#But just like Metta they're putting Byeol on the backburner here
player-1 · 2 years
Welp, I'm back on the N:E theory dump again... Long story short-ish, when I was looking back on the previous trailers of N1 and the DLC, I noticed an interesting trend despite not showing too much about the story.
Switching out primary characters
Including/Excluding important dialogue
The prologue revealing the main character's "defeat" against the final boss
It doesn't seem like a lot, sure, it puts everything into a flashback sort of scenario to build up the tension. Then I looked back at the Extinction prologue...and it's literally framed the same way.
If you don't want to scroll through my rambling, here's a TL:DR for funsies:
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You're still here? Then let the rambling begin! :)
(Putting in the clip from the official channel since it's literally copied word for word; minus the flavor text for dramatic effect)
While I don't want to completely cram the post with picture examples, the main piece of divide is Amelie's speech against the MC (ie. Luke for continuity). Here's the quick transcript from the prologue vs. the final battle:
"Luke...That boy betrayed us all! Everything that we built...Everything that we've been fighting for...[Edward: A-Amelie! We must retreat now! It's not worth it-] -SHUT UP, EDWARD!! Listen to me, and listen well! If we are to save our planet, Luke must be annihilated! Stand with me! Tall and proud, against the face of evil! Our people will rise as Luke falls! ...I will never forgive you...YOU DOOMED US ALL, LUKE! YOU ACCURSED BRAT!" ~~~ "[Edward: A-Amelie, this is beyond our control! Can't you feel it? We must retreat now! This fight is not worth it-] -Shut up, Edward! Our people shall rise as Luke falls! Annihilate him, Vados! Do not hold back!"
Of course, they cut a lot of the previous monologue since we already know the full gist of the story up to this point, but for Luke to get broadcasted Amelie's hatred for Tyrants (and later you) just before you meet her should've given him some kind of a shock. And even before that, he seems to forced to question his name and appearance from an unknown/unseen voice (Presumably multiple times just from the question "What was your name again?"). Looking back at it post-story, it's easy to see the connection between Solus and Vados as "two heroes on opposite sides" and "two Tyrants fighting for their own vision of world peace", but this could've also been the first instance of Luke doubting who he is as a Nexomon in human skin...
With that in mind, imagine his reaction when, on the very day he's supposed to go out in the world of Nexomon as a tamer, he has a "prophetic" dream where: -He doubts his name -He doubts his overall appearance -A giant fire lizard is destroying the world -A angry lady brands him a coward, traitor, a cursed brat, and practically has all of humanity turned against him as he doomed the world itself -Said angry lady (Amelie) is supposed to be his role model for the Tamer's Guild the second he steps out of the Orphanage and meets her for the very first time
He should've been nervous, deja vu going into overdrive; and after meeting Deena afterward (freezing time itself and giving him the very real warning of something dangerous north of Pinewoods), the only thing he wants is get out of this exam unscathed... And almost like in his dream, as he looks up at the afternoon sky, he sees a shining star:
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Even if it was Coco doing the wishing here, it's still sad to know that Luke will never have a normal adventure up to this point...
But if that's the case, where does the whole prologue fit into the story if most of it doesn't come true? There's only so little that made it to the final showdown, and everything else was made for fear factor (in Luke's eyes tbh) And besides, how does the shooting star motif fi-
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...Maybe? Of course, there's no real explanation on Byeol's powers (or anything else in that case), so let's just assume that it might have the power to send out prophetic dreams, no matter how twisted or ambiguous they are. And of course I need to look into the angel connections here, so what kind of angel fits the bill? Apparently the angel of dreams, Jeremiel, and oh boy I might've hit the gold mine.
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...Now where have I seen that before?
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So...Does that mean the prologue revealed Byeol talking to you? It makes sense in a way, all the Tyrants have human-like intelligence and they can talk, so Byeol seemed like the odd one out...at first. Though the only thing that confused me was the "lad" comment, though the only thing I could think of is their connection to Palmaya and there being a pirate npc/tamer on the docks nearby...Maybe they just learned pirate lingo for some reason?
BUT STILL! Even if the game didn't delve into the existential crisis Luke clearly would've gone through the moment he finds out he's a Nexomon in disguise (and Omnicron's heir/grandson), Byeol just gave him that dose on the very day he was supposed to become a Guild tamer (and also get hounded by dragons along the way wouldn't help his affirmations in the slightest). In conclusion, if this little munchkin comes back in any way in N3, I'll be happy to know that Byeol was holding back on some serious hurting behind that cheeky smile of theirs.
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