#But canon just threw me a big large juicy meaty steak
bonefall · 1 year
So- since Ivypool is becoming deputy, (and like, the fact you don't rewrite until an arc is done and the full book won't be out for a month aside), how likely would it be for her to use her rank as an excuse to confront Dovewing, seeing as she couldn't before as a regular warrior? Imagine being a ShadowClan apprentice who accidentally went over the border catching a frog and Ivypool marches you back to camp- you're thinking about how annoyed your mentor will be when Ivypool's conversation with Heartstar is over. But no, miss ma'am starts trying to talk to Dovewing who's already walking away from her and doesn't even mention your slipup, and is about to start a screaming match with your leader 💀
I went blank as soon as I hit "How likely would it be for her to use her rank as an excuse to confront Dovewing" because I already know EXACTLY what I'm gonna tell you, but hangon, lemmie read the rest of the ask too
GIRLIE Dovewing DOES NOT want to talk to you, but Ivypool just lost a whole baby to the impostor. Dovewing will also lose a baby. Ivypool wants to bond with her sister over this because she misses her so, so much,
And Dovewing wants NONE of it. She doesn't want to reconcile. She doesn't want the drama that Ivypool is going to cause trying to get to her. HEARTSTAR is going to be doing everything in her power to try and stop this. OH my god. This is about to get SO annoying for these poor bastards. I love this.
Ivypool, spiritual successor of her great-great grandfather Redtail down to the bushy tail and drill sergeant shout, but 3x as petty. Angry that Dovewing left her. Wanting to apologize for supporting the impostor early on. Missing the brief period of closeness they had as allies opposing him. Not willing to believe that Dovewing really, truly does not want her back in her life
This poor apprentice utterly confused because they missed all the posts on the deep lore, just seeing a Category 5 Woman Moment brewing right in the center of the camp between Dove "I can't hear you and don't want to" Wing, Heart "Ma'am This Is A Family Establishment You Need To Leave" Star, and Ivy "I never met a grudge I wasn't willing to hold" Pool.
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