#But Allen! you cry. Who will be Frank n Furter?
d34dd0v3d1nn3r · 1 year
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(Rocky Horror Picture Show but it's Homestuck: The Fic Concept)
It was pitch black and pouring rain as our staring couple drove through the countryside at night. They had just gotten engaged a few days earlier, after having attended some friend's wedding. And being caught up in the romance of it all, Sollux Captor had proposed to his girlfriend Feferi Peixes. It had occurred to them then that their relationship would never had blossomed in the first place if it wasn't for the man who'd introduced them. And so, they've been driving all day into the night, to attend their old professor's retirement party the next day at their old university. Unfortunately for them, a pothole hides in the shadows of the road.
The car lurches suddenly, tossing the couple around. "oh!"
A tire blows, the car slowing to a crawl and then stop. Thunder booms overhead as the path is lit up by a streak of lightning.
"Oh no! We have a spare tire, right Sollux?"
"II diid, but Dave took iit out of the trunk two make room for hii2 2peaker2."
"Oh, dam! Well, maybe we can frond someone to lend us a phone?"
"II can try two patch iit up my2elf?"
"I dont want you to have to work on the car in this rain, though! You'll catch a horribubble cold!"
"II don't know where we'll fiind anyone though, Fef."
Feferi squints through the downpour around them. "I think I sea a light out there! Maybe it's a house?" Sollux squints along with her, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "II gue22...but who know2 iif they'll even let u2 u2e the phone. II think we 2hould 2tay here until the rain 2top2."
Feferi gives him a pleading, puppy-eyed look and he sighs. "Don't u2e tho2e eye2 on me, you know II can't 2ay no two them."
"We can't stay in the car all night, Sollux! Not without trying to get kelp!" She touches his arm lightly, laying her head on his shoulder. "Please? If they say no then we'll sleep in the car and flag someone down in the morning."
Groaning, he opens the door. "Fiine, but a2 2oon a2 we call we're coming back here. II don't want to be in thi2 creepy back road any longer than II have two."
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