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Take me as I am
My second tattoo says “I wish they would take me as I am” it is a quote from Vincent Van Gogh and it means a lot to me. People look at it as if I am asking for attention and some find it stupid but really it means to me. It tells me that I need to remember that I should be taken as who I am. I should never change for anyone and if they don’t want me as me then they shown be in my life.
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via weheartit
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do you ever just want to shout like… it’s because i’m sad! like yes i didn’t do my homework, yes i didn’t text you back, yes i’ve been hiding in my room! i’m sorry! but i haven’t killed myself so honestly where is my badge!
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Why am I so sad?
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“So if you love me, love me everywhere,”
— H.D., from Collected Poems 1912-1944; “Sigil”
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“dear today, i spend all of you pretending i’m okay when i’m not, pretending i’m happy when i’m not, pretending about everything to everyone.”
— Nina LaCour, Hold Still
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Ian Crawley - Here We Go, 1997
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via @extramadness
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“Do not expect people to tell you the truth because they also lie to themselves.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz (via amargedom)
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Don’t break yourself to fix someone else.
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