#But yes thats just what i was ramblin abt to my brother when i was watching him play LMAOO
snazzi-strawberri · 2 years
You know my brother was playing this anime lookin game and so much of the girl character designs had skintight fullbody suits that completely vacuum suck their crevices + boobs and body + some cuts to almost slightly reveal the vajayjay and boobahaloongkas you know that kind of stuff and that got me thinkin:
Why dont some of the guy characters in that game had some tight vacuum sucked skinsuit too huh?????? Kindof unfair their designs get majority of the cool clothes smh [like their cool ass black coats and such] like come on🙄🙄🙄🙄 too afraid of showing the dick???? Too afraid of getting vacuum sucked there huh??? WELL ITS THE SAME FOR THE BOOBAHALOONGKAS OKAY THAT VACUUMSEALED TIGHT SHIT MUST BE UNCOMFORTABLE FOR THEM SMHSMH ITS SIMPLY FAIR!!!!!!!!
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