#But also the way I already went off about Jervis/Ecco.....
b-rainlet · 3 years
I am but a fool forgetting that Jervis also definitely has a thing for Ecco
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Mad Love - Chapter 7 ( The final Gotham fic)
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After Gotham was cut out off from the mainland, Emerald starts to learn that three’s a crowd and Jeremiah soon shows his true colours. Will she stick around like she did with Jerome or will she finally get some sense to leave and reunite with her true love.
The fourth and final instalment in my Gotham/Emerald series.
Please leave comments, kudos and reblogs if you like it. It really helps me out as a writer, lemme know if you wanna be on the taglist as well :)
Warnings: A filler chapter, Language, Blood, Hypnotism, Kidnap
Chapter 7
Jeremiah’s P.O.V
I’d made it back in one piece with Bruce’s butler in tow. The plan finally had all the pieces, now they just needed to assembled. Bruce’s parents had been raised from the dead…not literally but surgically. The bomb was ready to start its countdown at the touch of a button, why would Bruce want to the reminder of this place anymore? I’m sure it burdened him with so many painful memories and like a good friend I would help him get rid of them. Ecco would be back soon from dropping the tapes off at the theatre. A little homage to the last film the Wayne’s had seen as a family. I’m sure he’d love it, I had made an excellent Zorro. Emerald would also be back soon with Jervis Tetch. She had recommended him to me as the best hypnotist in Gotham and doing a little research she was correct. Everyone had their roles to play and providing they played them well, this plan would go off without a hitch. However there was a backup just in case someone messed up, someone being either Emerald or Ecco.
Emerald made it back first, Mr Tetch following behind her. He seemed respectable enough. If not a little kooky, then again, he was a regular at Arkham. Emerald turned her attention to Alfred who was still unconscious with a sack over his head. She grinned, her eyes sparkling with malicious intent. “Do I get to play with him first?” She asked. “Unfortunately not, I would prefer him to remain unharmed. Would you see if Ecco’s back yet and make our guest comfortable?” “Sure.” Emerald kissed my cheek before exiting the room with Jervis. I made myself a drink whilst I waited for Alfred to come too. Hopefully it wouldn’t be much longer.
Alfred finally came around, threatening me as expected. He’d give his own life to protect Bruce. It was admirable. I suppose Jervis could be put to use now. I found him in the kitchen with Emerald. There was a tea set between the two of them whilst they made small talk. Emerald seemed eager to leave, what with Jervis always speaking in rhyme. I could see why she would find it tiresome. “Would you excuse us my dear, keep an eye on our guest. And he is to remain unharmed, if I find a hair on his head out of place, I will not be happy,” I explained. Emerald sighed, as if I was being no fun. Why did criminals always act like they had to hurt every hostage? We’d gain nothing from hurting him. She left the kitchen and I took her seat, opposite Jervis.
“I apologize for the wait,” I began. “No matter, what do you wish to discuss with me, the hatter?” This was going to get tiresome quicker than I thought. I poured myself some tea, Jervis turned his nose up as I didn’t add milk or sugar. I ignored it and took a sip. “Emerald recommended your services, said your one of the best hypnotists in Gotham,” I explained. “Miss Napier is being humble, I am in the business to cause trouble.” My curiosity was getting the better of me, or perhaps it was my jealousy. I knew Jervis had worked with my brother, but I was unsure of a few details. “May I ask how the two of you met? How she knew to refer you?” I asked.
“Why she had a date with fate. Or Mr Nygma who’s quite the enigma. The couple didn’t make sense to me or Miss Kean.” Jervis rambled. I wish I hadn’t asked. But he was out of her life for good now, I didn’t have to worry about him being a bother. If he'd truly cared about her, he would have come looking for her by now. Or maybe he had and he just wasn’t as smart as everyone said he was. “I see. I'll need you to hypnotize quite a few people for me. The butler being the first. I need him to act like he did the day Bruce Wayne’s parents died, like the situation I’m putting him in is completely normal.” “Ah a job so simple, I can’t help but giggle.” I led Jervis to the living room, as we got closer, I heard the sound of something smashing and then laughter. Then there was a loud thud and more cackling. What the hell was she doing in there?
I entered the room to find Emerald had company other than Alfred. Ecco had snuck back in. The two of them were laughing as they played baseball with a vase. Ecco was wearing her roller-skates and Emerald was carrying a bat. Since when had they gotten along? I cleared my throat, cutting their antics short. “Whatever mess you've already made will need to be cleaned up immediately. I needed this house to stay perfect for what’s to come but it seems the two of you cannot be trusted. Im very disappointed,” I lectured. Both of them looked sorry. Good. I expected better from both of them. Emerald put the bat down and began gathering broken pieces of glass, whilst Ecco put the vase back. I suppose Alfred was in one piece which was one good thing.
Alfred spotted Jervis and his expression turned sour. He was going to make this difficult. “Ladies, would you hold him still please,” I ordered. They both quickly went over to him, desperate to not disappoint me anymore. Ecco held him still by his shoulders, whilst Emerald held his head still and his eyes open. Alfred attempted to struggle but his attempts were feeble. Jervis produced a pocket watch and opened the lid, pointing the watch face at Alfred. Tetch said a few rhymes and Alfred soon stopped struggling. He was now in a deep trance, ready to receive instructions. Tetch made it look so simple, telling Alfred he would take all orders from me from now on. And just like that it worked. I was impressed. Emerald and Ecco loosened their hold on him, now noticing how docile he was. “Did it work?” Ecco asked.
There was only one way to find out. I had the girls untie him. He made no move to attack any of us which was a good sign. “Stand up,” I ordered. Alfred did so without a question or hesitation. I glanced at the shards of glass on the floor from Emerald and Ecco’s antics. “Go pick up the sharpest shard of glass and cut your wrists,” I ordered. Alfred rolled up the sleeves of his coat before going over to the pile of glass. He picked up one of the larger shards and began to press it to his wrist. “Stop,” I commanded. He dropped the shard back on the pile, having only made a small nick in his skin. Ecco found this fascinating, giggling gleefully. Emerald and Ecco exchanged a look, smiling at each other.
“He only answers to me, so whatever your planning stops now. I’m not having you two force himself off the roof of this building,” I warned. Their shoulders slumped as I spoiled their fun for the second time this evening. “Now, you can continue to clean up the mess you made. I have a lot to discuss with Mr Pennyworth,” I continued. I led Alfred into the kitchen where we could talk in peace. He was going to tell me every single little detail about the night Bruce’s parents murdered. Everything had to be perfect.
Taglist: @sweetfictionalworld, @belathora, @elizbetholsen
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