ant1quarian · 6 months
It is concerning how bad I wanna kiss CC!cross man..
-cross' and epic's anon
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More smooches shall be given.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
CC Uppies: Axe Version
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Big Cyborg Avian has decided to give you uppies
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Liberosis - Chapter 1
Liberosis; the act of wanting freedom
You cowered in a tight cabinet hidden from view, hands pressed over your mouth as you silently shook. Icy hands cupped your heart and tugged at your gut. You struggled to swallow around the lump in your throat, fighting back the tears beginning to mist your vision.
War was a horrible thing. Humanity’s greed was a horrible thing. They fought and they fought without so much as batting an eye at the crimes they committed, giving mass-genocide the nickname of “collateral damage.”
This city– your friends, family, acquaintances, comrades, everyone– would be dismissed simply by your government as such. You knew it would. --- You live on a planet somewhere out in the galaxy that war rages on constantly.
Unfortunately for these motherfuckers, you survived the genocide, and now you're filled with SPITE.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Would anyone be interested in me writing a CC!Avians x Reader story?
'Cause like. I'm not gonna lie. I love those guys. They're so awesome.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Height differences I swear
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( Yes. I am small. )
... Not me casually forgetting how big height differences can be.
But yeah, that is his canonical height. He can compress himself down to 10'3" though.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
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The First ever Classic model, corrupted, shattered, self-modded and also:
Known far more commonly as the Rogue CC, Axe.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
The height of CC's
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Very tall.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
CC don't understand pressure or temperature. They don't really feel either. So they probably study the living things around them like:
"woah, thas kinda funky."
,,, Imagining cuddles with these massive dumbasses. Like sure they're metal but they're. More cozy then that
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Cyborg Cosmos Sans x Reader
Cw: War. And genocide. Shitty Government, too.
A burning red horizon. A blanket of shadows drawn across the sky. Concrete structures crumbled and collapsed in heaps of rubble, accented by the blood and dust smeared over the streets and former alleyways like some sort of gruesome graffiti. Lingering SOULs whispered tales of woe and inescapable pain, of the loss they had experienced, and the life they never got to live.
The whirr of mechanical systems filled the cold, desolate air. Quiet ker-thump’s echoed down the empty streets, followed by the brief noise of a knife’s blade sliding along another’s.
You cowered in a tight cabinet hidden from view, hands pressed over your mouth as you silently shook. Icy hands cupped your heart and tugged at your gut. You struggled to swallow around the lump in your throat, fighting back the tears beginning to mist your vision.
War was a horrible thing. Humanity’s greed was a horrible thing. They fought and they fought without so much as batting an eye at the crimes they committed, giving mass-genocide the nickname of “collateral damage.”
This city– your friends, family, acquaintances, comrades, everyone– would be dismissed simply by your government as such.
You knew it would.
Unjust didn’t even begin to describe the system you survived under.
You flinched at the noise of something near you shifting, barely audible shifts of weight informing you of a lingering presence. The hope of it being a survivor like you was immediately distinguished upon the sound of mechanical wings gliding against each other.
A fucking CC.
Cyborgs created for the endless hell pit of war you’d survived through thus far; gifted with vibration sensitivity and incredible hearing gifted to them through their bird-like ears. Sharp, edged talons on their feet and hands made for ripping and slicing. Knife-like teeth made to shred and tear. Wings made of detachable feather-looking blades used for slashing and dismembering.
Inventions of chaos and harm; pain and suffering.
All based off of a spaceborn, bird-like creature called Cosmos.
You hated them.
But then again, when was there ever anything that the government ruling over you created that you didn’t hate?
… You couldn’t remember the last time you smiled.
The sound of mechanical footsteps thudding against the concrete floor told tales of the incredible weight the CC held– likely to be used by crushing your skull underfoot if you were to be caught. It got closer and closer. You held your breath, shutting your eyes and furrowing your brows as it seemed to reach down towards your cabinet and–
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ant1quarian · 6 months
... if you were to cuddle with a CC, you wouldn't be beneath them. These guys are far too heavy for that
They might just lay you on their chest with several pillows and a blanket before deactivating, keeping theirselves running just enough to tell if you wake up and want to move around.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Did I mention:
CC!Avians cannot exactly feel things. Emotions, yes, but not temperature. Not pain.
They can only feel pressure pressed on them due to their vibration and pressure senses. Their code will be telling them that yes, you're touching them, but they can't exactly feel it.
... It's also extremely difficult for them to actually get "injured." So far, technology has only advanced enough for CC's to hurt CC's.
So. Y'know. They're kinda fuckin' hard to kill.
You'd probably have to drop a nuke on them to actually obliterate them. Even then, they can just be rebuilt.
Their model's information is kept in a locker, after all, and the supplies to build them is... surprisingly easy to come by.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Nah cuz this CC!Avian AU has taken over almost all of my braincells.
Like there's something about having a big ol' murder cyborg that was made for destruction and war finding themself and diverging from what was expected from them because they never had the chance to get hooked up to the system.
And then the thought of You, the Reader, finding/taking them away before they can get all network-ified and them just. Following You around like a puppy who doesn't know how humans or things in general work.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
the intimidation of a 15ft war machine diverging from their original purpose to cause carnage and suffering to learn about themselves, try new things, explore their sexualities and personalities and gender and-
I can't stop thinking about them.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Wanna Join my Discord Server?
Awesome. Cool. Fantastic.
Here's the link:
All are welcome to join, though expect me to be a tad awkward as I dunno what I'm doing currently with this
I'll try to make it fun though :]
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Random lil' sketch of CC!Axe
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ant1quarian · 6 months
cc dust x hacker reader
Dust would definitely be at least a bit intimidated, as a creature that can be hacked himself, but he finds your skill intriguing and at least a bit helpful.
His "brother", Classic, is really good at hacking into shit. He thinks the two of you could bond over that, maybe.
I feel like he likes to stand silently behind you and just watch you do your thing.
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