#C; Pearl Halliwell
forthelovexfmagic · 4 years
Back in her own times things had suddenly changed and it wasn’t for the best, Pearl decided that she must leave and go back to the past to try and change things back to how they were before. She was standing by the Book Of Shadows and read out an incantation to help her get back to where she need to go. 
Within moments she was standing in the attic again, but it looked different, her childhood toys no longer there, than she heard voices downstairs. She carefully walked down and saw her mother talking to her aunt in the kitchen. 
Slowly she walked towards them hoping they wouldn’t think she was a demon or someone wanting to hurt them, but she looked like a Halliwell so she hoped that was enough.
“Excuse me?” Her voice was soft and filled with caution as she stood in the doorway between the hallway and the kitchen.  
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
“Pearl, come down here right now please!” Prue is standing in the entrance of the kitchen and it looks like a tornado hit it. She has no idea where Andy is, she just hopes he’s okay, thinking that she might call Darryl to check in.
[ @lethalxlanterns ] 
Pearl had been in her room when she heard her mother call from downstairs. She closed the book she was reading and quickly headed down to where Prue was. “Is everything okay, mom?” She spoke. She had vanquished a low level demon after school, forgetting to tell her mother or her aunts. 
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forthelovexfmagic · 4 years
" This is not how I thought this day was gonna go. " {from Paige}
“Maybe you should open your mind a little bit more in the morning and your day won’t be so disappointing.” Pearl stated as she sat at the dining table eating a sandwich and doing homework. 
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forthelovexfmagic · 4 years
" Wait, what?! " {From Phoebe}
“Come on, Aunt Phoebe!” Pearl stated as she stood up from the sofa that she was sitting on. “I can’t believe you are shocked by this.. Hasn’t every Halliwell fallen for a demon before, you, Aunt Piper, Grams...” She added trying to state her case. 
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
Open to family; Pearl
Though she had, had a good day. No demons or warlocks threatening her harm. After getting home from school she headed straight for the attic, book bag and all. Once the door was shut behind her, she used her powers to set up a circle of candles and lit them before using a spell to summon her grandmother. 
She started to talk to her about her day and everything else like she usually did. “It’s always nice to see you, grandma. I know I should talk to mom, but I’m not sure how.. I kissed that girl today..” She spoke to Patty’s spirit but paused hearing a noise outside the attic. 
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
Birthday Witch || Pearl & Phoebe
@thegreatworkofmagic continued from here :
Phoebe was clearly excited to give Pearl her gift. She smiled broadly as she revealed the box to her, before she stepped aside so she could open it.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart.."
She said cheerfully, she couldn't help but beam at her when she saw how happy the puppy made her.
"You're very welcome.. Shall I tell you the story that made me pick this puppy in particular?"
She said as she sat down on the couch, patting on the empty seat next to her.
"I should warn you though.. It's about your mom."
She explained, while she observed her intently. The last thing she wanted was to make her niece sad on her birthday.
Pearl admired the puppy that was in her arms as she listened to her aunt speak, she ran her fingers along the soft fur as she sat down next to Phoebe curious to know why she had picked the dog for her. 
“I’d like to know the story.”
She confessed though cautious about what she would hear. She didn’t know much about her mother and aunts fighting evil as he father kept her away from the mess as much as he could. 
“I’d like to know more about mom.. Dad hasn’t spoken much about her since the funeral, the only time he spoke about her was when he was telling me what she had left for me.” 
Pearl signed looking down at the puppy in her lap. It was beautiful. 
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
[ bake ] (for Patty from Mattie. Hey that rhymes!)
She was sitting in the conservatory reading a book when her cousin caught her attention with cookies. She smiled brightly and put her book down after marking the page she was on. “Smells really good, Matt. Choc Chip?” 
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
🐶 for Pearl
It was almost her birthday and she didn’t really want to celebrate it, after all it was her first birthday without her mother. Her father had convinced her to spend time with her aunts while he dealt with the lost of his wife. 
She had spent the past few nights at the Halliwell Manor in one of the spare rooms. She woke up that morning and headed downstairs, she found her aunt in the living room with a box that had Pearl’s name on it. 
Moving closer to the sofa and box, she smiled as she took hold of the boxes handles and opened it slowly to reveal a pure white puppy inside.
Her eyes lit up with joy and love, as she took the puppy into her arms happily. 
“Thank you, Aunty! She’s beautiful!”
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
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Pearl's most used spell.. as her summoning powers don't extend to the afterlife.
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forthelovexfmagic · 2 years
❛ Do you remember anything? At all? ❜ Phoebe
Pearl sat up in the bed and shook her head.
“Who are you?”
She asked softly looking around the unfamiliar room.
“Where am I?”
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forthelovexfmagic · 2 years
❛ I can’t leave you alone for one minute, can I? ❜ Prue
Pearl sheepishly looked between her mother and the mess she had made before looking at the floor.
“Were you ever in doubt, mom?”
She questioned in return with a small grin.
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invisiblexcharms · 4 years
Head-canon for Pearl.
#1; Her hand writing as she gets older resembles her grandmothers more and more. 
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