exousiate · 2 years
        something is wrong. it’s the instinct of what lives beyond a natural lifespan what informs him, and he is not proud of how it tells him when to interfere, indirectly or otherwise, but it is what has allowed him to survive. his eyes narrow and he click his tongue with a harshness that sweeps away any features that are considered human. against what he expects, he can taste the snow-flake shield against his mouth. already a bad sign, especially when he has not seen Mashu since the mists happened.
he has no right to look after her, not in the way an older sibling does. he had already told her that they were not those people, that they could never have that life — not the life where his worse traits were never reflected on her. a life that involved being raised with love and care, and that never had to deal with goodbyes. and as much as he hates being vulnerable, it always comes down to the visceral truth: they mourn the same man like a father.
his whole body turns around, and he is not sure if the world is spinning too fast or if it is him who is moving too fast. he still runs, runs without any sense of direction except the sound of a wall being punched. he has known that sound longer than he has been dead. he does not need his all-seeing gaze to know that will greet him is—
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     Marisbury Animusphere smiling, unfazed.
@castilium​ : MISTIFIED RERUN
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daxned · 2 years
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! @castilium
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The thing that people assume about Dam-bi is that she's stuck up. She just has that look to her ya know? They'd probably think that she was raised by some rich family and everything from her world. While that may be slightly right, it's not so much as her being raised by a rich family, but her father did fight for the king and was a trusted general. She got this the other people in her village didn't, but Dam-bi was never the kid to rub that in people's faces. So, they're not right. People are usually wrong when it comes to assuming what kind of person Dam-bi is.
Though, when she speaks or when she does anything, people will then assume that she's been carrying something so heavy AND that's when they'll be right. There's a lot of baggage for this 10 years old. Kinda scary how she's just carrying them around though.
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lartilleur · 6 years
@castilium / hopes and reunions
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Lights in the sky fade, and a cooldown of sorts sets in that prevents him from following up with another round of his noble phantasm. Deciding to leave the area at that for now, he takes off, jumps on and then slides down the city’s attempt at establishing a pipe network. At its end (the strings of data didn’t manage to build it any further), he finds someone fighting just 10 meters or so below. A familiar sight too! From atop, he shouts the girl’s name. “Mashu? Mashu is that you? Who’d have thought you’re here?! Oh, are you fine? Let me join you!” 
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