#But I did throw away the Millennial Box of Outdated Bank Statements
ardeawritten · 8 months
I'm moving across the street into a house that's functionally identical to mine but circa 1980 instead of 2015. it's less than half the rental cost and I don't care about carpet color, etc. and I'm one person so I don't need the World's Biggest Kitchen. But man, it is a chore to move yourself when you're a single adult with multiple physical-art-based hobbies and also nice furniture. Like, I bought couches. Tables. Book cases. A Desk. I am not living in a dorm room and I'm not living with whatever random castoffs the last resident left behind. But now everything's gotta go out one door up a hill up the steps and into another door (and up a staircase half the time) and oof. My back hurts.
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