#But make it a slow burn for Kotaloy
theebaddestbish · 2 years
The Gravesinger, The Marshal
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And Their Respective Nora Baes
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eat-your-god · 1 year
HFW DLC spoilers
Regarding ending spoilers about Seyka 
It feels so weird for me that the first romantic option for Aloy is a character who she barely knows and shows up in a DLC and not in the main game. I always thought they will develop her romantic interest in more slow burn tension in the third game and with more established characters, not new ones in a DLC. 
Just feels so rushed. Rushed for fans who thinks Aloy is aromantic because that feels out of the character. Rushed for the old known ships (Erend, Talanah, Kotallo...). I dont know, maybe show more romance build, dont you think?
This being said, Im dissapointed. Personally I ship her with Kotallo but, I can accept if they turn Aloy lesbian, but why not with already known and loved characters or at least in the third game with a Seyka we already known from DLC and can make a bond like with Erend, Kotallo... 
 I am sorry but Seyka is like an OC put in last moment.
It seems totally anticlimactic to me to have a romance with Aloy (her first romance!!!) in a DLC that not everyone can play, that not everyone will be interested in watching, and not save this for the third game, with apropiate develop between both. 
PS: Rip Kotaloy among the other ships lol 
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wings-of-the-ten · 2 years
‘What I Choose’ - unpublished snippet/extract between Chpt. 8 and 9...
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Here’s a short snippet I couldn’t fit into the upcoming chapter of my Aloy x Kotallo fic, What I Choose, because I ended the previous chapter from Kotallo’s POV, and the next one is Aloy’s. This snippet is Kotallo’s POV, and shows Hekarro addressing the crowded arena at the celebrations after the Kulrut, and wondering (like most of you who commented on the previous chapter!) why the heck Kotallo isn’t in the baths with Aloy when he apparently had the chance...!
The sheer number of Tenakth that had gathered in the Grove lifted his spirits somewhat. Once the place had been finally cleared and the dead burned in a sombre pyre that had blazed all night, makeshift flags and banners daubed in the colours of all the Clans were soon strung across the arena, along with reed lanterns and torches. Cook fires were lit, and cactus spirits poured into great wooden bowls, and by evening on the fourth day, the celebrations were ready to begin.
Hekarro stood on the newly-restored, if slightly smaller, platform above the sands of the arena and raised his hand.
A horn sounded, ringing off the walls and reverberating through the bodies of everyone present, and eventually the stands fell quiet. “Warriors!” Hekarro boomed. “You true Tenakth who are gathered here tonight under the lasting peace of all the Clans! You who have fought against Regalla and the cowards who fled to her side seeking needless bloodshed against their own kind! You who gather here this night beneath the stars to honour our fallen heroes, who fought like the Ten themselves to defend everything which we hold dear, everything for which we have fought and bled! This night is for you!”
The crowd erupted into cheers and whistles, stamping feet and spears on the wooden walkways until Kotallo wondered if the whole place might come tumbling down all over again, but the arena held.
Hekarro let the jubilation ring on, laughing quietly to himself before holding up his hands again and silence shivered slowly around the arena like a reluctant shadow until all was was quiet once more. “Tonight we feast as one people, united for the betterment of all. With the help of the warrior who defeated Regalla’s champion, and the brave actions of those whom you now call honoured Marshals, we have prevailed! As we will prevail in every battle until Regalla is defeated and our three clans stand proud as one tribe once more!”
Again, the echoes of Hekarro’s voice were swamped by cheering and yells, and the Chief chuckled and looked back over his shoulder at Kotallo. “Speaking of our noble champion,” he said in a quiet rumble to Kotallo, “Where is she?”
Kotallo shrugged, the movement sending a brief stab of pain down the nerves of his shoulder to a hand that no longer existed. “I have not seen her this evening. Last I knew, she was making use of the baths.”
Hekarro raised an eyebrow at him, and it was only the strength of his white paint that kept his own blush from showing, though he was fairly certain his ears and neck were red.
Kotallo rolled his eyes and said, “I merely showed her where they were, Chief.”
Hekarro’s heavy sigh was not quite the response he’d been expecting, but the Chief let the matter lie. “Well, I hope she has not been called away from the Grove. I had hoped to share a drink or two with her now that the more serious obligations have been taken care of.”
Hope you liked it! The next chapter of What I Choose will be up shortly! It features Dekka obviously shipping kotaloy, Drakka being his usual rambunctious self, a glimpse at Ram Squad, and Kotallo and Aloy getting just a tiny bit closer... (it is a slow burn fic though...)
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