.
Fixed texture streaming being disabled on GPUs with < 2GB of detected VRAM.
Fixed the game crashing on startup if a user has AMD GPU drivers installed, but is no longer using an AMD GPU as the primary adapter.
Fixed memory leak experienced on Crossfire setups.
Fixed various UI scaling issues when running in Eyefinity/Surround ultrawide resolution.
Added text clarifying "Invite friends" functionality doesn't work while the Origin overlay is disabled.
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