#But I have insomnia and Taylor brain rot so I’m unstoppable
raemeh · 1 year
More slight Taylor analysis
Relistening the moment when Taylor is just having fun with his dad and they fist bump each other physically hurts when you think about how Taylor just watches him get bisected infront of eyes.
Even though Freddie himself laughed at the fact of the absurdity of the situation you can hear the seriousness in his voice when he says. “I cast spike growth outside the house so that way she can’t just walk away from this.”
He didn’t put any anger behind it or anything he said it casually but you can tell it’s not a joke. This is something Taylor feels strongly about. He’s not going to let scary just walk away like nothing happened when he was just starting to bond with his dad.
Also as much as I love normal i feel like it is appropriate for Taylor to be acting pissed in this moment and keep scary there. Instead of just letting her go.
but Taylor himself doesn’t say anything to normal. He doesn’t tell him off or get angry at him. The last thing Taylor the character says is “Dad!” When he saw nick get bisected and then he got quiet.
he doesn’t care about what normal or the fbi or what scary has to say. He is in the zone and is not getting out of it so easily.
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