#But have you considered that Makoto just shouldn't be a cop
magioftheseas · 2 years
Hottest of takes: the only het ship with Joker with any amount of potential at pathos is shuharu because you have Haru’s extremely complicated relationship with her father (with her still wanting his love and putting him on a pedestal after his death despite how he treated her as an expendable pawn at best) and Joker’s also complicated relationship with his own parents (with them seemingly throwing him away for being a liability, although you can argue they were probably pressured to do so, and Joker by all accounts not fucking wanting ANYTHING to do with them anymore).
Every other Joker hetship is whatever. If you like them because they cute or you like their friendship, then have fun.
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xwhatxisxrightx · 2 years
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with: Makoto Niijima. Makoto. Makoto. Makoto. Makotooooo NSFDLKN DFFSDNLKNSDFLKNDFSLNKDFSLKNDF SFLKNLK SDS SHE JUST IS BEST CHARACTER. BEST BEAN. BEST EVERYTHING. FIGHT ME. Her story is just fucking incredible and no one in Persona will ever come close to matching her.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: This might be a semi cop out buttttt I'm actually going to give this to ALICE HIIRAGI. She's just. SHE. I wasn't sure what to expect going into Persona 5 Scramble, especially with the edgy dominatrix shtick she had going on. But her story gets soooo good and her personality really shines through and she's just great. Narcy. Evil. But great.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Futaba lmao. I just... She just really fucking annoys the ever living shit outta me. Her story in theory is super curious but the execution and her base personality is just awful imo. She gets enabled a lot and has excuses made for her based on her PTSD and mental health and I've never enjoyed those kinds of character or been an advocate of that kinda stuff. Plus, when I do picture the concept a hermit locked away for a decade unable to socialize and self-loathing with an almost schizophrenic instance of self-blame over the death of her mother, I don't really picture Futaba post-story if that makes sense. She seems almost too cliche sociable and tropish for a character that really shouldn't be.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I'm actually gonna give this spot to Deuce Spade. Not that I hate the guy, far, far from it, but I feel like he lost the slightest step in his own story when he relapsed into his thug-cheater ways and tried to fake his way through the grades & college when he's supposed to be there earning his keep and making his grams proud. Like I said, I still like him a lot and he's still got a curious and cute story going on, and if he manages to bounce back and really shine as a character from here out, there's room to love him again, but right now he's like a solid B tier. It's just a case of he was getting S or A's and now he's getting a B, and I think that qualifies here.
The character I would totally smooch: I mean. I mean. I meaaaaaaaaaan. You know what's coming don't ya? You know what's coming. I know what's coming. Everyone should know at this point, what is coming, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo **DEEP BREATH**: TRACY.
The character I’d want to be like:  Makoto. Definitely Makoto. There's characters a lot like Makoto in the other games but like, there's something a little different about Makoto being in a more traditionally modern world/set up and still having her shit together. Soooo yeah Imma give it to Makoto after shnubbing Mona, Albedo, Olga, Helena, Azul and characters like that in past memes. Consider this my recognition that you are all awesome fucking characters.
The character I’d slap: Morgana. Like. COME ON. how can you not wanna slap that stupid cat.
A pairing that I love: Makoto x Sae, Makoto x Ann and Makoto x Haru are just AMAZING to be quite honest. I love the sister dynamic between Makoto and Sae and just how much juice they packed those two with building to Sae's palace. Honest to God some of the best writing. Poor Makoto has such a rough time of it dealing with Sae growing up and that useless speech will ALWAYS hurt, but Makoto saving her sister and Sae growing and helping the Phantom Thieves after the fact? MUWAH. Chef's kisssss. And yeah same goes for Makoto x Ann. I love. Love. Love. LOVE. The scene they added in the anime with her and Ann at the crosswalk when Ann apologizes for accusing her of just allowing the school's corruption to go unchecked. And I meannnn. Haru and Makoto are just fucking wholesome. All of the above just get even better in Scramble, too. I love it.
A pairing that I despise: Morgana x Ann. Morgana leave Ann the fuck alone please. Like. Seriously. You're a cat. She's a human. She's clearly not into you. So stop being a white knight nice guy pervy creeper. Please and thank you.
@xfoodxobsessedx asked: Persona 5
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