#But the OC Allie Larsson took over
masked-alien-lesbian · 4 months
KTAW Day 3: Wine/Languages
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Wine Aren't You Mine?
Kiara Theron x f!OC brief mention of Liam x Riley, Hana x Raelyn and Penelope x Ezekiel
The lunch Lord Breckenridge hosted for Kiara went well, nothing outwardly stood out to her. His manners were excellent, his conversation was engaging and he was the sort of man her parents could hope for in a son-in-law but...
"How did the date go?" Riley's text message blink back at her from her phone. Kiara bit her lip. She was grateful for Riley's attempt at matchmaking but every date missed the mark somehow. And the reason for that filtered through a row of grapes in her vineyard.
"Jag släppte dig men jag kommer att älska dig för alltid." [I let you go, but I will love you forever.] Kiara turned the corner and saw the most beautiful woman she ever saw singing in her own native language. When Allie looked up, she abruptly stopped and seemed to light up from the inside from the sight of Kiara.
"Your Grace! A good evening to you! You look ever so beautiful as usual." Allie says blushing at her own attempt at flirting.
Kiara smiles back, Allie had came to work at Castelsarrelian vineyards at Monsieur Bêron request. Hailing from Sweden, Allie had studied from the best in Italy before being snatched up, trained and became the head viticulturist after Monsieur Bêron retired. Kiara's mother worked with Monsieur in hauling all the finest French soil to start up their vineyards, Allie was the one who made sure it kept thriving.
"Hallå Ms. Larsson. How are you?" Kiara asks, delighting in the obvious attraction her viticulturist has for her. Allie may have thought she was being sly with her crush on her boss but Kiara had studied people and social cues at a very young age and she noticed how shy Allie became around her, how she blushed and stumbled over her words when Kiara looked at her. Kiara knew nothing could come from this relationship, it was inappropriate but she still found herself itching to touch the Swedish born woman's jaw, to lift her chin, to--Kiara mentally shook her head to clear it.
"I'm well! I was testing the pH levels of quadrant C's soil. After that intense storm we've had, some of the other quadrants soil was swept in quadrant C." Allie says clearly in her element.
"You work hard for me, Ms. Larsson, I'm ever grateful for you, tack. [Thank you]" Kiara says watching Allie's eyes lower coyly.
"Of course, anything you need of me, is yours, your grace." Allie says sending warmth to shoot through Kiara. She needed to get away before she lost her composure. She clears her throat and step back.
"I appreciate it, Ms. Larsson, I will allow you to get back to your work--"
"Wait, please your grace," Allie interrupts, a light touch on Kiara's wrist and big pleading hazel eyes, Kiara suddenly realized she'd throw everything away for this woman and that terrified her.
"The special Malbec that Monsieur cultivated should have aged properly, I was thinking we could taste it and make sure, and perhaps serve it for your parents' anniversary party next week."
"The wine from the last crop Monsieur Bêron oversaw before his retirement? Has it really been that long? That would be a nice touch for mother and father." Kiara says thoughtfully. Allie beam.
"I'll crack a bottle open with some refreshments. Meet me in the wine cellar in five!" Allie says before taking off excitedly.
Kiara looks over the tray of prosciutto, Asiago Tarragon and the bottle of Malbec, all proper appetizers that would pair well with a Malbec. Allie pops the cork and pours the both of them a glass. One taste and Kiara knew it was going to be a hit at her parents' anniversary party. It was a fruit bomb, round, smooth, fleshy...Kiara's eyes swept over Allie's lips.
"So? Your opinion?" Kiara inquires. Allie shrugs, swirls the Malbec in her glass.
"It's good. Definitely a crowd pleaser."
"But not your favorite?" Kiara asks. Allie grins.
"Give me a Shiraz any day of the week. Rich, full-bodied, velvety..." Allie says her eyes fluttering up to meet Kiara's. Kiara takes a sharp breath but let's it out when Allie changes the topic.
Even though Kiara has always tried to keep boundaries between her and the viticulturist, it was just so easy to talk to Allie. Soon she was talking about Riley's matchmaking attempts.
"I-I don't know. Perhaps I'm just too busy to maintain a relationship." Kiara trails off.
"Or perhaps, you're afraid."
"Excusez-moi?" Kiara says an eyebrow raised. Allie smiles kindly.
"You're afraid of opening yourself up to someone, of being vulnerable." Allie looks down and bites her lip. "Perhaps you're afraid of what other people will say or perhaps," Allie breathes out a shaky breath, "perhaps you're concerned that the one you want isn't able to provide for you and Castelsarrelian?" Kiara shakes her head in the negative.
"No, you ARE enough Allie, I-" Kiara trails off as she realized she finally voiced what was between her and Allie. She close her eyes as she mentally face palm but her eyes shot open when she felt Allie take her hands.
"It's rare when you find that one that lights up your soul, you know. If you let it slip away, it can be your biggest mistake." Allie says, Kiara looks away biting her lip. " But I'll never push you, I have too much respect for you." When Allie let go of Kiara's hands, she felt bereft. Kiara looked up to see Allie gathering the plates and their leftovers.
"I'll return these to the kitchens and head on home. Goodnight, your grace, må dina drömmar vara trevliga." [May your dreams be pleasant] Allie says smiling wistfully at Kiara before slipping out of the cellar.
Alone, Kiara contemplates the conversation she just had with Allie. So...they both have feelings for each other...a duchess and her viticulturist...it's not proper, the power imbalance alone, and yet...despite many people's disapproval...Kiara felt an ache that demanded her to go after Allie. She stood up sharply. Perhaps Allie could report to Joelle instead of Kiara. If Penelope could marry a vet, Hana could marry a previously undiscovered artist, and King Liam could marry a waitress, then Kiara could court a viticulturist. And with that firm decision, Kiara went after her.
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