#CCS CCA Mona Version
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Episode 13 and we have reached the time for a new opening, in other words: Half of what his hopefully only the first season of the Clear Card Arc is finished!
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I am probably saying this a bit too often, but I am glad they didn’t exclude Meiling from the Clear Card Anime, even tho she obviously was not in the Manga.
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Those two really need to spend more time with each other, so they stop getting into such awkward moments all the time. They are kinda walking on eggshells sometimes for an obvious lack of understanding each other because they just don’t talk much at all.
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They don’t look like they are learning for exams at all... Probably just an excuse to stay over at Yukitos without raising questions XD
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There is always something weird about those two talking to each other. But Toya was so calm when Yukito transformed that its possible a lot more common than the series lets us know.
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As I said before, they seriously have to work on their communication skills. It seems to be a lot better in Manga after the Card thing is finally revealed, but until then it was obviously standing in the way of their relationship. But on another note, Sakura got more perceptive, ever since the Sakura Cards.
So Meilings Cat-Ears and tell appear and disappear because of what Akiho reads. But how does that make any sense? Akiho herself has no powers as of yet and Sakura hasn’t talked to her about the story she is currently reading either. Was the Anime using some... uh... questionable freedom here, because its an anime-exclusive episode? ^^’
Oh. The Episode is over? O.o Does this incident with the Catears get solved at all then? BTW... no Clear Card. WTF?!
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Episode 14 it is. And I actually forgot to post last episodes title, but it was something with “Sakura and the returning Meiling” or so XD
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This boy is working too hard...
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I will never get used to those ridiculous backgrounds XD
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So now Sakura wanted to go to the Zoo and that is why everyone suddenly is an animal. It does make sense now, but it didn’t make sense before. Or Sakura already had known they wouldn’t go to the zoo the previous night and thus it already started then, even tho the episode didn’t tell us about it...
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I have no idea what got her to suddenly end up in this “other world”. Maybe she felt like she was “from another world” because only she noticed the Anime Ears and tails? O.o
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Okay... no... there are all here with her. So thats not it.
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I get the Animal-Part... but I still don’t get why they ended up in that different dimension. If anything, at the moments, its just a plot device to not make it weird as they were in a place full of people.
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First of all: Get a load of this. In the beginning of the Clow Card Arc when Shaolan used the time-card for the first time Sakura herself froze with it and I assumed it was a mistake of the Anime, as it was said people with magical powers should not be affected by it. BUT what if only people with stronger or equal magical power as the one using the card are affected? It would make sense that Sakuras powers were weaker than Shaolans at first, as he had been studying magic before she herself became a Card Captor, but because she captured so many cards in such a short amount of time, the next time he use Time, she was strong enough to not be affected. And that would mean that Shaolans power is greater than one of the creatures Clow Reed himself has created. Holla. And second of all: What is it with that boy and this immensely powerful and draining card? Why does he always have to have and use it? He should know very well by now what a toll it takes on him to use this card. To top that off, as Sakura is currently stronger then him, it must take him even more energy to freeze the effects of her magic in time. And he isn’t even done yet. And I have one more things to say: The next scene, is my Favorit Sakura x Shaolan scene. So lets open up a new post for lots of shippy screenshots XD
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You know... there is something rather frustrating about the fact that she basically had the same date with Yukito in season one that she now has with Shaolan. There is something... really, really wrong about it ^^’ Episode 9 by the way.
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You can probably not hear it anymore but... THEY ARE SOOOOO CUTE! *.*
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Lots of unintentional teasing in this episode XD
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And there is also that overprotective big brother XD Toya knew Sakura and Shaolan would be together long before most other characters were (probably the only other one who knew it that early was Tomoyo... I think even Eriol took longer then expected of someone like him...) and yet he just can’t get used to Shaolan ^^’
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Its so cute how he still has some much trouble with expressing he feelings and wishes towards Sakura.
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This episode is pure shipping-fanservice but I am sure as hell are not going to complain XD
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As if you could still eat that Lunch now that its all soaked with fish-tank-water ^^’
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The head could have been smaller tho...
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Since when does he have ice? O.o BTW... he was quite amazing. He knew the card was the way it was because Sakura thought of how she captured watery and thus that it would be defeated the same way. Sakura was in a bind here too, so without him and his knowledge that might have ended pretty badly.
A little well deserved Bonus:
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He carried her bridal-style. Do you know how much strength you need to have to do that?
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Episode 20 and I have to tell you that it was absolutely adorable how it started. Sakura made rolled eggs and sang a song about how to do it and Kero was singing and dancing along and it was so darn cute XD
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Future husband. The way those two idiots are, it will take a while until then tho... so pray dear great grandpa that you are still alive then, so that you can at least attend Nadeshikos daughters wedding... (Was that mean? Well, it was intended to be ^^’)
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I am never sure if they are adorable or stupid XD
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His first thought was very likely: “Thank god they are the same age!” XD That was really Sakuras fathers only flaw, if you think about it. Other then that, I do not think there is that much of a difference between him and Shaolan, at least not in the things that a great grandfather would look out for in a boy who might marry his most beloved granddaughters daughter one day. Shaolan is polite and friendly and cares about Sakura more than anything else... what more can you wish for? But I am sure Fujitaka was just the same with Nadeshiko and as we all know, he wasn’t accepted, simply because he was older then her.
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In Sakuras dream it is her who is under the robe (even tho the Anime didn’t show that yet) but if Akiho saw a person standing there wearing a robe... in her dream it can hardly be herself right?
She did recognize it as her robe tho...
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He said she should go to sleep for tonight... but it looks really bright outside and when we last saw Sakura it was one pm. So... huh? O.o
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I mean... if she is going to marry a Li, she might as well live in a big house XD
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Episode 21 of 22 of the Clear Card Arc. Almost there.
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He helped her get off the freaking bed. What a gentleman he is XD
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He said he didn’t wanted Sakura to know because her powers were too chaotic and she couldn’t control them, probably because her worry and panic would make her power go even more out of control. It still seems like a rather lame excuse ^^’
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Later on in the Manga, Momo is really unhappy with Kaitos actions, because they don’t respect or consider Akihos feelings and wishes at all. And that is basically what she is saying here too, that he shouldn’t forget her in all the things he is doing.
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I feel so sorry for Shaolan. All he wants is for Sakura to be happy. This must be so frustrating for him.
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We have reached the final Episode! And I have to say, even tho some of the fillers were rather... boring watching this makes me want to know how the Manga is going to end even more and I hope that they will turn the rest of the Manga into a second season eventually.
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I guess they wanted to give us some sort of fight at the end of the final season. Its really intense tho, I can barely look ^^’ I think it was less big in the Manga...
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Poor girl. She has no idea what she is doing to her dear friend.
Aaaaand cut. This is the end. Sad. I really feel like I need to know were this is going like... RIGH NOW! XD
But with that, I have finally finished watching all CCS Episodes. Only the movies are missing but I don’t feel like watching the first one at all ^^’
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Episode 19. Almost there. (I like the Clear Card Arc but it has reached its limits and it is ready to end this season.)
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Sakura used “Cute” on Shaolan, it was very effective XD
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Very effective indeed XD
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Look at that, Shaolans sisters are all there, because they worry about him.
I can’t believe I am listening to the story of a fox wanting mittens while actually watching an episode of CCS ^^’ (What a stupid filler...)
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They are finally onto something. Was about time. As Sakuras guardians they kinda suck this time... especially Yue, he is barely there anymore. (Apparently he prefers flirting with Toya XD)
I have only 3 Episodes left and I wanted to finish this today, but I have gotten a headache, so I will finish this another time. I did made quite the progress at least.
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I strongly believe that Kaito will turn into this thing eventually. I have a slight idea of how the Clear Card Arc will end eventually, but I have yet to find a “save the Kaito, even tho he doesn’t deserve it” - Solution. Then again... maybe Toya has turned into a magical “I give people my power” - character and thus saves another life? Who knows? I hope I am wrong tho... that would be lame.
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Episode 17.
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Oh look! Its the one they kicked out of the team because they were afraid of the backlash if they tell anyone she is still dating the teacher XD
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A glas of wine in her hand and wearing a Kimono and suddenly you feel like you meat Yuuko from Holic again XD Seriously. I think Clamp is doing this on purpose ^^’ (Her true form doesn’t look like Yuuko tho.)
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Why is this boy always late? And why do these two always look so damn cute together? XD
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I’ve just a few hours ago watched a Video were the person joked about one person holding on to the other persons hand even tho the reason for it was long gone. Here we have the same thing. He took her hands to get her down gently... and now that she is down, he is still holding them XD
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XD Something like this usually breaks the spell tho.
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As nice as he is to her, he usually keeps her at arms length most of the time. So... this kind of surprises me.
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So much about this. He did that to use magic on her...
That was weird... I am not even sure anymore. Did he use magic or her or did something else happen to her? O.o
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Episode 18.
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Shaolan, 3 years later, still doing his most important job properly XD (I have a scene from the original Anime that looked a lot like that too.)
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I guess at this point he realized that it was better to use the cards BEFORE Sakura or anyone else could get in serious danger. And yes... he doesn’t look happy at all.
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This is so obviously Windy, that anyone who didn’t see that should go get some glasses.
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I could have sworn I remembered him standing there holding the card behind his back... but that could have been in the manga, as he isn’t using the cards directly in the Anime.
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That is kinda worrysome...
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That sounds like he is about to do something stupid, when the time comes...
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Episode 15 and we have yet a little bit more to fangirl about, as we are watching the “making off” of the dance scene from the second CCS-Movie in this Episode. Yeah!
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In case you haven’t noticed that, the Anime likes to make sure you really see and understand that, because eventually it will get important for the plot.
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XD Tomoyos mother really, really loves Sakura ^^’
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Tomoyo and I are really enjoying watching Sakura struggle here XD
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I on the other hand enjoyed that very much and feel like I should rewatch that movie again XD
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Ahh... soooo adorable ♥ I always say that these too are too much sugar. But every once in a while, one needs too much sugar XD
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Play the TRC opening! XD
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There is going to be a play. But it will be a weird adaptation of Alice in Wonderland and I am not sure if Shaolan will even have a role in it. Would be weird to give one Alice (yes, we will have two) a partner and the other one not, as Akihos partner can hardly play a role in a schoolplay ^^’
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An earthquake because they said the Play ended because of an earthquake?
Another double episode. I guess they lacked content as they rushed way past the Manga at this point.
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Episode 16 of 22. Were getting closer to the end.
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It seems a bit... overboard to change the time just because he accidentally let it slip that he knew about Sakuras fathers occupation. He could easily made up some excuse, or make her believe she did in fact mention Sakuras fathers job before. But I guess that was just the Animes excuse for showing us Kaitos time-changing powers. No idea how it happened in the Manga... but given the risk of doing that, I doubt he would do it for something so trivial there too. But I could be wrong.
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This was sudden and kinda lame. It was like they just needed something to fill the rest of the episode. A filler in its truest form.
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I see what you did there XD But she is right.
*stretch* Okay... next.
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Thats what I meant when I said he wasn’t done yet. Not just that he used time to stop the magic of a person more powerful than him, he also had to use his own magical ability to cut through those powers, created by someone more powerful then him, to get to Sakura. And all that one the same day he actually did turn the time Card into a power he could use to begin with. This boy is going to kill himself at this rate.
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Look at that idiot! He can’t even stand on his own two feet anymore.
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And she never questioned that. He could never use time-power before, aside from when he had the time-card himself. So woudl that be not the best opportunity (not right now, but afterwards) to ask how the hell did he gain that kind of ability? Just saying.
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What I found absolutely amazing in this scene (aside from that they are in that cute embrace of course XD) is that Shaolan can barely speak. That is how weak he is already. He is keeping time going purely by his will to protect Sakura and despite that, he is still able to help her through this. Of course, he knows something she doesn’t, which is that she herself is creating the cards and thus that she herself must have the answer to how to fix this. That is something she won’t learn in the anime at all - not in the currently existing season at least - so she wouldn’t even think in the direction Shaolan is pushing her in right now. In that sense he NEEDS to talk her through this, as she is totally lost right now and desperate and needs the key information how to get out of this and fast. But with this huge amount of magic that he must have lost already, its amazing that he can even still talk at all.
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When it was clear (pun not intended) that Shaolan hat the Sakura-Cards, the haters were all over him calling him names ans everything. But would you look at this boy? He suffers! He suffers so much because he can’t do anything, he can’t say anything and because he has to hide things from her. This isn’t the look of someone who stole her cards out of sheer hunger for power, this is not the look of someone who doesn’t give a damn about Sakuras feelings. He loves her and all the shit he pulls, he pulls for her and her only and suffers greatly while doing so. Does it make it okay that he kept things from her? No. But does it make him a bad person who deserved the hate? No! Definitely not. Otherwise we have to call Toya names as well for hiding his powers and knowledge from Sakura until the right moment has come (which hasn’t happened in the Manga yet either...) and lets not forget back in the Sakura Card Arc when Kero und Yue kept the fact from her that her powers weren’t strong enough to support Yue and that Yukito would vanish eventually. That might not be the right way, but they do it for her. Because they care about her, love her and want to protect her. And thus, I am not allowing anyone to badmouth this boy! I am the Shaolan-Protection-Force from this episode on.
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Shaolan needs to hold on to his Sword to let his magic to its work. Its like a wand, channeling his powers. Not holding on to it, means he needs even more willpower to keep the magic going and to top it off, he has to stay conscious long enough to comfort Sakura and calm her down enough so she can figure this out. The power of love, I tell you.
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I love how she is leaning into him. I am such a sucker for scenes like this... ♥.♥ Achem... anyway. It was good and quick thinking of Shaolan to tell her she needed to want things to change to get out of this. Because as she is the cause, she needs to be the solution.
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Honestly? The timing of that scene couldn’t be better. Given what we know now and how Sakura and Shaolans relationship is still akward do to their lack of communication. Because if anything shows how much Shaolan loves Sakura and what he is willing and able to do for her, it is this fucking scene.
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She basically beat her own powers... with her own powers. Amazing. And scary.
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If we were back in the old days, that card would have belonged to Shaolan.
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I am so not surprised to hear that ^^’
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And that is EXACTLY what you shouldn’t do ^^’
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I love the ending, by the way XD
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Its time for Episode 11 of the Clear Card Arc. And it looks like King Penguin is yet again the poor victim of one of the cards. I do wonder if he will ever get to just be a cute looking slide that doesn’t have to deal with our Card Captors Problems XD
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He is too perceptive for his own good. He immediately looked like he knew something was of with Kaito. Amazing as per usual.
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But... isn’t it weird. Sakuras powers are getting stronger and stronger and given how they mentioned the ball-tournament, the time when Shaolans powers aren’t enough anymore to stop hers is near, meaning that it shouldn’t be do to him being more powerful then her at the moment.
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So is it like with... Mrs.Teacher were Sakura was all “Hanyaaaaan” all the time while Shaolan on the other hand was growling at Kaho? ^^’
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Its funny. There is no word whatsoever about Rikas relationship with the teacher, she even got more or less kicked out of CCS, likely to prevent backlash. But here we are, not hiding Kahos and Eriols relationship at all ^^’
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Its Episode 12 and Akiho tells Kaito about her reoccurring dreams, in which it seems she is the person under the hood in Sakuras dreams. And as Kaito says, it seems the meaning of the dream gets more and more clear to her.
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As I was saying before... at this point, Shaolans own powers can not deal with Sakuras powers anymore. And now it gets interesting.
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She really was amazing.
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Its a lot more obvious here, why she created a card in that moment. And the reason it was hail, was because they talked about the weather before.
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They are so cute XD
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The problem with Sakura subconsciously creating the cards, is that there is no system behind it at all. She doesn’t create any cards with the thought in mind she needs a certain element or so and thus, she is now in trouble.
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Something we need to be aware of, is that Shaolan knows A LOT more then even we as the viewer knew at this point. He has been aware that eventually, his own powers wouldn’t be enough anymore. So this didn’t surprise him, it was more like it frustrated him because at this point, he has no other choice but to use the cards he had stolen from Sakura, in order to still be able to protect her.
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It was really amazing how this scene was drawn in a way that even tho you couldn’t hear him say it, his lips clearly moved to say “Firey”, the only thing you had to do was pay attention.
I have to say a few things here...
I did not like how Shaolan handled this whole situation with Sakuras ever growing powers and what needed to be done to help and protect her. BUT at the end of the day he did it for Sakura, to protect her and not to harm her or because he didn’t care. And adding to that, Eriol was strictly against telling Sakura anything, so it wasn’t just his own decision either. That doesn’t make it okay, but I think at the end of the day, the facts speak in his favor. Because it took 12 Episodes before he even used the cards he stole and he hated it and himself for it, it was written all over his face the whole time. He wasn’t even willing to use it, despite knowing it would be necessary until Sakuras life was actually in danger. So despite the fact that he literally stole the cards, allowing Sakura to worry about them even tho they were save with him, he didn’t steal them for his own sake. He didn’t take them to be more powerful or to finally get his hands on the cards he always thought he deserved. If that would be the case, he would have used them before and a lot more often and without giving it much thought or feeling bad about it. I think one has to give him credit for the fact that instead of “enjoying” finally having all the Cards in his hands and using them whenever it seemed right, he was only using them after his very own powers just weren’t enough anymore and they were his only chance to protect Sakura.
Regardless, him keeping secrets from Sakura and stealing and using her cards, made a perfect setup for pretending that he was under the hood later on. After all, since he has stolen her cards, and since he was supposed to be the Card Captor at first, it doesn’t seem so far off that he would also want Sakuras Staff and her powers. Aside from the fact that this way of thinking or acting is just not his stile. And no matter what, if anything is clear in this whole mess, then that he really, really loves Sakura.
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I am finally back with Episode 10 of Card Captor Sakuras Clear Card Arc. Sakura and Meillin are currently talking on the phone about how the Date from the last Episode went. BTW... I think its Karma that this wen’t wrong in so many ways. Who would invite her boyfriend to have a date in a place were she had her date with her first crush before? That aside... she MADE the cards go crazy again (although not on purpose) and thus, it was technically speaking her very own fault.
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The what? A labyrinth for... sleeping? She is a bit overkill with some of the cards, don’t you think? ^^’
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I am glad that they included this wonderful movie in the anime, despite the fact that there are some... uh... things that don’t really work anymore with the current setting in the Clear Card Arc. But it would have been so sad to think that beautiful dance and all never happened.
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They are adorable XD
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Sometimes I want to question whoever comes up with the cards names ^^’ I mean, yes, Firey, Watery and Windy weren’t that special and all. But... just “snooze”? Come on!
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Two cards in a row. Back in the day, she would have collapsed after that XD But that aside... I kind of don’t get why she would make up those Cards. She had plenty of phone calls, said she were lonely until Akio came by and then they talked about the play and learning to cook together. How does this lead to Snooze and Labyrinth? O.o
This was rather a filler. But I guess after all the shipping-stuff from last episode, that was bunt to happen.
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You know... I thinks its weird that Sakura didn’t get any connection with the fact that she wanted something that records anything and actually got it. Kero too, didn’t realize it. Anyway, its the next Episode. Episode 7 of the clear card arc So lets see if they will make what creates the cards as obvious as it was last episode in every episode now.
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You know... its weird how they have smarthphones and drones and stuff, given that the original Anime was born in the 90s or so. Actually, Sakura and Shaolan should probably be married with 3 kids at this point XD Instead we just... missed 2 years at best but are still using VERY modern technologie ^^’
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You know... the way he summons his sword now my head immedeatly plays “A song of storm and fire” from TRC XD I just can not help it. (Actually, I put the song on for a moment ^^’)
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This card was friendly from the start. Makes you wonder tho, why that is the case...
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Episode 8 and apparently, we play childish games once more... (there is nothing to say against playing catch or hide - and seek even as an adult, its just that childish was the only way that fit as ab description ^^’)
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Ah... being young and in love... such exiting times...
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In the second movie it was said to be crushed to build a theme-park for it. Funny fact tho, despite the fact that this should prove the movie out of the canon-zone, the anime itself has an episode were we see Sakura and Shaolan training to dance together for the sake of the dance they had in the play from the second movie. So... its half-canon at this point, I guess XD
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May I introduce to you the “villain” of the clear card arc? This is Yuna D. Kaito. And if you have wondered about the clocks in Sakuras “dreams” it is because this assh- I mean... this uh... nice looking guy, can actually manipulate time.
I think to remember that in the Manga Momo hinted at that Yuna sometimes hurt Akiho intentionally to keep her at arms length or something along the lines of this. Here he straight out just said taking care of Akiho is his job, thus rejecting the idea that he takes care of her because he actually cares. Poor child was really sad...
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He says that, but I am pretty sure there were a few things they could have said and done...
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Episode 5 of tzhe Clear Card Arc and we start without any introduction to the plot, we directly get the title this time... Weird!
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I get the cherry blossom tree, as she just went for a picnicki around those trees... but I absolutely do not understand why she gets forcefully pulled towards that one magical tree...
Also... how convenient that once again, Shaolan isn’t there.
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He actually noticed it. Not bad.
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Aren’t they the cutest? Not just that he noticed she was sad because of something he said, he also pushed her in a gentle way to say whats wrong and when he said he wanted to eat the lunch she made for him, she told him not to force it, just because she made the lunch and looked sad. And then he took the thing he told him on the phone she was so working hard on learning to make first to compliment it. Sooooooo adorable! ♥
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Episode six and is this title hinted at Yukito? ^^’
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Okay, this time it might finally makes sense what kind of card she comes up with...
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Its interesting that we never knew that he can play the piano, even tho he is so damn good at it. And there is something... attractive about a man playing a piano somehow? O.o Not that I find Shaolan attractive... but I noticed it lately that a man playing piano kind of draws you towards him or something ^^’
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This is actually the first time he is actually around for this kind of thing. Its Episode 6 already and I was wondering if he was avoiding being around in such situations until now for some reason....
He didn’t do much tho, besides being frustrated about the fact that he didn’t feel anything. It seems odd form him to complain about that, given the circumstances, but he seemed genuinely frustrated. So maybe he didn’t know he wouldn’t sense it if her powers run rampage and now that he notices it, he realized that he is somewhat helpless because he can not even feel if something happens and only can rely on being around or being told about it in time. That would put Sakura in more danger, as he can not help her most of the time and thus is bound to get him frustrated.
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Episode 4 and we finally get introduced to the someone who is somehow the cause of a lot of problems but still very likely also the solution to Sakura losing control over her ever growing magical powers. But that has yet to be confirmed.
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Those two are really alike ^^’
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I swear we did not talk or think about trees or walking trees or any kind of plant or other usual not moving thing starting to move. Hell, those trees could even pick a freaking lock. I have no idea were all this is coming from.
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She was pretty amazing in controlling her new cards. Almost too amazing. Like... how did she even know they could do that?
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Seriously, they are so cute together *.* No matter the bullshit Shaolan and Eriol are pulling for all the seemingly right but eventually wrong reasons... we so deserved to to Sakura and Shaolan be cute together XD
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That is one important point in this mess and for me, like with many traitors (not that I would call Shaolan a traitor per se) it makes a huge difference to me if someone actually regrets what he did, feels sorry about it and shows that he didn’t really like to do it. Which is definitly the case with Shaolan here.
Okay... its enough for today.
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Episode 3 of the clear card arc fits really well with the fact that we had heavy rain here all day too. (9.7.21)
Shaolan seriously asked for the Sakura-Cards. WTF was that for?
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Once again, there was no thinking are talking about rain going on. It actually started really suddenly and as the kid said the forecast said zero chance of rain, its unlikely that rain has been on her mind for that reason.
At this point I am seriously wondering if Shaolan isn’t staying away from Sakura in purpose. Like... he doesn’t want to be around when she accidentally creates the cards. It seems odd for him to leave her out of his sight when she could be in danger... besides of course he does it on purpose. But... why? Was he afraid of triggering her powers somehow? Or was it because he wasn’t able to turn any of her cards yet and might not have been of much help? O.o
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I am not sure why her own magic is attacking her. We have a situation later were things happen in a way because she accidentally recreated them from a previous situation. But is the Water-Magic attacking her now simply because she assumed it would and thus indirectly controlled it to attack her and Tomoyo? O.o
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Even tho we almost reached the final in the Manga, we also still don’t know what Toyas new powers are. He obviously figured out that Kaito was dangerous and warned him to not harm Sakura (or Shaolan, which was really cute by the way) but there was no reveal of what kind of powers he himself has yet.
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Once again... no idea how talking about their new cheer-leading uniform could have caused this.
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In a way, he might be an asshole right now, but he is also very cute with Sakura, so I may forgive him XD
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You know there is A LOT going on in this episode O.O
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So Sakura is worried, I focus on Shaolan being quiet and Tomoyo... has her priorities somewhere else - as usual XD
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Episode 2 of the Clear Card Arc, Ladys and Gentleman. Lets see were and why we are stuck in a room with no Exit.
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Oh boy! That can’t be good ^^’ Seriously, the only play in this Anime that was good, was the one from the second movie - which we never finished because of the plot V.V
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^^’ I agree tho...
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I kind of get that they didn’t want to lie to her but still found it reasonable (I am not sure if I agree with that tho) to keep things from her for the time being and so not answering was really the only choice Eriol had. But its really mean to not respond at all. He might as well could have told her that maybe this time she needs to figure things out on her own and stay vague about the rest or something.
And that really is my biggest problem with that. Not the secret itself (although questionable, even tho with good intentions) but the how they dealt with this whole situation.
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I have no idea was caused this. She wasn’t thinking of anything or saying anything that would lead that O.o
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I still find it extremely reckless of Shaolan and Eriol to leave Sakura unattended with not much to use for self defense, knowing were well she would cause harm to herself by creating those cards...
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I see what you did there...
Its interesting how differently things hit when you know the answer to some of the questions.
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So.... this is how we start the Clear Card Arc, yes? ^^’
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Ah. An recap. THAT is more like it.
The Intro: Here. This are our ships! XD
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Episode one of the Clear Card Arc has a very... CCS-like-Title ^^’
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Uh... why did we waste time and money on the OVA if they show us their original Anime Goodbye? Not to mention that this ending doesn’t fit with the fact that Shaolan has the pink Teddy O.o
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I get that it is more realistic this way... but I hate to see them in different classes...
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So... here is the question: Did they kick her out to prevent any backlash because of her relationship with her teacher? Or did she chose a different school herself because he broke up with her? OR did her parents send her to a different school because they found out about her relationship with that teacher and they wanted her as far away as possible? We will probably never find out. (She does have guest appearances but no one speaks a word about it, not even in the manga... then again in the Anime the relationship never happened and in the manga no one knew who she was dating...)
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They are in freaking middle-school and this boy just left his home and family FOREVER for Sakura. I am not sure if it is romantic or overly optimistic ^^’
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I guess we go with cute but still overly optimistic XD BTW... I think we better get used to those kind of backgrounds ^^’
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This is so sweet, you might get karies from it XD But on a more serious note: WE DESERVE THAT REUNION-HUG! (And as I am am reunion-hug-master at this point. I give this an 8 our of ten ;P)
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I am still mad that he can have his love with the teacher and we couldn’t get our beautiful Rika and her Teacher Moments... *pout*
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I love and support Shaolan and I know why he did what he did and I do not agree with the haters or anything... but that was a dirty trick.
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Aaaaaand here we go again with the foresight dream ^^’
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It still seems odd to take the cards away from her before she even created the first Clear Card, given how she is basically defenseless at the moment and Shaolan and Eriol knew that something was going to happen eventually.
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In case you needed a confirmation that those two are still dating...
Then again CCS seems to support the “one true love” - principle that says that you only really fall in love once in your life and like a swan, stay with that Person forever. Going as far as Sakuras father saying that he would fall in love again with Sakuras mother in his next life. And adding CCS were once again, everyone eventually end up were they belong, it seems to be a principle CLAMP likes as a whole...
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Its so pretty!
So we gathered Gale in the first episode without having to use anything but the new staff... it was still dangerous. I think it was extremely stupid of Eriol and Shaolan to leave Sakura without any cards from the very start.
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W-What the hell are you doing in her house at 3 in the freaking morning? O.O
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More of these ridiculous backgrounds ^^’
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I get that the Teddy should represent her and all... but could that Teddy be any more girlish? ^^’ Meilling will laugh at him when he comes home with this...
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♥♥♥ A well deserved hug XD
And as this serves as the prologue to the Clear Card Arc... we are finally there!
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