#Butes lived and nobody noticed
rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Caitlyn.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Caitlyn from Scotland. First question: Name, age and where are you from? C:  Caitlyn, 20 years old, from Campbeltown in Scotland (a place that I bet nobody will have heard of!) I actually never heard of it before but it’s in Scotland, which is one my favorite countries ever!  So we’re just a couple of months into the new year and i was wondering if you you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? C:  At the start of 2019, I set myself a challenge of reading 20 books throughout the year, but heading into March I was already halfway through! I decided to push myself a little harder and try to read 50 new books throughout this year That’s the spirit! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? C:  When I was younger I was never really into reading, but my twin sister always had a book in her hands! It wasn't until my teens that I started reading for myself. In 2013 there was a huge power cut throughout Argyll and Bute, resulting in having no power for days. I spent every day during the power cut reading. I had never enjoyed reading so much. Since then I've kept reading, even though it usually took me so long to finish a book. During my college studies, in the past few years, I have spent all my spare time reading! What’s your favorite thing about reading? C:  It's an escape where you can leave behind your troubles and stresses and focus on someone/something else for a while. You get to experience so many things whilst reading, that otherwise you never would. You also get to know people and understand different things. It's amazing! How often do you read out of your comfort zone? C:  As I said before, reading books isn't something that comes naturally to me so reading out of my comfort zone is a recent development. Before RR, all the books I would read were very similar. My sister would always try and push me towards something new but I was always too scared that I would find it too difficult. Since RR started, however, I am always looking for something new to read and always pushing myself to read something new Still talking about RosendeReads... how did you find the book club? C:  I found out about Rosende Reads when Alberto announced it during his Instagram live. Being in the Uk means that I'm not able to tune into a lot of his lives due to the time difference, so when he spoke about his plans to start up a book club I was thrilled! Ahh, i feel you. It’s pretty hard for us europeans sometimes. What’s the thing you love the most about RR? C:  What's not to love about it? It's such a welcoming environment and everybody is so lovely. It's so easy to ask questions and put forward your opinion because you know that you would never be judged for it. Having a group of people with different perspectives on things is super interesting because it helps you notice things you might not have seen if you were reading it yourself. Coming from such a small, remote place and being someone that finds it extremely hard to make friends, I never thought that I would be a part of something like this and I am so grateful to everyone involved! That's the cutest thing ever, Caitlyn. Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? C:  This is a tough question! We have read some amazing books since RR started but "1984" was, hands down, my favourite. I was really surprised how much I enjoyed "Into The Wild". I found the beginning of the book quite challenging but I was soon captivated by the story and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since! As for my least favourite, I would have to say Catch 22! I found it more challenging than any of the other books we have read and it got to the point where I was so focused on finishing the book that I wasn't really paying attention to the plot! I felt exactly the same about Catch 22. At some point i was just trying to finisht the book as soon as possible instead of actually paying attention to the plot. How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? C:  I would love to see RosendeReads still going strong in 5 years. I hope that it continues to grow and that more people join and find comfort in it as I have. I would also love to meet some of the other RR members in person. It would be great to get you to know everyone better and see the faces behind the comments. I hope that Alberto gains the recognition he deserves for starting something of such great importance like he has! Is it also crazy to think that we could one day read a book written by Alberto? Wouldn't that be amazing?! That would be really something else!  Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? C:  I'm a Hufflepuff through and through! I possess the majority of the Hufflepuff traits - patience, dedication, loyalty, and hard work. There seems to be a lot of Hufflepuff's in RosendeReads and I love it! Yes! A lot of people i've talked to are all hufflepuffs. It seems very fitting that RosendeReads is full of them! One last question do you have any social (beside twitter, of course)? If so, where can we find you? C:  I sure do! I can be found on Twitter (@cspree1998) and Instagram (caitlyn.spree)
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