#But I'll be damned if I didn't get to the end of RE4 like 'okay no yeah that's Leon'
gaywatch · 1 year
thoughts on luis/leon?
I am K I C K I N G myself that I didn't do a stream for my RE4 remake playthrough. I'm a longtime RE fan, but for whatever reason I had never gotten more than 1/3 of the way of through RE4--which is why I was so excited for the remake. This also meant I had no idea what I was in for with Leon and Luis and dshbasfijjwhdsfkljdgl I'm furious. Like no kidding, I'm streaming every new RE release from now on just in case. The chain scene?!!?!!?! Redemption???? "I'LL MAKE IT CHEAP FOR YOU"?!!?!!?!!?!? I'm on the goddamn floor, I couldn't believe it.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I know you've said before that you didn't like Leon in Damnation. I haven't actually watched it, honestly I don't find RE films all that good (though I'm excited for Death Island just for the fun of it) and I read the Damnation plot.
Anyway, would you mind elaborating on why you didn't like this rendition of him? How did you feel about the overall plot and Adas portrayal? I watched Adas fight, I liked the usual ridiculous backflips, lol. They're a classic RE charm. Other than that, the whole ending scene of her selling the big bad to a mysterious buyer had me rolling my eyes. She plays out the same god damn plotline in EVERY appearance she has. They never know what to do with her! I'll also admit I cackled at the "night we spent together" of w/e line, because of how painfully awkward it was. The voice actress sounded physically pained reading it, it was pretty funny! I just can't take the pairing seriously at all.
But yeah. Any opinions you have about any part of Damnation, I'd love to hear!
he's just fucking annoying. his personality is obnoxious. someone looked at the script of OG RE4 and went "okay what if this but way worse and less charming."
he also has absolutely nothing to do with the central plot of the movie. he's just kind of... there. being annoying. the core of the plot is Ada's investigation of Svetlana, and the heart of the plot is Sasha's resistance group. Leon just poked his fat ass into it because... idk. it feels like he's contractually obligated to be in every CGI thing RE puts out.
the kind of politicking and social maneuvering that Ada does in this film is the most that her character ever gets to shine at any point in the RE series. it's the only time we get to see her being an actual spy as opposed to just another combat unit with a different title. it shows off her ability to work people other than Leon and highlights the extreme amount of intellectual and emotional intelligence she has.
Leon's presence just drags her down. just like it always does. but it feels even worse in Damnation, because she's so good and interesting outside of her interactions with him.
the only thing that Damnation does right wrt Leon is establish his alcoholism in tandem with his distrust in the government that he works for and the feelings he has about being trapped and used. the very first scene he's in and the very last one are both great. everything else can be punted the fuck away.
and Sasha's story is legitimately compelling and heartwrenching, and it's a goddamn shame that we didn't get to see this movie play out through his eyes. he had the potential to be one of the most sympathetic protagonists that this series has ever had, and the movie went "OKAY BUT LEON THO" instead.
pisses me off, man.
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