#But my favorite characters just straight up disappear
commanderdazzle · 1 year
oh, now I remember why I stopped reading d.gray-man at volume 14.
EDIT; Actually, I'm going to elaborate on this, feel free to revoke your likes if you disagree.
D.gray-man fan "theories", especially the ones popular on the subreddit, drive me up the wall, some of them are in direct contradiction to the themes of the series, or came about because people only read fan translations/don't even read the official properly (here I acknowledge that Viz isn't helping by translating the names shittily, and yes I mean travesties like "Waiizurii".)
The most egregious one being the "Allen is a grown adult who got de-aged" thing, because literally the only persons word we have to go on is Nea's, and the fact that like 90% of the fandom choose to believe him is absolutely insane. Is it because he's popular for some odd reason? That's weird to me because, as a Sheril stan, I wouldn't believe a goddamn word Sheril says. Why do Nea's fans believe him?
Next, while at first I was skeptical of the idea, I now really really really hope Grave Of Maria actually IS Katerina Eve Campbell, because I hate "Road is Katerina" even more as a plot point.
And speaking of Road, I will be livid if "Road isn't a physical entity as we see her, but a dream being projected by someone sleeping somewhere" actually comes true. Road has done WAY TOO MUCH in the plot to not be a 100% real physical entity of her own, from the eye stabbing to the kissing to the action rescue, and her interactions with the other Noah, I will literally be so fucking angry about this one.
Anyway, sorry for tacking this onto an existing post, I didn't want to clutter the tags. Please react as you see fit!
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