#Bulletproof Melody Masterpost
writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody Masterpost
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Bulletproof Melody Masterpost: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn? Complete.
Prologue: Meet the Heroes: A Character Guide Post
Total Wordcount: 30,232
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8/Finale
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Harmonious Extras:
Winding Down: One of the Halloween story raffle submissions; reader x Ot7 BTS from Bulletproof melody, fluffy and cuddly with kisses. Wordcount: 2,491.
Turkey Tango: One of the Thanksgiving story raffle submissions, Bulletproof Melody Universe, reader x ot7. Helping kids make Thanksgiving crafts proves a difficult task for the boys, who show you how difficult once they get you home. Wordcount: 2,064
Lost in You: One of the story raffle submissions; You and Jera/Hoseok make out in a corn maze while the other boys are lost. Hoseok x reader.
All I Want For Christmas: Christmas (and halloween) Story Raffle Submission, reader x ot7. The Bulletproof Melody boys are at it again and this time the gift they’re asking for is pretty special.
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Con Amore: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or 'lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6   Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16/Finale
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Ot7 Stories Masterpost
All ot7 stories gathered in one post.
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Arms: You have the most amazing boyfriends in the world. You’re happy. Really. But they notice you’ve been a little off, and take it upon themselves to try and help you. ot7 x reader. Wordcount: 1,115.
Different Skins: You’re awoken in the night to find seven strange (and oddly suicidal) men in your home–who apparently are magical creatures in disguise? Now you have a Dragon, Werewolf, Elf, Mermaid, Unicorn, Fairy living in your home and an enchanter that visits now and then. What could go wrong?
Part 1.  Part 2.  Part 3.  Part 4.  
Tangled Hearts: Hybrid!ot7 x reader: You have seven hybrids and life with them can be both good and stressful. Some days are better than others, but in the end, you know that they’re always there for you, in more ways than one.
Clearwater Springs: reader’s choice, fairy/supernatural/soulmate au. The choices you make influence the story! In this world, war-torn and ragged, you’ve been offered a home and a job working as a librarian. Will you meet your soulmates? Will you ever find the shelves behind the piles of books? Who knows. Taglist
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15
Mission: Christmas: You’re on a mission to save Christmas!
The Light of Christmas Morn: You are woken up on Christmas morning...hopefully to share the happiness of the holiday with your hybrids.
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Diamond Tears and Little Wings: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right? completed.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7/Finale
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Bulletproof Melody: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn? Complete.
Prologue: Meet the Heroes: A Character Guide Post
Total Wordcount: 30,232
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8/Finale
Harmonious Extras:
Winding Down: One of the Halloween story raffle submissions; reader x Ot7 BTS from Bulletproof melody, fluffy and cuddly with kisses. Wordcount: 2,491.
Turkey Tango: One of the Thanksgiving story raffle submissions, Bulletproof Melody Universe, reader x ot7. Helping kids make Thanksgiving crafts proves a difficult task for the boys, who show you how difficult once they get you home. Wordcount: 2,064 
All I Want For Christmas: Christmas (and halloween) Story Raffle Submission, reader x ot7. The Bulletproof Melody boys are at it again and this time the gift they’re asking for is pretty special.
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Con Amore: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or 'lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16/Finale
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We Could Be: In a world of magic, mortals, and immortals; six souls are brought together to navigate the world. Namjoon had become immortal by accident. Hoseok was born into immortality. Jimin was pursuing immortality. Yoongi had immortality thrust upon him. Taehyung isn't sure how or when he became immortal. Jungkook showed no interest whatsoever in immortality. It's Seokjin's job to help them all learn to live, immortal or not. His job to keep them safe and teach them how to live life while losing people they loved to mortality. It was their desire to teach him how much they loved him. It was their desire to show him just what "We Could Be". Now if only the government would stop trying to mess with them.
Read on Ao3: 7 Chapters/70 Chapters 
Poly but not ot7
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Oasis Farm: 
Part 1: Lonely Little Jack-o-Lantern: Yoonkook x reader, Hybrid Au, Zombie Apocalypse Au. You operate your own little farm, living in an area that doesn’t have as many zombies as other areas, but one day a group of hybrids show up, and the changes are immediate, especially where Yoongi and Jungkook are concerned.
Part 2: Lovely Little Lasagna: You operate your own little farm with the help of your two hybrid boyfriends and their friends, living in an area that doesn’t have as many zombies as other areas. You’ve settled into a sort of routine.
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Spectral Gaze: JinKook x reader, ghost au, artist au. You’re an artist with a paranormal investigation team from your university and your team is doing some ghostly research before Halloween Night, by doing it at midnight Halloween Morning, and things…don’t exactly go as planned.
Thorns Before Roses: Vminxreader, flowershop!au. You need a bouquet, a special bouquet. Can Jimin and Taehyung help you make it?
Sweet as Honey: sort of Jinminkook x reader, mostly Jin x reader. Your friends decide you need to find a new favorite drink to get over your ex.
Shadow Buddies: Yoongi x Taehyung. Taehyung made this choice. He willingly went out into the heat. But now the question is…how to survive it?
Not-In-Love: Impolite Supposition: yoongi x taehyung x reader. You love your best friend, Taehyung. You love his husband Yoongi. You love his kid, Jimin. But Taehyung has a nasty habit of surprising you and trying to make you choke to death. Today is no different, while being altogether, entirely too different.
Part 2  Part 3
Jump Then Fall: Namkookxreader? You’re the first of your kind, and today is your first day meeting your new master and going to your new home. There are so many things to learn, but hopefully he’s one of the easiest. His boyfriend too.
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 1
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore-- A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning 'with love' or 'lovingly'. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 07/18/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff: 1,030 words
A/N: I really really really hope you guys love this as much as I’ve been having fun with it! We’re going to ease into it with this wonderfully fluffy first chapter!
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“Clear,” V whispered. You dropped down next to him and flashed a smile. “Good job with the security guards. How’d you get the guy in here?” “What guy in here?” Your eyes widened. “Show yourselves!” V’s eyes widened. “Whoops.” “You go low, I’ll go high,” You whispered, then darted past him. Taehyung charged out, hitting the man at the waist. You leaped onto and off of the desk onto the man’s back. He roared in anger, throwing punches at V that missed wildly. You locked your arm around his neck, cutting off air supply the moment he breathed out from getting punched by V. His cologne was terrible and made you a little nauseous, so you thought it best not to delay. “Lay down your head, and I’ll sing you a lullaby, back to the years, of loo-li, lai-lay,” you sang the first lullaby that came to mind, “and I’ll sing you to sleep, and I’ll sing you tomorrow, bless you with kindness for all that you meet.” He slumped to the ground and you let go before you fell with him. V caught your arm. “I kind of doubt he needs kindness. Pretty song though. Did the trick. But, um, what about not remembering us?” You shrugged, kneeling beside the guard and taking his keys and keycard. “It’s like forgetting, the words to your favorite song, you can’t believe it, you were always singing along, it was so easy and the words so sweet…” you trailed off, feeling your power work to wipe his recent memories. V grinned at you. “I love these kinds of missions.” “The ones where we break the law?” “Wrong thing for the right reason,” he replied. “And the good of humanity.” “True. Anyway, time to open that box. You have the neutralizing silk?” “Right here. Are you sure it’s a bad artifact?” “No. It’s quiet, and it’s the quiet ones that can be the most dangerous.” “Kind of like you. Reserved and shy, but you pack a good punch and are surprisingly—” You rolled your eyes, clapping a hand over his mouth. “Get you mind back on the mission and out of the bedroom or you won’t be seeing anything surprising from me.” His eyes widened, and you could feel him grinning even before you took away your hand and saw it. “Right. Breaking and entering. Sorry, Athena.” You hummed and went toward the door you needed to get through. “Can’t believe it’s been three years since we first went on a mission with you. I still remember Suga. He was a mess.” V chuckled, watching you open the door. “He almost made me trigger the alarms because he was busy looking at my ass,” you muttered with a smirk. “And I really didn’t realize until much later. Like, I had suspicions but we were sort of busy. V, don’t step forward.” He hesitated, then looked at you. “Pressure plating on the floor,” You explained, looking around to figure out an alternative route. “Can you move along those pipes if I lift you?” You looked up, following his line of thought. “Yeah. That means you’ll have to wait here.” He just nodded and bent with cupped hands to give you a boost. The two of you trained together constantly, practicing break-ins and fight scenarios with the others to make you two a stronger team since you had to rely on one another most often. As such, he had trained to be able to lift you easily in any manner he had to, whether giving you a boost or carrying you to safety. You would have to stick to dragging him places since he was taller than you. You stepped up, reaching as he boosted you up and wrapping your fingers around the pipes and starting to make your way across. You were really glad you had been practicing things like this and working to strengthen those muscles. You’d still be sore tomorrow though. And tired. You got tired easily lately and you were going to have to examine your diet and exercise and maybe go to a healer friend of yours to make sure you weren’t sick or anything because when you got sick, there were seven others that got sick as well. “We have a meeting tomorrow, don’t we?” “At a museum. Another puzzle box. Consulting. Possibly buying. Possibly stealing. Depends…on what happens,” you finished after lowering yourself to the ground on the other side of the pressure plates. You opened the safe rather easily compared to crossing with the pipes. The brooch was in a case, allowing you to handle it with the gloves you had on. You made sure the case was tightly shut and wouldn’t open, then turned and tossed it to him once you saw he had the silk ready. “Is Jimin keeping up with Yeontan’s care?” “Yeah, he’s going to my parent’s house in the morning, though.” He caught it easily and wrapped it thoroughly before tucking it into his jacket. “Can you make it back?” You nodded, rubbing your arms before using the safe to boost you back up, kicking it closed after and shimmying back across. You swung yourself and jumped the last few feet, knowing he’d catch you if you lost your balance. He pecked your lips after he stabilized you. “Time to go?” You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his jaw while he transported the two of you back to the hotel room. He peppered your face with kisses, grinning at you in the dim lighting of the room. “You know, if the guys truly knew what they were missing, you’d never be let out of their sight again.” “I won’t tell if you won’t,” you whispered, kissing his lips. You had gotten used to the group relationships by now, and had ways of making sure everyone got an equal amount of attention. But Tae was right, this was different because it felt slightly more intimate. He put the bundle in your hand, locking lips with you. You dropped it in storage and then pushed his jacket from his shoulders. You really did love your trips.
Part 2.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.   
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Hoseok Stories Masterpost
All Hoseok-centric stories gathered in one post.
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Apologize: HoseokXReader, Zombie Apocalypse AU: This world has no place for fear. Fear ends in death. Most of the time. Wordcount: 837
If You Have Half A Brain: You’ve been a bit down on your luck, until one of your customers, who is definitely drunk, strikes up a conversation with you and offers you a job. Wordcount: 11,698
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Pack Trials: Hoseok:  You’ve narrowed down the candidates, but will you really be happy with any of them? And how could you adapt to a new pack?
Introduction.  Story. 
Hope’s Joy: You and Hoseok had been trying to have a baby for a couple years now, and you’re finally able to give him the news that he wanted to hear. Wordcount: 1,091.
Treasured Hoard: Dragon Hoseok! You’re spelunking when you come across a dragon, and suddenly your life is a lot more complicated as he adds you to his hoard.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6   
Sparks in the Night: It's the night that everything changes. For you and Hoseok.
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Protect Them-Hybrid AU: Sanctuary Series: You work two days a week teaching kids the joys of learning and reading, your favorites being the triplets. When the triplet’s adopted older brother is the one that starts picking them up, you’re not sure what life just handed you but you’re pretty sure it’s just another little slice of heaven. Hoseok x Reader. Completed.
Total Wordcount: 24,907.
Prologue  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10/Finale
Holiday Specials:
Lollapalooza ~ Cornucopia ~ Delicate
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Bulletproof Melody Series: Harmonious Extras
Lost in You: One of the story raffle submissions; You and Jera/Hoseok make out in a corn maze while the other boys are lost. Hoseok x reader. 
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Update and Posting Schedule
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So, first the update, not that anyone is actually reading them but I thought I’d put it out there. The above stats are from about four or five days ago (before I imported more writing to it from other devices and wrote more), and they don’t include the ten pages of handwritten work I’ve done. My next word goal is 500,000. Now I’m going to list so if you just want to read the posting schedule, look past the next paragraph.
Current story to finish: Pack Trials, Jimin
Stories I’m writing when blocked: Bulletproof melody sequel, a natural part 3, and more shattered pieces installments
Stories finished: 2, technically more since Bulletproof Melody sequel will be multiple parts (ready for more drama?)
Current drafts not including those listed above: 14? More if I were to include stories I’m only posting on Ao3.
Blog age: 11 months
Current followers: 1,533
Motivational status: Medium
Story I’m excited about: Bulletproof Melody sequel
Story most requested: A Natural
Previous prioritization for posting: gone. Long gone.
So, I thought I’d let you guys know what’s getting posted next, which is sort of pointless since like four people read the updates I post but here we go:
Monday, June 3rd: Cotton Tails, Shattered Pieces installment
Saturday, June 8th: Mother’s Day, Shattered Pieces installment (official post, original post will stay up as well, this one will be linked to the masterpost)
Saturday, June 15th: whatever I’ve finished at that point because that’s as far as I’ve planned.
So, that about all.
Also, because there wasn’t any feedback here, I’m going to ask people on Ao3 what they want to see in A Natural. Otherwise I’m just leaving it after the next part because I don’t have enough ideas for it right now.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Reactions and Non-reader Fics/MemberxMember fics
Drabbles Masterlist
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Ot7 Stories Masterpost
Titles on This Masterpost Include: Arms, Different Skins, Tangled Hearts, Clearwater Springs, The Light of Christmas Morn, Diamond Tears and Little Wings, Bulletproof Melody/Harmonious Extras/Con Amore, Oasis Farms, Spectral Gaze
Drabbles Masterpost!
Hybrid AU Quicklinks
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Kim Seokjin Story Masterpost
Titles Include: Spring Day, Pack Trials:Seokjin, Safe with Me, Spectral Gaze
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Min Yoongi Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: Cruise; Big Changes, Little Life; Shattered Pieces; Pack Trials: Yoongi; Frosted Glass; Oasis Farm
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Jung Hoseok Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: Apologize, If You Have Half a Brain, Pack Trials: Hoseok, Hope’s Joy, Treasured Hoard, Protect Them
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Kim Namjoon Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: Camping, Alternate Reality Nightmare, Pack Trials: Namjoon, Joining His Pack, Beary Scary
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Park Jimin Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: Never Alone, Shipwrecked Hallucinations, Endangered Species Trilogy/Tail and Tears Trilogy, Pack Trials: Jimin, A Little Quirky, Cirque du Canape
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Kim Taehyung Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: All I Want for Christmas, A Natural, Pack Trials: Taehyung, Train Tracks, Off the Walls/The Challenge, Pounce, Harvest Moon, Sinkable Ships
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Jeon Jungkook Stories Masterpost
Titles Included: Breaking Point, Pack Trials: Jungkook, Fluffy Tails, Painted Crown, Little Problems, Closed Quarters, Oasis Farm, Spectral Gaze; Honey, You’ll Do;
Series Masterposts:
Bulletproof Melody Masterpost
Endangered Species Series Masterpost
Pack Trials Masterpost
The Sanctuary Series Masterpost
Alternate Reality Nightmares Masterpost
Zombie Apocalypse Stories Masterpost
Holiday Stories!
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Drabbles Masterpost!
Sunlight off the Water: JacksonXReader: When you’re assigned to participate in some sort of vacation show that a foreign music group was doing, you meet some strange guys. Jackson is this vibrant being, strange and excited about new things and constantly paying attention to you. How he managed to make a camping trip in one of the least dangerous States in the United States into an adventure you’ve never experienced before you may never know. Complete. Sneak Peek. 
Wordcount: 12,438
Pack Trials Masterpost: Introduction
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Stray Kids
Drabbles Masterpost!
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Drabbles Masterpost!
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Drabbles Masterpost!
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Drabbles Masterpost!
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Pack Trials Masterpost: Introduction
In The Works Masterpost
Requests are welcomed, but I don’t guarantee that I will acquiesce to your request.
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