#But hey! That's why my account description says “struggling”😂
crazycatkatetrap · 2 years
I'm back b!tches🎉🥳!!!!!!!!!!!
And to celebrate, here's a ref for all the main characters in my Long Live The King AU (pardon the side facts, they're a bit outdated😅)
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partrin · 9 months
hey muse! thanks for the ask! :-)
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
hm, i'm not so much a "wax poetic about the setting" type of person as i am a "write about the character's struggles, be it trivial or huge, and include their inner-monologues so the readers can understand it from their pov" type of person. i see it in nearly all my fics, inclusive of the ones i used to post on my old aff account.
i like writing about internal conflict. the struggle to make the right decision (at least what's best for the context). i like writing morally grey characters (even though i haven't written any for the free! fandom—i have to admit ALL of the fics i've written for my current fandom are actually very tame and not as descriptive in comparison to what i used to write about. i used to like tackling difficult subjects, like anything mental health-related, the struggle of being faithful, etc.)
maybe i should go back to writing riskier, more honest content. writing for the free! fandom after years of not writing is kinda like warming up the engine for me.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
it depends what the theme of the story is! i once did extensive research on apadravya piercings (if you don't know what that is....... viewer discretion is advised) because i wrote a fic about a man who couldn't get past the full-body scan at airports without pulled aside for a thorough, clothes-off check, and nobody but the friend who convinced him to get the piercing knew why. i read so much, only to barely explain the piercing and the after-care etc. in the actual fic.
i also went on a deep-dive into understanding mutism for one of my wips because i couldn't decide which type of mutism i wanted my character to have. it was.. a very educational and interesting deep-dive, to say the least. did you know mute people can still laugh and sneeze and grunt and make certain noises, and that they aren't ever completely mute like some stories suggest? i didn't. it made me realise a lot of the fics featuring mute characters that i've read thus far are medically inaccurate. wild.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
funnily enough, the wips that i put in effort writing outlines for almost never get published, whereas the ones that i write in the spur of a moment, high on adrenaline and inspiration and nothing else, do. at this point, i should probably just wing all my works from now. 😂
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