#But STOPPPP the reason I did it is bc only random ppl would see it
cripplecryptid · 4 months
In a stupid bad mood rn. My earpod fell in the toilet when I just woke up, my mom apparently made a reservation at a restaurant for her birthday but I don't have time that day, and also the lupus awareness thing I was a part of is happening rn even though they didn't send me the finished product to confirm I'm happy w it. So now there's ppl looking at my face in a hospital hall and I don't even know what I looked like
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puppy-phum · 3 years
I’m too embarrassed to say this off anon BUT U GOT ME INTO BTS FIC CAUSE I READ YOURS AND NOW I CANT STOPPPP so tell me about across and beyond pls pls pls
I am so incredibly happy that someone is interested in my bts stuff ;; I haven't talked about these fics to anyone in ages haha. also thank you, so, SO much for reading my fics ♥ you are amazing!
but to talk about across and beyond! I started it during last summer bc I had finished the king: eternal monarch (which I enjoyed very much? it was surprising when it has such a strong romance aspect and I usually avoid those). the idea of some kind of alternate universe plus time travel was so interesting to me that this created itself! 
(sorry am placing this under the cut to spare other ppl of my rambling)
it’s a story about modern era young CEO Jungkook whose father testaments him this old flute with a request to solve a secret of his. Jungkook, who is more into painting and art in general than his father’s business, needs to solve the secret before he can give up his position as the CEO. so, he starts figuring out the flute and what it means, and then travels, first by accident, to this other universe that exists somewhere in a historical era. 
and this is where men with sword came along! I watched the first season and part of the second one and it wasn’t phenomenal or anything but I loved some of the characters a lot! especially king jian bin and his bodyguard/advisor(/boyfriend) qi zhikan (played by yi bochen who now acts as chen yuzhi in killer and healer if you happen to watch that. also yang hao’s actor from sand sea, zhu jian, is in this! a very random combo). so I took some ideas from that world when I created the universe for Yoongi who Jungkook befriends (and well, obviously falls in love with). Yoongi is the deputy prime minister of his city and very exasperated by this young boy that just happens to appear in his mansion. Jungkook is, however, a fresh wind in the middle of his tiring duties as his kingdom is facing a war. 
it was somehow very easy to assign roles for all the members in both universes (historical and modern) and figure out what Jungkook’s father’s secret would be and how it would all play out. I also liked all the pairings I chose: yoonkook, taejoon (obviously bc I adore them) and then 2seok in the modern world and jihope in the historical one. I wrote quite a chunk of this during that summer but then got stuck on the moment Yoongi finally gets to Jungkook’s world :’D I am excited to finish this at some point tho bc I love what I have planned for the ending (even if parts of it are very sad). 
here’s a snippet for you to give you some feeling of this:
It was fine. He wasn’t even sure he could bring Yoongi through, unsure of the way his flute worked, of the way the worlds twisted around him. No one in his own world knew about the real purpose of his flute and he was afraid to tell. 
He doubted they would take it as well as Yoongi. They lived in a modern world - magic didn’t fit in. And if anyone was ever trying to travel through the worlds with him, it would have to be Yoongi. 
He breathed in, slowly, softly. In the space between worlds there was no air but he tried still. Only his chest moved, nothing going in, nothing coming out. He did not need to breathe here because he did not exist in this space but he liked trying, liked proving the space wrong. 
Yes, he was still alive in that space. Yes, he still had his body, could see familiar hands by his sides, could feel his toes when he wiggled them inside his shoes. He could hear his voice if he spoke and could touch the sandy ground under his very much real feet. 
It was just that this space was not real. He took no space in the world while he was in here and that was the reason why being here twisted time, he believed. Time took no space in here either. It did not flow like it used to when he walked through. 
There was no air, only sand and the steel gray sky. Doors were open everywhere, and then Jungkook walked through one. 
“Wha- Where were you? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” 
Namjoon hurriedly stood up from the couch he’d been occupying, phone still lit in his hands. He was wearing a sharp, light gray suit to fit his gray dyed hair and fancy shoes that had obviously cost a fortune. His round glasses glimmered in the lowly lit up room, and Jungkook could see the worried lines around his dark eyes. 
“I’m sorry, hyung,” he murmured and Namjoon’s eyes narrowed into slits. 
“You were not in that kitchen a few minutes ago,” his vice president observed and Jungkook felt the dread in his stomach. He was about to face the modern world. He was about to tear it apart with his magic. 
“No, hyung,” he answered softly, “I was traveling.”
the pov switches between Jungkook and Yoongi as they both of course know different things of their worlds and different ppl so here’s also a snippet of Yoongi’s pov too (bc I really do like this fic): 
“Get him a change of clothes,” he told Seokjin who bowed and went on his way. Jungkook looked at him with wide, surprised eyes, and Yoongi could see more stars in them, could almost taste the excitement. He did not know if it was the boy’s or his own. If it was excitement at all, tilting slowly towards something daring. 
“Don’t speak with anyone and stay by my side,” he instructed when they climbed into the carriage and started their way to the palace. Jungkook nodded, looking so very different in his new clothes. The robes he wore belonged to Seokjin, the two men sharing the same physique which guaranteed that the robes at least fit. All the layers of misty blue and shining gray made the boy look ethereal. 
They had not been able to hide Jungkook’s short hair but Yoongi did not think it mattered. He could lie it was because of different customs, that Jungkook was his visitor from a faraway kingdom. 
Technically, he was. If Yoongi believed in his stories - which he thought he might. There were too many details. The boy’s eyes were too telling. 
“Wow,” Jungkook gasped as they arrived, fumbling a little bit with his long robes as he climbed out with Seokjin’s helping hand. Yoongi hummed, looking at the golden palace with the eyes of a stranger. The palace looked unreal, like it had descended from heaven. With all its details and decorations, it felt like it had been made with the hands of a god. 
Was Namjoon, perhaps, from a heavenly bloodline after all? 
Yoongi shook his head lightly and then gathered his robes to his hands, climbing down the small ladder that had been placed next to the carriage. He wore robes with more brown today. There were still green details in his outfit to show his assigned colors but the dark brown was dominating, bringing out the delicate golden threads that crisscrossed all over his outer robe. On his back, there was a picture of a golden swan. 
“I’ll introduce you to people when needed. Remember to bow and speak respectfully,” Yoongi said once more and Jungkook smiled, nodding again. The boy had a tendency to forget his manners, and Yoongi really hoped they would not get into trouble because of a simple slip.
thank you for allowing this to me ♥ I hope you enjoyed all of my ramblings and these snippets ^^ 
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