#CEG 4x10
mtvswatches · 6 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x10 I Can Work With You
Stray thoughts
1) It’s amazing but the show actually accomplished it – I dig the new theme song. I’m actually singing along.
2) I repeat: Other Rebecca needs help.
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3) Okay…
REBECCA: You're weird around her. It's like you can barely even look at her, because she reminds you of a very traumatic time in your life where you made some rash decisions and contributed to the existence of another person and maybe didn't fully think it through.
Even though this is incredibly introspective and it makes sense, it wasn’t the explanation I was expecting to get from Rebecca. Accepting to be Daryl’s baby’s surrogate mother was a rash decision, yes. And even though it rubbed me the wrong way how she showed no interest in the baby, it made sense, it was consistent with her behavior. She made the decision to carry the baby without giving it much thought. Likewise, she wasn’t giving the baby much thought.
I actually chalked it up to Rebecca being a self-centered dick. She might be making improvements as regards her mental health and introspection, but she’s still utterly self-centered and a dick.
4) I loved the Jersey Shore reference!
REBECCA: Snooki has a baby. She has two babies.
DARRYL: And look at what a great job she's doing with Lorenzo and Giovanna.
Yes, I love Jersey Shore. Occasionally, I love crap.
5) Shouldn’t Greg and his dad be attending different help groups? It kind of defeats the whole “anonymous” purpose…
But I like how we got to see Greg’s sponsor again and see how seriously Greg takes his advice.
6) I keep relating to Paula so much…
PAULA: Second, that is how I wanted to celebrate my birthday With you and some room-temp California rolls. It was perfect. No one stared at me and no one sang "Happy Birthday," so it was a big win.
I loathe celebrating my birthday.
7) It’s kind of a shocker that Mrs H sucks at charades, isn’t it?
8) Me, everytime Josh speaks:
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9) Also, me:
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Replace “Beverly Hills” with any TV show I binge-watch.
10) I relate to Rebecca so much because I’m so not a baby person either. I had a very similar experience the first time babysitting one of my best friend’s babies. I just don’t know what to do with babies. They are so fragile and unpredictable, an enigma. Toddlers and kids, that’s a whole other thing. Once I can actually communicate with them, they love me.
11) Oh, the game night is Paula’s graduation party! I can understand her not wanting to make a big deal out of it. I didn’t celebrate my graduation either! But I agree with Paula’s husband, though. Rebecca would’ve totally gone to the game night if she had known it was Paula’s graduation party.
12) The game sounds boring af, though. I think they wasted a great opportunity to come up with a nonsensical game that only the characters in the show understand and whose rules are super vague for the audience, a la “True American” from New Girl.
13) I really love it when Nathaniel violently claims he’s nice.
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14) Valencia is going to mop the floor with Hector, isn’t she? Will learn why she is so mean to him, though?
15) I laughed so hard at this…
JOSH: Um, what happened to Marvin Gaye?
PAULA: Oh, his dad murdered him. Anyway…
JOSH: As an adult?
NATHANIEL: No, Josh, as a baby. Marvin Gaye was murdered as a baby. All the music that he made that you love, he made as a baby.
JOSH: Whoa.
16) “You left West Covina just to get away from me.” Again, this is a bit self-centered. Yes, Rebecca definitely played a huge part in Greg deciding to leave West Covina, but he also did it for very personal reasons related to his own desires, ambitions and mental health. What’s more, I just don’t understand how Rebecca doesn’t realize that in spite of all the crazy shit she’s done, her coming to West Covina put in motion a chain of events that affected everyone’s lives in a positive way. All of the characters are at a better place than they were before Rebecca arrived in town, Greg included! So yeah, she might be a whirlwind who usually fucks things up, but she’s served as the catalyst for everyone’s self-improvement as well.
17) Ummmmmmmm
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In the words of Joshua Felix Chan…
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I did not see that coming. I was expecting the writers to rekindle this relationship, but I didn’t see them getting involved so soon after meeting again? Like, there’s so much stuff they still have to work through, plus they have to get reacquainted with one another? Both of them have changed so much! Are they into the actual person in front of them or are they holding onto the idea of the person they used to be who made them feel a certain way?
Let’s just hope this is going in an interesting direction… (but I don’t know if “Settle for Me” playing in the background right before they kissed is a good omen…)
18) I really enjoyed this number…
And I really loved how their parents were playing the instruments and looked bitterly disappointed once they finished hahaha!
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Yeah, something feels weird. So, listen. You know me I'm usually the first person to impulsively throw myself into any really romantic moment, but I think I got to just take a beat and deal with the fact that right before you so sweetly kissed me, I was in the middle of a shame spiral. Which isn't just a me thing. That's a thing that happens with my disorder, BPD. Um, and basically, it's what you saw. I can spiral out about things, in this case oh, my fear that everyone hates me and that I'm a contagious plague in the form of a woman, even though intellectually I know that I'm not.
I really like what they’ve been doing this season with Rebecca’s disorder and the way she handles it. The fact that she got a diagnosis and she’s being treated doesn’t mean that she’s magically cured, so she’s bound to make some mistakes again and to act out because of her disorder. The difference now is that she understands where those impulses and crises come from and she’s better equipped to deal with them properly instead of continuing spiraling.
20) Oh, they’re still going at it…
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And this shot reminds me of “Oh My God I think I Like You.”
21) Let me just say that I’m so fucking happy that Paula finally got her dream that made her feel like she deserves a dream, okay?
22) Ha!
No one here is a mind reader, except maybe Valencia. She's into that occult stuff.
Jokes aside, he makes a great point. You can’t fault people for not acting the way you expect them to if you haven’t communicated it properly, you know?
23) I actually enjoyed their bonding? Yes, I am surprised.
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24) I liked how Hector and Valencia were able to bury the hatchet, but honestly, I was hoping for Valencia’s reason to bully Hector to be a bit juicier than “I hate you because everyone likes you.”
25) Girl really has no boundaries, she just had sex on Darryl’s carpet while babysitting his daughter…
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26) Oh damn, they cut that Greg and Rebecca song too short! I was super digging it!
27) Oh, Nathaniel, you’re a softie…
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29) Oh, lord, they did a “Hello, nice to meet you” reprise with the baby and I DIED! It’s the sweetest thing ever!!!
Hello, nice to meet you, we share chromosomes
Hello, nice to meet you, you're kind of… me
So, since you're both the future and kind of a mirror
I'll tell you right now that life doesn't get clearer
All I can say is have fun in the gray
Well, anyway
It's nice to meet you.
Not gonna lie, I teared up a little…
30) What a wholesome moment…
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31) Poor Nathaniel…
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32) Oh, wow, for a second there, I was afraid Rebecca was going to say “Greg makes me feel like glitter was exploding inside of me”…
It feels different, Paula. It's different this time. Greg makes me feel like I'm… like I'm okay because he's so much more okay now, you know? And like maybe we could be the best versions of ourselves if we're together.
33) Oh, Nathaniel 💔💔💔
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34) I think Rebecca might have jinxed it by saying that she enjoys the Beverly Hills drama... some drama is headed to West Covina...
35)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
nathaniel’s face as he watches rebecca walk in I want to cry
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ventifrappa · 6 years
15, 18, 23 for the ceg asks!
Thank you @anthropologicalhands :))
15. Oh boy, there are LOTS.
- The scene in 2x11 (which is one of, if not my most favourite episodes) where Nathaniel asks Rebecca about her coffee making routine and she goes ‘yeah, I like to saturate the wood’ and NATHANIEL’S FACE just makes me crack up every time, especially with the little musical tone in the background that indicates some confusing feelings for him. Golden.
- This is more recent but when Nathaniel says he inserted himself into a popular musical genre in order to understand himself, Rebecca’s reaction of ‘Sorry what now?? Hm????’ is perfect.
- Just every instance when Josh’s mum says something and her husband deadpans ‘One hundred percent’ in agreement. 
- Lots of moments with Trent, everyone’s favourite stalker, especially the Trent Is Geting Ready Song and ‘I thought you were in Iowa.’ - ‘Io-was, but now im- a- back’
- Father Brah when he’s searching for his weed, asking Darryl to address him as ‘daddy’ at the poker table, and when Maya hits on him in 4x10? I think it was? And he just goes ‘please don’t’
- 4x8, when everyone has a meta-reference about the ‘end of the series’, haha
18. Yeah, as someone who hasn’t really any problems with mental health (but have definitely discussed it with and helped my friends), it was interesting to see what was important to someone like Rebecca on her road to getting better. I found ‘A Diagnosis’ really poignant and I am LOVING this season 4 arc of her finally understanding herself and what she needs. Very refreshing, eye-opening, and enjoyable to watch, because we’re rooting for Becks and seeing her grow is great and rewarding. 
I’ve also never really gotten into musicals/musical comedies and this has totally sparked a love for CXG songs and an appreciation for musical theatre. My irl friends can confirm I am constantly singing a Crazy Ex song All. The. Time.
23. While Season 4 definitely has some instant classics like Don’t Be A Lawyer and No One Else Is Singing My Song, so it defo has potential, I really can’t choose between S2 and S3. S3 is great because there’s some good group numbers and the beautiful Let’s Generalize About Men, and S2 has the Santa Ana Winds :D
Thank you very much!! Love doing these
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
this scene with hector and valencia is so sweet “you like me?” “of course I do! you’re smart and cool and hella fashionable! I want be friends!” “why didn’t you ever say that?” “you were too busy yelling at me!”
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
oh no nathaniel overhearing rebecca talking to paula about greg I am so sad
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
nathaniel texting rebecca I am emotional
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
paula blaming her dad and josh saying “dads.” and nathaniel saying “yep.” 😂
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
hector stanning mindy kaling is so cute
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
paula shouting “no! no way. I don’t want to tell people that I graduated and that’s what this party is. that kind of attention makes me feel so uncomfortable and awkward and anxious and pressured to be something or say something. this is my own private victory. the little girl who loved people’s court made it all the way! and I want to savor it in my own way, on my own, with everyone coming over and doing exactly what I want them to do at every moment without being asked!” sometimes I love her So Much
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
“I’m not mean I’m nice now!!!” NATHANIEL 🤣
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 years
also everyone being so proud of paula for graduating!!! and nathaniel being the one to be like “no we’re playing the game!!” because he can tell how important it is to paula I love him!!!
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