#Buy California Labor Law Posters
armory-rasa · 8 years
Hello Gabriel! First of all, I want to say I really love your work! It's really inspiring and detailed! I wanted to ask how you set up your own business, because it seems really hard to start working and then actually get costumers. Did you make a portfolio, or was it word of mouth? I don't know if you've written about this before, so sorry if I'm just asking again. :)
Short answer: lol, I started my own business because I’m really bad at convincing people to hire me.
Long answer: STRAP IN! (This is probably more backstory than you wanted, but I promise I’ll have some advice about the how-to at the end)
So I mentioned that the first leatherworking I did was for the Hawke cosplay, and that came out reasonably well. Then a friend of mine was like, “Hey, you should use your skillz make me some leather handcuffs” and I was like, Hokay. So when people ask “How’d you get started selling kink gear?” my smartass answer is “Because D-rings come in packs of ten not packs of two.” I made a pair for my friend…. and then made four more pairs, because else what was I going to do with D-rings? And then I made an Etsy store and put them up for sale, because what use had I for four pairs of handcuffs?
…and people bought them. o_O I was like, Can you guys not see that I have sold ZERO things before? Why do you trust me to actually deliver the goods? What makes you think I have ANY idea what I’m doing??
So that was a thing that was going on in the background – I added a basic collar to my inventory and started making them in colors that you don’t normally see kink gear in, which a lot of people quite liked, and it was a nice bit of side cash, enough that the hobby was paying for itself.
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Then my lawyer (who was not at that time a lawyer) moved out to California for law school and she was like “You should come to California with me, because it’s better than Texas” and I was like, Hokay. And everyone was telling me, Ohhhh, but the job market in California is so bad!, and I was like, Nah, I’ll be fine, yo.
…Aha... ahaha, about that. I wound up in a totally above-board but very sketchy-sounding arrangement with one of her professors in which my official job title was “houseboy.” We met at a gay bar called Headhunters where he was like–
The professor: “So what do you do?” Me: “I’m looking for a job.”The professor: “I’m looking for someone to clean my hot tub! I’ll start you at $12/hr.”Me: “Hokay.”
So between running his odd jobs and the money I was making selling kink gear (about $2000 over the course of that first year), I was keeping myself afloat.
Then The Hobbit happened.
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I saw the posters, thought Kili was hot, decided to take a stab at his bracers. I finished the first one just before we left to go see the movie, tossed it up in the shop – and it sold before we even got out of the movie.
That was when the floodgates opened and practically overnight, leatherworking went from being a sideline gig to being my fulltime job. (To wit: I made $250 in December 2012 and *$3,500* in January 2013. That’s more money in one month than I’d made doing leatherworking the entire previous year.) People were buying Kili bracers by the dozen, and flooding me with inquiries asking, Can you do Fili’s bracers? Can you do Thorin’s bracers? Can you do Thorin’s belt? Can you do Kili’s quiver? Can you do Legolas’s bracers?
And I was like, Hokay. (The professor was bemused, and only slightly grumpy at how I suddenly had less time for him.)
Granted, that kind of boom doesn’t last, as I would learn subsequently. There’s a rush of interest when something is new, but nothing sustains that level of demand forever. I got really lucky because I happened to jump onto the Hobbit bandwagon right as it was kicking off, so my bracers were out there first, the first thing people saw when they went googling for Hobbit cosplay. Relatively few other costumers ever even bothered to make the pieces that would be competing with mine, since I’d already done them, and done them very well, (and was doing it really cheap since I didn’t know the value of my labor then), so for a while I was about the only game in town when it came to dwarf leatherworking.
Dwarf costumes kept me fed for about six months before interest started to wane, by which point I’d diversified into MCU Loki armor too. That’s been the story of my business since – keeping an eye out for new fandoms with cool costumes that are in my skillset, and being on the ball about getting them done and posted as early as possible. I cannot overstate the advantage of being the *first* one to do a costume, because there are few fandoms that have truly long-term staying power, so you have to be there when the hype is highest. (Dragon Age, Zelda, Star Wars, etc, have a core of dedicated fans who will cosplay it until their dying day, but those are low-volume markets. My Dragon Age items are not my highest sellers, they are my labors of love.)
I often start with making a small, inexpensive item from a fandom, just enough to put me on the radar when people start googling for their cosplay – like a hook to reel them in. Customers will frequently ask if you can do other pieces from the same costume or the same universe (I started with the Wonder Woman tiara, and built the rest of the set as people asked for it; likewise, the Aquaman armor grew out of a single bracer; people who have seen my Loki stuff have commissioned Enchantress and Scarlet Witch), but they won’t usually ask a Lord of the Rings leatherworker if you can do stuff from, say, Game of Thrones. (Even though I totally could if anyone ever asked for it.)
I will say that specializing in cosplay puts you at the mercy of whatever’s trending, and the lulls between fandom booms can be deadly – when your income suddenly drops from a couple thousand dollars a month to a couple hundred, you best hope you’ve got enough of a cushion to ride that out until the next boom comes along. The more fandoms you’re in, the more diverse your portfolio, the less hard those bust cycles will hit you.
My shop pretty much is my portfolio, because I don’t take anything down (except when I stopped selling kink gear) even after interest is long gone, since it still showcases the styles and techniques I can do. I have a deviantArt with my stuff, mainly because I’ve found that dA – for whatever reason – indexes in google image search faster and higher than any other social media platform. It wasn’t until about this time last year that I finally got a facebook and started making a more concerted effort to maintain a social media presence and promote my business. It’s… coming along. I’m slightly better at remembering to post these days. >_>
I think it’s less about word of mouth than about whether people can find you when they’re googling. (~Search engine optimization~ or whatever.) There are tricks you can do to get yourself ranked higher, but I’ve never tried any of that stuff, just made sure that my listings, etc, are tagged with the right keywords to get picked up when potential customers go googling.
It is hard work (I work… a lot….) but it’s also a lot of fun – there is no job I would rather be doing, and I consider myself very lucky that I’ve been able to turn my passion into my career. (Which is like the most cliched thing to say, but it’s true – there are Etsy sellers who would KILL to be able to quit their day job and focus on their hobby full-time, so I’m aware that I’ve been quite fortunate.)
Anyway. I hope you enjoyed the novel I wrote for you. :D
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus News in USA: Live Updates
As new hot spots emerge, the pandemic may be entering another phase.
The simplest way to track the progress of any outbreak is by seeing how many new cases and deaths are reported in a given area each day. And in the United States, falling numbers in some of the hardest-hit places have offered glimmers of hope. Totals for the country have been on a downward curve, and in former hot spots like New York and New Jersey, the counts appear to have peaked.
But infections and deaths are rising in more than a dozen states, as they are in countries around the world, an ominous sign that the pandemic may be entering a new phase.
Wisconsin saw its highest single-day increase in confirmed cases and deaths this week, two weeks after the state’s highest court overturned a stay-at-home order. Cases are also on the rise in Alabama, Arkansas, California and North Carolina, which on Thursday reported some of the state’s highest numbers of hospitalizations and reported deaths since the crisis began.
In metropolitan areas like Fayetteville, Ark.; Yuma, Ariz.; and Roanoke and Charlottesville, Va., data show new highs may be only days or weeks away.
Outbreaks have accelerated especially sharply in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, leading the World Health Organization to say on Tuesday that it considered the Americas to be the new center of the pandemic.
And although much of the Middle East seemed to avert early catastrophe even as the virus ravaged Iran, case counts have been swelling in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
Reported cases are not perfect measures to chart the spread of the virus because they depend on how much testing is done. Death counts are less dependent on testing, though official numbers are typically undercounts. Both counts, though, can indicate how the outbreak is evolving, especially in places where lockdown rules are easing or where governments have been ineffective at slowing the spread, and offer early clues about new hot spots.
That is why Wisconsin is being closely monitored. Two weeks ago, the conservative majority on the State Supreme Court overturned that state’s stay-at-home order, effectively removing the most serious restrictions on residents.
It can take several weeks after changes in behavior — like the increased movement and interactions associated with the end of a stay-at-home order — for the effect on transmissions to be reflected in the data. In Wisconsin, there were indications that the virus was still spreading before the order was lifted. But in the weeks since restrictions were overturned, the case numbers have continued to grow.
“It worries us,” said Dr. Nasia Safdar, the medical director for infection prevention at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. “We wonder if this is a trend in an unfavorable direction.”
Upon arriving at work, employees should get a temperature and symptom check.
Inside the office, desks should be six feet apart. If that is not possible, employers should consider erecting plastic shields around them.
If followed, the guidelines would lead to a far-reaching remaking of the corporate work experience. They even upend years of advice on commuting, urging people to drive to work by themselves, instead of taking mass transportation or car-pooling, to avoid potential exposure to the virus.
The recommendations run from technical advice on ventilation systems (more open windows are most desirable) to a suggested abolition of communal perks like latte makers and snack bins. And some border on the impractical, if not near impossible: “Limit use and occupancy of elevators to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.”
For millions of Americans left out of work by the pandemic, government assistance has been a lifeline preventing a plunge into poverty, hunger and financial ruin.
This summer, that lifeline could snap, reports Ben Casselman.
The $1,200 checks sent to most households are long gone, at least for those who needed them most, with little imminent prospect for a second round. The lending program that helped millions of small businesses keep workers on the payroll will wind down if Congress does not extend it. Eviction moratoriums that kept people in their homes are expiring in many cities.
And the $600 per week in extra unemployment benefits that have allowed tens of millions of laid-off workers to pay rent and buy groceries will expire at the end of July.
The latest sign of the economic strain and the government’s role in easing it came Thursday, when the Labor Department reported that millions more Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week. More than 40 million people have filed for benefits since the crisis began, and some 30 million are receiving them.
The multitrillion-dollar patchwork of federal and state programs hasn’t kept bills from piling up or prevented long lines at food banks, but it has mitigated the damage. Now the expiration of those programs represents a cliff they are hurtling toward, for individuals and for the economy.
“The CARES Act was massive, but it was a very short-term offset to what is likely to be a long-term problem,” said Aneta Markowska, the chief financial economist for the investment bank Jefferies, referring to the legislative centerpiece of the federal rescue. “This economy is clearly going to need more support.”
Even the possibility that the programs will be allowed to expire could have economic consequences, Ms. Markowska said, as consumers and businesses brace for the loss of federal assistance.
President Trump and other Republicans have played down the need for more spending, saying the solution is for states to reopen businesses and allow companies to bring people back to work. So despite pleas from economists across the political spectrum — including Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chairman — any federal action is likely to be limited.
The House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to give businesses more time to use money borrowed under the Paycheck Protection Program, which offers forgivable loans to small businesses that retain or rehire their workers. The bill’s fate in the Senate is uncertain, but a deal seems likely to be reached.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where it is difficult to maintain social distancing, including grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations. It also continues to emphasize how critical social distancing is.
But masks have unexpectedly crossed over from public health measures to politically charged symbols, with many shops and restaurants banning customers who do not wear them — and a few others moving to ban customers who do.
In Kentucky, a gas station told customers that no one was allowed inside its convenience store if they had their face covered. In California, a flooring store near Los Angeles has encouraged hugs and handshakes but does not permit face masks or protections. And a bar in Texas taped a poster to its front door this week that said “sorry, no masks allowed.”
In New York, the hardest-hit state, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Thursday that he would issue an executive order authorizing businesses to deny entry to people who were not wearing face coverings.
“That store owner has a right to protect themselves,” Mr. Cuomo said. “That store owner has a right to protect the other patrons in that store.”
Dennis Townsend, a Republican supervisor in California’s rural Tulare County, said that as his conservative district reopened for business, masks had become a continuing point of contention.
“People tell me, ‘OK, I’ll go to the stores, but they better be wearing masks in there.’ And then other people tell me, ‘OK, I’ll go to the stores, but they better not make me wear a mask,’” he said.
Mr. Townsend said he was “not real big on wearing masks” himself but had done so when shopping.
“What I tell people is that with every freedom we have comes additional responsibility,” he said. “We’ve had one freedom suppressed for a little while, but now it’s back, and that’s going to require additional personal responsibility on our parts.”
Washington State says it has reclaimed $300 million in fraudulent unemployment claims.
Washington State, which has been battling a deluge of fraudulent unemployment claims, has managed to claw back some $300 million in payments that went out to fraudsters, officials said Thursday.
Suzi LeVine, the commissioner of Washington State’s Employment Security Department, said the recovery came from coordination among law enforcement agencies and financial institutions. She did not reveal exact numbers on recoveries or the total number of fraudulent claims and said that the state was continuing to work on additional collections while blocking more false claims.
“The criminals have not gone away because we continue to see significant highly suspicious traffic,” Ms. LeVine said.
The Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance said in a statement that it had also seen fraudsters trying to file large numbers of illegitimate claims, while the cybersecurity firm Agari said it had seen evidence of the fraudulent claims targeting states all over the country.
Unemployment claims around the country have exceeded 40 million since the start of the pandemic.
Democrats are mobilizing to turn the $2 trillion effort that Mr. Trump is overseeing into a political liability going into his re-election campaign.
The attention has focused on a small business loan program that has been marred by glitches, changing rules and cases of big publicly traded companies receiving funds while smaller shops are left waiting.
Top Democrats, including the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Mr. Biden have seized on examples of rich executives getting money through the Paycheck Protection Program as indicative of corporate cronyism.
The Democratic National Committee and Democratic state parties in swing states held conference calls last week with reporters and other events highlighting stories of small business owners who did not get approved for loans.
Pacronym, a progressive super PAC that focuses on digital advertising, began running a $1.5 million ad campaign in five swing states — Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — that focused on struggling small businesses.
Some Republicans are embracing the program. Senator Susan Collins, a Maine Republican facing a tough re-election battle, has spent nearly $500,000 on ads that promote her role in “co-authoring” the program, according to data from Advertising Analytics, an ad tracking firm. And Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, spent $175,000 on an ad featuring small business owners and employees describing jobs and businesses that were “rescued” by Mr. McConnell’s efforts on the stimulus package.
The Trump administration has scrambled to rewrite the rules of the program on the fly as public backlash intensified. The Treasury on Thursday carved out $10 billion of money to be used for loans to underserved communities.
Sports fans can attend games at outdoor venues in Texas.
Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas said that starting Friday, sports fans could attend games at outdoor venues in most counties in Texas, so long as occupancy was limited to 25 percent. Fans cannot attend indoor sporting events.
Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia said amusement parks, traveling carnivals and water parks could open June 12. And in California, more than a dozen Indian casinos, asserting sovereignty, defied Gov. Gavin Newsom and reopened last week. The Viejas Casino and Resort in Alpine, Calif., vowed to impose strict limits on the number of people gambling at once. A majority of Indian casinos in the state have chosen to stay closed and are coordinating their reopening with the governor’s office, which has proposed a date in early June.
A French study found 1 in 10 diabetic patients with Covid-19 died within a week of being hospitalized.
One in 10 diabetic patients with Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus, died within a week of being hospitalized, according to a study published on Thursday by French researchers in Diabetologia, the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
Another 20 percent were put on ventilators to assist with breathing by the end of their first week in the hospital. Just 18 percent were discharged within a week.
“I don’t want to scare people, but what is true is we did not expect to see such high mortality, with 10 percent of people admitted dying in the first seven days,” said Dr. Samy Hadjadj, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Nantes in France and one of the authors of the paper.
A majority of patients in the study had Type 2 diabetes. Many people with diabetes also have cardiovascular disease, which raises the risk of death in Covid-19 patients.
But the new study, which included 1,317 patients at 53 French hospitals, found that microvascular injuries — involving tiny blood vessels supplying the eyes, kidneys and peripheral nerves — were also linked to a higher risk of death.
Obstructive sleep apnea also raised the risk of early death in these patients, while obesity and advanced age were linked to a greater likelihood of severe disease, the study found.
“This is serious,” Dr. Hadjadj said. “If you have diabetes and are elderly or have complications, be very careful. Keep away from the virus. Go on with social distancing, wash your hands carefully, keep people away who can bring you the virus.”
Dr. Hadjadj added, “You are not the kind of person who can afford to disregard these rules.”
As more people under 40 test positive in Washington State, researchers fear they will spread the virus.
People under 40 make up an increasing share of those who have tested positive for the virus in Washington State. Researchers in Seattle said that policymakers might need to focus on younger people to limit the spread.
In a new analysis, the researchers said about half of new identified cases were among people under 40, up from one-third of infections earlier in the outbreak.
Younger people may be more likely to work or participate in social activities, especially as restrictions are eased. While they do not face as high a risk of serious complications from infections, they can expose other people they encounter who may be older or who have hazardous underlying conditions, the researchers said.
“Our findings indicate a justifiable concern regarding the phased reopening plan for Washington State in late May in light of the shift in Covid-19 incidence from older to younger age,” the researchers wrote in their report, posted on the preprint server medRvix.
The researchers said government leaders may need to pursue specific advisories for children, teenagers and young adults to warn them of the risks of social interaction.
Pennsylvania House Democrats say Republicans hid a lawmaker’s positive virus test.
Democrats in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Thursday accused Republicans of keeping a lawmaker’s positive virus test a secret to avoid political embarrassment, even at the risk of exposing fellow legislators.
A Republican House member, Andrew Lewis, confirmed on Wednesday that he received a positive test on May 20 and self-isolated. Mr. Lewis said that every lawmaker or staff member he was in contact with who “met the criteria for exposure” was notified.
But Democrats disputed that, saying none of their own members were alerted even though some were near Mr. Lewis in committee meetings.
The House Democratic campaign arm accused Republicans of hiding Mr. Lewis’s positive test “to protect their public talking points against science and facts.” Another Republican representative, Russ Diamond, who said he was notified of possible exposure through contact with Mr. Lewis, had previously spoken at a shutdown protest outside the Capitol and boasted on social media of not wearing a mask while shopping.
In an emotional Facebook video recorded in his office at the Capitol, Representative Brian K. Sims, a Democrat from Philadelphia, said Mr. Diamond had “apparently been quarantining himself for weeks” but “didn’t explain that to any of us when he was in committee, talking with us or walking up and down the aisles or bumping into us or letting us hold the door open for him.”
Mr. Lewis said he had kept his positive diagnosis private “out of respect for my family and those who I may have exposed.”
Representative Ryan Bizzarro, a Democrat, disputed that Mr. Lewis had quarantined himself after his diagnosis. “We have footage of him being here,” he said.
The Trump administration will not issue a midyear update to its economic forecasts this summer, breaking decades of tradition during the uncertainty of a pandemic recession, administration officials confirmed on Thursday.
The decision will spare the administration from having to announce its internal projections for how deeply the recession will damage economic growth and how long the pain of high unemployment will persist.
When the administration last published official projections in February, it forecast economic growth of 3.1 percent from the fourth quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2021, and growth rates at or around 3 percent for the ensuing decade. It forecast an unemployment rate of 3.5 percent for the year.
The virus has rendered those projections obsolete. Unemployment could hit 20 percent in June, the White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett told CNN this week. The Congressional Budget Office said in April that it expects the economy will contract by 5.6 percent this year and end with unemployment above 11 percent.
The White House is required by law to issue both an annual budget and a midyear update to it, called a “mid-session review.” Updating economic projections in the mid-session review is optional, but it is a practice that administrations — including Mr. Trump’s — have widely followed since the review was mandated by Congress in 1970.
The review is required by law to give at least a partial window into how the administration expects the economy to perform this year and in the future.
The decision not to release updated projections was first reported by The Washington Post.
Trump administration officials have in the past resisted updating their forecasts in the face of evidence that the economy was not growing as fast as they had projected. The budget they released in February officially conceded for the first time that growth in 2018 and 2019 had not reached 3 percent, as they had predicted.
Fears about contracting the virus from contaminated surfaces have prompted many to wipe down groceries, leave packages unopened and stress about elevator buttons.
But what is the real risk? The C.D.C. recently tried to clarify its guidance: “It may be possible that a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes, but this isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”
So does this mean we can get the virus from touching a doorknob, catching a Frisbee or sharing a casserole dish? The Times asked the experts.
The best way we can protect ourselves from the virus — whether it is surface transmission or close human contact — is still social distancing, washing our hands, not touching our faces and wearing masks.
Starting Thursday, anyone in Britain who has potential symptoms will be tested and, if positive, asked to list all those with whom they have recently been in close contact for at least 15 minutes. Those people, in turn, will be contacted and asked to isolate themselves for 14 days.
It is the latest national campaign that aims to prevent more infections. The results so far are mixed.
What does it feel like to have Covid-19 and not need hospitalization?
Rest and fluids are essential, but so is knowing when to call a doctor. Give yourself plenty of time to feel better.
Reporting was contributed by Mike Baker, Karen Barrow, Scott Cacciola, Ben Casselman, Emily Cochrane, Patricia Cohen, Michael Cooper, Catie Edmondson, Nicholas Fandos, Thomas Fuller, Trip Gabriel, David Gelles, Erica L. Green, Jenny Gross, Apoorva Mandavilli, Jennifer Medina, Sarah Mervosh, Talya Minsberg, Andy Newman, Nadja Popovich, Roni Caryn Rabin, Alan Rappeport, Dana Rubinstein, Margot Sanger-Katz, Anna Schaverien, Kaly Soto, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Vanessa Swales, Jim Tankersley and Katie Van Syckle.
The post Coronavirus News in USA: Live Updates appeared first on Sansaar Times.
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Essay代写:America’s gun problem
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- America’s gun problem,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的枪支问题。在美国,枪支问题早已不是一个简单的社会问题。美国的枪支危害,对社会安全是一个重大的威胁。另外,枪支问题还涉及到公民的权利,利益集团的经济利益等。由于枪支给美国社会带来了犯罪率增高、社会不稳定因素增多、治安困难、经济和人力资源的损失等一系列社会问题,美国的枪支管制迫在眉睫。
It is not only reasonable but also legal to own a gun in the United States. Gun ownership is considered one of the basic rights of the American people. The United States leads the world in the number of guns owned by private individuals, according to a 2006 human rights record released by the state council information office Wednesday. More than three million guns are sold to individuals each year. Approaching the level at which every American has a gun. America is also the easiest country in the world to buy guns. Anyone with money and a clean profile can easily buy a gun. Pay the police a $35 registration fee to buy the guns they need at gun shops across the country. Private ownership of large Numbers of guns brings a series of problems to society.
The United States has more private gun ownership than any other country in the world. The federal bureau of investigation estimates there are about two. Half a billion guns are in private hands, and another five million are bought each year. Private ownership of large amounts, followed by a series of harm to society, families and individuals:
While most gun owners are wary of their weapons, the widespread availability of cheap guns is an important factor in approving the prevalence of violence in American society. Because every time there is a riot in a minority neighborhood, white and black extremists encourage more people to buy guns. Increased gun ownership by white and black extremists increases violence. Right now, Americans' right to bear arms has become a major cause of violence and death. The United States leads the world in gun deaths, according to the United Nations health organization. In the United States in the 1990s, there were an average of 2 million violent crimes and 24,000 murders per year. Seventy percent of these murders involve guns. In a typical week, more Americans are killed by guns than the whole of Western Europe in a year.
Since the 1960s, serious crimes represented by gun-wielding killings, armed attacks and violent rapes have been on the rise in the American society, increasing social instability and causing great concern to the American public. Violent crime in the United States occurs mainly in large cities, especially in urban neighborhoods. The statistics also show that 90 percent of the perpetrators and victims in big cities are men,
Poor people, blacks and young people, and many killings and fights between relatives and friends, are often the direct causes of family discord, financial problems, mutual suspicion or other personal factors. The results of killings and fights are primarily the difference in the use of weapons, rather than due to prior motivation. If the person involved in a violent crime only USES a knife, it is usually limited to a fight. If a pistol is used, the result is likely to be murder. Therefore, guns in the United States are an important cause of violence.
It is said that 100,000 students in the United States carry guns to school every day, and shootings among students are not uncommon. On every significant day, more than 40 students were killed or wounded across the United States. Many children were maimed and killed as a result of gunshot wounds caused by students bringing guns into campus freely, which resulted in a great loss of American human resources. Due to the physiological reasons of teenagers, when they argue with their classmates, they tend to lose their reason, and the use of guns will lead to great disasters, causing young lives to die from innocent guns, and some are disabled or seriously injured by guns, which brings great burden and pain to many families. And will leave a permanent shadow on the young mind. According to statistics, many psychiatric patients in the United States are related to their childhood experiences. A series of shooting incidents have also shrouded the campus in a climate of terror, students can not calm down to read, parents for fear.
The cost of gunshot wounds in the United States remains high, taking a heavy toll on the economy. According to an analysis by two economists at the university of California, the cost of direct medical care for gunshot wounds nationwide is $1.4 billion, and the indirect economic cost of lost labor is $1.9 billion. The above-mentioned loss of human resources also causes direct and indirect economic losses to families.
The increasing number of shooting incidents in the United States has made it difficult for the public security and the police to do their job. The high number of armed men often makes police on the job extremely nervous. Armed police feel they have no advantage because everyone has a gun. In order to prevent accidents, they often strike first, and in emergencies they usually shoot first, killing many innocent people. This will increase the public's distrust of the police and increase the public's fear. This, in turn, increases the desire to buy guns for self-protection. This vicious circle leads to more violence.
Gun control has long been a hotly debated issue in the United States. On the one hand are those who oppose gun ownership or want to limit it. According to a Gallup poll, 70% of the country supports gun control. The other group, those who are in favor of guns or who like to play with guns, is quite powerful. The more than 3.5 million members of the national rifle association, which opposes strict gun control because of its business interests, have strong economic power and high social status. The deep reasons are as follows:
The second amendment to the constitution states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, because a well-regulated militia is necessary to the safety of all the states." In one word, it guarantees the freedom of the people to own a gun and the ability to defend it. Most people believe that in America the gun is not just a tool, but a right. The gun is the embodiment of American ideas of freedom, democracy and republicanism. Even though guns have lost their colonial historical meaning in modern America, they cannot be banned as a symbol of power. Because the possession of weapons by the people is an effective way to prevent the government from becoming tyrannical and corrupt.
Violent crimes such as rape, robbery, serious fighting and homicide have increased alarmingly in recent years, and the public has become disillusioned with the police, believing that they can protect themselves with guns and enhance their safety factor. On the one hand, fear of the threat of violence leads many people to buy guns for self-protection. On the other hand, the proliferation of guns is an important reason for the high level of violent crime.
This is the paradox of America. Beijing, March 3 Violent crimes are rampant in the United States, judicial infringements are serious and people's lives, freedom and personal safety are not guaranteed, the state council information office of China said in a report released Wednesday. Violent crime is a serious threat to the lives of Americans. According to the report released by the us department of justice on November 29, 2004, residents aged 12 and above in the us experienced nearly 24 million crimes in 2003, with 1,381,259 violent crimes such as murder and robbery, averaging 475 cases per 100,000 people. Among them, there were 16,530 homicides, 1.7 percent more than in 2002. There were almost six homicides for every 100,000 residents, and one crime victim for every 44 Americans over the age of 12. It can be seen that the instability of the American society increases the fear of the people, so they have to seek self-protection.
As mentioned above, more than half of drug users rob with guns, so they use guns as tools of robbery in order to take drugs. The spread of drugs and guns are also causally linked.
America is a country of money constraints, and arms manufacturers need a stable gun market in order to make fat profits. The more people play with guns, the better the arms business. The national rifle association, for example, is an influential organization set up for business interests. The gun club is well-funded, with annual profits of $148 million. For their own profit, they often use their influence to lobby policy makers for legislation that would protect guns, and they often put up posters encouraging private gun ownership. The nra has played a central role in congressional gun legislation. While the pro-gun control camp has grown in strength in recent years, it is far from strong enough to counter opposition led by the national rifle association. So gun control in the United States is a long and tortuous process.
To sum up, the gun issue is no longer a simple social issue, but the harm of guns in the United States has become a serious social issue. The issue of guns also concerns the rights of citizens and the economic interests of interest groups. Due to a series of social problems brought by guns, such as increased crime rate, increased social instability, difficult security, loss of economic and human resources, the gun control in the United States is extremely urgent.
However, due to the historical and realistic factors in the United States, coupled with the obstacles of the national rifle association, it is more difficult to regulate guns, and it is impossible to ban all private guns at once. Therefore, it is necessary to work out some positive and favorable measures for the control of guns. For example, strict restrictions should be imposed on the conditions for the purchase of guns, and identity verification and detailed registration of gun buyers should be carried out. Strict laws were enacted to impose severe penalties for crimes involving the use of firearms; Education on gun safety should be strengthened. In addition, the use of guns should be restricted, such as schools, hospitals, and some places of entertainment should strictly regulate the carrying of guns. With the development of society and the acceleration of urbanization, the public will have more and more awareness of the harm of guns, and the demand for gun control will also be more and more loud. The power of gun control will also be increased, and there will be more and more debates on gun issues. In the end, the anti-gun faction will prevail over the pro-gun faction. This is the historical trend and the inevitable development of society.
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ecompaniesusa · 5 years
Checklist for Forming a Corporation in California
California Incorporation and company registration.
Contact the California Secretary of State to determine if the proposed corporate name is available for registration. The proposed name of your corporation must be “distinguishable upon the records” of the secretary of state. A name is not considered to be distinguishable from another name if the only difference is:
a) reversing of words (e.g., Fast Copy, Copy Fast);
b) use of Arabic numbers or Roman numerals (e.g., Jim’s Sales I, Jim’s Sales II);
c) use of possessives (e.g., Thompson Auto Body, Thompson’s Auto Body);
d) phonetic spelling (e.g., Quick, Kwik).
2) Determine the availability of the proposed corporate name in any other states in which the business will operate.
3) File the articles of incorporation with the California Secretary of State, Business Services Division.
1) The name of the corporation must end with “Company,” “Co.,” “Corporation,” “Corp.,” “Incorporated,” or “Inc.”
2) The articles must indicate the corporation’s principal office—city, village or township, and county.
3) The articles must state the number of authorized shares that can be issued and their express terms. NOTE: The number of shares authorized determines the filing fee.
4) If the corporation plans to have an initial stated capital, it must be included.
5) You may appoint the initial board of directors in the articles.
6) The articles must be signed by all incorporators.
4) Incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, should start a corporate minute book by acknowledging the filing of the articles and including the original of the filed articles.
a) Incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, should authorize the issuance of shares.
b) The investors should sign a subscription agreement, the agreement in which the investor agrees to buy the shares for a given price.
c) The incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, may set the value of noncash assets in payment of the subscriptions.
d) The incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, accept the subscriptions.
e) The incorporators must give notice of the first shareholders’ meeting.
5) Consider electing a “Subchapter S” corporation status for federal and state tax purposes. See Sections 1362 et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code.
a) Use IRS Form 2553. File with the Internal Revenue Service Center, within the 16th day of the third month of the beginning of the tax year.
b) Shareholders and the corporation must file a notice of the subchapter selection with the California Department of Taxation.
6) If the business will operate under a name other than its corporate name, a fictitious name must be filed with the California Secretary of State.
7) Make sure your business complies with the California securities laws. The most common exemption from the California registration requirements for small businesses is a small business equity investment to ten or fewer investors. To comply with this exemption, the subscription agreement must include statements that:
1) the purchaser is aware that no market may exist for resale of the securities;
2) the purchaser is aware of any restrictions on the transfer of the securities, and
3) the purchaser declares that the purchase of equity is for investment purposes and not for redistribution. If there are non-California investors, check with their resident state security regulator.
8) Make sure your business complies with federal securities laws. Registration is required unless an exemption is available. Following are the two most common exemptions for small businesses:
a) Intrastate exemption
b) Private placement exemption
9) Obtain the taxpayer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service. Submit Form SS-4. See the procedure set forth on the IRS website: www.irs.ustreas.gov. Note that any person filing a Form SS-4 other than a corporate officer must be designated as the Third Party Designee on the Form SS-4. To handle any other tax matters for the corporation, a person must also file Form 2848 with the IRS.
a) By filing the Form SS-4, the corporation is automatically pre-enrolled in the Electronic Tax Payment System.
b) By filing the form SS-4, the corporation will receive the IRS Circular E Employee’s Tax Guide – Forms for Payroll.
10) Take the following action at the first shareholders’ meeting or by written consent of all
a) Elect directors.
b) If the directors named in the articles have not done so, the shareholders should adopt
the code of regulations for the internal government of the corporation.
c) Consider adopting a close corporation agreement
d) Set value for any non-cash payments by investors to the corporation.
e) Consider adopting a shareholder’s buy and sell agreement.
f) Set the fiscal year for the corporation.
11) Take the following action at the first meeting of the board of directors or by written consent of all directors.
a) Elect officers.
b) Set up a bank account by adopting a bank-provided resolution.
c) Consider adopting benefit plans.
d) Consider adopting a group term life insurance plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 79).
e) Consider adopting accident and health insurance plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 105[b]).
f) Consider adopting medical reimbursement plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 105[b]).
g) Consider adopting a death benefit plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 101[b]). h) Consider adopting a Section 1244 plan. This allows the stockholders to take an ordinary tax loss rather than a capital loss if the business fails and the stockholders lose their investment (see Internal Revenue Code Section 1244).
i) Adopt a resolution for leasing business space.
j) Adopt a resolution for the purchase of any real estate.
k) Set compensation of key employees
12) Consider requiring key employees to execute employment agreements with covenants not to compete.
13) Issue stock certificates or transaction statements for paid shares.
14) Consider adopting policies about the following issues to protect the company, the directors and the executives:
a) sexual harassment;
b) non-discrimination;
c) trade secret protection;
d) company ethics (e.g., corporate gifts, anti-kickbacks);
e) email, computer and Internet use;
f) compliance with environmental laws;
g) compliance with the anti-trust laws;
h) compliance with the worker safety rules;
i) development of procedures to prevent the hiring of illegal aliens, and
j) political contributions.
15) Obtain the following posters to be placed conspicuously in the workplace:
a) California Civil Rights;
b) Fair Labor Standards Act – Minimum Wage poster;
c) Employee Polygraph Protection Act – poster advising employees of federal rights when confronted by a request from an employer to undergo a lie detector test;
d) rights of employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act poster;
e) posted notice of the company’s anti-discrimination policy and anti-harassment policy (sex, race, national origin, etc.);
f) Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) poster (states the rights of employees under OSHA);
g) Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission poster;
h) California Wage and Hour requirements poster
16) Apply for an income tax withholding agent. File Application for Registration as a withholding Agent, with the California Department of Taxation.
Starting a new company in California. Ecompanies USA offers fast & easy California Incorporation, LLC and Business Name Registration services to domestic entrepreneurs and foreign companies wishing to operate in California.
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vernicle · 7 years
2011 Employment Law Update
New Poster Prerequisites:
There are new 2011 variations of the pursuing necessary federal posters: "Federal Bare minimum Wage," "Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law," and "Safety and Health and fitness Security on the Occupation."
There are also new 2011 variations of the pursuing California necessary posters: "California Bare minimum Wage," "Your Legal rights Beneath USERRA (Veterans Benefits)," and "Observe Staff Polygraph Security Act" posters.
In addition to the above, in 2011, employers making use of Managed Expert Networks (MPNs) to supply treatment for workers' payment statements will have to publish information informing workers about the MPNs staying used.  Any pamphlet distributed by the employer about workers' payment will have to also involve information about the employer's MPNs.
Amendment to California's Truthful Employment AND HOUSING ACT (AB 1814): California Governing administration Code § 12940 has been modified at subdivision (a)(five)(B) to specify that an employer is not liable for age discrimination if the employer alters, minimizes, or eliminates well being benefits or well being care reimbursement ideas to retired people when the retirees develop into qualified for Medicare benefits at age 65.
Certain Union Personnel Exempt from Food Time period Prerequisites (AB 569): California Labor Code § 512 has been amended to exempt from meal time period prerequisites workers in design occupations, commercial drivers, workers in the stability companies industry utilized as stability officers, and workers of electrical and fuel businesses or local publicly owned electrical utilities, but only if (a) the personnel is included by a legitimate collective bargaining settlement and (b) the settlement expressly offers for the wages, hrs of do the job, and doing work ailments of the personnel, such as meal periods, high quality wage costs for all extra time hrs labored, and a standard price of pay back not much less than thirty% extra than the point out bare minimum wage price.
EXPEDITED JURY TRIALS ACT (AB 2284): This act generates procedures for expedited jury trials in civil conditions where the get-togethers stipulate in composing to the new procedures.�
Trials have eight as a substitute of twelve jurors, with no alternates.
A vote of six jurors is necessary for a verdict.
Peremptory issues are confined to 3 (as a substitute of six).
Each and every side will have to current its circumstance in 3 hrs.
Functions waive their rights to an attraction or to go for a directed verdict.
Functions concur that the expedited jury trial is binding, matter to any penned higher/lower settlement (a penned settlement may be entered into by the get-togethers that specifies a bare minimum sum of damages that a plaintiff is certain to receive from the defendant, and a optimum sum of damages that the defendant will be liable for, no matter of the final verdict returned by the jury.)
UNEMPLOYMENT Insurance policies ELIGIBILITY FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS (AB 2364): Prior California regulation authorized workers to keep their eligibility for unemployment if they remaining work to safeguard their children from domestic violence abuse.  The new regulation specifies that workers keep their eligibility for unemployment if they remaining work to safeguard their household from domestic violence abuse.
Compensated Go away ENTITLEMENT FOR ORGAN AND BONE MARROW DONATIONS (SB 1304): California Labor Code §§ 1508-1513 extends a advantage formerly only held by Point out workers to non-public workers as follows:�
Non-public employers with 15 or extra workers will have to supply up to thirty times of paid out depart for every yr for an organ donation to another individual in any a single-yr time period and up to five times of paid out depart for every yr for a bone marrow donation to another individual in any a single-yr time period.
Such depart is not regarded as a split in assistance.
Such depart shall not be taken concurrently with FMLA or CFRA leaves.
Businesses may require an personnel to acquire up to five times of accrued sick or family vacation depart for bone marrow donations and up to two weeks of accrued sick or family vacation depart for organ donations, except if prohibited by a collective bargaining settlement.
Businesses will have to restore the personnel to the exact same or an equal posture on the employee's return to do the job.
Martinez v. Combs (2010) forty nine Cal.4th 35. The California Supreme Court clarified the definition of "employer" under California Labor Code § 1194 to be that established forth in the IWC's wage orders, not the common regulation, as follows:�
Party who routines command over the wages, hrs or doing work ailments or
Party who suffers or permits do the job or
Party who "engages" under the common regulation definition.
Essential exam: regardless of whether a social gathering has the energy to stop an personnel from doing work by staying involved in employing, firing, or placing and/or shelling out wages.
The Court disapproved the "down-stream" advantage principle, which established forth that a social gathering need to be located to be an employer if it knew of a person's work and benefited from it.
Reid v. Google, Inc. (2010) 50 Cal.4th 512.  The Supreme Court rejected the "stray remarks" doctrine's "categorical exclusion of evidence" and decided that the ageist remarks could be regarded as to ascertain if the said causes for termination had been pretextual.  The stray marks on their own may not suffice as evidence that discrimination happened, but may be probative of discriminatory animus when regarded as with other evidence.
Pineda v. Bank of America, N.A. (2010) 50 Cal.4th 1389:
California Labor Code § 203 offers, in pertinent part, that "if an employer willfully fails to pay back, with no abatement or reduction, in accordance with Sections 201, 201.three, 201.five, 202, and 205.five, any wages of an personnel who is discharged or who quits, the wages of the personnel shall continue as a penalty from the thanks date thereof at the exact same price until finally paid out or until finally an action therefor is commenced …" for up to thirty times.
Plaintiff was belatedly paid out his ultimate wages in advance of filing fit and submitted to recuperate only the penalties for the late payment.
Two decrease courts held that plaintiff's actions had been barred by a a single-yr statute of constraints.  The California Supreme Court disagreed.  It held that a various statute of constraints does not utilize when an personnel seeks to recuperate only Labor Code § 203 penalties.  Section 203, subdivision (b), includes a single, 3-yr constraints time period governing all actions for § 203 penalties irrespective of regardless of whether an employee's assert for penalties is accompanied by a assert for ultimate wages.
Pearson Dental Provides, Inc. v. Outstanding Court (2010) forty eight Cal.4th 665.  If an arbitrator would make an error of regulation which prevents an personnel from acquiring a hearing on the merits, the arbitrator has exceeded his/her powers within the indicating of Code of Civil Treatment § 1286.2, subdivision (a)(four), and a court docket may established the arbitration aside.
Lu v. Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc. (2010) 50 Cal.4th 592.�
Despite the fact that Labor Code § 351 offers that tips are the "sole house" of the workers who receive them, it does not develop a non-public result in of action for workers who believe their tips have been misappropriated by their employer.  Only the Division of Industrial Relations may implement Labor Code § 351's provisions.
Despite the fact that area 351 does not develop a non-public proper of action, an personnel may have other cures if gratuities are misappropriated, this sort of as a common regulation action for conversion.
The Court declined to rule on regardless of whether tip pooling preparations are permissible under area 351.
Dazzling v. 99¢ Only Outlets (2010) 189 Cal. App. 4th 1472.
Penalties under the Non-public Lawyers Standard Act ("PAGA") are obtainable for violations of Section fourteen of the California Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Buy seven-2001, which necessitates employers to supply workers with "acceptable seats when the character of the do the job fairly permits the use of seats."
Any penalties awarded under PAGA are break up concerning the aggrieved workers (who get 25%) and the California Labor and Workforce Advancement Company (who gets 75%).  Personnel can also recuperate their attorneys' service fees.
Despite the fact that the appellate court docket agreed with the decrease court docket that the Wage Buy did not supply a penalty relevant to seating violations on its facial area, it dominated that violations of Wage Buy seven also sum to violations of Labor Code § 1198, which would make it unlawful to use employees under ailments of labor prohibited by a wage get, this sort of as failure to supply seating.  Due to the fact area 1198 does not specify a civil penalty, PAGA the two supplies a civil penalty and lets aggrieved workers to sue to recuperate it.
Variety I-9:  The United States Division of Labor has issued a ultimate ruling on digital signatures and storage of Forms I-9.
Businesses may total, signal, scan and retail outlet Forms I-9 electronically.
The Variety I-9 will have to be done by the third enterprise working day just after an personnel has started off do the job.
Businesses may retail outlet sorts both in paper sort, electronically, or by a blend of the two.
Businesses may, but are not necessary to, supply Variety I-9 transaction conformations if asked for by an personnel.
The EEOC issued laws on how the GENETIC Info NONDISCRIMINATION ACT ("GINA") is heading to be administered.�
"Genetic information" is defined as any information about (one) an individual's genetic exams (2) the genetic exams of the individual's household customers and (three) the manifestation of a sickness or dysfunction in a household member.
There is no definition for a "genetic exam."  Direction is presented by way of instance.  The pursuing are NOT regarded as to be genetic exams: total blood counts, new child screening exams, amniocentesis, cholesterol exams, liver-operate exams, or exams for the existence of alcoholic beverages or illegal medication.
It is illegal for employers to receive safeguarded information, except if this sort of receipt is "inadvertent."  An employer's receipt of safeguarded information will not be regarded as "inadvertent" except if the employer has affirmatively directed the personnel not to supply genetic information when responding to an normally lawful request for medical information.  Consequently, all FMLA and CFRA sorts Should be current to immediate an personnel not to supply genetic information.
NEW FEDERAL WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTIONS: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Customer Security Act ("DFA") (H.R. 4173).  The DFA generates new whistleblower protections and expands current protections for workers in the economic companies industry.  The DFA:
Prohibits retaliation towards men and women who supply information to the SEC, initiate or take part in SEC administrative actions, or make disclosures necessary by or safeguarded by laws and procedures under the SEC's jurisdiction.
Includes an incentive program to stimulate reporting of SEC violations.
Produces a civil result in of action in Federal Courts, with a six-yr statute of constraints.
Boundaries use of obligatory pre-dispute arbitration agreements/releases of whistleblower statements.
Lewis v. Town of Chicago (2010) 560 U.S. ____, a hundred thirty S.Ct. 2191 (2010).  The statute of constraints for filing a disparate impression charge of discrimination with the EEOC over an allegedly discriminatory work follow restarts just about every time the employer engages in that follow.
Town of Ontario v. Quon, 560 U.S. ____, a hundred thirty S.Ct. 2619 (2010).  The United States Supreme Court held that the Town of Ontario did not violate an employee's privateness rights by reading through his non-do the job hour textual content messages, since the research was justified, the research strategy was fairly connected to the search's targets, and the techniques had been not excessively intrusive.
The Court declined to ascertain regardless of whether an personnel has a reasonable expectation of privateness in individual textual content messages despatched from an employer-issued pager.
The Court made a decision to believe that Quon had a reasonable expectation of privateness in the textual content messages and then decided that the subsequent research which led to the discovery of the textual content messages was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, since "[t]he judiciary hazards error by elaborating far too absolutely on the Fourth Amendment implications of rising technology in advance of its role in culture has develop into obvious."�
Hertz Corp. v. Pal, 560 U.S. ____, a hundred thirty S. Ct. 1181 (2010): The United States Supreme Court adopted the "nerve heart" exam for corporate citizenship, assisting to make clear when multi-point out companies may get rid of lawsuits to Federal court docket.  The "nerve heart" is "the position where a corporation's higher amount officers immediate, command and coordinate the corporation's actions, … which will ordinarily be located at its corporate headquarters."
Rutti v. Lojack Corp., 596 F.3d 1046 (9th Cir. 2010): On March 2, 2010, the Ninth Circuit issued a revised view which outdated and changed the keeping in its August 21, 2009 choice.  The situation made a decision was regardless of whether commute time is compensable under California regulation, Labor Code § 510.  The court docket concluded that, even though commute time is generally not compensable under Labor Code § 510, it may be compensable where workers are so limited in their actions to be regarded as under the command of the employer.  Things the court docket regarded as had been:
No matter if the personnel may acquire travellers in the automobile all through his or her commute time
No matter if the personnel may halt for individual errands or is necessary to travel only to and from his or her house and the worksite
No matter if the personnel may use his or her cell cellphone all through the commute other than to acquire phone calls from the employer and
No matter if the employer dictates the employee's first assignment of the working day and the get in which the personnel is to total the day's careers.
EEOC v. Prospect Airport Servs., 621 F.3d 991 (9th Cir. 2010): Title VII protects the two genders from staying sexually harassed at do the job.
Mayo Foundation for Clinical Training and Analysis v. United States (Docket No. US 09-837 January eleven, 2011).  Clinical residents are comprehensive-time workers not exempt from payroll taxes.
Dawson v. Entek Worldwide, Docket No. 09-35844 (9th Cir. 2011).  Plaintiff Shane Dawson is a male homosexual who introduced statements of retaliatory discharge, sexual intercourse hostile do the job environment, and sexual orientation hostile do the job environment on staying terminated from work.  The trial court docket utilized the McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Environmentally friendly stress shifting framework to evaluate the statements.  The Court of Appeals held as follows:
The trial court docket was right to utilize the McDonnell Douglas stress-shifting plan when pinpointing if the court docket need to grant summary judgment to the employer.
Having said that, the trial court docket erred when it concluded that Dawson did not supply any evidence of pretext to rebut the employer's  proffered authentic cause for terminating Dawson.  The court docket located there was circumstantial evidence this sort of that if considered by a trier of reality, Dawson could prevail.  Additional, the court docket located that there was no lawful precedent to aid the employer's assertion that a probationary or short-term personnel is matter to a various or decrease standard.
The court docket located that the trial court docket did not err when it dismissed Dawson's assert for IIED, since "[i]n the corporate context, a company's indifference to coworker harassment does not make out an IIED assert towards the enterprise."
Pending Conditions:
Sonic-Calabasas A, Inc. v. Moreno (2009) 174 Cal.App.4th 546, evaluation granted, 99 Cal.Rptr.3d 866 (2009).
(one) Can a obligatory work arbitration settlement be enforced prior to the conclusion of an administrative proceeding carried out by the Labor Commissioner relating to an employee's statutory wage assert?
(2) Was the Labor Commissioner's jurisdiction over the employee's statutory wage assert divested by the Federal Arbitration Act?
Harris v. Town of Santa Monica (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 1094, evaluation granted, 108 Cal.Rptr.3d 555 (2010).
Does the "combined-motive" defense utilize to work discrimination statements under FEHA?
Brinker Cafe Corp. v. Outstanding Court (Hohnbaum) (2008) eighty Cal.Rptr.3d 781, evaluation granted, 85 Cal.Rptr.3d 688 (2008) (consolidated with Brinkley v. General public Storage, Inc.)
Situation addresses regardless of whether to "supply" a meal split suggests the employer will have to guarantee the split is taken or basically has to make the split obtainable and regardless of whether "early lunching" is permissible.
2011 Bare minimum Wages:
Personal computer Professionals   $37.94/hr.      $6,587.50/month     $seventy nine,050/yr (unchanged)
Medical professionals & Surgeons       $sixty nine.13/hr.   $eleven,982.50/month   $143,790/yr (unchanged)
San Francisco                           $9.ninety two/hr. (up from $9.seventy nine in 2010)
Federal                                       $seven.25/hr. (unchanged)
California                                  $8.00/hr. (unchanged)
IRS enterprise mileage reimbursement price:  51 cents for every mile (up from 50 cents for every mile)
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2017 California Labor Law Poster $16.87 & Free Shipping
2017 California Labor Law Poster $16.87 & Free Shipping
2017 California labor law poster that meets all California state posting requirements for employers workplace. Free shipping. 30 day money back guarantee.
Please note that both state & federal posters are required by law. We recommend our customers to buy state & also a federal poster. Failure to post both can result in heavy fines up to $17,000.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
As new hot spots emerge, the pandemic may be entering another phase. The simplest way to track the progress of any outbreak is by seeing how many new cases and deaths are reported in a given area each day. And in the United States, falling numbers in some of the hardest-hit places have offered glimmers of hope. Totals for the country have been on a downward curve, and in former hot spots like New York and New Jersey, the counts appear to have peaked. But infections and deaths are rising in more than a dozen states, as they are in countries around the world, an ominous sign that the pandemic may be entering a new phase. Wisconsin saw its highest single-day increase in confirmed cases and deaths this week, two weeks after the state’s highest court overturned a stay-at-home order. Cases are also on the rise in Alabama, Arkansas, California and North Carolina, which on Thursday reported some of the state’s highest numbers of hospitalizations and reported deaths since the crisis began. In metropolitan areas like Fayetteville, Ark.; Yuma, Ariz.; and Roanoke and Charlottesville, Va., data show new highs may be only days or weeks away. Outbreaks have accelerated especially sharply in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, leading the World Health Organization to say on Tuesday that it considered the Americas to be the new center of the pandemic. And although much of the Middle East seemed to avert early catastrophe even as the virus ravaged Iran, case counts have been swelling in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Reported cases are not perfect measures to chart the spread of the virus because they depend on how much testing is done. Death counts are less dependent on testing, though official numbers are typically undercounts. Both counts, though, can indicate how the outbreak is evolving, especially in places where lockdown rules are easing or where governments have been ineffective at slowing the spread, and offer early clues about new hot spots. That is why Wisconsin is being closely monitored. Two weeks ago, the conservative majority on the State Supreme Court overturned that state’s stay-at-home order, effectively removing the most serious restrictions on residents. It can take several weeks after changes in behavior — like the increased movement and interactions associated with the end of a stay-at-home order — for the effect on transmissions to be reflected in the data. In Wisconsin, there were indications that the virus was still spreading before the order was lifted. But in the weeks since restrictions were overturned, the case numbers have continued to grow. “It worries us,” said Dr. Nasia Safdar, the medical director for infection prevention at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. “We wonder if this is a trend in an unfavorable direction.” Upon arriving at work, employees should get a temperature and symptom check. Inside the office, desks should be six feet apart. If that is not possible, employers should consider erecting plastic shields around them. If followed, the guidelines would lead to a far-reaching remaking of the corporate work experience. They even upend years of advice on commuting, urging people to drive to work by themselves, instead of taking mass transportation or car-pooling, to avoid potential exposure to the virus. The recommendations run from technical advice on ventilation systems (more open windows are most desirable) to a suggested abolition of communal perks like latte makers and snack bins. And some border on the impractical, if not near impossible: “Limit use and occupancy of elevators to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.” For millions of Americans left out of work by the pandemic, government assistance has been a lifeline preventing a plunge into poverty, hunger and financial ruin. This summer, that lifeline could snap, reports Ben Casselman. The $1,200 checks sent to most households are long gone, at least for those who needed them most, with little imminent prospect for a second round. The lending program that helped millions of small businesses keep workers on the payroll will wind down if Congress does not extend it. Eviction moratoriums that kept people in their homes are expiring in many cities. And the $600 per week in extra unemployment benefits that have allowed tens of millions of laid-off workers to pay rent and buy groceries will expire at the end of July. The latest sign of the economic strain and the government’s role in easing it came Thursday, when the Labor Department reported that millions more Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week. More than 40 million people have filed for benefits since the crisis began, and some 30 million are receiving them. The multitrillion-dollar patchwork of federal and state programs hasn’t kept bills from piling up or prevented long lines at food banks, but it has mitigated the damage. Now the expiration of those programs represents a cliff they are hurtling toward, for individuals and for the economy. “The CARES Act was massive, but it was a very short-term offset to what is likely to be a long-term problem,” said Aneta Markowska, the chief financial economist for the investment bank Jefferies, referring to the legislative centerpiece of the federal rescue. “This economy is clearly going to need more support.” Even the possibility that the programs will be allowed to expire could have economic consequences, Ms. Markowska said, as consumers and businesses brace for the loss of federal assistance. President Trump and other Republicans have played down the need for more spending, saying the solution is for states to reopen businesses and allow companies to bring people back to work. So despite pleas from economists across the political spectrum — including Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chairman — any federal action is likely to be limited. The House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to give businesses more time to use money borrowed under the Paycheck Protection Program, which offers forgivable loans to small businesses that retain or rehire their workers. The bill’s fate in the Senate is uncertain, but a deal seems likely to be reached. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where it is difficult to maintain social distancing, including grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations. It also continues to emphasize how critical social distancing is. But masks have unexpectedly crossed over from public health measures to politically charged symbols, with many shops and restaurants banning customers who do not wear them — and a few others moving to ban customers who do. In Kentucky, a gas station told customers that no one was allowed inside its convenience store if they had their face covered. In California, a flooring store near Los Angeles has encouraged hugs and handshakes but does not permit face masks or protections. And a bar in Texas taped a poster to its front door this week that said “sorry, no masks allowed.” In New York, the hardest-hit state, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Thursday that he would issue an executive order authorizing businesses to deny entry to people who were not wearing face coverings. “That store owner has a right to protect themselves,” Mr. Cuomo said. “That store owner has a right to protect the other patrons in that store.” Dennis Townsend, a Republican supervisor in California’s rural Tulare County, said that as his conservative district reopened for business, masks had become a continuing point of contention. “People tell me, ‘OK, I’ll go to the stores, but they better be wearing masks in there.’ And then other people tell me, ‘OK, I’ll go to the stores, but they better not make me wear a mask,’” he said. Mr. Townsend said he was “not real big on wearing masks” himself but had done so when shopping. “What I tell people is that with every freedom we have comes additional responsibility,” he said. “We’ve had one freedom suppressed for a little while, but now it’s back, and that’s going to require additional personal responsibility on our parts.” Washington State says it has reclaimed $300 million in fraudulent unemployment claims. Washington State, which has been battling a deluge of fraudulent unemployment claims, has managed to claw back some $300 million in payments that went out to fraudsters, officials said Thursday. Suzi LeVine, the commissioner of Washington State’s Employment Security Department, said the recovery came from coordination among law enforcement agencies and financial institutions. She did not reveal exact numbers on recoveries or the total number of fraudulent claims and said that the state was continuing to work on additional collections while blocking more false claims. “The criminals have not gone away because we continue to see significant highly suspicious traffic,” Ms. LeVine said. The Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance said in a statement that it had also seen fraudsters trying to file large numbers of illegitimate claims, while the cybersecurity firm Agari said it had seen evidence of the fraudulent claims targeting states all over the country. Unemployment claims around the country have exceeded 40 million since the start of the pandemic. Democrats are mobilizing to turn the $2 trillion effort that Mr. Trump is overseeing into a political liability going into his re-election campaign. The attention has focused on a small business loan program that has been marred by glitches, changing rules and cases of big publicly traded companies receiving funds while smaller shops are left waiting. Top Democrats, including the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Mr. Biden have seized on examples of rich executives getting money through the Paycheck Protection Program as indicative of corporate cronyism. The Democratic National Committee and Democratic state parties in swing states held conference calls last week with reporters and other events highlighting stories of small business owners who did not get approved for loans. Pacronym, a progressive super PAC that focuses on digital advertising, began running a $1.5 million ad campaign in five swing states — Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — that focused on struggling small businesses. Some Republicans are embracing the program. Senator Susan Collins, a Maine Republican facing a tough re-election battle, has spent nearly $500,000 on ads that promote her role in “co-authoring” the program, according to data from Advertising Analytics, an ad tracking firm. And Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, spent $175,000 on an ad featuring small business owners and employees describing jobs and businesses that were “rescued” by Mr. McConnell’s efforts on the stimulus package. The Trump administration has scrambled to rewrite the rules of the program on the fly as public backlash intensified. The Treasury on Thursday carved out $10 billion of money to be used for loans to underserved communities. Sports fans can attend games at outdoor venues in Texas. Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas said that starting Friday, sports fans could attend games at outdoor venues in most counties in Texas, so long as occupancy was limited to 25 percent. Fans cannot attend indoor sporting events. Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia said amusement parks, traveling carnivals and water parks could open June 12. And in California, more than a dozen Indian casinos, asserting sovereignty, defied Gov. Gavin Newsom and reopened last week. The Viejas Casino and Resort in Alpine, Calif., vowed to impose strict limits on the number of people gambling at once. A majority of Indian casinos in the state have chosen to stay closed and are coordinating their reopening with the governor’s office, which has proposed a date in early June. A French study found 1 in 10 diabetic patients with Covid-19 died within a week of being hospitalized. One in 10 diabetic patients with Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus, died within a week of being hospitalized, according to a study published on Thursday by French researchers in Diabetologia, the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Another 20 percent were put on ventilators to assist with breathing by the end of their first week in the hospital. Just 18 percent were discharged within a week. “I don’t want to scare people, but what is true is we did not expect to see such high mortality, with 10 percent of people admitted dying in the first seven days,” said Dr. Samy Hadjadj, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Nantes in France and one of the authors of the paper. A majority of patients in the study had Type 2 diabetes. Many people with diabetes also have cardiovascular disease, which raises the risk of death in Covid-19 patients. But the new study, which included 1,317 patients at 53 French hospitals, found that microvascular injuries — involving tiny blood vessels supplying the eyes, kidneys and peripheral nerves — were also linked to a higher risk of death. Obstructive sleep apnea also raised the risk of early death in these patients, while obesity and advanced age were linked to a greater likelihood of severe disease, the study found. “This is serious,” Dr. Hadjadj said. “If you have diabetes and are elderly or have complications, be very careful. Keep away from the virus. Go on with social distancing, wash your hands carefully, keep people away who can bring you the virus.” Dr. Hadjadj added, “You are not the kind of person who can afford to disregard these rules.” As more people under 40 test positive in Washington State, researchers fear they will spread the virus. People under 40 make up an increasing share of those who have tested positive for the virus in Washington State. Researchers in Seattle said that policymakers might need to focus on younger people to limit the spread. In a new analysis, the researchers said about half of new identified cases were among people under 40, up from one-third of infections earlier in the outbreak. Younger people may be more likely to work or participate in social activities, especially as restrictions are eased. While they do not face as high a risk of serious complications from infections, they can expose other people they encounter who may be older or who have hazardous underlying conditions, the researchers said. “Our findings indicate a justifiable concern regarding the phased reopening plan for Washington State in late May in light of the shift in Covid-19 incidence from older to younger age,” the researchers wrote in their report, posted on the preprint server medRvix. The researchers said government leaders may need to pursue specific advisories for children, teenagers and young adults to warn them of the risks of social interaction. Pennsylvania House Democrats say Republicans hid a lawmaker’s positive virus test. Democrats in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Thursday accused Republicans of keeping a lawmaker’s positive virus test a secret to avoid political embarrassment, even at the risk of exposing fellow legislators. A Republican House member, Andrew Lewis, confirmed on Wednesday that he received a positive test on May 20 and self-isolated. Mr. Lewis said that every lawmaker or staff member he was in contact with who “met the criteria for exposure” was notified. But Democrats disputed that, saying none of their own members were alerted even though some were near Mr. Lewis in committee meetings. The House Democratic campaign arm accused Republicans of hiding Mr. Lewis’s positive test “to protect their public talking points against science and facts.” Another Republican representative, Russ Diamond, who said he was notified of possible exposure through contact with Mr. Lewis, had previously spoken at a shutdown protest outside the Capitol and boasted on social media of not wearing a mask while shopping. In an emotional Facebook video recorded in his office at the Capitol, Representative Brian K. Sims, a Democrat from Philadelphia, said Mr. Diamond had “apparently been quarantining himself for weeks” but “didn’t explain that to any of us when he was in committee, talking with us or walking up and down the aisles or bumping into us or letting us hold the door open for him.” Mr. Lewis said he had kept his positive diagnosis private “out of respect for my family and those who I may have exposed.” Representative Ryan Bizzarro, a Democrat, disputed that Mr. Lewis had quarantined himself after his diagnosis. “We have footage of him being here,” he said. The Trump administration will not issue a midyear update to its economic forecasts this summer, breaking decades of tradition during the uncertainty of a pandemic recession, administration officials confirmed on Thursday. The decision will spare the administration from having to announce its internal projections for how deeply the recession will damage economic growth and how long the pain of high unemployment will persist. When the administration last published official projections in February, it forecast economic growth of 3.1 percent from the fourth quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2021, and growth rates at or around 3 percent for the ensuing decade. It forecast an unemployment rate of 3.5 percent for the year. The virus has rendered those projections obsolete. Unemployment could hit 20 percent in June, the White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett told CNN this week. The Congressional Budget Office said in April that it expects the economy will contract by 5.6 percent this year and end with unemployment above 11 percent. The White House is required by law to issue both an annual budget and a midyear update to it, called a “mid-session review.” Updating economic projections in the mid-session review is optional, but it is a practice that administrations — including Mr. Trump’s — have widely followed since the review was mandated by Congress in 1970. The review is required by law to give at least a partial window into how the administration expects the economy to perform this year and in the future. The decision not to release updated projections was first reported by The Washington Post. Trump administration officials have in the past resisted updating their forecasts in the face of evidence that the economy was not growing as fast as they had projected. The budget they released in February officially conceded for the first time that growth in 2018 and 2019 had not reached 3 percent, as they had predicted. Fears about contracting the virus from contaminated surfaces have prompted many to wipe down groceries, leave packages unopened and stress about elevator buttons. But what is the real risk? The C.D.C. recently tried to clarify its guidance: “It may be possible that a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes, but this isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” So does this mean we can get the virus from touching a doorknob, catching a Frisbee or sharing a casserole dish? The Times asked the experts. The best way we can protect ourselves from the virus — whether it is surface transmission or close human contact — is still social distancing, washing our hands, not touching our faces and wearing masks. Starting Thursday, anyone in Britain who has potential symptoms will be tested and, if positive, asked to list all those with whom they have recently been in close contact for at least 15 minutes. Those people, in turn, will be contacted and asked to isolate themselves for 14 days. It is the latest national campaign that aims to prevent more infections. The results so far are mixed. What does it feel like to have Covid-19 and not need hospitalization? Rest and fluids are essential, but so is knowing when to call a doctor. Give yourself plenty of time to feel better. Reporting was contributed by Mike Baker, Karen Barrow, Scott Cacciola, Ben Casselman, Emily Cochrane, Patricia Cohen, Michael Cooper, Catie Edmondson, Nicholas Fandos, Thomas Fuller, Trip Gabriel, David Gelles, Erica L. Green, Jenny Gross, Apoorva Mandavilli, Jennifer Medina, Sarah Mervosh, Talya Minsberg, Andy Newman, Nadja Popovich, Roni Caryn Rabin, Alan Rappeport, Dana Rubinstein, Margot Sanger-Katz, Anna Schaverien, Kaly Soto, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Vanessa Swales, Jim Tankersley and Katie Van Syckle. The post Coronavirus News in USA: Live Updates appeared first on Sansaar Times.
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