#But watching Louis be hurt like that was hard like y’all better have the revenge of a life time ready for him
shivcodedkendall · 2 years
me to myself the last 24 hrs bc I keep going back and forth on my feelings for ep 5
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Louis: Natal Chart Interpretation
Louis Tomlinson
1:47 p.m. December 24, 1991.
  Sun in Capricorn
            Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dream the rest of the birth chart suggests. He is very realistic. He won’t dream for far-fetched things, but things that he knows he can reasonably achieve or attain. These people know how to do things, and get things done. He is so determined. C.E.O’s everywhere should be grateful that he’s a musician and not coming for their jobs because I’m pretty sure that Louis William Tomlinson could do anything that he wanted to.
            They are very much concerned with things that are worthwhile, and that includes their own lives. This might be why he is so messy. He considers stuff like that as stuff that can wait, and why waste time doing that when he can accomplishing the other fifteen thousand things on his list? Capricorns want to do and be something worthwhile. He wants to be important. He wants to be an immoveable feature in society, whether that is through music or another way. He wants to be important and feel that people look up to him.
            They need to feel useful and effective in the real world in order to be satisfied with their lives. He needs to see tangible benefits of his hard work, whether that’s an album or hearing from his family that they are happy with his Christmas gifts.
            Capricorn possess a strong need for recognition in a worldly sense. This is why we saw him on the last season of X-Factor in the U.K and why he had that spot on America’s Got Talent for a while. He wants to be famous. He wants to be recognized. He wants to be remembered and seen. It’s not enough to have been in one of the biggest boy bands in the world if people can’t see his photo and automatically know who he is. He wants to be a household name, but what he has should be enough for him. He doesn’t want to be a secret hit maker. He wants to be like Simon Cowell, or Diddy, a mogul who is also in the spotlight in some way or another.
            Capricorns like to pare things down, and take pleasure in the simple things in life. He wants the basic a good job, nice house, comfort, and a good family life. However, many are attracted to status symbols, and these ones will wear the best clothes (tasteful ones) and drive quietly impressive cars. The boy looks like a scrub most of the time, a very handsome fuck boy, but that very handsome heifer is wearing a $500 hoodie. Solar Capricorns can see into the future and plan for it. Everything he does is for the future. He is creating his future everyday with the things that he does. He is doing everything to make sure that he gets what he wants.
            They don’t mind taking things slowly, but they absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! Louis is all about the end game. Capricorns can sometimes be lonely people, although they rarely let it show. Because that would be admitting weakness, and he wants to come off as anything but weak. They are often a little reserved, even standoffish. He wants to appear cool no matter what. He won’t immediately show you his passions or excitement, but rather put you off with some smart ass remark because he wants to keep you on uneven ground while he’s as surefooted as ever. He wants to have the upper hand always. Just think about that video of him and Liam at the last Brits. Liam was all boozy, and though Louis loves him he made sure that he was very levelheaded and the one that stepped up and answered the questions and he made sure that he seemed in control even if Liam wasn’t.
            This is generally because they value all things practical, and they’ll seldom wear their emotions on their sleeves, unless they have a particularly flamboyant moon sign. He is very reserved in what he shows to others because he doesn’t want anyone to be able to judge him. He shows people what he wants them to see, and that’s that.
            They are generally very capable people with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility. He gets things done. He has that role of caretaker and guardian and I think he takes it very seriously. He is very sure of himself, and wants that traditional sort of life, the American dream if you will.
            Many Capricorns have mastered the art of making people laugh. Some arsehole once said that if you can make a woman laugh, really laugh, than you can make her do anything. While that is ridiculous, the point is that people let the guard down around someone who is seen as cheery and good natured, the funny guy. No one can doubt that Louis has sarcastic, witty banter down to a science, but it’s why he does that’s interesting. He figured out early on that using that sort of communication is a great way to get to know people, to get in so that others will let their guard down around him. So that they will feel comfortable all the while he’s plotting on how he’s gonna make it out on top of whatever it is that they’re doing.
            Their sense of humor can be of the deadpan variety, they’re generally excellent at keeping a straight face. He could literally tell you a bold face lie and you would never know until he started laughing. They can be bitingly sarcastic, too. Cue any interview ever of Louis Tomlinson and you will find about eight hundred examples of this. Sarcasm is Louis’ second language.
            Capricorns are not know for taking too many risks in life. Why would he? He knows the best path to get things done, why deviate? They value tried and true things. Which is why he’s gone back to his ex. He likes things that are comfortable. This is not to say they are stick in the muds, they simply value hard work laid down by those who’ve been around before them. He follows paths that he knows work, if that person did it and they had success he could easily imitate the same behavior and get there as well. Too bad it doesn’t always work that way.
            Turn to your Capricorn friends for help when you need to really get things done. They’ll have practical advice and they’ll help you organize and manage your life a little better. He knows how to give advice, but maybe not how to take it. Niall said that Louis is the one the boys go to when they need advice. That’s because he’s wise. And he genuinely cares about people’s best interest.
            Capricorns are generally good with their “word”, dependable, and rather loyal people. If he’s your friend he will have your back forever. He could watch you murder someone, and he’d be like I don’t know that person, never seen him before in my life. Now, get the fuck off my property, where they have probably buried the body.
            He is honorable and strong willed. He can be trusted to do what he says that he will. He is top notch in work matters and strong willed to the point of being a stubborn arse. Quietly ambition within the realms of the possible. Here’s this again. He likes and takes on responsibility. Who likes responsibility? Control freaks, and I think Louis likes to be in charge if only he can bark orders at people.
            He is sometimes bitter and has a mistrustful mind. Time and circumstance may have made him a little bitter, and with as many people who are trying to get and use him I’d have a mistrustful mind too.
  Sun in 8th
              You have a great urge to go farther or deeper into life every step of the way. He wants to outwit, outplay, and outlast every person alive and dead. You have a magnetic power if you choose to use it wisely. How he looked in Drag Me Down still gives me the chills. Very intense eyes, like I got this. I would trust him with practically anything, and I don’t even know the guy. He just seems very competent.
            At some point in life, self-improvement will be a big interest. When he finds someone that will refuse to let him rest on his laurels, yeah. Financial problems may ease after marriage. Because he will marry, hopefully, a very calm, reasonable person and will be able to relax from this constant overcompensating that he seems to do a lot.
  Moon in Leo
              Moon in Leo people are not necessarily outgoing. For as much as we see him going out and doing things, I do think he may be a bit of homebody at times. Or he takes his home, his friends and what not, with him while he’s out so that he still has that sense about him.
            They do like being the center of attention. He needs it, to be honest. They like being in the spotlight. Always. They enjoy entertaining others, and often take on the role of comic. That’s the easiest role for him to take on with new people until he can slowly assert his other traits. He started out as the band’s comic relief, the funny one, then quickly became an indispensable leader among them. The band’s glue. Generally, though, Lunar Leos have a deep need to treat others fairly and justly, with respect. Y’all remember that horrible interview with Liam, Harry, and Niall when they were in Mexico with the lady in the leopard print dress. And they were all absolutely horrible to her, and everyone in the comments were like I wish Louis was there, but when they went back to interview with her again, he was the nicest, most respectable, most professional person. I was so proud I could have cried because I think people misconstrue his personality a lot, and his momma taught him better than to act like they did in that first interview.
            Lunar Leos require lots and lots of care in order to function well in the world. He needs to be with someone. He’s another serial monogamist. He wants to feel like someone has his back no matter what even if that someone actually doesn’t, the illusion is enough for him sometimes.
            When they feel slighted, these people can be dramatic in their emotional displays. He gets revenge in the worst way on people that hurt him. They are given to big scenes and sulking. He like googles ways to like poison people and contemplates calling a hit man. No big scene he’s just thinking about how to ruin your life forever.
            Lunar Leos are far too concerned about their image to make splashy scenes outside the comfort of their homes. He is a very private person. Except when he isn’t exactly feeling like himself, all of 2015. In public, they prefer to take things in a dignified way. He doesn’t let people push him into getting out of control. He maintains a sense of composure even when he really wants to hack off on an interviewer who just asked him a nasty question.
            It is easy to reason with him. I think he would listen to reason because he’s so practical. He wouldn’t not listen to you just because he was angry because he would want to get to the bottom of things and get it over with as quickly as possible.
            He is imposing and sharp. Selectivity in friends, but it not overly influenced by them. He makes up his own mind on things. He has changing and numerous affections. He is a serial monogamist with a serious fear of being alone. He is proud. Sometimes he might feel that his pride is all he has left that he can really guard.
  Moon in 4th
              He likes family life, peace and quiet, he likes to stay home, surrounded by loved ones, in agreeable circumstances. He is strongly influenced by his mother. He wants this dream of what a family is supposed to look like, but he should know from past experiences that family can look like anything. He now has his sisters and brother and he has all these moving parts that he feels like he has to pull together and make one big happy family unit with him at the helm. I think that he will get this one day, but not if he rushes into anything. If he rushes then he will get nothing, but more of a mess.
            You long for a sense of true belonging, but you may be quite restless in your search. He is constantly looking for the one. He wants to find that person and place them in this spot that he has carved out in his life, but when he rushes he gets people who don’t really care about him in the first place. Which again, is why he has gone back to someone comfortable. He seeks a sense of belonging. He wants to fit with a group. More than anything else Louis wants to feel needed, indispensable.
            Some of you might retain rather immature on an emotional level, never wanting to truly grow up and take care of yourself. There is no growing up, you are who you are. Growing up is a lie. Attachments to your past, traditions, and family are strong. His family is the number one most important thing to him.
  34 Trine Moon-Mercury
              You can be quite expressive and animated in your speech. His voice is like a whirlwind and his vocabulary is pretty spectacular. His mind is fucking fantastic. You have an outstanding memory and tend to pick up a lot of information from your environment. You love to exchange ideas. He likes to pick people’s minds, and find someone who can really keep up with him.
            You are focused on day to day activities in communications rather than grander philosophies. Unless one on one. You are naturally curious and interested, and others find you very easy to talk to. He’s good at seeming like he’s listening so people feel like they can open up to him even if he’s going to forget what you said in the next breath. You are accommodating and curious, but you are not as well equipped to deal with heavy emotional demands. I feel like his first instinct would be to shut down or escape somehow if things got really bad and there wasn’t a readily available solution. You thrive on change and variety. Okay. You are simply very curious about others. On the surface, I’d say yes, unless he really cares about you. He might just be curious about you, asking you questions and stuff just to have something to say.
            There is a twinkle in your eyes, and you are never short on humor. You are playful and versatile. You make a fun companion and an interesting friend. Yes. You listen! Yes, you do take and occasionally interrupt in your excitement, but you are a curious person who does want to hear what others have to say.
            You are more able than most to get others talking, simply because you are very receptive and sympathetic. You feel like he’s listening to you, and that he’s paying attention and genuinely wants to know about you and your life. You pick up other’s feelings and body language readily. I’d say he’s really good at reading a room.
            12 Square Moon-Venus
              Because you value harmony, you may find yourself giving in to others too easily, especially in the first half of your life. He has such a strong backbone in nearly everything except for his romantic relationships. He wants someone so badly that he gives in to people who use him, who don’t appreciate who he really is, and so, he compromises where he probably shouldn’t.
            Resentment is possible, as you can feel that you are the one who seems to do all the acquiescing. Arguments would spring up because of this. He would feel like he is the one who constantly gives while everyone else just takes.
            There can be a distinct tendency to become friends and lovers with people too readily, simply because there is a strong need for approval and a hunger for receiving affection. Like I just said. He could care less about approval in any other part of his life, except for in his love life. As such, you may get involved with people who seem to really like you, and you fail to consider whether you actually like them back. Okay, Originals chick was a fluke, and no one can tell me otherwise. He needed someone to take the heat off the crazies and his broken heart and she was convenient. Is that harsh???
            It’s somewhat of a weakness, as you are very charmed by the idea that someone seems to really like and appreciate you. He wants someone who needs him, appreciation has little to do with it. He wants someone dependent on him, at least a little, so that he is sure that they aren’t going to leave. 
            Generally, one of your life’s lessons is to learn to discriminate more and to get in touch with what you truly want and need. He thinks he needs one thing even though he really needs something completely different.
            You may find yourself compromising your own emotional needs to find and keep love. I can see this for sure.
            There can be conflicts in partnerships about parenting or whether or not to have a family. You may find yourself compromising perhaps too much so, as you can easily be taken advantage of. This has made him sound like he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he does. Louis is smart, he is conscious of all this, he just chooses to ignore it.
            Insecurity is something that you need to deal with at some point in your life.
Very sensual. You can also be quite sexually active and sometimes quite lustful. His venus is in Scorpio, so…. You possess a distinct lazy streak. He does what he wants, everything else no matter how essential can fall by the wayside for all he cares.
            109 Trine Moon-Mars
              Although your emotions are powerful and immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. To the letter. You may have an affection and talent for sports. Hello, soccer. Do you think he’s one of those people who hate when people call it soccer instead of football?
            He is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. He is strong-willed and powerful at work. He is a little hard on himself, but above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great. I see him as being really hard on himself when he feels like he hasn’t done his best on something or especially if he feels like he has let someone down that he cares about.
  8 Square Moon-Pluto
              He has intense emotions and passionate feelings. He fears the loss of control of emotional and domestic matters, and fears change. Which again is why he is back with an ex. He doesn’t want to let anyone else in, so he goes back with someone who knows everything about him, but he’s changed and the dynamics of that relationship will have changed as well. We don’t stay the same and our relationships are never the same when you go back in.
            He attracts change and disruptions. He attracts trouble is what it is. The love life or marital life may be riddled with emotional sense, jealousy, and possessiveness because he attracts intense partners. Again, he is a Venus in Scorpio, he will attract all the crazies, but that might be just what he needs, not the crazies, but a crazy.
  Mercury in Sagittarius
            He has strong opinions and often shares them. A complete inability to keep his mouth shut. Democrat, philosopher, tolerant, respectful of laws. Interested in foreign places. Truman Show. Believes that everything teaches you something. I hope he does or with all the horrible luck he has he would go insane.
  Mercury in 7th
              Hates being along. HATES BEING ALONE. He has lots of friends, likes to discuss and similarly has a lot of work friends. He has a lot of old friends that he has seemed to hold onto, and he seems to make new friends, work relationships easily, though how many of those personal relationships are genuine might be up for debate. But he seems smart enough that this shouldn’t really be a problem for him, I don’t think.
Likes to write. Yup. You have a great love of debate, if only to get closer to your own thoughts and opinions. He likes to prove he’s right and if that means having to argue with someone to prove it then so be it. Communication with a partner is craved, and you also love an audience for your own thought and opinions, but preferably a one-person audience, as you come alive verbally when it’s one-on-one. He needs to click like this with someone. You know when you talk to someone new and you’re going through things to find a common thread, and then they say they like this show and you thought you were only person who like that show, and you just feel that click, and then you’re talking like you’ve known each other for years? And that person is officially your new best friend. Yeah, he needs someone like that.
            You can be quite skilled at keeping a partnership animated and alive with interesting tidbits, new ideas, and stimulating conversation. The boy is made for long-term relationships. You can easily become bored in partnerships if the lines of communication go down, even temporarily. Like dating fake people he might lust after, but doesn’t even really like.
            You might also love to talk about and analyze relationships and marriage. Everyone elses’ and his own, because if something is to go wrong then he wants to know about even the possibility of it in advance.
  84 Conjunction Mercury-Mars
              He likes to discuss, likes polemic. He likes bouncing from one subject to the next and finding someone who keep up with his train of thought. He has good judgment and is determined. Very determined. He is a worker and has lots of energy. He has a lively intelligence and goes to the heart of things. He doesn’t like B.S. He is enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in thought and speech. He likes to talk. He loves to communicate and share. And that’s brilliant.
            21 Square Mercury-Jupiter
              He is frivolous and imprudent. $900 for a flannel t-shirt, babe, what the heck? He is full of self-importance. He doesn’t think anyone is better than him at the things that he is good at. He doesn’t lack for confidence, that’s for sure.
  Venus in Scorpio
              Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to commit. Be my baby. He loves quick and craves commitment. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Seduces you in every way possible, but with his words first. Their appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication. Those eyes. Potential lovers get the feeling that Venus in Scorpio will never stray, that they are intensely loyal to the one they love. He seems very committed. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Yes, please.
            These people are very focused on their partners. Solely, completely. They have a strong need to control their partner, although this won’t be immediately apparent, and they may not ever admit to this. This is how he keeps some semblance of control in a relationship where giving up control is how you form deeper bonds in the first place.          
            Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. He wants to get married, to have a solid commitment that isn’t easy to get out of. Although, they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they won’t always be forthcoming with their own. Not in the beginning anyway.
            When you’ve upset these lovers, you’ll know it. A complete blowout, a temper tantrum. Depending on the moment, Venus in Scorpio will shoot you one of the most piercing glares around, or totally blow up. Whichever style they choose, a slighted Scorpio lover is not a pretty sight. Quite a few songs prove this, don’t they?
            They are experts at cutting through all the fluff and seeing you for what you are. Still, you may find their conclusions about you seem skewed and mistrustful. Cause he’s been burned quite badly before.
            Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty to them. He needs this. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Words help. Just talk to him, tell him how you feel, communicate. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Just be your own person and don’t put up with their crap because I think he can be sneaky when he wants to be.
            Sensual and passionate. Passions run hot and cold. If they can tell you don’t really care. Full of ardor and desire where the partner needs to be able to match his level. On every level. If disappointed or deceived in love, he can become bitter. Which is what I think has happened unfortunately.
  Venus in 6th
              He may be devoted to sick of poor people. Not everyone can have a passion here. Everyone could learn the basic bookwork to be classified as a nurse, but it takes a very specific kind of person to love it. The same applies in this field of giving back.
            Might work in a medical or social settling, where he meets their partner, who is a great help professionally. Regardless, they will help him professionally. Someone in the industry, a fellow writer, or a song writer, musician or something like that.
            Being of service to a partner is especially important to you. He needs to feel useful, essential. In fact, you might go to great lengths to be available at all costs to a loved one. Even if it hurts him. While you may not be flowery or showy when it comes to expressing love, you show your love by your availability, rendering services, doing practical things for a loved one, and other thoughtful “little” things. Like a real partner would not some fantasy character. He would take care of someone like a long term partner would, practical displays.
            Many of you are talented at design work, as you appreciate and pay much attention to all of the little parts that make up a whole. He knows how stuff is supposed to fit together. Selling yourself short may be something that keeps you from going after what and who you want. Which is ridiculous because he’s lovely.
  3 Opposition Venus-Ascendant
              He goes to excess in his pleasures, frequents doubtful company. Open to bad company when he’s not thinking properly. He lacks good taste. Flighty choice in some partners. He is very spendthrift, but spreads his money around his circle. Didn’t he buy Stanley a car? His friends are more self-interested than sincere. Café Astrology burns again. I think his good friends are good friends, but sometimes he’s not aware enough to tell the difference.
  Mars in Sagittarius
              They don’t have a lot of patience to wait things out. He is more of an action type of person. They generally have a lot of projects going at once. A girl group, a solo career, trying to get a tv gig, family life, etc…. Most of the time Mars in Sagittarius is playful and fun loving. Very. They love friendly debates, although they can go to extremes. Some take it personally when you don’t agree with them, why wouldn’t you agree, after all? He genuinely believes he is right 99.9999999999% of the time.
            Mars in Sagittarius loves to “wing it”. Mars in Sagittarius people see themselves as warm-blooded folk. They are, but they sometimes run roughshod over other’s feelings during their more passionate debates. Because he wants to win at all costs. They can be blunt with people. When he’s feeling frustrated, yeah, probably.
            Sometimes they seem to be the most easy going people, they love a good joke and a good time, other times they are on fire, intense and impassioned about something or other. They abhor anything that fences them in. They need to feel like thy have space. They’re the ones who will run away when things get to serious or dull. On a bad day, maybe. He’ll have to learn some way of overcoming this. Mars in Sagittarius is used to getting their way and persuading others to believe in what they believe in. HIM.
  Mars in 7th
              He dominates his associates, colleagues. Friends. He is the same in love life, dominating the spouse and this makes for a stormy relationship in prospect. If they don’t put up with it, which they shouldn’t. He’s more of pushover then people think, especially with those he cares for.
  28 Square Mars-Jupiter
              He refuses to accept any guidance. From anyone that wasn’t his mother. He feels no duty to anyone now. He’s his own boss, he feels no authority for anyone. And that can be dangerous for someone like him. He lacks forethought, acts impulsively and sometimes imprudently, which can cause problems. He wants everything yesterday and uses whatever means necessary to achieve his objectives. If he thinks it’s important enough. Even if they are dishonest or not very commendable. His emotional life is fraught with quarrels and sometimes violent conflicts. He’s got a tough life, full of self-doubt and people who want to use him. This is also a time where café astrology literally predicted the future.
            Jupiter in Virgo
              Practical and technical knowledge and skills are most valued. A real problem solver and others appreciate his help. Doesn’t always feel lucky or especially ambitious. Rather, hard work is valued.
  Jupiter in 5th
              He likes games and distractions. He has passion which lights up his days. Music. He is lucky in love, but also professionally, with pleasant working conditions and duties. The whole One Direction thing was pretty darn lucky if you ask me.
  47 Trine Jupiter-Uranus
              He knows what’s going on at a glance. Super flipping smart. He is a good organizer. Uh,….no. He is very agreeable company.
  40 Trine Jupiter-Neptune
              He is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty or sick people. He knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression. Sometimes he listens, most of the time he waits to talk, but he is always observing. He is a dreamer, with lots of imagination. Why he writes so well. He likes the Arts. Like music, movies, television.
  Saturn in Aquarius
            Bad luck. You could say that again. Poor guy. How many hits can someone possibly take? But he’s a fighter, I’ll give him that. Adversity. Who hasn’t taken a jab at Louis? But he keeps that smart mouth and the fans have always and will always, I think, have his back. Problems. More money more problems. Disappointed hopes. If he doesn’t succumb to his disappointments he could be great, and have a better future than he ever could have imagined.
  Saturn in 10th
              His up-bringing is rigorous. He was responsible at a young age. A lot of flickering figures in his life, it’s amazing how steady he actually is. His professional life is all-important. He is serious, methodical, persevering. He will adapt and survive no matter what. He wants to have power, to succeed and has all the necessary qualities to achieve this objective, by taking one step at a time. There’s no need to rush it’s like learning to fly or falling in love……
    Uranus in Capricorn
              A great battler. He has so much power, that one things nothing can defeat him. He seems very strong. His only enemy is himself.
  Uranus in 9th
              Interested in humanity. He is highly intellectual. His mind is always alert, even when sleeping, during which time he often resolves the problems of the previous day. The kid is brilliant, no one can tell me otherwise. He may not have done great in school, but that was indifference not stupidity.
  Neptune in Capricorn
                        He is discerning, wise and sensible.
  Neptune in 9th
              Interest in art, has high ideals. For himself. Big dreams. Go big or go home.
  Pluto in Scorpio
              Great sexual activity. I bet.
  Ascendant in Gemini
              They are curious about the people around them. He wants to be the king, and that means knowing your people. Gemini is mostly interested in moving about in their social circles. These are people who love to ask questions, to move around freely, and to mingle. Nosy. Definitely restless and often quick in physical expression, natives of the Gemini Ascendant exude an air of impatience even if they don’t mean it. It’s like he always has something better to do.
            In fact, there is a cleverness to Gemini Ascendants that can intimidate some. Clever, brilliant…how long must I sing his praises. He’s so, so smart. Their facility with words can be a wonderful asset. Writer. A certain lack of warmth in presentation can be the result, and although this style is generally a façade, it is not immediately apparent to most. Hard outside, soft center.
            He is bubbly, changeable, talkative, and a little quirky. These natives are fun and interesting. They constantly explain things, whether it’s their own behavior and opinion or those of the world around them. Hello. He is rather cool and quite witty and clever. Hello again. Their observations are sharp and the overall manner is a tad brusque. Very professional. Their powers of observation are well-developed, they are mentally active, more often than not, their minds are racing, and they almost always have something bright or witty to say. I love it.
            It is easy for individuals with this position to get sidetracked, as they curiosity is large, their minds are quick, and their attention spans rather short. Yup. As children, natives born with Gemini Ascendant are often labeled as the intellectual, inquisitive and perhaps odd child. Needs improvement. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas.
  House 2 in Gemini
                        Financial success will be acquired thanks to various activities, frequent changes, be it of the activity of the workplace. He’s a jack of all trades in his chosen field. He can writer, sing, manage. He could write and produce the best songs in the industry if he put his mind to it.
            He is required to use his wits to amass money, which is not always easy. He made a place for himself in the band, make himself indispensable, creatively and also in his relationships with the others. They’ve all said he is the one they run to when they need advice or whatever. He makes people feel like there is no other option as long as he’s around because no one could be better than him.
  House 3 in Cancer
              Any travel that he does will be to visit family or friends. England and L.A. He’d go anywhere for someone he loved. I genuinely believe this. Family and dear ones are very important to him, they can always count on him in times of difficulty or trouble. For any of his siblings or close friends/family he would be there for them no matter what, eighteen feet of snow, ten horribly long flights, Godzilla, whatever it takes he would be there.
            Nostalgia is strong. Just an excuse for his hoarding. He usually thinks before speaking. Uh…. He does, he just says what he wants. If he thinks something then he’s going to tell you. If he’s angry or upset you’re going to know about it.
  House 4 in Cancer
              Reveres family life, children have a large place in his heart. He adores his family. Believe in Magic Ball. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had an allotted sum that he wanted to give to this specific charity before he died, and figured he had to do it then just in case because that was very generous. He is by nature calm, affectionate, delicate and tender. When you get to know that side of him. If no other piece of his life is in harmony then he wants his home to be. Values peace and calm in the home. Is nostalgic and collects things of sentimental value. HOARDER.
  House 5 in Leo
              Can only love an honest, upright, and intelligent person. Likes to admire his spouse. A sincere, stable and faithful love. Refined education. Yes, someone classy.
  House 6 in Virgo
              Jobs in the medical or paramedic fields suit him the best. His momma was a nurse. He very well could have followed in her footsteps, maybe like a physical therapist or gym teacher.
  House 7 in Sagittarius
              Either marriage with a foreigner, or a marriage abroad, or marriage with a foreigner abroad. MARRIAGE WITH A FOREIGNER ABROAD.
  House 8 in Sagittarius
              Death will certainly be in a foreign land or on a journey aborad. Nevertheless this will happen after a long life, when the body is too exhausted to continue. Easy death.
  House 9 in Capricorn
              Respects the religion in which he was brought up as a child, still holds this belief. Unless someone truly makes it mean something to him as an adult.
  House 10 in Capricorn
              Someone who is completely trusted at work. Resepctable, irreproachable in his work and moral qualities, scrupulous and praiseworthy. He knows what he’s doing and people trust him because he’s good. That good.
  House 11 in Aquarius
              Like to re-make the world with his friends. He wants to talk things out with someone, needs to do that to feel like the world is okay. He needs someone to bounce ideas off of, and to know that someone seems to think the way he does, and give him new ideas. These discussions can last the whole night, and with the ideal world created, he can retire to bed.
  House 12 in Pisces.
              Contradictions, and inner torments or harassments are possible. He feels the weight of the world on his shoulders, so yeah he feels some inner torment. However, this is a good position for psychic awareness, helping others less fortunate. I think by the end of his life he really wants to have helped a group of people. He loves kids and has worked with hospice groups in the past, and he could really make a difference.  
 Credit entirely to Café Astrology. They did all the heavy lifting. I am not an astrologer, just a fan. Clearly. I also do not own One Direction, or any of it's members as of yet.
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