#Buy Premium Quality Iced Tea Online
australianteacompany · 7 months
Buy Premium Packaged Loose Leaf Tea online | Australian Tea Company
Buy Premium Packaged loose leaf tea online: Delve into the allure of our meticulously packaged loose-leaf tea at unparalleled prices. Experience a symphony of flavors, from the robust elegance of English Breakfast Hot Brew to the aromatic notes of Indian Masala Chai. In addition to our hot brews, we also provide Iced Teas, which come in a variety of delicious flavors including wildberry, lychee, peach, zesty lemon, & green mint. We have it all. Buy Premium Packaged Loose Leaf Tea online at ATC.
More Info: https://in.australianteaco.com/
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purchasingshopping · 20 days
On-the-Go Indulgence: The Benefits of Starbucks Coffee Travel Mugs
Starbucks coffee travel mugs have become indispensable companions for coffee lovers on the move, offering convenience, sustainability, Rome city kaffee Tasse and style in one portable package. Let's explore the benefits of Starbuck Coffee Mugs Travel and how they enhance the on-the-go coffee experience:
Portability: Starbucks coffee travel mugs are designed for portability, allowing you to enjoy your favorite brew wherever your day takes you. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on a road trip, travel mugs provide a convenient way to carry your coffee without worrying about spills or leaks. Their compact and lightweight design makes them easy to carry in a bag or backpack, ensuring that you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee anytime, anywhere.
Temperature Retention: Starbucks coffee travel mugs are engineered to keep your coffee hot for extended periods, allowing you to savor every sip at the perfect temperature. With double-wall insulation and leak-proof lids, these mugs trap heat and prevent heat loss, ensuring that your coffee stays piping hot for hours. Whether you prefer a leisurely morning commute or a quick coffee break between meetings, travel mugs keep your coffee at the optimal temperature for maximum enjoyment.
Sustainability: Starbucks coffee travel mugs promote sustainability by reducing the need for single-use disposable cups and lids. By opting for a reusable travel mug, you can minimize waste and contribute to environmental conservation efforts. Starbucks encourages sustainability by offering discounts to customers who bring their own reusable mugs, making it both eco-friendly and economical to enjoy your favorite coffee beverages on the go.
Customization Options: Starbucks coffee travel mugs come in a variety of designs, colors, and sizes, allowing you to choose a mug that reflects your personal style and preferences. Whether you prefer sleek stainless steel designs, vibrant patterned prints, or classic ceramic finishes, there's a travel mug to suit every taste. Many Starbucks locations also offer customizable options, allowing you to personalize your mug with your name, favorite colors, or meaningful messages.
Durability and Longevity: Starbucks coffee travel mugs are built to last, with durable materials and construction that withstand daily use and frequent travel. Whether you're a busy commuter, frequent traveler, or outdoor enthusiast, travel mugs are designed to withstand the rigors of daily life and maintain their performance over time. With proper care and maintenance, a Starbucks travel mug can provide years of reliable service, making it a worthwhile investment for coffee lovers on the go.
Versatility: Starbucks coffee travel mugs are versatile accessories that can be used for more than just coffee. In addition to hot beverages, travel mugs are suitable for cold drinks such as iced coffee, tea, Berlin City Kaffee Tasse online or refreshing smoothies. Some models even feature interchangeable lids or straws, allowing you to customize your drinking experience based on your beverage of choice. This versatility makes travel mugs a versatile companion for any occasion, whether you're starting your day with a morning latte or enjoying a refreshing iced tea on a sunny afternoon.
Brand Recognition: Starbucks coffee travel mugs are iconic accessories that carry the brand's reputation for quality, consistency, and excellence. As a globally recognized coffeehouse chain, Buy Starbucks Mugs Online is synonymous with premium coffee experiences and exceptional customer service. By choosing a Starbucks travel mug, you're not just investing in a functional accessory—you're also aligning yourself with a trusted brand that stands for quality and excellence in the coffee industry.
In conclusion, Starbucks coffee travel mugs offer a host of benefits, including portability, temperature retention, sustainability, customization options, durability and longevity, versatility, and brand recognition. Whether you're a busy commuter, frequent traveler, or outdoor enthusiast, a Starbucks travel mug provides a convenient and stylish way to enjoy your favorite coffee beverages on the go, while also supporting environmental sustainability and promoting brand loyalty.
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societyteaseo · 1 month
Beat the Heat: How Buying Tea Online Keeps You Cool and Comforted?
As the scorching sun beats down and the temperature rises, seeking relaxation becomes an everyday necessity. The good thing is you now have the option of buying tea online; it’s a practical and revitalizing answer to your tiredness. The digital age has transformed how people consume their favorite beverages, and tea connoisseurs are no exception. Imagine the pure pleasure of browsing a wide selection of teas, ranging from powerful black teas to delicate green teas, all from the comfort of your air-conditioned refuge. Now, imagine getting these delivered to your doorstep without you being expected to step out of your bed. The only thought of it brings a wide smile to your face.
When you buy tea online, you have access to a plethora of flavors and variations that may not be available in your local grocery. Imagine yourself casually browsing among bright mixes designed for iced tea, each with its charm and promise of a refreshing break. From the robust and energizing flavors of black teas to the delicate and soothing notes of white and green teas, there's a brew for everyone's taste and preference, ready to turn a hot day into a refreshing sanctuary.
The ease of getting tea online has no limitations. Gone are the days of braving the searing heat to shop at packed supermarkets. With a few clicks, you can get premium-quality tea delivered right to your home. This service is vital, especially on hot days when getting outside seems like stepping into a furnace. Why put up with such misery when everything you require may be delivered to you with ease?
Furthermore, ordering tea online typically results in greater bargains and discounts than traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. Many internet tea suppliers provide special deals and bulk rates that are not accessible anywhere else. This not only improves convenience but also saves money, particularly for frequent tea drinkers. You may replenish your favorites or try new mixes without breaking the budget. Furthermore, the appeal of buying tea online stems from the seasonal specials created by numerous vendors. As summer arrives, you'll discover teas that have been expertly blended to enhance your iced tea experience. These tantalizing concoctions may contain tropical fruits or herbal infusions, making them ideal for beating the heat after a long, hot day.
In summary, buying tea online is more than simply a practical answer; it's a means to improve your summer experience. It provides not only comfort and convenience but also the opportunity to sample a variety of refreshing alternatives designed to keep you cool and energized. So, when the temperature increases, take time to go through your online tea selections, choose your favorite brew, and be ready to relax with a cool glass of your selected elixir—all without having to brave the blazing summer heat.
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tea-4-usa · 1 year
Buy Currant Flavored Black Tea
The addition of Currants Flavored Black Tea make this a fruity delight. Tea4U presents the black tea unique quality and freshness that comes from Ceylon. Its unique quality and freshness come from the very best of handpicked leaves from some of the best tea estates in the country. Each blend is carefully tasted and selected by our master blenders to give you the perfect cup of tea. Unlike other beverages, Tea contains a very high amount of antioxidants.
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shivangiblog14 · 1 year
Discover the best tall glass tumbler online on smokey cocktail
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Tall glasses are typically used to serve cocktails or tall drinks. Because they are narrower and taller than typical glasses, these glasses are perfect for drinks that require a lot of ice or mixers. They are a favourite among home bartenders and necessary for any bar or eatery that serves cocktails. In this blog post, we'll discuss why tall glasses are so crucial for a bar and how to shop for the best ones online at Smokey Cocktail.
Employing Tall Glass in a Bar for Tall Cocktails is Important. As was previously mentioned, offering beverages like Mojitos, Long Island Iced Tea, and Tom Collins calls for tall glasses. These beverages usually require a lot of ice and mixers, which might take up a lot of space. Tall glasses' narrow shape allows for more area for ice and mixers, enhancing the drink's look and simplifying preparation.
Tall glasses are extremely adaptable and versatile because various drinks can be served. They can provide non-alcoholic beverages, including juice, soda, water, and tall cocktails. Thus, they are an essential component of any eatery or bar serving various drinks. Tall glasses can also make a bar look more aesthetically appealing. They can be modest and beautiful or colourful and ostentatious and come in various shapes and patterns. As a result, bartenders can select glasses that complement the place's concept or décor and give consumers a stunning presentation.
Tall glasses are another marketing opportunity for a bar or restaurant. Several pubs and eateries may put their name or logo on the glass as part of a discreet marketing campaign. It's more likely that they will visit again or tell others about the bar after taking a sip from the glass because it brings back memories of it.
Smoky Cocktail: If you want to buy tall glasses online, Smokey Cocktail is a fantastic place to begin. Online sales of premium glassware and barware are available on the Smokey Cocktail website. Tall glasses are available there in many different styles, shapes, and sizes.
These tips will come in handy while buying tall glasses online: When buying tall glasses online, it's crucial to consider the glasses' size. From little to extra-large, tall glasses are available in various sizes. Choose a glass size that complements your menu while considering the drinks you will serve.
A design that complements the theme or decor of the bar or restaurant should be chosen. Creating or putting a logo into your eyewear may also be something you want to consider since it can help you build your brand.
While shopping for them online, finding sturdy, long-lasting tall glasses is crucial. Glasses of superior quality are less likely to break or crack, especially those made of tempered glass or crystal. Before buying, make sure to read the customer reviews. This can offer you an indication of the degree of customer care provided by Smokey Cocktail as well as the calibre and durability of the glassware.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Robust, full-bodied and bold are the characteristics that describe the taste and appeal of this single origin black tea from our lush plantation in Assam. It is rich, malty and exquisitely smooth. When brewed, it yields a hearty amber cup therefore, creating an amazing tea drinking experience for our customers who want to buy black tea online. Perfect for your cup of milk tea, this is the place to buy chai from. Health Benefits: Tea grown at high altitudes are packed with natural antioxidants. It lowers the risk of heart ailments. Black Tea is also known to help in the cases of Diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, is a Stress Buster, Kidney Stones and Osteoporosis. Country of Origin: India Contents: 500 Grams of Freshly Packed and Premium Quality Assam loose tea | Shelf Life: 2 Years. Steeping Instructions: Brew Black Tea as you like and enjoy it hot with milk and sugar or ice cold with lemon, mint and honey. [ad_2]
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chahacenter · 1 year
Drinking The Delicious Best Masala Chai Tea – Go For The Best Quality
Green tea also contains tannin, which can irritate your digestive system. Tannin may have a negative impact on iron levels in the body. Green tea should not be consumed immediately following an iron-rich meal like broccoli or liver.
On the Greek island of Crete, this adaptable herb is sold as a diet tea at farmers' markets and village shops. "Slimming Tea" or the "Tea for Weight Loss" are common labels on packages of the plant's fresh-smelling dried leaves.
Masala tea is the best option for rehydrating after a long day at the office. You can best masala chai tea if you know where to buy the product. It has a variety of health benefits, and the right amount of this beverage can help people feel better.
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Best Masala Chai Tea
Today's office schedule was extremely busy. Looking for a relaxing beverage? The best beverage is hot Masala brew! Nothing can quench the desire for a steaming cup of tea and it is tempting aroma, whether at a gathering, during an office break, or at any other time. When it is raining or snowing outside, almost every family enjoys this beverage. In such circumstances, masala Chai is the best beverage.
People all over the world typically start their days with a cup of black tea, typically a masala blend. Masala black blends have numerous health benefits. The fact that people consume, in fact, enjoy, this beverage without being aware of its health benefits is interesting. Because the whole leaves contain all the tea's nutrients, loose-leaf Masala tea has greater health benefits than tea bags.
Green tea is unquestionably a beverage that is beneficial to one's health, but black blends also merit recognition for the advantages they offer. Many people are unaware that black brew is considered the "second most consumed beverage" after water. Refreshing beverages like chilled iced tea or hot black tea can make your serious workday or daily chat much more interesting. Everybody immediately thinks of Masala tea whenever someone mentions black blends.
A cup of Masala is a great breakfast companion and a refreshing evening beverage. This tea is unique because it pairs well with other types of tea. With just a few clicks, you can now buy premium loose lead and Masala tea directly from Indian gardens. Also, you can opt for jaggery tea benefits if you have sugar problem. This is actually a healthier option.
Do you want to know the benefits of Masala black tea? You can find out how it keeps the body fit and what nutrients it contains.
Benefits of Consuming Masala Blends This beverage is loaded with numerous beneficial nutrients, including vitamin B1, caffeine, and antioxidants.
It increases blood flow, lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes, strengthens teeth, and fights cavities, strengthens the immune system, and aids in better food absorption and digestion. It also lowers the risk of all kinds of brain disorders. It gives the body energy and gives it a boost in an extraordinary way. It relaxes the nervous system, relieving stress and tension. It prevents cell damage, which lowers the risk of cancer.
To reap all its essential benefits, you should buy organic Masala tea of the highest quality online. Masala's malty flavor and sweet aroma entice all drinkers. The strong beverage can be enjoyed with milk and a small amount of sweetener. Additionally, it pairs well with other masala chai blends.
Whole, loose-leaf green tea tastes better. To keep them fresh, they can be stored in an airtight container. As a result, a cup of Masala blend can not only help a person feel better but also improve their overall health.
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Buy High Quality wholesale tea From a Renowned Online Store
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Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. If you love tea, then you must check out our wholesale tea suppliers. These companies supply a wide range of teas and other related products. They also offer great deals for their customers.
If you are a regular tea drinker, you can find great deals at wholesale tea suppliers
If you are a regular tea drinker, you can find great deals at wholesale tea suppliers. Some of these suppliers provide teas unavailable in your local supermarket or grocery store, so if you want to try something new, this is the place to go.
The advantage of buying in bulk is that it will save you money since the price per ounce (or another unit of measurement) will be less expensive than buying small quantities of tea at your local supermarket or grocery store.
For good reason, tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It’s delicious, healthy, and widely available.
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If you are a regular tea drinker, you can find great deals at wholesale tea suppliers Australia. Some of these suppliers provide teas unavailable in your local supermarket or grocery store, so if you want to try something new, this is the place to go.
 The advantage of buying in bulk is that it will save you money since the price per ounce (or other units of measurement) will be less expensive than buying small quantities of tea at your local supermarket or grocery store.
Buying tea in bulk can be a very cost-effective option for tea lovers
Buying tea on the wholesale market can be a very cost-effective option for tea lovers. Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and if you love tea, then you probably know how expensive it can be to buy.
For example, if you go to your local grocery store and buy just 5 or 6 bags of loose-leaf black or green teas, those few bags cost about $20 or more per pound!
You may not drink all that much at once and prefer to save some for later, but even so—that’s a lot of money for something that's not even as nutritious as other beverages like water or milk (which are both free).
Buying high-quality wholesale teas online allows you to spend less money overall by buying in bulk (and storing it). This means that instead of paying $5 per serving at restaurants where they'll probably dilute it anyway with ice cubes and sodas anyway...you could get some tastier options right here at home."
Wholesale tea suppliers specialise in offering only a wide range of high-quality teas
As the name suggests, wholesale tea suppliers specialise in offering only a wide range of high-quality teas. This is because they understand that this is what their customers want.
Their aim is to ensure that all their products are of the highest quality possible, so they pay close attention to every aspect of production and post-production processes.
Wholesale tea suppliers are also able to offer their customers a wide range of products, so they can cater for the needs of all different types of businesses.
They understand that not all customers want exactly the same thing, so they make sure that they have everything from traditional blends to herbal infusions and fruit teas.
If you are looking for high quality tea at wholesale prices, then you should check out our website. We offer premium teas in bulk and at discounted prices.
Source: Buy High Quality wholesale tea From a Renowned Online Store
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nanasdrinksofficial · 2 years
Cocktail Recipes with Nanas Cool Colada Mix
Ever want to shake up a cocktail after a long day but find that you don’t have all the necessary ingredients at hand? That’s where cocktail premixes come to the rescue. Just add a spirit of your choice to enjoy (almost) bar-quality cocktails at home. We round up a few Best Cocktail Mixers Online in India at Best Prices that will unleash the bartender in you–just remember to drink responsibly!
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Pina Colada:
Pina colada recipe is a refreshing cocktail drink made with fresh pineapple juice, Nana's Cool Colada and ice cubes. A tasty beverage for the summer season made mainly with only a few ingredients.
It is the national Best Probiotic Drinks in India of Puerto Rico and is quite popular around the world. With its tasty pineapple flavour and summery vibes it's also a perfect beach vacation drink. 
This recipe is of pina colada where rum plays an important part and is quite easy to make. It consists of only four ingredients that go in the drink – pineapple, Nanas Cool colada Flavoured Cocktail Mixers In India Online, rum and ice cubes. This is a delicious recipe friendly for a chill night in.
We would suggest using fresh pineapple and not tinned pineapple. Take Nana's tasty and refreshing cool colada mix and mix it with your rum.
Once the pineapple is sliced and chopped, it's quick & very easy to make pina colada.
Serve pina colada cocktail immediately. While serving you can garnish with some mint leaves or pineapple cubes or add some ice cubes if you like it more chilled.
Pineapple Mojito 
Here’s a delicious pineapple juice Buy Premium Natural Cocktail Mixers Online we can’t believe actually exists. The Pineapple Mojito! The classic Mojito is one of our top greatest cocktails of all time: bubbly, minty, and artfully simple. Add the tropical, refreshing Cool Colada mix to it, and it’s a symphony of flavor! The sweet tart of the fruit balances the tangy lime and sweet cooling mint perfectly. Every time we try a new mojito flavor, we fall more in love with this classic cocktail.
The pineapple mojito is a fruity spin on the Classic Mojito, a Buy The Best Cocktail Mixes Online at best prices invented in Havana, Cuba. The origins of the drink stem back hundreds of years, but it took off in America in the 1930’s when Ernest Hemingway helped to popularize the modern version.
The pineapple spin with Nanas Cool Colada mix and Buy Kombucha Tea Online at Best Price to the drink is just perfection!
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lacbainkyllesblog · 2 years
It's a quiet long since the last time I created a blog and now let's get started to our new product which is the “Smartubs” a short term for Smart Tumblers. The first blog I created is related to coffee but now let's go on to technoprenouship industry. How do we come up with this idea, from coffee to smartubs? The idea of having something that can be turn into cold or hot is the main reason we come up in such innovative products.
Tumblers are typically insulated cups or mugs that are designed to keep drinks safe while on the go.
For any occasion.
Smartubs are compact, convenient, and built to keep your drinks insulated for hours. They feature a streamlined design for comfort on the go, a lid to help prevent spills, and insulated materials that seal the temperature. Can keep your warm drinks warm and cold drinks cold for hours. Whether it’s your morning coffee on the way to work, some spiced chai around the campfire, or iced tea to keep you refreshed on a hike, tumblers are a versatile option.
Business Proposal
Our target market this time are the upper middle class people specifically the campers, military, traveler, professionals, office workers which all have the common situation the inaccessible of cold and hot water during camping, hiking, traveling, military operations and even office working.
We also like to reduce Plastic Pollution because for every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled that leads to a big problem given the fact that water bottles do not biodegrade.
The Innovative Product
Smart Tumblers
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Smartubs was made of HDPE plastic in it’s outer frame
- BPA Free Lid
-Leak Proof Designs
- Premium Copper Coated
-Vacumm insulation
- Food Grade Stainless Steel
- Durable Stylish powder coating
-Anti sweat and Burn Free design
Main Features
The main feature of SmarTumb is to serve cold and hot coffee or any other liquid matters. Moreover, it is stainless is not just durable however it is the safest when it comes to storing food or beverages. These feature of the product will keep the costumers buy it for more. This innovation serves as strength to the business to go along with the competition in the market.
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Designing our innovative product literally cause us a lot of time for but it’s actually fun things to do. We did a lot of research study about it and designed appropriately.
Our team wants to provide a sustainable and cost-effective product that will effectively meet the preferred taste of the target customers. Additionally, we aims to provide customers with high quality and users – friendly product to attain good sales that would allow business to obtain better return of investment.
Annual Market Survey for the Smartubs.
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We the Ab History 1 students did an Annual market research survey questions to our target via face to face interview and online. Our team would like to know about the target customers perspective about the Smartubs in order for us to provide an outstanding quality and service for our customer. We believe that giving the customers the opportunity to be involved and influential is going to support our development in the future. For us doing survey might be the best thing to do because they want to make their voice heard. “I like sharing my opinions,” one of the target market told us. They feel that by sharing their perspective, they can make a difference.
Business Hypothesis
The innovative product can run successfully if going to creat a Business Model and asking Annual Market Survey will help our product development.
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Team Decision
Our team really having a hard time figuring what products we should innovative at first. We decided to do a survey in order for us to determine the point of pain of our target market.
Lesson learned
Making a decision without proper information makes the group complicated. And at first the thought of Entrepreneurial Mind is somewhat we thought similar to entrepreneurship in senior high school but later on we've come to realize that it's far different but what we thought off. Since entrepreneurship is more focus on business and how it well grow while Entrepreneurial Mind is only the thoughts of what we're thinking that would interest the customer. However, after those failures , we finally got the right prescriptive and the team still cope up with what have happened. We still managed to conduct our actual and online survey , which we can now point what are the point of pains that were addressing . Furthermore, through our hard works and sweats were successfully done with our conducting of data's and informations. And through this activity I learned that in order to have a business you must first address what are or is the problem in a certain place or location so you could have an idea on how to solve the problem. And to know what you should do to help them and also how could you benefits from it . Technopreneurship from the word "techno" is technology and "preneurship" is from entrepreneurship, simply put together that means entrepreneurship in a field of technology. This is a kind of field which the entrepreneurs uses technology to make their business known in the public. And it is able to acquire and reach more customers and choose from the best suppliers, to build better relationships with their target market. Technopreneur begins their business with nothing but with a brainstorming idea. It identifies present practices and assesses some new ideas to do something different. A person who is engaged in technopreneurship creates a product or solution that uses technological solutions to change the way of doing something in an orthodox way. It improves how we have done something before and how it has to be done in the coming future. Also, technopreneurship involves the creation of a product or solution that employs technology solutions to transform the way people do things in a traditional method.
Overall, tecnopreneurship is not a product but a procedure of synthesis to improve and create innovates the future of a person, a nation, and the globe as a whole. In this digital world, professional development programs, as well as training, have required to succeed in a knowledge-based society. They produce various strategic thinkers who have the relevant skills and talent to grab success in a changing global atmosphere at a fast pace.
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jonasdono123 · 2 years
It's been a while since I make a blog. My content in this blog is all about our new innovative products which the "Smartubs" a short term for Smart Tumblers. Last time I blog something related to coffee but let's now move on to technoprenouship industry. How do we come up with this idea, from coffee to smartubs? The idea of having something that can be turn into cold or hot is the main reason we come up in such innovative products.
Tumblers are typically insulated cups or mugs that are designed to keep drinks safe while on the go.
For any occasion.
Smartubs are compact, convenient, and built to keep your drinks insulated for hours. They feature a streamlined design for comfort on the go, a lid to help prevent spills, and insulated materials that seal the temperature. Can keep your warm drinks warm and cold drinks cold for hours. Whether it’s your morning coffee on the way to work, some spiced chai around the campfire, or iced tea to keep you refreshed on a hike, tumblers are a versatile option.
Business Proposal
Our target market this time are the upper middle class people specifically the campers, military, traveler, professionals, office workers which all have the common situation the inaccessible of cold and hot water during camping, hiking, traveling, military operations and even office working.
We also like to reduce Plastic Pollution because for every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled that leads to a big problem given the fact that water bottles do not biodegrade.
The Innovative Product
Smart Tumblers
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Smartubs was made of HDPE plastic in it's outer frame
- BPA Free Lid
-Leak Proof Designs
- Premium Copper Coated
-Vacumm insulation
- Food Grade Stainless Steel
- Durable Stylish powder coating
-Anti sweat and Burn Free design
Main Features
The main feature of SmarTumb is to serve cold and hot coffee or any other liquid matters. Moreover, it is stainless is not just durable however it is the safest when it comes to storing food or beverages. These feature of the product will keep the costumers buy it for more. This innovation serves as strength to the business to go along with the competition in the market.
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Designing our innovative product literally cause us a lot of time for but it's actually fun things to do. We did a lot of research study about it and designed appropriately.
Our team wants to provide a sustainable and cost-effective product that will effectively meet the preferred taste of the target customers. Additionally, we aims to provide customers with high quality and users – friendly product to attain good sales that would allow business to obtain better return of investment.
Annual Market Survey for the Smartubs.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We the Ab History 1 students did an Annual market research survey questions to our target via face to face interview and online. Our team would like to know about the target customers perspective about the Smartubs in order for us to provide an outstanding quality and service for our customer. We believe that giving the customers the opportunity to be involved and influential is going to support our development in the future. For us doing survey might be the best thing to do because they want to make their voice heard. “I like sharing my opinions,” one of the target market told us. They feel that by sharing their perspective, they can make a difference.
Business Hypothesis
The innovative product can run successfully if going to creat a Business Model and asking Annual Market Survey will help our product development.
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Team Decision
Our team really having a hard time figuring what products we should innovative at first. We decided to do a survey in order for us to determine the point of pain of our target market.
Lesson Learned
Creating group works and planning our business venture was quite challenging at first since the team members was far from each other with lacking of instant communication and interactions. However, the team still managed to conduct an online survey as well as actual survey and interview and find out what point of pain that we intend to address. Moreover, through appreciating the one’s weaknesses and strengths, have a clear organizational purpose, cooperation and sharing of ideas made our conducting of data successfully done. I also learned that my way of thinking was still left in highschool which still all about "entrepreneurship" and I know to myself that I have to step up. Because of this I learned I lot about technopreneurship.
How an opportunity can be converted into reality by a Technopreneur.
A technopreneur starts out with nothing but an "idea'. He defies existing practices and systems and thinks of doing things differently. He creates a product or solution that uses the heft and capability of technology to change the way something was traditionally done. He succeeded admirably. For e.g. The founder Uber thought (IDEA) of a different way to call a cab, used the power of technology (built a GPS integrated app) and completely changed the economics of the taxi/cab industry. Technopreneurship is a new breed of entrepreneurship. It involves a coming together of people who are intelligent, driven, creative, tech-savvy and passionate and have an appetite for calculated risk. Unlike entrepreneurship this is seldom a one-man show – the success of Technopreneurship hinges on how well the team functions together.There is a common belief in the potential of the tech product, an inherent DNA to work hard and against all odds, a coming together of people with myriad skillsets and resources that are critical for the success of the venture. For a Technopreneur, it is not as much about the money as it is about the affirmation that the "idea' is a worthy one and that it works. The idea needs to work for the greater common good – it doesn't need to be a global blockbuster. For this reason, Technopreneurship is an expensive exercise and Technopreneurs need to work without pay until their ideas become commercially viable. It is not often easy and they have to persevere, lead and motivate their team, search for people with the money, pitch their idea and get them to join forces. It is here that their past work experience and network becomes extremely useful.
More often than not, Technopreneurship begins with the customer experience and works backward to arrive at the technology to provide that customer experience. 
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australianteacompany · 7 months
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Winnipeg is Good: Support Local Businesses!
My husband and I love to dine out and all of our favourite places are small, locally owned restaurants. I also enjoy posting pictures of food on Instagram, and though it may seem a tacky habit in the eyes of some people, for me it is my way of showing appreciation and support for the restaurant. Whenever I post something, I am hoping that it encourages other people to try that place or make them aware that it even exists in the first place!
The local restaurant industry is one of the hardest hit during the Covid-19 pandemic. Restaurants, with their razor-thin margins, depend on customers to stay afloat, and with everyone stuck at home, the sad reality is that there is a lot of laid-off restaurant staff, and local restaurant owners are having to find creative ways to keep their doors open. Instead of closing their doors, some restaurants have pivoted to delivery/pickup only services, some are selling pre-prepared meals to heat at home, and some like King’s Head Pub and Bodegoes have re-opened as a grocery-delivery service. My husband and I are making an effort to support the local restaurants by still ordering delivery/pickup with the hope that whatever little support we can give help them make it to other side of these crazy times. How else can you support restaurants during the pandemic? Follow them on Instagram, buy gift cards, order directly from them and do pickup if you can (food delivery services such as Skip and Doordash pretty much eats what little profit restaurants make in commissions), and tip generously!
Even before the pandemic, we made a conscious effort to support locally owned businesses and restaurants. Of course, not everything (or everyone) local is good (ahem, Nygard and Fun Mountain) so do your research, but I can say with certainty that everything good is local! There are many reasons to support local businesses. Many of our local businesses pay living wages. What does that mean? It means, yes, you will have to pay a little bit more for your coffee or your donut or your book, but that also means you are supporting a business that ensure their staff are paid fairly. Many of our local businesses and restaurants focus on sustainability – for example, they use environmentally friendly containers and they support local growers, farmers and suppliers (which means the ingredients and raw materials don’t have to travel far!). Supporting local means more of your dollars stay within the community – to the owners, the suppliers, the staff – local people who are very passionate about their craft and their business, and their profits are then reinvested to our community. Aside from the economic reasons, our local businesses are also very active in giving back to the community, for example, the first week when all the restaurants were forced to close their dining rooms to customers, many of them came together to donate their extra inventory to Chef Ben Kramer who then cooked all the food donations for local soup kitchens. Last, but not the least, these local businesses are what makes Winnipeg unique. Think of the last time you travelled somewhere? Where did you go to eat? Somewhere local, that you can only find in that place, I hope! Well, why wouldn’t you do the same at home?
So how do you know which businesses and restaurants to support? A lot of them have social media presence, so follow them on Instagram. They usually have stories that gives you a glimpse on how they run their business, for example, I saw a story where the owners visited a farm and showed us how it practiced ethical farming practices. I mean, I wish we could all be vegan or vegetarian, but the reality is the majority will not be, but that does not mean we have to support inhumane, factory farming methods. Instagram stories and posts will also have specials that you won’t normally find on the menu, so it’s a great way to try new things! I know that it is sometimes hard not to let the prices dictate where we decide to buy something, but if you can, think of the reasons why something is a little bit more expensive (fair wages, economies of scale – small businesses can’t compete with Bezos! -- quality of ingredients, keeping local dollars local) and make your decisions on value, not cost.
I have put together a list of our favourite local businesses and restaurants with the hope that it encourages you to support them. Not sure which ones are open now, but check out their Instagram pages for latest info.
Restaurants and their specialities (in no particular order)
1.     Merchant Kitchen – Asian Fusion. This is our go-to. You can’t go wrong with the Thai Fried Rice and Korean Fried Chicken.
2.     Yujiro/Saburo – ramen, premium sushi, donburi bowls
3.     Gaijin Izakayya - reasonably priced, good sushi
4.     Blufish – premium sushi
5.     Sushi Cushi – reasonably priced, good sushi
6.     Cho Ichi Ramen – I like their noodles, closest to Ichiran (Japanese ramen place) that I’ve tried
7.     Dwarf No Cachette – Japanese food that is not sushi – okonomiyaki, takoyaki, donburi bowls, Japanese curry
8.     Sabai Thai – Thai food
9.     Pho Hoang – Vietnamese food
10.  Kum Koon – lunch dimsum service is the best!
11.  Maque – Asian fusion, for a super fancy anniversary dinner (or for a regular Tuesday night dinner, whatever!)
12.  Myrna’s – Filipino breakfast, cash only!
13.  Kyu – ramen, rice bowls, heroshima sandwiches
14.  Mitzi’s – chicken fingers
15.  Passero – Italian. Another fancy anniversary dinner place. Make sure you make a reservation!
16.  Harth – Italian. The prosciutto di parma plate!
17.  Kevin’s Bistro – If you are a fancy mac & cheese fan
18.  Red Ember – Our favourite pizza place in Winnipeg
19.  Pizzeria Gusto/Gusto North – A close second
20.  Burrito del Rio – Hands down THE best burritos/tacos in town
21.  Hermano’s – South American Food
22.  La Fiesta – Salvadoran food.
23.  The Good Fight Taco – Good taco
24.  King and Bann – Fancy sandwiches. Best BLT.
25.  Clementine – Brunch. They don’t accept reservations so go early and/or prepare to line up
26.  Miss Browns – Brunch. The menu on William is more extensive compared to Hargrave Street Market.
27.  Pineridge Hollow – come for brunch, stay for the petting zoo!
28.  Forth Cafe – cocktails, coffee, light lunch – avocado toast is delish!
29.  Langside Grocery – breakeven scotch bottles every Sunday! Check insta for more details!
30.  Amsterdam Tea Room – cocktails, snacks
31.  Thom Bargen – coffee and pastries
32.  Fools and Horses – coffee, breakfast sandwiches, banana brulee french toast (Broadway location only), the Forks and Hargrave Street Market locations only sells coffee and pastries
33.  Deer & Almond – small plates, fancy dinner place
34.  Little Goat – mussel specials!
35.  One Great City – beer and yummy food
36.  Yellow Dog Tavern – beer and cheap eats!
37.  Nonsuch – beer and THE best burger in town
38.  Yard Burger – second best burger in town
39.  Punjab Sweet House – best samosas in town, and they’re like $8 for a dozen giant size samosas – best value in town!
40.  Famena’s  - best roti and stand up routine by the owners
41.  Tehran Cafe – Iranian food
42.  Jenna Rae Cakes – macarons and cupcakes
43.  Chaeban Ice Cream – best ice cream (also available at Sobey’s)
44.  Oh Doughnuts – go early, they sell out! Or order online the night before for a discount.
45.  Camille Bakery – closest to Dominique Ansel cronuts I’ve tasted
46.  The Common – Food hall
47.  Hargrave Street Market – Food hall
Other non-restaurant businesses
1.     Morden’s Chocolates – Russian mints!!!
2.     Fromagerie Bothwell – award winning cheese made in Manitoba!
3.     Banville and Jones – for all your wine needs
4.     DeLuca’s Wine – more wine!
5.     Torque Brewing – beer!
6.     Stone Angel Brewing – more beer!
7.     Little Brown Jug – and more beer!
8.     Kite and Kaboodle – Toys
9.     Toad Hall – Toys
10.  McNally Robinsons – books!
11.  Browluxe – eye brow pencil and cruelty free
12.  Coal and Canary – candles
13.  DeLuca’s – Grocery
14.  Piazza di Nardi – Grocery and bakery
15.  Hilary Druxman – jewelry
16.  EMK Clothing – clothing
17.  U.n.luggage – luggage store
18.  D’arcy’s ARC – pet shelter and pet supplies store
19.  Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter – pet shelter and pet supplies store
20.  Lavilash – eyelashes
21.  Brows by G – eyebrows
22. We Heart Winnipeg - hoodies!!
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teawithherbs-blog · 4 years
Green Tea Helps To Cancer Patient To Recuperate From Illness
Tea and coffee can be a tasty beverage since it is served in both ways iced and hot. Tea has become an integral part of people’s lives, some people binge-drinking the tea, which is not good otherwise, it is mentioned in the medical research that a cup of tea twice a day has many health benefits. Tea for relaxation keeps your stress level grounded and aids you to regain energy for the work. In the next section will acquaint you about the health benefits associated with the tea, here is the list of benefits.
Tea helps in strengthening your teeth
Green premium tea leaves are very popular among the crowd who are health conscious. Apart from having the fitness benefits, green tea has antimicrobial molecules called catechins which helps in improving your oral health. The Catechins have a high tendency to kill the bacteria that is responsible for gum diseases and tooth decay. One of the dental researches unveils that green tea or organic tea also prevents oral related problems including tooth loss. Therefore, if you want to strengthen your teeth then drink green tea at least twice a day.
Improve your heart’s health
The medical studies all mention that the people who drink four or more cup of green tea have less chance to suffer from heart related and cholesterol-related health disorders. It has many nutrients that help in reducing LDL cholesterol. If you want big adieu to the heart-related disorder then start investing in the organic tea leaves
Helps in reducing the weight
Green tea or organic tea helps the body’s metabolism to be more efficient. With improved metabolism, your body will convert all the food and drink into usable energy. Green tea has the antioxidant known as the catechin that is responsible to increase the body’s metabolism rate. The antioxidants present in green tea also help in breaking down the excessive fat cells.
So, these are some benefits associated with organic tea. The organic tea leaves are available in a variety of flavors. So, go online to pick your fave organic tea leaves and improve your quality of life. Find the best website to buy organic tea.
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rivers42holman-blog · 5 years
Velocity Up Your Laptop By Operating A Registry Cleaner
Speed Up Your Laptop By Running A Registry Cleaner
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danielglauert · 3 years
Types of Tea – All You Need to Know About These Teas
There are many varieties of tea available on the market. Today we are going to look at the most popular varieties of teas that people usually go for. After reading this article, you should have a good idea about the differences between these types of tea.
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Here are Some Popular Types of Tea
Flavored tea
Flavored teas come in many different styles. There are fruit flavors, sugar-free teas, mint teas, and flavored infusions. Some are better known than others. Peppermint tea is a popular option because of its pleasant taste, and some people like drinking it after having a spicy meal.
Flavored teas fall into three categories. First, there are flavored green teas such as ginger and jasmine. Second, there are flavored black teas such as pecan, and third, there are flavored herbal teas such as chamomile.
When choosing your flavored tea, you can pick the flavor depending on whether you want it hot or cold. Some people prefer the latter. Flavored tea is usually sweet, while green tea is savory and black tea is bitter.
Most people enjoy flavored green teas as well as other types of herbal teas. These teas have a subtle, natural flavor to them that makes them good when used in various recipes. The best part about flavored teas is that they are easy to prepare and do not take up a lot of room in your refrigerator. They are a cost-effective way to enjoy a delicious cup of tea.
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Silicone tea
Silicone teas are made from a material that looks a lot like silicone but doesn't have any oil in it. They are easy to store and keep cold, which is another reason why they are so popular. Some common silica flavors include grey, clear, and blue. Some flavored green teas are also in silicon forms. The leaves used to make these types of teas are usually handpicked, so the flavor is preserved in those leaves.
If you enjoy drinking tea with milk, then you should consider a flavored variety. That way, the flavor will stay with you for longer, and it is also great for regular consumption. If you like to have iced tea, then flavored versions are a great way to go. You can easily make one from the ingredients that you already have in your fridge.
Lemon tea
Lemon is one of the most popular flavors of tea. It gives a fresh lemony flavor and overall lightness to the tea. Other popular flavors include cranberry and mint. It can be a very refreshing and aromatic beverage in the summer season.
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Teabags are one of the most common forms of tea, and they come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors. They are easy to find and offer many different flavors as well. When you are looking for a good quality tea, you want to make sure that it comes in a good quality tea bag. When you buy tea packets and start using them, you will notice that they lose their flavor quite quickly and often do not have as much of a taste as tea when compared to teabags. Check out here to know more about jasmine pearl tea.
There are all kinds of tea bags available, and there are a number of different ways you can use these tea bags, such as adding them to a cup of hot water or to a recipe to get a certain flavor. You should be aware that the flavors you get from tea bags will not always be what you would get from premium loose tea. There are several great free recipes available online that can give you some ideas on using the tea bags in your cooking.
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