#But here I've made star wars my brand for more than 10 years! ^_^; 
mofffun · 9 months
Hi! I have a difficult time reaching out to people and, when I do, I feel the urge to disappear and then just delete my account. I don't know why I can't handle talking to people but I thought I would just send this anonymously since that is the case
You always seem so lovely and kind and it's really fun seeing someone so involved in toku! I don't enjoy twitter very much... so I don't see people going to the live shows or anything like that. Reading through your days when you went to see the Kingohgera was so amazing, I felt like I was there!! I won't ever be able to travel there, so it's wonderful reading other people's experiences.
I really, really appreciate your translations and I enjoy reading your theories/general opinions! I wish I could be as open with my thoughts as you are here. I hope that you are having a good day, and I wish you all the best in life! Moffun hugs! 🤗
[This ended up a bit long😅]
Your message is so warm 🥺 thank you for taking the time to write this! I can understand the uneasiness of expressing oneself so thank you and good job for taking the step to reach out! It's okay, just do what you're comfortable with.
I'm glad you enjoy my babblings :D I love toku and I LOVE the Kingohgers. I love the familiarity of toku (sentai in particular) and you can just always count on it to feel like a child again. The sense of community. The creators paying homage but always aiming to refresh this genre with a long history. I just want more people to know how wonderful this show and the cast is! After 3 years of Ups, there may not be a sentai for me to be this invested in ever again. Besides, there's only NOW we have them with us! 😭
I can't believe my words have that power🥹 just know that i went partly wishing to be a "reporter" for my buds here. I wish I had written down more but I was way too tired and only had some voice notes and more photos to organise. I really should dust off those drafts. Or at least make a group chat/discord (next time 😏)
One day, one day you'll get there! I never imagined myself being there on my first toku trip either. It was surreal to visit the locations from TV and watch the locals just go by what we fans consider holy ground. and I only get to go from being in the right place at the right time. very spur of the moment but grateful 🙏
I'm too tumblr-old for twitter too so I'm staying in my comfort zone 😅. I also feel a duty because the english fanbase seem to be on the short end with bonus content or cast news that I thought was standard for a fandom this size or necessary context/fun bts (for example Racules *cough cough*) It's great practice to do translation too.
I had my doubts sharing my toku thoughts here at first, so I made this sideblog to balance things out. And it was SO freeing that I got to choose how much I'm comfortable to share.
Above all, I'm really happy toku tumblr is so tight-knit and I've made a lot of first steps because of kingoh this year. It was there for me during a rough time as well. I'm not leaving regrets in order to spend an excellent year with it.
So take your time, if you're being earnest with your passion, I think you'll be gladly accepted! As the great Carrie Fisher said, Stay afraid but do it anyway. Take a page from Himeno and shape the future the way you want! This is what Erica wished to convey with Himeno and the experience made her more assertive too. The power of Heroes™ 🥹
Have a good day! 🫶 Moffun hugs ⊂(・人・)⊃🤗
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lilredghost · 7 months
Tagged by @ragnarlothcat (hey I hope you feel better soon! I am making you soup and lending you my favourite blanket!!) and @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
Technically 9 but it's really 8. I don't exactly count all tied up in knots as mine (more on this later)
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
82,315, excluding the fic above. I don't think I'll make it to 100k before the year is out, but it would be cool if I did
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Just Star Wars, actually. I thought about writing fic in my last big fandom (The Witcher), but I didn't really feel motivated to write until SW. My first fic was actually DinLuke, but then I fell in love with the Prequels!
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Tank Top - This is the DinLuke one! I guess it's in the lead cause it's got a 1-year headstart on everything else, maybe
Their fragrance came from you - Sir, that's my emotional support fic! I love this one to death, seriously. I know I kinda made my brand on kinky sex fics and this is very much not that, but...
Blindfold me (I'm the only witness) - I do feel like this one kinda embodies Obikin's insanity tbh. Weird boundary-crossing sex for sure
Lace Me Up, Hold Me Tight - Subby Obi-Wan in a healthy relationship my beloved <3
You can call me baby (You can call me love) - My first Obikin fic. Near and dear to my heart. Stands the test of time, I think. It's mostly just very sweet
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I didn't used to, but now I try to reply to all of them, even if it's just with a few heart emojis.
A lot of the times when I read fic, I like to browse the comments to see speculation from other readers and what the author has to say about it.
Sooo I guess I reply to comments to spark conversation! I think it makes it a bit easier to ask questions / engage with the material as a reader, because they know I'll try to answer as best I can (and I do!!)
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of them!!! I don't believe in unhappy endings. Life is hard enough as it is
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, they all have happy endings. But maybe Take Care of Me, Please? The idea of being loved and taken care of unconditionally is very appealing to me. I guess that's not surprising
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not directly on the fics themselves, but I have gotten, at this point, several anons criticising my writing and my fics here on tumblr. It's kind of exhausting because I feel like the obikin community itself seems so nice but SOMEONE is sending me these anons and it could really be anyone. It kind of makes me jump at shadows a little bit?
It's probably someone I don't know, rather than someone playing nice to my face and then sending me shit behind my back, but... What if it isn't? :(
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep yep yep. Like I said, that's where I started. I'm sure people who subscribed to me were disappointed when I started Their fragrance came from you and Obikin didn't have sex for like... 40k words
I've done a little bit of a lot of different kinks, I think. Lingerie, somno, humiliation, boot worship, lactation, daddy kink... There are a couple I really wanna do still (pet play, body swap, etc), but at the same time I kind of want to do more of the ones I've already done? So idk, we'll see where it goes
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Noooope. I'm very interested in AUs, but I'm just not interested in crossovers
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah, I think that mostly happens to bigger authors, and I'm pretty new. I haven't noticed anything of mine anywhere else, but I also don't spend a lot of time on other fansites these days
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no! It's a dream of mine, a little bit, but at the same time I see why no one would be particularly interested in translating anything I've written so far. No biggie
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Okay this one is mixed. I have participated in round robins in an obikin server (that's what all tied up in knots is), but there was never any real commitment to writing those things. It was just based on whoever was free and had inspiration. I've actually been thinking I'll take my name off all tied up in knots, cause I don't particularly see that going anywhere, and I feel weird taking credit for it
HOWEVER. I would love to write a collab with someone I know. I'm not sure if I'd be any good at it, but I'd try!
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I do feel like it has to be Obikin. I'm honestly a multishipper when it comes to Obi-Wan, but I got tired of all the anti-Jedi sentiment in some of the popular pairings (which is the same problem I had with DinLuke), so now I stick mostly to Jangobi/Kenfetti and Obikin.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Disregarding the whole round robin fic, I really do hope to finish all of them. Keeping this section optimistically blank!
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Hm... this question took me longest to come up with an answer. I guess it's worldbuilding and smut (which are sort of on opposite ends of the spectrum, lol)
Worldbuilding obviously is more of a thing in longer fics, but I feel like even in smaller ones I'm able to incorporate background details that I'm dangerously fond of. For example, the super soft blanket Obi-Wan is very territorial over in You can call me baby (You can call me love) is a gift from Ahsoka. And in Your Body, Superimpose It On Me, Anakin's Padawan braid is in an ornate glass box on Obi-Wan's nightstand, and Obi-Wan takes a moment to, like, caress the designs on the box every day.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Well... I can only really write according to the mood I'm in. This was not a problem for a year or two there as I wrote shorter fics, but then I started writing Their fragrance came from you... At first, I was super depressed and so was Obi-Wan. And then the tone got lighter as I started feeling better. But then, you know, I have several chapters where the characters are supposed to be happy and light-hearted and suddenly I'm depressed again and I can't write the next chapters of my fic and then I get more upset about it because it's really important to me and it just becomes kind of a vicious cycle of feeling bad and not writing.
Maybe I need a separate sort of vent fic for when I'm upset? But again, I don't like unhappy endings. And if it has to get better at some point, then I'll have a hard time writing that unless I'm actually feeling better. If that makes sense.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sooo I do definitely borrow words from other languages, but I always explain them first, and they're usually more like... concepts or objects that are specific to that culture. Of course the character is thinking/speaking those words in that language; there is no translation!
I've never had a reason to have whole sentences of dialogue be in different languages, but I guess if there was a fic which needed that, I wouldn't necessarily mind doing it? But the default is writing everything in english, because, yknow, the fic is in english
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Okay I WAS gonna say that I already answered this with the dinluke thing. But I do remember writing fanfiction for Dinosaur King which (thankfully) never saw the light of day...
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I feel like, as my only longfic, that's gotta be Their fragrance came from you. I know a lot of people write it off immediately because it's a/b/o (or even because it's supposed to be alpha Obi-Wan), but to me it's got everything. Enemies to lovers. Fun side characters. Pining. Battles. Betrayal. Romance. Sex. Even anti-heteronormativity!
To me it feels very much like I set out to (overambitiously) write an epic, and somehow I'm succeeding. I'm not saying it's the best fic that's ever been written, but it's far exceeded any expectations I had for it when I started.
Bonus: What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Not necessarily rewrite, but I do wanna do edits to Lace me up, because the first few chapters are just not up to a comfortable standard of writing for me. And I'd be okay with leaving it that way if it was a standalone, but I really like its sequel. Plus I have some ideas for other fics in that series, so it would kind of put all that up to scrutiny again if/when I post a third installment
Some of my friends already did this one and I'm not EXACTLY sure who has/hasn't been tagged yet, but (if you want): @anakinsthot @demon----dean @fishnamedsushi @secretsolarsystem
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jasper-rolls · 3 months
Media Roundup (February 2024)
a few days late because my job is kicking my ass lately, but i've got another batch of little reviews of stuff i've been checking out. take a look!
Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor (Seasons 19-21)
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it only took 20 years but this show is truly getting good i think. you can start to see where the DNA of the reboot comes from, especially how davison's performance would influence tennant's - and what a sendoff he got in the end, some really wild shit happening there. not much more to go now
Faraway Downs
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a lot more digestible than the movie it was edited from, and makes me ponder if it shouldn't have just been this way from the start. the changed ending feels more in line with the rest of baz's ouvre, given his penchant for tragic deaths - but i'm not sure it's a better ending for this in particular. otherwise, everything from the movie applies, good and bad
Checkmate - Malorie Blackman
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a strong conclusion to this first trilogy, about healing from the scars of your past and focusing on the ones who are here now. some elements feel all too real to this day, and it's heartbreaking. believe in something better
Puella Magi Oriko☆Magica: Extra Story - Magica Quartet, Mura Kuroe
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boy i just…do not care about this spinoff
Iron Man 3
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james bond by way of marvel while grappling with tony's actual damage instead of just libertarian-ing all over the place. disappointing that they did "What If Iron Man But Evil" yet a fucking gain but once i get past my annoyance at that, they do make it kind of work, and tony getting down in the dirt and getting to know actual regular people was really fun. good start, phase 2. try and keep it up please
Ben 10 Versus the Universe: The Movie
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this was distinctly pretty okay, definitely far more enjoyable than the nonsense that the live action movies are, and there was some poignancy to it all - gwen and max thinking ben might be dead, ben having similar worries on his end, azmuth's test pushing him to be better than he can be. it may be a bit rote hero's journey stuff, but ben 10 has always been extremely by the numbers - it's no different here. my main gripe is that for being a movie, they really don't push the animation much. this genuinely looks like it could've been split into a 5-6 parter to cap off the last season of the show and there would be no obvious difference, and for all i know it probably is aired this way when the show is in syndication.
The Wolverine
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watched the extended edition. man i just zoned the fuck out of this one. some nicely shot action at least but i just didn't have the mental energy to follow the plot and the silver samurai stuff was dummmbbb. very unmemorable
The Mandalorian (Season 3)
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the narrative arc must sacrifice all for The Lore. all subservient, all reverent of The Lore. mandalore is back. don't you feel proud? don't you feel serviced? don't you feel clever, for knowing all these things about our brand? we took the narrative arc of our main characters and shot it behind the shed so they could stand around while bo katan, our hidden true protagonist of this season, does all of the actually important stuff, but that's okay, right? you feel good, because you know who bo katan is, and why she's important, and why the darksaber is important, and why its so so sad that moff gideon destroyed this trinket from another series made 15 years ago. look, here's jack black, and lizzo, and christopher lloyd. isn't it fun that they're now part of the Star Wars brand? isn't it great? din and grogu have a house now, all to themselves. that works as an ending, right? this is what you want, right? this is what makes you happy. this is what you crave, fans. The Story is dead. long live The Lore.
Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion
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what if hope doesn't spring eternal?
what if the energy you got from knowing the one you love is looking down and smiling on you wasn't enough? what if you really couldn't live without them? what if you said yes when in your heart of hearts you wanted to scream no, wanted to damn us all and destroy everything because if you have to suffer then the whole world should suffer too?
what if persephone and hades, but make it yuri?
Ben 10 (2016)
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honestly really not that bad if you take it for what it is rather than being mad that it's not alien force Like Some People. fun redesigns, some decent comedic writing and mixed additions to the rogue's gallery (extreme pass on breaker 1-9 and nanny nightmare, but xingo, the bugg brothers and tim buktu are fun). don't go in demanding deepness or tight canon or worldbuilding (factors ben 10 as a franchise has never actually been all that good at if we're really being honest) and you can have a fun time
Thor: The Dark World
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it should be a crime to misuse christopher eccleston this badly
Mario Kart 7
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this must have seemed like a shock to the devs of mkwii but it turns out when you don't entirely fucking explode the player for the crime of existing near first place, the game is actually fun and enjoyable, and i want to play more of it
Star Wars: Visions (Season 2)
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not as good as the first season IMO, but still some fantastic and beautiful animation from around the world. the aardman short got me good. i saw you grand day out robot
Nichijou: Original Run (Vol. 1-10)
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works just as good in manga format as the anime did, although it doesn't have quite as good an ending. keiichi arawi has an impeccable sense of timing that shines even in manga format, and their ability to take comedy to great extremes in their art is hilarious
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - The Fate of Atlantis
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well that was a load of nonsense. AC's take on greek mythology was admittedly pretty cool to see but it was just a lot of meandering in the end. a surface level tour with some juno teasing at the end which i'm pretty sick of tbh
AD:PIANO VIVACE 2 - Diverse System
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pretty good but not stellar. little really stuck out to me as truly awesome, even BlackY's track was kind of a let down. still, nothing actively bad here.
best track: "Flows With Errors"
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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it feels wild that thus far captain america consistently outdoes every other MCU movie. i didn't think i'd be this on board with him when i decided to start catching up. a great spy thriller that managed to contain a ton of engaging plot threads without feeling overstuffed and overlong, and genuinely left me pretty excited for more
Disney Gallery / The Mandalorian (Season 3)
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where is any of this for andor. i don't care. i hate this show now
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
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there's like, almost a movie here. it starts off pretty good! there's bits and pieces that shine, it feels like it should be better than it is, there's stuff throughout that could absolutely go somewhere exciting and then it just completely fumbles everything. what the fuck
got a longer review on my letterboxd
anyway kind of a pingpong month in terms of quality, but the show goes on...
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