#But I'll prolly have time to write tomorrow *rubs hands*
onlyseokmins · 7 months
Logging in to say that I had another loser!chan story idea pop into my head on the way to my car
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neos-ultra · 4 months
geo: "i am. SOOOO normal. everything is fine! really fine!" you put on the best smile you can. you can feel your face straining and shaking as you try to maintain it. your teacher only looks more concerned...
creachur: "..." she lets out a heavy sigh, "well, i'm... not going to argue with you about that but... when i first came to this school i was given a lot of notes on all the students and for you, all i got was that you barely attended and never talked to anyone."
-she's right. you'd just skip school everyday and never even say a word the whole day. just doing... nothing. barely even getting the work done like you were just some pathetic-
creachur: "but that's not what i've seen now," your spiral stops, and you listen much more closely now... "you've been in quite a few days, and you've been talking to sho-co and solo a lot, not sure what you're saying but you all seem to be rather happy! in fact, sho-co had some of the same problems you did, not attending or talking much, and i really think you two have helped each other a lot!"
-your brain pauses at that. sho-co? she was like you? that can't be possible. this whole time you've known her as someone who loves to talk, who always seems to confident that it rubs off on you and makes you believe in yourself more... and you helped her? just by... being around?
creachur: "i just hope you two can keep being friends, just... what i'm trying to say is that if there's anything bad going on and you need someone to talk to. i'll always be here! i'm licensed as a counceler for the school as well as being the teacher for... every class... now i won't hold you here any longer," she takes a piece of paper from her desk and writes something on it, handing it to you, "this note will let you get ahead a bit in the lunch line. no lesson this afternoon given all the remodelling the school has to do from all the..." you both look out a window and see another wing of the school, heavily damaged from the fight against rose phantom. "that. so go on now!" and with that, she waves you off.
-you keep thinking about all she said as you get your lunch. idly ordering the same as every other day as you sit down with the tray of food. staring down at it in thought as-
sho-co: "uhh... you good nerd?" it seems you sat by her without even thinking, "oh yeah and where's solo? you think he uhhh died?"
geo: "OH! uh i'm good... i think... and WAIT NO HE'S NOT DEAD RIGHT?" you only half heard her but the thought of solo dead suddenly crashed your train of thought into a big horrible explosion.
sho-co: "relaaaaaax he's prolly just like, getting ready for tomorrow or somethin. you know cuz he's... yknow." because he's... what exactly? you think for a while... what could solo have to do with your battle with loneus blade... unless...
-no... no no it couldn't be... could it? fear dawns upon you and flushes through your system as the words reach your mouth.
what do you think?
-solo IS loneus blade
-something else idk man i don't fucking get payed enough to narrate this idiot's life he's so fucking stupid
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