#Buy Ultima-Win today
uphstore · 2 years
Ultima-Win by Ultima Pharmaceuticals is a high-quality performance-enhancing supplement that is designed to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts achieve their fitness goals. This product is formulated with the powerful anabolic steroid Stanozolol, which is known for its ability to enhance muscle growth, improve endurance, and promote fat loss.Ultima-Win is perfect for individuals who are looking to increase their strength and stamina for intense workouts, as well as those who are looking to improve their overall athletic performance. With regular use of Ultima-Win, you can expect to see significant improvements in your muscle mass, energy levels, and overall physical performance.Whether you're a competitive athlete or simply looking to achieve your fitness goals, Ultima-Win is the perfect supplement to help you take your performance to the next level. So why wait? Order your bottle today and start experiencing the benefits of Ultima-Win for yourself! Visit us: https://bit.ly/3zj5eOF
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carnelianwings · 2 years
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*Believe in my existence starts playing* In case there was ever a doubt as to what my favorite For Fun Premium Royals deck is 🥰🥰🥰
I do have More Shiny Cards incoming for this deck (like a 4th SP Alfred Stride and a playset of SP Crystalusters) but I was too excited to share after getting my Ren Blaster Dark IMRs in the mail today 😂 The RRR foiled Alfred will be going back to my Exceed deck’s G Zone (I keep that deck for when I want to play Blasters but at a lower power level) and the RRR Crystalusters here will be going to the “Premium side” of my V Jewel Knights deck (I like playing the deck as either Premium or V, so I just keep a few Premium-exclusive cards in the deck box so I can just swap cards around for the format I’m in the mood for).
If you’re like “Why don’t you run X” or “Why are you running Ultima instead of the OT”, the answers are “I only have 1 person to play Premium with and they’re a Kagero/Overlord main”, and “My friend and I mutually agreed winning by OT In Premium Feels Bad so I’m running Ultima and a crit in its place so I can win by crit sack instead” 😂 Also running V-series for both Blasters (even though D-Series is probably better) because D-series Aichi Blaster Blade is still pretty expensive (didn’t stop me from buying one for my D-MLB Ride deck though 😂) and for, you know. The matching Aichi and Ren Blaster IMR aesthetic - I’m a little miffed we didn’t get a Ren Blaster Dark for D-Blaster Dark tbh.
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healthlineonline · 1 month
Secure your gains – buy Ultima-Win online today
Ultima-Win is an anabolic steroid that enhances muscle growth, strength, and overall performance. The active ingredient Stanozolol Suspension promotes faster recovery, stable blood levels, fat loss, increased endurance, and reduced water retention. When you buy Ultima-Win online, you get a trusted product known for its quality and effectiveness, allowing users to achieve remarkable results in their fitness journey.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Uruguay is Fertile Soil for Moon Church Money (1984)
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The Unification Church of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who like Uruguay's military rulers is strongly opposed to Communism, has become one of the largest foreign investors here.
In the last three years, the church has invested some $70 million in buying Uruguay's third largest bank, a hotel, a daily newspaper and other businesses, according to business leaders, Western diplomats and a top church official. The sources said it had been aided by tax breaks and benefits from the Uruguayan Government of Gen. Gregorio Alvarez.
Opposition political leaders and newspapers have attacked the Unification surge, charging that the church is supporting the military at a time most of the populace is demanding democracy. The military, after a decade in power, has promised to step down next year. But General Alvarez is said to favor delaying the turnover and has been cracking down on dissent in recent months.
The Unification Church began moving into South America in the 1970's, attracted to countries with military rulers who were opposed to Communism. It started trying to win converts in Uruguay in 1978 but stopped, reportedly because it did not want to stir the same bristling Roman Catholic opposition that it encountered in other Latin countries. Uruguay Is their Base.
Business, diplomatic and church sources said it had been using Uruguay instead as a base to make money, strengthen anti-Communism and distribute its religious messages to the rest of the continent.
Of Uruguay's 2.9 million people, no more than 20 are Unification Church members today, according to one business executive who is running the church investments here.
''The Moonies are a suspicious presence,'' Julio Sanguinetti, president of one of the country's two largest political parties, the Colorados, said in an interview. ''They are religious fanatics with no religious activities.''
A popular political weekly, Correo de los Viernes, was recently moved to dub this capital ''Moontevideo.'' Another weekly, La Nacion, asked, ''Will Uruguay be picked by Moon to be the first Unificationist Republic in the world?''
Church officials declined in interviews to respond publicly to the criticisms. However, the church's newspaper, Ultimas Noticias, a daily that does not publicize its church connection, has in recent months toned down its once outspoken support for the Government.
The Unification Church says it has three million followers around the world and assets worth several billion dollars. Mr. Moon was convicted of tax evasion in 1982 in the United States; he is appealing the conviction. His church has been widely accused in North America, Europe and Asia of recruiting young people into an authoritarian cult. Mr. Moon, however, has rejected such charges and defended his church as a Christian organization. Riots two years ago largely chased the Unification Church out of Brazil, where it was estimated to have had some 6,000 members in 60 branches. Angry crowds stoned and sacked its churches in seven cities after a series of sensationalized television reports about the organization's activities.
The church has gained several hundred converts in Chile, where Gen. Augusto Pinochet is President, and in Argentina, which was ruled by juntas for nearly eight years until the inauguration of an elected Goverment last December. But it has aquired no particular influence in either country, apparently because of strong Roman Catholic opposition in their armed forces. In Paraguay, the church has had some success, closely associating itself with the Government of Gen. Alfredo Stroesser.
Church officials said Uruguay was especially attractive because of liberal laws that allow easy repatriation of profits abroad. Aiding church activities is the circumstance that General Alvarez's father-in-law, Segundo Flores, is vice president of the Uruguayan branch of the church's political wing, Causa, which this year will hold its third international congress here in as many years. The president of Causa and editor of Ultimas Noticias is Julian Safi, who for many years was the official spokesman for the regime. Country 'in Good Hands'
Church officials said the two men, who are Catholics, report abroad to Mr. Moon's assistant, Pak Bo Hi, a retired South Korean lieutenant colonel. A United States Congressional committee investigating South Korean-American affairs in 1978 accused Mr. Pak of lavish lobbying in Washington and of being used by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Pak, who has paid a number of visits here in recent years, said in a statement after the military appointed General Alvarez President in 1981, ''I know that the people and country of Uruguay are in good hands.''
The Unification investments began that year. The church deposited more than $50 million in the Banco de Credito and then took it over. It bought the newspaper, three printing plants and the Victoria Plaza Hotel, which sits on this capital's central square, facing the presidential palace.
In 1983, plans were announced for the building by the church of a 35-story office tower and convention complex across the street from the hotel. Ground is scheduled to be broken this year for the project, for which the Government granted generous tax concessions.
The Minister of Labor, Nestor Bolentini, a retired colonel close to General Alvarez, said in an interview that the concessions were normal inducements for needed foreign investment. As to church activities, he said, ''This is a free country.''
Opposition politicians have vowed to investigate the church once civilian rule returns, and some say this explains the recent de-emphasis by the church newspaper of its support for the military rulers. ''We're watching them very closely,'' Mr. Sanguinetti, the Colorado leader, said.
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laryna6 · 3 years
*winces* Hoo boy, there are going to be a lot of games with accidentally very ableist themes coming out of the impact of Undertale, aren’t they?
Ok. You know how in Undertale *DETERMINATION* is a big thing? How it allows you to try over and over until you can succeed?
And also how Undertale borrows the JRPG aesthetic?
This is not a coincidental choice.
The first JRPG, Dragon Quest 1, was basically designed from the ground up to, instead of being marketed and priding itself on being an elitist experience where only the most skilled and smartest - or rather richest, forking over quarters and charges for pay-by-the-minute hint lines - could win, anyone could If they were determined to.
Before this point, the majority of attempts to beat a game would end up unwinnable by design. Making it so a player just couldn’t win was an intended design element, because forcing them to give up and start all over padded out playtime.
Dragon Quest’s creator, Yuji Horii, whose name you really should know if you’re interested in history of gaming, went ‘no, it should be possible for people to beat games regardless of difficulties eg. a child not having learned to read yet, if they keep trying and work hard instead of the game going ‘LOL you’re not good enough you failure.’’ He started with making it a console RPG, where players wouldn’t be punished for failure by milking them for money, unlike arcade games.
The turn-based gameplay was inspired by the Ultima series, but it was not a coincidence that he picked a style of gameplay that made hand-eye coordination a non-issue for a game designed around ‘hey devs your shit should be accessible.’
In most games at the time, a player would have to give up over and over and over, because they hit something designed to make it so they just couldn’t win. The very first turn-based JRPG being designed to go ‘no that’s stupid’ to that philosophy is why so many JRPGs have ‘determination and overcoming challenges that seem impossible’ as a theme.’ Because it was the first kind of game where determination to continue a specific playthrough instead of give it up as lost could actually matter, could actually change the outcome of that playthrough. And Dragon Quest’s accessibility made it a hit. Western publishers weren’t interested in bringing it over because it ran counter to the ‘you’re the elite’ they were selling, but in Japan the release of new Dragon Quest games caused so many people to rush to buy and play them immediately that there was an urban legend the government would make Dragon Quest release days holidays because nobody was going to show up to work.
Today, in the vast majority of games, if you hit a patch where you have a hard time, you don’t have to start the whole goddamn 60-hr thing over, there is something you can do to make it possible for you to win, and we all owe that to Yuji Horii and Dragon Quest 1 and the idea that ‘games should be accessible.’
So my reaction to Undertale was ‘uh you realize that taking the aesthetic of a genre where accessibility made determination *matter* in gaming for the first time and making it *less accessible* when you’re specifically talking about how determination is the important thing undermines your theme here?? Because you’re making it so that compared to the games you’re referencing with their specific choice of turn-based combat, for more players determination won’t matter jack shit in Undertale because they are just not capable of the gameplay, period.’
My worry is that we’re going to get responses to Undertale that are totally ignorant of the historic connection between that specific genre, determination and accessibility and why and just go ‘quirky action combat cool,’ especially since a lot of people aren’t aware of how JRPGs fundamentally changed the experience of gaming because of that whole period where ‘we all know turn-based games/JRPGs are easy and for losers and we’re going to take a point off this game’s rating for it being turn-based bc lol who wants to play that (yes, seriously, in a major gaming magazine a 9 score was downgraded to an 8 because turn-based Uncool)’ and think the ‘determination’ thing is ‘stock Japanese tropes LOL’ instead of a case of the developers choosing a theme that would let them do cool things with gameplay-story integration and reference a part of video game history well-known to Japanese players.
So anyway, the moral of the story, and of turn-based JRPGs since the very beginning, is video games should be accessible, and don’t borrow the aesthetic of a genre created to demonstrate that unless you’re going to respect its purpose and design for accessibility.
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scoutshonor56 · 6 years
Burning Down the House
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With a new year upon us, I decided to leave our pouting, petulant, and clueless “president” alone for a while.  I’m at the point where I don’t want this blog to become a regular, though fun and cathartic, critique of this moron’s day to day behavior.  Besides, who can keep up these days?  Certainly I never intended this blog to become solely a political airing of grievances anyways, when started back in November of 2016 - but then, who would have ever envisioned the likes of Donald Trump in the White House?
 So today I’m going to address an issue close to my heart; the wellspring that nourishes my spirit and is essential to the health and well-being of every living thing on our planet – the environment.  You see, I’m a baby boomer who grew up in the 60’s, and was quite the impressionable 14yr old on April 22, 1970, when the first official Earth Day was proclaimed. That year also saw the creation of the EPA, and like most of us from “back then”, I still hold onto many of the ideals of an aged hippie -  
 Those who know me also know I later worked for NASA - another touchstone for my generation - at Johnson Space Center, inside the television/communication contract, for 14 years.  During that time I got to watch the Space Station being built piece by piece, from when the first module, Zarya, went up on a Russian Proton rocket, to the first crew occupation, to its successful completion.
 I still pay attention to our space program as a tax paying enthusiast, although not nearly as much, and thus I watched a fascinating show on NOVA a week or so back, entitled “To Pluto and Beyond”.  It was about the continuing voyage of NASA’s New Horizons exploratory spacecraft, which is now traveling at roughly 37,000mph some 5 billion miles from our planet and still able to send back data and outstanding imagery to its home base here on Earth (taking over 4 hours to do so).
 In a nutshell, when New Horizons was first launched, in January of 2006, scientists and astronomers didn’t even think much existed past what they call the Kuiper Belt (the area in space past the planet Neptune), other than insignificant, floating chunks of minerals and ice of varying size and shape – such as Pluto, now not even an officially termed “planet”.  
 But soon that would change as our telescopes got larger, more sophisticated, and certainly more powerful (such as the Hubble), revealing a wealth of new discoveries and vastly widening out view, and theories, about space past our solar system.    
 In just a little over two years after its successful flyby of Pluto and its moons, sending back stunning and never before seen imagery, project managers were able to plot a new course that would enable the probe to fly past what is now called 2014 MU69, or its more colorful nickname, Ultima Thule (which sounds much more bad-ass!)  
 To go into any detail about the show and this discovery would require a whole different blog, so for my purpose today, let’s just say the level of technology, engineering, and computational math involved in this exploratory endeavor is right up there with just about any other high achievement in man’s history; an incredible display of determination and shear brain power that simply boggles my mind.  Sure, it was just an unmanned flyby, a probe…but successfully plotted over billions of miles, traveling at 37,000mph through orbiting planets, asteroids, and clouds of space debris, where a collision with something the size of a pea could mean instant disaster?  Where the tiniest fraction of miscalculation can put the craft literally millions of miles off course?  In the harshest and most unforgiving environment imaginable?  You may as well try to explain quantum physics to me.
 So what - what’s this got to do with a Talking Heads song... my point is this: excuse me if I don’t buy into this long running campaign of bullshit and misinformation put out by the petrochemical and carbon-based conglomerates, their money-wallowing and soulless lobbyists, and the special interest groups, who for the better part of fifty years have retained a complete stranglehold on our politicians and policy makers.  They continue to control the discussion of our energy sources with fairy tales and scare tactics in support of a technology that is over 200 years old. Let’s dim the lights, roll out the boogyman, and wind him up:
 “It will cost jobs!!  The transition to renewable and clean energy is too expensive, the sources unable to compete in today’s economy!!  The technology and infrastructure have yet to be fully worked out!!  It’s much more difficult and complicated than you can possibly understand!!  It’s simply going to take more time – it will be a long, slow process, and oil and gas will continue to play a dominant role in the meanwhile!!”
 And on, and on, and on…
 Bullshit!  Germany now gets 40% of all its energy generated from renewable, clean sources.  There are other countries in Europe harnessing tides to generate energy.  Our planet is a hotbed for thermal energy potential.  A recent study done here in Houston, at Rice University, claims Texas (who leads the nation in wind generated energy) has enough sun and wind to completely wean itself off coal within the near future. ��
 Since when did America become the nation that couldn’t; that shied away from a challenge, technological or otherwise; that chose to follow instead of lead… was I stoned during that period?  Did I miss something?  Fifty-eight years ago, President John F. Kennedy stood at a podium at Rice University Stadium and declared:
 “We choose to go to the Moon!   We choose to go to the Moon...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.”  
 To put this into context, at that time it had been just over a year since America had launched their first man into space: Alan Shepard riding a Redstone rocket 116 miles into suborbital flight, lasting fifteen minutes.  Back then NASA scientists and medical professionals didn’t even know if a human could survive such a trip, or for how long.  Would they retain their vision, their mental capacity?  Would they lose all sense of direction?  Pass out? Would they be able to endure and function during the required long duration flight to the moon and back?  How would we even achieve such a feat?
 OK, some might say, “Well, sure, NASA had a limitless budget - and after all, the space race was strictly for nationalistic reasons anyway, to beat the Russians to the moon…”
All true, but umm, have you looked out your window lately?  Pay attention to any news?  And no, Fox doesn’t count.  According to a recent analysis, published in the Journal Science (see the story in the NY Times), our oceans are warming far more quickly than previously thought; like 40% faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago.  Researchers now conclude that ocean temperatures have been breaking records for several years straight.  Compounding the effects of our melting polar caps, warm water also takes up more volume than cold water, resulting in sea levels rising at an estimated rate of .13 inches (3.2mm) over the last 20 years.  Satellite measurements tell us that over the past century the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) has risen by 4 to 8 inches.
 Right now, over the last decade, we are seeing an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, monsoons, tornadoes and wildfires.  NEWS FLASH Gomer and Thelma Lu, this isn’t a conspiracy perpetrated by greedy and alarmist eggheads in lab coats, nor is it “fake news” or fuzzy science; and it certainly shouldn’t be considered, or treated as a political issue.  It’s rock-solid, provable science that is accepted by 97% of scientists, climatologists, and geologists all around the world, who continue to ring the emergency bell. It’s happening today, all around us, and the bad news is we’re already too late; at this point, if we were to get serious this year, 2019, it will still be a game of damage control; of mitigating the consequences of our greed, ignorance, and gullibility.  
 In comparison, the goal and challenge of beating the Russians to the moon seems quite miniscule to that of restoring and maintaining the health of our little blue lifeboat called Earth.
 “Whatever, our planet is a dynamic, ever changing thing - Earth has gone through similar climate changes before!”   Yes, true – but over the span of tens of thousands of years, you moron.  Man has achieved the same results in barely two hundred.  
Just curious, but what part of 2.5 million pounds/second of co2 pouring into the relatively thin, fragile layer of atmosphere that protects our planet don’t you get?  Too hard to think about, or conceptualize?  Or is it easier for your lazy, flabby, unexercised brain to simply believe that it all just dissipates into outer space – you know, where the alien abductors that beamed you up into their mothership that weekend reside…
 Make America Great Again?  What a sad, short-changed, and utterly empty joke of a campaign slogan… Here, I’ve got one for you: SAVE OUR PLANET!  For your children’s future and their children’s future.  There simply is no option; no magical, last minute solution.  No plan B.  No spare planet accessible, sorry, this isn’t a movie - its real.  
 I simply don’t understand; why isn’t this the number one issue of concern for everyone?  Could there possibly be a greater threat and more important challenge facing us all today?  
 Ah well, what the hell – we’ll all be fine in a couple thousand years after we evolve with gills and become aquamen and women… Although, good luck finding something to eat, as we’re also killing the entire food chain of life in the oceans, from coral reefs to the dolphins, the sharks, and the whales…I guess we could become aquacannibals – now there’s a surefire idea for a hit movie!    Hmm, I wonder if we could talk Jason Momoa into that hard turn in the movie series plotline…  
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
The NY Times: Uruguay is fertile soil for Moon Church money (1984)
The Unification Church of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who like Uruguay's military rulers is strongly opposed to Communism, has become one of the largest foreign investors here.
In the last three years, the church has invested some $70 million in buying Uruguay's third largest bank, a hotel, a daily newspaper and other businesses, according to business leaders, Western diplomats and a top church official. The sources said it had been aided by tax breaks and benefits from the Uruguayan Government of Gen. Gregorio Alvarez.
Opposition political leaders and newspapers have attacked the Unification surge, charging that the church is supporting the military at a time most of the populace is demanding democracy. The military, after a decade in power, has promised to step down next year. But General Alvarez is said to favor delaying the turnover and has been cracking down on dissent in recent months.
The Unification Church began moving into South America in the 1970's, attracted to countries with military rulers who were opposed to Communism. It started trying to win converts in Uruguay in 1978 but stopped, reportedly because it did not want to stir the same bristling Roman Catholic opposition that it encountered in other Latin countries. Uruguay Is Their Base
Business, diplomatic and church sources said it had been using Uruguay instead as a base to make money, strengthen anti-Communism and distribute its religious messages to the rest of the continent.
Of Uruguay's 2.9 million people, no more than 20 are Unification Church members today, according to one business executive who is running the church investments here.
''The Moonies are a suspicious presence,'' Julio Sanguinetti, president of one of the country's two largest political parties, the Colorados, said in an interview. ''They are religious fanatics with no religious activities.''
A popular political weekly, Correo de los Viernes, was recently moved to dub this capital ''Moontevideo.'' Another weekly, La Nacion, asked, ''Will Uruguay be picked by Moon to be the first Unificationist Republic in the world?''
Church officials declined in interviews to respond publicly to the criticisms. However, the church's newspaper, Ultimas Noticias, a daily that does not publicize its church connection, has in recent months toned down its once outspoken support for the Government.
Editors’ Picks
The Unification Church says it has three million followers around the world and assets worth several billion dollars. Mr. Moon was convicted of tax evasion in 1982 in the United States; he is appealing the conviction. His church has been widely accused in North America, Europe and Asia of recruiting young people into an authoritarian cult. Mr. Moon, however, has rejected such charges and defended his church as a Christian organization. Riots two years ago largely chased the Unification Church out of Brazil, where it was estimated to have had some 6,000 members in 60 branches. Angry crowds stoned and sacked its churches in seven cities after a series of sensationalized television reports about the organization's activities.
The church has gained several hundred converts in Chile, where Gen. Augusto Pinochet is President, and in Argentina, which was ruled by juntas for nearly eight years until the inauguration of an elected Goverment last December. But it has aquired no particular influence in either country, apparently because of strong Roman Catholic opposition in their armed forces. In Paraguay, the church has had some success, closely associating itself with the Government of Gen. Alfredo Stroesser.
Church officials said Uruguay was especially attractive because of liberal laws that allow easy repatriation of profits abroad. Aiding church activities is the circumstance that General Alvarez's father-in-law, Segundo Flores, is vice president of the Uruguayan branch of the church's political wing, Causa, which this year will hold its third international congress here in as many years. The president of Causa and editor of Ultimas Noticias is Julian Safi, who for many years was the official spokesman for the regime. Country 'in Good Hands'
Church officials said the two men, who are Catholics, report abroad to Mr. Moon's assistant, Pak Bo Hi, a retired South Korean lieutenant colonel. A United States Congressional committee investigating South Korean-American affairs in 1978 accused Mr. Pak of lavish lobbying in Washington and of being used by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Pak, who has paid a number of visits here in recent years, said in a statement after the military appointed General Alvarez President in 1981, ''I know that the people and country of Uruguay are in good hands.''
The Unification investments began that year. The church deposited more than $50 million in the Banco de Credito and then took it over. It bought the newspaper, three printing plants and the Victoria Plaza Hotel, which sits on this capital's central square, facing the presidential palace.
In 1983, plans were announced for the building by the church of a 35-story office tower and convention complex across the street from the hotel. Ground is scheduled to be broken this year for the project, for which the Government granted generous tax concessions.
The Minister of Labor, Nestor Bolentini, a retired colonel close to General Alvarez, said in an interview that the concessions were normal inducements for needed foreign investment. As to church activities, he said, ''This is a free country.''
Opposition politicians have vowed to investigate the church once civilian rule returns, and some say this explains the recent de-emphasis by the church newspaper of its support for the military rulers. ''We're watching them very closely,'' Mr. Sanguinetti, the Colorado leader, said.
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frozendoorgaming · 5 years
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lotterymillions · 6 years
SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers
SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers http://bit.ly/2SDWv2w
SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019. The SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers Tonight live update at 20:00 Italian every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SuperEnalotto Jackpot current is €87,700,000. The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto drawing Thursday January 10 2019 is €88,800,000. Are you ready to get the giant SuperEnalotto Jackpot today?
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Instant Win Prizes SuperEnalotto Drawing Tuesday January 08 2019
SuperEnalotto Prizes Breakdown Tuesday January 08 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 6 punti 0 €0.00 5 punti + Jolly 0 €0.00 5 punti 6 €24,438.79 4 punti 435 €341.46 3 punti 15426 €29.09 2 punti 238714 €5.85
SuperStar Prizes Breakdown Tuesday January 08 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 5 punti + SuperStar 0 €0.00 4 punti + SuperStar 2 €34,146 3 punti + SuperStar 90 €2,909 2 punti + SuperStar 1307 €100.00 1 punti + SuperStar 9295 €10.00 0 punti + SuperStar 25222 €5.00
SuperEnalotto Winners Tuesday 01/08/2019
There was no Jackpot winner in the Tuesday January 08 2019 SuperEnalotto drawing.
There are 301.190 winning tickets and the jackpot just got bigger! Next Drawing Estimated Jackpot Super Enalotto Thursday January 10 2019 (01/10/2019): €88,800,000.
SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019 today
Latest SuperEnalotto Results
The Super Enalotto lottery results are updated continuously on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every time. To view the previous lottery results, click here SuperEnalotto Numbers for details.
Video SuperEnalotto Drawing Winning Numbers Today
Tonight’s great jackpot SuperEnalotto is waiting for you. If you bought a ticket, you’ll definitely want to watch the results live as they happen, whether you’re watching online or on TV. If you want to watch the SuperEnalotto drawing live tonight, it starts at 20:00 Italian (18:00 GMT).
Click here SuperEnalotto Drawing LiveStream Watch the Drawing SuperEnalotto Results today.
What is SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Superenalotto is the national lottery of Italy. One of the oldest lotteries in Europe, the Superenalotto began in the 1950’s known simply as ‘enalotto’. Since the inception of the Superenalotto in 1997 it has been the most popular national Italian lottery. The key reasons for this are that the Superenalotto has amongst the largest jackpots in the world and the lowest odds of winning. It’s a combination that works.
View more SuperEnalotto on Wikipedia here
SuperEnalotto - SuperStar Prizes and Odds of Winning
The following table lists the prizes available and the odds of winning each prize:
SuperEnalotto Odds
The odds of winning the SuperEnalotto jackpot are 1 in 622,614,630, with the overall odds of winning any prize being 1 in 16 (when playing the SuperStar option).
Here are the odds of winning a prize in SuperEnalotto (excluding SuperStar prizes):
Prizes and Odds of Winning SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
Match 6
1 in 622,614,630
Match 5 + Jolly
1 in 103,769,105
Match 5
1 in 1,250,230
Match 4
1 in 11,907
Match 3
1 in 327
Match 2
1 in 22
Overall odds of winning a prize: 1 in 20*
* Excluding SuperStar prizes and Instant Win prizes. Before the introduction of the Match 2 prize tier in February 2016, the overall odds of winning a SuperEnalotto prize were 1 in 318.
Instant Win Odds
Instant Win (Vincite Immediate) is a feature that pays out €25 to every 500th SuperEnalotto entry purchased, making the odds of winning this prize 1 in 500.
SuperStar Odds
Here are the odds of winning SuperStar prizes in SuperEnalotto:
Prizes and Odds of Winning when including the SuperStar SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
6 + SuperStar
1 in 56,035,316,700
5 + Jolly + SuperStar
1 in 9,339,219,450
5 + SuperStar
1 in 112,520,716
4 + SuperStar
1 in 1,071,626
3 + SuperStar
1 in 29,404
2 + SuperStar
1 in 1,936
1 + SuperStar
1 in 303
0 + SuperStar
1 in 138
Overall odds of winning a SuperStar prize: 1 in 90
Read more: SuperEnalotto – How to play SuperEnalotto? How to win Super Enalotto?
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SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019
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SuperEnalotto results January 08
Lotto Results Today
LotteryMillions.net live updates The World Lotto Numbers Today quickly and accurately. Check out the Popular Lotto Winning Numbers Results today to become the owner of the multi-million dollar Jackpot award.
Powerball start Jackpot €40 millions
Mega Millions start Jackpot €40 millions
EuroMillions start Jackpot €17 millions (£15 millions)
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SuperEnalotto jackpots are guaranteed at a minimum of €2 million
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National Lotto UK start Jackpot £3 millions
The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto is €88,800,000 Thursday January 10 2019 – Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Results Winning Numbers Thursday 01/10/2019. Are you ready to get a huge jackpot SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Link SuperEnalotto Results Tuesday January 08 2019 - SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers today: https://lotterymillions.net/superenalotto-results-tuesday-winning-numbers
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2017 Is The Best Start In Video Game History.
This most current video from the producers at Ahoy could come as no shock if you've obtained a fondness for video game gaming consoles. It's a good year for fantasy Function Playing Games, as Shigeru Miyamoto produces Tale of Zelda, SSI wins the computer game license for Dungeons and Dragons, and also Sierra's Recreation Fit Larry gives players a different type of grown-up role playing game. In 1975, Magnavox decreased the part matter of the Odyssey using a three-chip collection developed by Texas Instruments and also launched 2 brand-new systems that only played ball-and-paddle games, the Odyssey 100 and also Odyssey 200 Atari, at the same time, got in the consumer market that exact same year with the single-chip House Pong system designed by Harold Lee. http://www.endsocialsecurity.org/members/songgilmore63/activity/66880/ The Xbox 360, which had similar graphics capacities to the Playstation 3, was lauded for its on the internet pc gaming ecosystem as well as won far more Game Critics Honors compared to the other platforms in 2007; it likewise featured the Microsoft Kinect, a modern movement capture system that supplied a various method to play video games (though the Kinect never caught on with core gamers or game designers). By the center of the 1970s, however, the ball-and-paddle trend in the game had fired up public interest in computer game as well as continuing breakthroughs in incorporated circuits had led to large-scale combination (LSI) silicon chips affordable enough to be incorporated right into a customer product. Soon much of these games-- in the beginning clones of mainframe classics such as Star Trip, and afterwards later ports or clones of preferred gallery games such as Room Intruders, Frogger, 23 Pac-Man (see Pac-Man duplicates) 24 and Donkey Kong 25-- were being distributed via a variety of networks, such as printing the game's resource code in books (such as David Ahl's BASIC Computer system Games ), publications (Creative Computer ), and also newsletters, which allowed customers to enter the code for themselves Early game developers like Crowther, Daglow and also Yob would locate the computer code for their games-- which they had actually never thought to copyright-- released in books and magazines, with their names gotten rid of from the listings. Greatly multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) included substantial titles for the PC market like RuneScape, World of Warcraft, EverQuest, and also Ultima Online Historically, console-based MMORPGs have been few in number as a result of the lack of packed Internet connection choices for the systems. Citation required The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) for the Nintendo 64 is just one of one of the most critically well-known games of all time, and is still the highest possible placed game across all systems on video game collector Metacritic The title likewise showcased several technologies such as Z-targeting, which has lingered via subsequent Zelda titles on newer consoles and also is generally utilized in numerous various other franchises today. Significantly, Square Enix, which had released all prior games in its Final Fantasy collection for Nintendo consoles, currently turned solely to the PlayStation; Last Dream VII (1997) was a massive success, developing the popularity of role-playing video games in the west as well as making the PlayStation the main console for the category, taking the crown from Nintendo who had appreciated it with the SNES and Square's after that Nintendo-exclusive Last Dream, Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger titles. A new age of programmable systems struck the marketplace starting with the Fairchild Network F in 1976 that supplied the possibility of buying as well as playing a bigger selection of games stored on cartridges consisting of mask ROM that might be plugged directly into the CPU of the console. While alternate controllers just weren't new (Nintendo sustained a number of for the NES and PC games have actually long supported driving wheels and also aircraft joysticks), console games developed around them came to be a few of the largest hits of the decade.
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meghansamuel5-blog · 7 years
Seven Tricks Regarding team That No one Will Tell You.
7 Reasons You Need to Love team.
E siamo al gran finale, ovvero ULTIMA GARA dell'anno in corso, la più prestigiosa perché già percorso mondiale e di coppa del mondo! Staff member have to have the ability to depend on that all members of the group will certainly do the appropriate thing, do their task to the very best of their capacity, and that each member of the group will certainly be honest, respectful, as well as specialist with one another. At the start of the project, task team members are generally thrilled concerning the job. Galaxy are just a 3 celebrity group, implying they will be betting the likes of English Organization 1 groups as well as average nationwide groups. Producing a favorable team atmosphere necessitates you as a leader to make on your own offered to the staff member.
10 Innovative Ways You Could Do With team.
The team needs to choose their wanted leadership style as well as decision method. It is useful to examine this maturation to ensure that as a group leader, facilitator or member you can be prepared to function successfully with the group. Martial arts training includes activities that can boost versatility, Cardiovascular health and wellness, as well as hand-body coordination. Progress to a New Finest Degree by offering teamwork a much-needed second look in your service as well as life. If the behavior continues after the talk then gamers ought to sit out on even more fun tasks like skirmishes and also little sided games. Compeling a potentially prize-winning employee to remain on the team may actually obstruct his performance as well as his efficiency testimonial. So, begin assembling your all-star team together today and also being immediately plussing the power of what's definitely feasible and see your objectives pertain to fruition in lightning rapid order! The games, tasks, and also conversations entailed disguise discovering as play as trainees learn the value of synergy. As soon as commercial fabricated lawn had actually proven its nerve as the having fun surface for the Astros, as well as end up being referred to as 'Astroturf' as a result, various other sporting activities team proprietors throughout North American began taking a passion in the material. Highlight of that is in spite of just how excellent you understand the group and also their current rating, there is no way you could forecast the future results so usage agen bola to have some fun and harmlessly give your best fired into discovering who has the most effective chance of winning the next game, taking over Champions Mug or being the victor of Globe Cup in 3 years!
5 Wonderful Lessons You Can Learn From team.
Sam's Team - Even when the team was losing begun to adjust their video game and also to discover. This gives every person the opportunity to have a new experience together, as well as if it can be a task that needs group job then this is even better. It isn't everyday that an NBA celebrity is generated by a mid-information systems major [click the up coming web page] like Weber State, yet undoubtedly that is what has occurred with Damian Lillard. Napoli are an extremely similar team to cream color Shore, in that their protection in nothing special, midfield is relatively average however forwards are remarkable. Buying conducting an appealing and also fun intervention for your group at such offsites is once again not a high-end - however a need, if you consider team cohesiveness as an essential component to market success. Some examples of some physical activities for team structure consist of parachute video games, the human knot video game, relay races, group tag, and lots of others. Each group has the chance to play on among the webcasted fields during their competition (weather permitting). The capacity to foster a team environment is crucial in project monitoring support. A champion team will constantly defeat a group of champions." That declaration's commonly become aware of sports teams. Personal as well as expert development is important to the wellness of everybody on the team. You can expect the most effective efficiency just if the employees understand they are part of the group. Brett Danielson is an employee of, a scenic tour operations company that develops custom-made team structure activities, team structure days and corporate occasions for business throughout the UK as well as Europe. Last but not least Spartak, despite being possibly my least preferred, still incredible for 4 star with welliton (actually quick, great finisher) in advance and also mcgeady on one wing, midfield decent, once again support a minor letdown. Most importantly, the group leader ought to gathering with all employee, and ask each individual for their ideas. As there are a significant variety of elements which affect a person's participation within a team Carron, Widmeyer and also Brawley (1985) established the Group Setting Questionnaire (Commonly referred to as GEQ) which focuses on four measurements of team cohesion. To move on as a Group, it works to believe in regards to Tuckman's Phases of Group Development. Tracking software application logs all the websites seen by the worker and also sends out real time notices to the group leads. Organizing a group to carry out details tasks in your organisation is the most effective method to expand your client base. The very same puts on Canada in Ice Hockey, Australia in Cricket, or any specialist sports group from the USA. And at some point become just as good if you rather choose team members that are far better than you in at least some locations of work you will be able to learn from them!
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holding93 · 7 years
I’m confused.  Among all the choices, versions and variants out there in car land, there are no less than 3 vehicles available for sale today called GTR.  There’s the obvious, the Nissan GT-R.  The new contender, the Mercedes Benz AMG GT R.  There’s the recent, sold out but totally still on our minds McLaren P1 GTR.  The recently renamed Ultima GTR – which is now called the Evolution.  Then there’s the pantheon of great GTRs, the CLK GTR, the McLaren F1 GTR, the BMW M3 GTR and Holden Torana GTR.
The question is – why so many GTRs?
The Meaning of GTR
The GT badge can be traced back as far as 1929 to the Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 GT.  Later, in 1951 and the Lancia Aurelia B20 GT, with its more powerful engine and elegant 2 door Ghia-designed, Pininfarina built body was when ‘Gran Turismo’ would start to earn its definition.  1950s Grand Touring was about motoring with exceptional comfort, effortless speed and supreme style.  This association with wealth, speed and style was like catnip to marketing people and the GT designation has since graced everything all the way down to humble hatchbacks with nothing more to note than a sporty pinstripe.
The Bentley Continental GT and the Aston Martin DB11 are possibly the closest modern examples of a true ‘GT’ car, however you can also buy a Kia c’eed that wears the same letters.
Adding suffixes to extend the meaning of GT further diluted the comfort and style side of the balance.  GTO (Omologata) for homologation special, GTA (Alleggerita) for lightened version, GTV (Veloce) for a fast version, GTI (Injection), GTX (eXtreme) and many more.  The R in GTR stands for Racing.  They all have a theme – high performance.
The Inconsistent GT Suffix
With the exception of obscure sports car maker Ultima, the car companies who have used the GTR name seem to have a very love/hate relationship with it. The designation has always been used very sporadically.
McLaren has it reserved for the racing/track version of the pinnacle of their range, so after using it from 1995 to 1997, it wasn’t dusted off again for 18 years and the P1 GTR in 2015.
Mercedes dabbled with the GTR name on the 1997 CLK GTR GT1 race car.  The GTR only ran for the 1997 season plus two races in the 1998 season before it was replaced by the upgraded CLK LM.  The 25 road cars built in 1998 and 1999 would also carry the CLK GTR name.  The badge would stay in hiatus for 18 years until 2017, when AMG would again use it on the hardcore version of the GT coupe the GT R.
Similarly, BMW was to use the GTR name on the racing versions of the E36 and E46 M3s.  Built to maximise the GT series rules at the time, 10 E46 road cars were offered for sale after Porsche complained that the M3 had not met with series homologation rules.  Only 6 were built, none of which were sold to the public funnily enough.  The name has stayed on ice ever since.
It’s like this all through the history of GTR.  The Ford Mustang GT-R was a one-off concept.  The Holden Torana GTR was only around for the LC and LJ models between 1969 and 1974 and never revived.  Porsche called the racing version of the 924 the GTR and we all know how long that lasted.
Even Nissan, the most consistent user of the badge in recent memory has been very on and off.  After the ‘Kenmeri’ Skyline GT-R was killed off in the midst of the oil crisis in 1973 it would be 16 years before the R32 Skyline GT-R would revive the nameplate in 1989.  The GT-R was killed off again when the last R34s rolled down the line in 2002.  The R35 only came along 5 years later in 2007.
GT-R at Les Combes, Spa Francorchamps
The Original GTR
I’ve done a lot of research to write this article and one of the points of note was, of course – who did it first?  My research took me back as far as 1969 when 3 GTRs appeared for the first time.  The Holden Torana ‘LC’ GTR was presented to dealers for the first time in October 1969.  The legendary GTR XU-1 would follow a few months later.  Predating the Holden by just one month in Japan was the Isuzu Bellett 1600 GT-R.
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The earliest appearance of the R suffix, however was the PGC10 Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R.  It first appeared as a concept at the Tokyo Motorshow in October 1968 before going on sale in February of 1969.  Its predecessor, the Prince Skyline 2000 GT-B was already a legendary racing car in Japan, after taking the fight up to, yet ultimately coming second to the word-conquering Porsche 904.  An ‘R’ racing version was the logical next step and was marketed alongside the R380 race car to legitimise its racing bona fides.
Racing Pedigree
GTRs are built to race and most have become legendary.
The Skyline GT-R PGC10 won 33 victories in one and a half years of racing.  The Coupé KPGC10 would take further wins, making it legendary in its home market.  Later, the Group A R32 GT-R would decimate all before it, earning the nickname ‘Godzilla’.  Notable wins include the Bathurst 1000 twice, Spa 24 Hours and all 29 races it was entered in between 1990 and 1993 in Japan. It’s well documented that the rules were changed in Australia to outlaw it, such was its dominance.  If there was ever a case for the ultimate pedigreed GTR, this would go a long way to earning the rights.
The GT-R, reintroduced with the R32 (launched August 1989), made its debut at the opening race of the All Japan Championship in March 1990. In the four seasons running up to the last All Japan Championship held in1993, the GT-R achieved a spectacular record, winning all 29 rounds. This No. 12 Calsonic (CalsonicKansei at present) Skyline (K. Hoshino/Masahiko Kageyama) was victorious in 1990 and 1993.
Not as long lived but just as legendary, the McLaren F1 GTR.  The F1 was never intended to race, however the program was borne at the behest of McLaren’s customers.  It’s wasn’t a slap-dash job, but Gordon Murray was only afforded one day in the McLaren wind tunnel to develop the aero kit, lest he take too much time away from the Formula 1 team.  They still went out and dominated the BPR class it was built for then in 1995 won that little race, the 24 Hours of LeMans.  It remains the only time a car entered in the road car based GT class would ever top the Prototype classes.
The CLK GTR never won the LeMans 24 Hours, however it did take out the 1997 Drivers and Teams GT championships.  It also contributed to championship wins in 1998.
  The State of Today
I find Mercedes AMG’s choice to name the track version of the GT coupe the GT R very curious.  It clearly fits with the naming convention within the range, GT, GT S, GT C.  Yet it’s inviting comparisons with a Nissan, a brand I would generally consider well beneath Benz.  Yet they’re pitching it into the same class with the same name.
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The Nissan GT-R has always been a special, one-out car that transcends the rest of the dowdy Nissan range.   If anything Benz is giving Nissan a free kick.  The R35 is a 10 year old design.  The similar naming has invited the motoring press to compare the two. The new car is winning but not by anywhere near the margin you’d expect it to.  Especially for a new Benz.  Better choices might have been GT T (Track), GT P (Performance) or if they wanted to tap their own history, GT H (Hammer).  GT H works on so many levels, it also has amusing marketing synergies with Lewis Hamilton (Hammer time) but I digress.
The CLK GTR is a mostly forgotten blip in Mercedes history and they quickly renamed it to the LM when they got serious about chasing the LeMans win.
MERCEDES-AMG GT R, AMG green hell magno, Leder Exklusiv Nappa/Mikrofaser DINAMICA schwarz;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert 11,4 l/100 km, CO2-Emissionen kombiniert 259 g/km* MERCEDES-AMG GT R, AMG green hell magno, Exclusive Nappa leather/DINAMICA microfiber black;Fuel consumption, combined 11.4 l/100 km, CO2 emissions, combined 259 g/km*
The big problem is that the AMG GT R is not really the Racing version, that’s the GT3.  It’s a track day special.  It hasn’t earned the R designation in the hellfire of motorsport like the Nissan, the McLaren or even the BMW and Holden have.  It doesn’t matter how good the car is, the marketing berks at Benz have wiped their feet on 48 years of tradition.  They can go and get stuffed.
  Nissan. Mercedes AMG. McLaren. Why so many GTRs? #h93 #cars #street #racing #sportscar I'm confused.  Among all the choices, versions and variants out there in car land, there are no less than 3 vehicles available for sale today called GTR. 
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
final fantasy tactics advance gba
final fantasy tactics advance gba
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Final Fantasy Tactics Advance cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Square Enix Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: September 9, 2003
Fighter Combonation Weapons
After you beat the game you will get two Dpatch missions th rewards will be 1. Ebon blade 2. Adaman blade. These blades are good for one they are under the mythril weapons and anything under them is good, and two one blade is pure darkness and the other is made from adamntine and parts from a legendary Rockbeast.
Uber Damage To Rockbeast
The best way to do physical damage to the rockbeast is to take the Defender class give him Excalibur2 (get after beating the game) give him Maximillian armor (dont know if thats how you spell it) and then attack, I did this, my defenders lvl 49, attack is 607 def 620 and he does 180+ damage to the rockbeast.
Judgemaster Cid
You can get Judgemaster Cid to join your clan first beating the game, then completing all 300 numbered missions. Then go to Bervenia Palace and a cutscene with Cid will start.
How To Send An Enemy To Jail
This is a very useful move and takes certain units to pull this off successfully. First look at the laws for the current day. Have a unit beserk an enemy unit so it’ll attack you and break the law. After two attacks or one( if a unit is KO’ed) the unit will be imprisoned. Ex: Todays laws forbid the use of missle attacks. First have a soldier that knows “provoke”, go up to an archer, hunter, gunner, assassin (only if using a bow), or sniper. Beserk that unit and it will begin firing at a random unit (usually weaker ones). After the first successful attack, the judge will give the beserked unit a yellow card. If the beserked unit had KO’ed your unit, it will immediately recieve a red card and be sent to jail. After the second violation of the law, the judge will imprison the unit. The key to imprisoning enemy units is using different law cards that restrict certain actions, but be aware of your consequence and don’t forget the laws that are currently in effect. Note: Good for use in missions to get an easy victory.
Magic Wood
To make this mission easier go to ezels shop buy the missile card that prevents archers and snipers from attacking then go to the mission and post it up as a law and this will make the mission much easier.
Ritz Jobs
Basicly, Ritz only uses the jobs that a Veria does. Firstly, she’ll be a Fencer. Then, Elimentalist. Then, she’ll make a clan of nothing but Verias. In the end, you’ll have to face her and her Clan.
Get Babus
Clear the Left Behind mission, then enter a town and clear the With Babus mission to get him.
Get A Summoner
To get a Summoner you must get an Elementalist. Then have your Elementalist master 2 moves. Then change your Elementalist to a WHT Mage and have her master 2 moves. After that you should be able to change her job to a Summoner.
To unlock Shara, Ritz’s friend, as a clan member,clear “A Maiden’s Cry” mission. Then enter a town.
Ezel Berbier
To unlock Ezel, the crafty law card maker, choose “Gossip” in the Card Shop. Then, clear the “Reconciliation” mission.
Ritz Malheur
To unlock Ritz as a clan member, clear the”Mortal Snow” mission.
Cid Randal
To unlock Cid, Mewt’s Dad, as a clan member, clear all 300 missions. Cid is the royal judgemaster of Ivalance.
To get Double Sword you must get a sword called Nosada.
Weird Names
Accept the mission “Prof In Trouble.” Then go to Lutia Pass. On the battlefield, there will be 3 Zombies. There names are the same as the 3 guys in the snowball fight in the real world.
Combo Abilities
When using combos the best way is by having attack combos with more than one person. When you you use a combo, have the other people in your clan that have combos surround the enemy you are going to attack first. Then attack the enemy and your other combo people will be blinking. Then choose Do it and then you and the other combo people will attack all at once. The best way to do this is to have the weaker clan members surround the enemy first and using the stronger combo man to start the attack. It is even better to have a gun combo with a Gunner because they do not have to be right next to the enemy to be part of the super combo.
Mission : Bored
Get Ezel in your clan, if you find his level too low as you haven’t been using him. Ask him to leave your clan. Then there will be a ‘bored’ mission, do this if you want to level him up a bit! Note: I’ve only tried this twice, save your game before asking him to leave just in case it doesn’t show up!
Successful Dpatch Missions
When doing a dpatch mission check your guys before you send one. If they are jumping, they will most likly succeed.If they’re just walking they have a good chance. If they are lying down crying like a little baby they will fail. So if you are doing an expensive mission and no one is jumping, don’t even bother and just wait till they level up
More Accurate Hits!
To hit the enemy easier, attack from the back or sides!
Recruiting Units
When you have 5 or less members in your clan, Montblanc will put up Recruitment Missions. These are 5 day dispatch missions that will get you another unit. Each month gets you a different kind of unit.
Characters With Medals
Certain enemies have small blue medals by their name. This makes them invulnerable to Law Effects, though they may get yellow cards, they will never get red cards.
Ultima is the most powerful magic in the game. Once a character learns it, switch that character to a class with a weapon that has a long range like archer or gunner because Ultima’s range is based off of what your weapon range is.
Double Sword Skill
The Double Sword is an S skill that allows you to use 2 swords at a time. This is useful for learning skills becuase wearing 2 of the same weapon will double the amount of AP per battle you gain.
Race Jobs
If you did not yet know, there are many races in FFT Advance (5). Here is a list of what races have what jobs:
Bangaa:-Normal-WarriorWhite Monk-Expert-BishopDragoonGladiatorDefenderTemplarHumans:-Normal-ArcherBlack MageSoldierTheifWhite Mage-Expert-Blue MageFighterHunterIllusionistNinjaPaladinMoogles:-Normal-AnimistBlack MageThief-Expert-GadgeteerGunnerJugglerMog KnightTime MageNu Mou:-Normal-Black MageBeastmasterWhite Mage-Expert-AlchemistIllusionistMorpherSageTime MageViera:-Normal-ArcherFencerWhite Mage-Expert-AssassinElementalistRed MageSniperSummoner
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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lotterymillions · 6 years
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers http://bit.ly/2scFIrD
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019. The SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers Tonight live update at 20:00 Italian every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SuperEnalotto Jackpot current is €. The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto drawing Tuesday January 08 2019 is €87,700,000. Are you ready to get the giant SuperEnalotto Jackpot today?
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019
3 8 28 45 55 58 1 36
Jackpot SuperEnalotto Monday 01/07/2019 today: €. Are you ready to get a giant Super Enalotto Jackpot?
Super Enalotto Results Latest 10 days
Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Tuesday 01/08/2019
Estimated Jackpot
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Instant Win Prizes SuperEnalotto Drawing Monday January 07 2019
SuperEnalotto Prizes Breakdown Monday January 07 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 6 punti 0 €0.00 5 punti + Jolly 0 €0.00 5 punti 5 €20,828.21 4 punti 436 €243.22 3 punti 16253 €19.64 2 punti 230899 €5.00
SuperStar Prizes Breakdown Monday January 07 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 5 punti + SuperStar 0 €0.00 4 punti + SuperStar 1 €24,322 3 punti + SuperStar 50 €1,964 2 punti + SuperStar 941 €100.00 1 punti + SuperStar 5456 €10.00 0 punti + SuperStar 11501 €5.00
SuperEnalotto Winners Monday 01/07/2019
There was no Jackpot winner in the Monday January 07 2019 SuperEnalotto drawing.
There are 273.017 winning tickets and the jackpot just got bigger! Next Drawing Estimated Jackpot Super Enalotto Tuesday January 08 2019 (01/08/2019): €87,700,000.
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019 today
Latest SuperEnalotto Results
The Super Enalotto lottery results are updated continuously on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every time. To view the previous lottery results, click here SuperEnalotto Numbers for details.
Video SuperEnalotto Drawing Winning Numbers Today
Tonight’s great jackpot SuperEnalotto is waiting for you. If you bought a ticket, you’ll definitely want to watch the results live as they happen, whether you’re watching online or on TV. If you want to watch the SuperEnalotto drawing live tonight, it starts at 20:00 Italian (18:00 GMT).
Click here SuperEnalotto Drawing LiveStream Watch the Drawing SuperEnalotto Results today.
What is SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Superenalotto is the national lottery of Italy. One of the oldest lotteries in Europe, the Superenalotto began in the 1950’s known simply as ‘enalotto’. Since the inception of the Superenalotto in 1997 it has been the most popular national Italian lottery. The key reasons for this are that the Superenalotto has amongst the largest jackpots in the world and the lowest odds of winning. It’s a combination that works.
View more SuperEnalotto on Wikipedia here
SuperEnalotto - SuperStar Prizes and Odds of Winning
The following table lists the prizes available and the odds of winning each prize:
SuperEnalotto Odds
The odds of winning the SuperEnalotto jackpot are 1 in 622,614,630, with the overall odds of winning any prize being 1 in 16 (when playing the SuperStar option).
Here are the odds of winning a prize in SuperEnalotto (excluding SuperStar prizes):
Prizes and Odds of Winning SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
Match 6
1 in 622,614,630
Match 5 + Jolly
1 in 103,769,105
Match 5
1 in 1,250,230
Match 4
1 in 11,907
Match 3
1 in 327
Match 2
1 in 22
Overall odds of winning a prize: 1 in 20*
* Excluding SuperStar prizes and Instant Win prizes. Before the introduction of the Match 2 prize tier in February 2016, the overall odds of winning a SuperEnalotto prize were 1 in 318.
Instant Win Odds
Instant Win (Vincite Immediate) is a feature that pays out €25 to every 500th SuperEnalotto entry purchased, making the odds of winning this prize 1 in 500.
SuperStar Odds
Here are the odds of winning SuperStar prizes in SuperEnalotto:
Prizes and Odds of Winning when including the SuperStar SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
6 + SuperStar
1 in 56,035,316,700
5 + Jolly + SuperStar
1 in 9,339,219,450
5 + SuperStar
1 in 112,520,716
4 + SuperStar
1 in 1,071,626
3 + SuperStar
1 in 29,404
2 + SuperStar
1 in 1,936
1 + SuperStar
1 in 303
0 + SuperStar
1 in 138
Overall odds of winning a SuperStar prize: 1 in 90
Read more: SuperEnalotto – How to play SuperEnalotto? How to win Super Enalotto?
SuperEnalotto winning numbers search
We provide you with a list of popular search terms SuperEnalotto lottery results today. We will help you keep track of drawing, look up the results, get the latest news, and win the SuperEnalotto jackpot today.
SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019
loto italia 6 90 superenalotto
superenalotto italia
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loto italia 6 90 rezultate
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superenalotto results today
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SuperEnalotto results January 07
Lotto Results Today
LotteryMillions.net live updates The World Lotto Numbers Today quickly and accurately. Check out the Popular Lotto Winning Numbers Results today to become the owner of the multi-million dollar Jackpot award.
Powerball start Jackpot €40 millions
Mega Millions start Jackpot €40 millions
EuroMillions start Jackpot €17 millions (£15 millions)
EuroJackpot start Jackpot €10 millions
SuperEnalotto jackpots are guaranteed at a minimum of €2 million
Irish National Lotto start Jackpot €2 millions
National Lotto UK start Jackpot £3 millions
The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto is €87,700,000 Tuesday January 08 2019 – Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Results Winning Numbers Tuesday 01/08/2019. Are you ready to get a huge jackpot SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Link SuperEnalotto Results Monday January 07 2019 - SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers today: https://lotterymillions.net/superenalotto-results-monday-winning-numbers
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lotterymillions · 6 years
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers http://bit.ly/2F5dire
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019. The SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers Tonight live update at 20:00 Italian every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SuperEnalotto Jackpot current is €. The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto drawing Saturday January 05 2019 is €86,300,000. Are you ready to get the giant SuperEnalotto Jackpot today?
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019
1 35 52 56 64 70 79 69
Jackpot SuperEnalotto Thursday 01/03/2019 today: €. Are you ready to get a giant Super Enalotto Jackpot?
Super Enalotto Results Latest 10 days
Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Saturday 01/05/2019
Estimated Jackpot
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Instant Win Prizes SuperEnalotto Drawing Thursday January 03 2019
SuperEnalotto Prizes Breakdown Thursday January 03 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 6 punti 0 €0.00 5 punti + Jolly 0 €0.00 5 punti 4 €54,857.47 4 punti 548 €403.89 3 punti 21907 €30.61 2 punti 366508 €5.70
SuperStar Prizes Breakdown Thursday January 03 2019
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 5 punti + SuperStar 0 €0.00 4 punti + SuperStar 5 €40,389 3 punti + SuperStar 138 €3,061 2 punti + SuperStar 2078 €100.00 1 punti + SuperStar 13667 €10.00 0 punti + SuperStar 31475 €5.00
SuperEnalotto Winners Thursday 01/03/2019
There was no Jackpot winner in the Thursday January 03 2019 SuperEnalotto drawing.
There are 436.330 winning tickets and the jackpot just got bigger! Next Drawing Estimated Jackpot Super Enalotto Saturday January 05 2019 (01/05/2019): €86,300,000.
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019 today
Latest SuperEnalotto Results
The Super Enalotto lottery results are updated continuously on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every time. To view the previous lottery results, click here SuperEnalotto Numbers for details.
Video SuperEnalotto Drawing Winning Numbers Today
Tonight’s great jackpot SuperEnalotto is waiting for you. If you bought a ticket, you’ll definitely want to watch the results live as they happen, whether you’re watching online or on TV. If you want to watch the SuperEnalotto drawing live tonight, it starts at 20:00 Italian (18:00 GMT).
Click here SuperEnalotto Drawing LiveStream Watch the Drawing SuperEnalotto Results today.
What is SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Superenalotto is the national lottery of Italy. One of the oldest lotteries in Europe, the Superenalotto began in the 1950’s known simply as ‘enalotto’. Since the inception of the Superenalotto in 1997 it has been the most popular national Italian lottery. The key reasons for this are that the Superenalotto has amongst the largest jackpots in the world and the lowest odds of winning. It’s a combination that works.
View more SuperEnalotto on Wikipedia here
SuperEnalotto - SuperStar Prizes and Odds of Winning
The following table lists the prizes available and the odds of winning each prize:
SuperEnalotto Odds
The odds of winning the SuperEnalotto jackpot are 1 in 622,614,630, with the overall odds of winning any prize being 1 in 16 (when playing the SuperStar option).
Here are the odds of winning a prize in SuperEnalotto (excluding SuperStar prizes):
Prizes and Odds of Winning SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
Match 6
1 in 622,614,630
Match 5 + Jolly
1 in 103,769,105
Match 5
1 in 1,250,230
Match 4
1 in 11,907
Match 3
1 in 327
Match 2
1 in 22
Overall odds of winning a prize: 1 in 20*
* Excluding SuperStar prizes and Instant Win prizes. Before the introduction of the Match 2 prize tier in February 2016, the overall odds of winning a SuperEnalotto prize were 1 in 318.
Instant Win Odds
Instant Win (Vincite Immediate) is a feature that pays out €25 to every 500th SuperEnalotto entry purchased, making the odds of winning this prize 1 in 500.
SuperStar Odds
Here are the odds of winning SuperStar prizes in SuperEnalotto:
Prizes and Odds of Winning when including the SuperStar SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
6 + SuperStar
1 in 56,035,316,700
5 + Jolly + SuperStar
1 in 9,339,219,450
5 + SuperStar
1 in 112,520,716
4 + SuperStar
1 in 1,071,626
3 + SuperStar
1 in 29,404
2 + SuperStar
1 in 1,936
1 + SuperStar
1 in 303
0 + SuperStar
1 in 138
Overall odds of winning a SuperStar prize: 1 in 90
Read more: SuperEnalotto – How to play SuperEnalotto? How to win Super Enalotto?
SuperEnalotto winning numbers search
We provide you with a list of popular search terms SuperEnalotto lottery results today. We will help you keep track of drawing, look up the results, get the latest news, and win the SuperEnalotto jackpot today.
SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019
loto italia 6 90 superenalotto
superenalotto italia
superenalotto past results
loto italia 6 90 rezultate
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superenalotto lucky numbers
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superenalotto results today
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SuperEnalotto results January 03
Lotto Results Today
LotteryMillions.net live updates The World Lotto Numbers Today quickly and accurately. Check out the Popular Lotto Winning Numbers Results today to become the owner of the multi-million dollar Jackpot award.
Powerball start Jackpot €40 millions
Mega Millions start Jackpot €40 millions
EuroMillions start Jackpot €17 millions (£15 millions)
EuroJackpot start Jackpot €10 millions
SuperEnalotto jackpots are guaranteed at a minimum of €2 million
Irish National Lotto start Jackpot €2 millions
National Lotto UK start Jackpot £3 millions
The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto is €86,300,000 Saturday January 05 2019 – Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Results Winning Numbers Saturday 01/05/2019. Are you ready to get a huge jackpot SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Link SuperEnalotto Results Thursday January 03 2019 - SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers today: https://lotterymillions.net/superenalotto-results-thursday-winning-numbers
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lotterymillions · 6 years
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018 – SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers http://bit.ly/2s6OZBz
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018. The SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers Tonight live update at 20:00 Italian every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SuperEnalotto Jackpot current is €83,800,000. The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto drawing Wednesday January 02 2019 is €84,600,000. Are you ready to get the giant SuperEnalotto Jackpot today?
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018
24 37 46 49 62 71 53 31
Jackpot SuperEnalotto Saturday 12/29/2018 today: €83,800,000. Are you ready to get a giant Super Enalotto Jackpot?
Super Enalotto Results Latest 10 days
Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Wednesday 01/02/2019
Estimated Jackpot
Buy Tickets Online
Instant Win Prizes SuperEnalotto Drawing Saturday December 29 2018
SuperEnalotto Prizes Breakdown Saturday December 29 2018
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 6 punti 0 €0.00 5 punti + Jolly 0 €0.00 5 punti 4 €55,524.12 4 punti 479 €471.55 3 punti 19640 €34.65 2 punti 332621 €6.35
SuperStar Prizes Breakdown Saturday December 29 2018
MATCH TOTAL WINNERS PRIZE 5 punti + SuperStar 0 €0.00 4 punti + SuperStar 0 €0.00 3 punti + SuperStar 87 €3,465 2 punti + SuperStar 1629 €100.00 1 punti + SuperStar 10853 €10.00 0 punti + SuperStar 27791 €5.00
SuperEnalotto Winners Saturday 12/29/2018
There was no Jackpot winner in the Saturday December 29 2018 SuperEnalotto drawing.
There are 409.081 winning tickets and the jackpot just got bigger! Next Drawing Estimated Jackpot Super Enalotto Wednesday January 02 2019 (01/02/2019): €84,600,000.
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018 today
Latest SuperEnalotto Results
The Super Enalotto lottery results are updated continuously on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every time. To view the previous lottery results, click here SuperEnalotto Numbers for details.
Video SuperEnalotto Drawing Winning Numbers Today
Tonight’s great jackpot SuperEnalotto is waiting for you. If you bought a ticket, you’ll definitely want to watch the results live as they happen, whether you’re watching online or on TV. If you want to watch the SuperEnalotto drawing live tonight, it starts at 20:00 Italian (18:00 GMT).
Click here SuperEnalotto Drawing LiveStream Watch the Drawing SuperEnalotto Results today.
What is SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Superenalotto is the national lottery of Italy. One of the oldest lotteries in Europe, the Superenalotto began in the 1950’s known simply as ‘enalotto’. Since the inception of the Superenalotto in 1997 it has been the most popular national Italian lottery. The key reasons for this are that the Superenalotto has amongst the largest jackpots in the world and the lowest odds of winning. It’s a combination that works.
View more SuperEnalotto on Wikipedia here
SuperEnalotto - SuperStar Prizes and Odds of Winning
The following table lists the prizes available and the odds of winning each prize:
SuperEnalotto Odds
The odds of winning the SuperEnalotto jackpot are 1 in 622,614,630, with the overall odds of winning any prize being 1 in 16 (when playing the SuperStar option).
Here are the odds of winning a prize in SuperEnalotto (excluding SuperStar prizes):
Prizes and Odds of Winning SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
Match 6
1 in 622,614,630
Match 5 + Jolly
1 in 103,769,105
Match 5
1 in 1,250,230
Match 4
1 in 11,907
Match 3
1 in 327
Match 2
1 in 22
Overall odds of winning a prize: 1 in 20*
* Excluding SuperStar prizes and Instant Win prizes. Before the introduction of the Match 2 prize tier in February 2016, the overall odds of winning a SuperEnalotto prize were 1 in 318.
Instant Win Odds
Instant Win (Vincite Immediate) is a feature that pays out €25 to every 500th SuperEnalotto entry purchased, making the odds of winning this prize 1 in 500.
SuperStar Odds
Here are the odds of winning SuperStar prizes in SuperEnalotto:
Prizes and Odds of Winning when including the SuperStar SuperEnalotto
Numbers Matched Odds of Winning
6 + SuperStar
1 in 56,035,316,700
5 + Jolly + SuperStar
1 in 9,339,219,450
5 + SuperStar
1 in 112,520,716
4 + SuperStar
1 in 1,071,626
3 + SuperStar
1 in 29,404
2 + SuperStar
1 in 1,936
1 + SuperStar
1 in 303
0 + SuperStar
1 in 138
Overall odds of winning a SuperStar prize: 1 in 90
Read more: SuperEnalotto – How to play SuperEnalotto? How to win Super Enalotto?
SuperEnalotto winning numbers search
We provide you with a list of popular search terms SuperEnalotto lottery results today. We will help you keep track of drawing, look up the results, get the latest news, and win the SuperEnalotto jackpot today.
SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018
loto italia 6 90 superenalotto
superenalotto italia
superenalotto past results
loto italia 6 90 rezultate
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superenalotto lucky numbers
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superenalotto results today
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SuperEnalotto results December 29
Lotto Results Today
LotteryMillions.net live updates The World Lotto Numbers Today quickly and accurately. Check out the Popular Lotto Winning Numbers Results today to become the owner of the multi-million dollar Jackpot award.
Powerball start Jackpot €40 millions
Mega Millions start Jackpot €40 millions
EuroMillions start Jackpot €17 millions (£15 millions)
EuroJackpot start Jackpot €10 millions
SuperEnalotto jackpots are guaranteed at a minimum of €2 million
Irish National Lotto start Jackpot €2 millions
National Lotto UK start Jackpot £3 millions
The next big Jackpot SuperEnalotto is €84,600,000 Wednesday January 02 2019 – Next SuperEnalotto Drawing Results Winning Numbers Wednesday 01/02/2019. Are you ready to get a huge jackpot SuperEnalotto Lotto?
Link SuperEnalotto Results Saturday December 29 2018 - SuperEnalotto Winning Numbers today: https://lotterymillions.net/superenalotto-results-saturday-winning-numbers
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