#But yeahhhh Meta and Gala are hot as hell to their own kind like Cypha and Necro and even Vladimir comment on that fact
starlytenight · 2 years
Are there beauty standards for puffs? How does it translate to other species?
To a small extent, yes! Because of their low numbers and severe gender discrepancy, attractiveness standards by culture are kind of lost but inherent ones seem to still be a thing regardless of gender.
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Most have their personal preferences, like Meta having a slight thing for red eyes, but he does display a standard of enjoying big wings. As mentioned in another post, wings are hugely important for them and can also show their general health and whatnot.
Bigger wings in good condition can indicate good health, better potential for children rearing as well as those dominance displays/association with power.
On a technical level, Galacta and Meta are both considered highly attractive because of their spans in ratio to their bodies. Meta's are attractive despite his tears/rips and his pale eyes are considered a rarity/a beautiful anomaly.
Vladimir was flirting with him very quickly because he's very pretty to their own kind. However, other species find them more 'adorable' and makes Meta a bit uneasy with other sorts.
For other species, it's strictly a preference thing that gets whoever is in question. But a common trait in the cross-species relations is an attraction to kindness, as Puffs are naturally inclined to make friends with others. (Even Meta has this tick but he tries to resist it because the war has taught him not to trust everyone.)
As an example, Velesia is with Orin, a Fairy. She fell for his gentleness and kindness toward her when she was rough/considered too animalistic/mean to be attractive. She was a brute in her glory days and some of that still shows in her current elderly mannerisms.
Meta also fell for Jecra because he was kind to him and didn't make fun of how he looked. He actually took him seriously and gave him a connection he didn't have with his foster brothers Dragato, Falspar, or Noisurat. Jecra was also the one to sort of pursue Meta and broke down his walls a bit.
All in all, Puffs aren't terribly superficial. You'll find most of them are very relaxed when it comes to partners, though some have stronger preferences. But some traits don't hurt when trying to appeal to them.
Another quirk is from the imbalanced numbers between the three variants of Puffs (male/female/both (Batamon relic.)) Males are the ones that are most common and they tend to pair off together because of their lifespans. Females and those who are androgynous are extremely rare and have their own preferences as well.
Meta, as seen in the AU, is strictly gay and feels nothing toward Cypha and Artemis beyond friendship/mutual respect. Cypha is down with whatever but obviously likes a specific someone, Artemis is strictly asexual and has no interest in anyone.
Despite their poor numbers, repopulation/forcing someone to bend their desires for the sake of continuing their race isn't exactly on the forefront of their minds; they're more concerned with stopping the war at the moment. That, and they kind of have this idea that if they do end up extinct, that's just par for the course with nature.
Of course that's not going to happen anytime soon with how long they last.
Hopefully that answers that one! ^^
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