maggi-cube · 1 year
"Suppose that a student is an immigrant from Africa and moves to a rural area in Western North Carolina where the population is overwhelmingly White," Alito asked in a hypothetical. He wondered if instead of taking race into consideration it would be permissible for the student to write an essay about how he had to deal with "huge cultural differences."
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weissfai-blog1 · 6 years
Love Bites.
AePete AU
"There are no accidental meetings between souls."
Pete is a vampire. AND NO – he is not some sparkling diamond vampire – though whoever look at Pete will say he is a sparkling Prince – but no – Pete is not a twilight vampire nor is he Bram Stroker’s Dracula vampire. 
He is a half Noble vampire. His mother is a powerful dragon seeker while his father is a full blooded Noble. 
The Nobles are an ancient and powerful race that possess great strength, speed and telepathy as well as various blood related abilities, such as the talent to grant similar powers to others via contracts "of blood and soul". They reside on an island nation, known as Lukedonia, that cannot be detected by human senses. They have guarded humans against predators and the forces of nature as long as they have existed, due to a genetic inability to ignore the slaughter of the weak, helpless humans. Thousands of years ago, they were worshipped as gods by various cultures around the world.
However, the Nobles are nearing extinction due to a scarcity of females to mate with. With their lifemates, male Nobles live emotion-filled colorful lives. Without them, the males fight the madness that causes them to choose between suicide or the thrill of killing humans by draining their blood, becoming soulless vampires in the process.
But he doesn’t apply to these category as he is not a full blood Noble. 
Pete is a gentle and way too sweet and shy half Noble that his father deem him unworthy of the gift and vanished him, and because his mother loves Pete so much – they both abandon the life in Lukedonia and travel and after a hundred years of traveling to different countries, they settle to Thailand. 
Pete’s mother was born in Thailand. She loves the country, the people, the beauty and the serenity of the land.
Pete and his mother change their surname to fit in with the Thai people and they settle on an old mansion. His mother told him to live like a normal boy and because Pete doesn’t crave blood like ordinary Noble, he is free to go out even on sunlight. As he is also a part Dragon Seeker, he doesn’t turn into ash or die if the sun hits his skin. He is what the others may call Day Walker.
Pete’s mother looks at her son. She worries about Pete as the first to being a half Noble and half Dragon Seeker boy to ever live. Most of the half-breeds die at their 50th years of age. But Pete is nearing his 300 years of age and though he is the same as the Nobles who lost their colour of sight, Pete never changes. He doesn’t crave blood (though she gave him blood via blood bag through blood bank), doesn’t go dark, every night she administer a soul and spirit check on his body but its clean… more like pure. Her son has a purest white soul. 
Putch heard about the legendary Noblesse but never given it a thought. For all her life, she knew only of one Noblesse and that person is not half but a full blood Noble.
Putch told Pete to live his life freely. Whoever he chooses, whether it be human or of the same kind, she will support him. 
Pete met Ae. 
Pete was walking out of his campus when again the pain in his head hits him, the pain and disoriented blurry visions keeps on popping out in his head. He wasn’t aware what’s happening in his surrounding when he heard a shout and someone drag his body and both of him and the other stumble in the ground with a loud impact.
‘Are you driving to hell?! And you! What the hell are you doing not looking where you’re walking?! Are you planning to die?! If you are, choose a place where I’m not there!’
Pete doesn’t understand what’s happening but his heart then begun to hammer and his visions doubled… the ground… its grey… he looks at his surrounding and he was blinded by the burst of colours.
He can see colours… 
But the only time a Noble can see colour is when they find their lifemate through voice or connection.
‘Oi! Are you okay?!’
Pete stumbled once again on the ground and clutch his heart tight. 
Its beating crazily and there’s a line. 
A magic being woven.
A connection being form.
Pete found himself being raise by the person and for the first time he looks at him.
Pete gasped.
Black obsidian eyes looks at him.
‘Are you okay? You’re bleeding!’
He what?! Impossible!
He looks and yeah, he is bleeding. But why?
That’s their first meeting.
The man who gave him colour and light ~ Ae. A small boy but with sturdy muscular body and a harsh foul mouth.
Ae cannot help but feel lucky and at the same time with the thinking: “Did I ever save the whole country on my past life to have a friend like Pete?” 
Each and everyone who knew Ae will know that he is a brute. He doesn’t have any sweet bone in his body, he doesn’t even have a STOP DON’T SAY IT brake on his mouth. He will say what he want to say especially to some idiots who lacks braincells. 
Pond calls Ae: “Son of a Beast! He will kick his only best friend and whacks my head if I so much get on his business and be nosy! See this! See this?! That’s his fist! My skull already has a dent in the form of his fist!”
Ping: “The greatest man but has the foulest mouth on the planet. He doesn’t care nor doesn’t give a damn what other people will think. I have never been the receiving end of his fist and kick so I’m happy to say that he is still a friend I can count on.”
Bow: “Tactless beast! He just made someone cry when he flat our rejected her. But that’s what I like about Ae, he never take advantage of people and will always be there to help others.”
Can: “Ae is the bestest of the best man out there! He doesn’t give a damn and will help me even though he doesn’t know me! He is a great bastard buddy!”
Captain of the Football Team: “Ae is our MVP. He may be 174 cm shorty but he can kick those asses good bye! We love Ae in this team. He brings glory to us! Well except when he beat us Sports Science when he is an Engineering Major…”
LadyBoys: “I don’t know how the hell a muscular, sexy abs, yummy muscles belong to that shorty with foul mouth! This is an outrage! He even give me the middle finger when I told him if he wants to spend the night with me! Such barbaric action against me a lady!”
Pete chuckles to the different description of Ae. 
For him, Ae is the opposite of what they say and he cant help wander why. Ae is sweet to him. Ae never finds him annoying and he is always pinching his cheeks or ruffling his hair. Ae told him that he likes his hair, soft and silky (well he is a half-Noble so his hair is entirely different from humans) 
Ae never rush him when they are eating. Its hard for him to swallow cause he is not used to eating the food Ae gave him, he eats either fruits and drinks blood via blood bags from blood bank. So its really really hard for him to swallow any meat and vegetables.
Ae cares about his safety that Ae will bike all the way to his apartment and drop him off (when all he did was walked, he is a Noble so walking for an hour or so is nothing to him, or he can just jump building to building or well, fly – he is not human after all)
The Engineering Department won the game with Ae’s two points versus Sports Science and instead of joining the seniors and juniors at the party, Ae went to Pete. Pete was alarmed when Ae was at his apartment. Pete looks at the full moon and this is the time that he is very weak and the blood bags are not stored in his freezer where he usually storms them.
He has been feeling weak for the couple of days and the blurry visions and headache keeps on attacking him.
Ae was worried because Pete promise to watch the game only he didn’t show up. Pete never miss a game and he was not answering his line messages as well.
‘Pete, what’s wrong? You’re so pale.’ Ae was scared for Pete. Pete’s skin is milky white with a blush but the Pete before him is pale as ghost.
‘Ae… please go. I’m okay. Please please go.’
‘No! I will be here! Tell me what to do!’
‘Ae please! Go!’
Ae was angry now when Pete seems to be pushing him. 
Pete was crying and Ae doesn’t know what to do. Ae tried to hug him but Pete pushed him -  a little bit strong that made Ae stumbled and hurt.
‘OH! AE! Im sorry! But please please. I don’t want to hurt you! Please go!’
Pete was scared – he can feel hunger. 
He had never felt his way before.
He can smell it… the delicious smell of blood. He clench his teeth and told Ae once again to go.
‘No! I will not go!’
‘Ae please… I don’t want you to hate me… please’
Ae is crying now as well, ‘Please tell me Pete what’s wrong with you?’
‘Ae… I… I- please just go.’
Then everything on Pete’s memory become a blur and then darkness.
He doesn’t remember anything.
What he remembers is the sweet taste of blood in his lips.
He woke up and was shock. 
He was scared.
Everything – his surrounding is full of blood. Dried blood.
‘NO! NO! AE!’
‘Huh?’ Pete looks up and saw Ae running to him. Ae in his shorts and wet hair. 
‘Pete are you okay?’
‘Yes! That’s me! I mean yes what?’
‘You-you’re okay… what-what? Blood?’
‘Ah. Well… First of all, Pete this is not my blood. This is the blood from the bag inside your freezer. And well, some of them are your blood.’
‘What happen Ae?’
‘You kinda turn dart vader last night. You push me – well more like – haul me – good thing it was a soft sofa and went to the freezer, you open the blood bag and drink it, but you throw it away saying ‘It taste like rot’ and then you look at me-‘
‘Ae! Oh my! Did I hurt-‘
‘I’m not hurt. I understand what’s happening even though I don’t believe it – but you well, your eyes turned blue and your fangs kinda shows and told me your are so thirsty. I offer you my blood-‘
‘Well yes, but when you are nearing me, you bite your own arm. And told me to get out.’
‘Then why are you still here?’
‘I can never leave you Pete. You look like your dying. And you were speaking about soul contract or blood contract-‘
‘Well – I don’t want you to suffer… and I understand that you need blood. I gave it to you freely.’
Pete then put his trembling hands to Ae’s neck, removing the towel, and yes, there it is his bite.
‘Ae! Oh God! I’m so sorry!’
‘Pete don’t be. I agree with it.’
‘No! no! You don’t know what it means-‘
‘It means that you’re going to drink my blood from now on. That my blood is the only blood you’ll ever drink.’
‘Ae why? Why didn’t you leave. I’m  a monster Ae. You should have left me…’
‘Pete. We have been fighting last night more than hours – me telling you to drink my blood while you insisting I get out. You even threatened to kiss me and enchant me with your other spell from your mother side and I still stayed.’
‘Why? Why Ae?’
Ae smiled and put his two hands on Pete’s cheek, ‘Because you are not a monster. You are a pure cute vampire. My vampire.’
THIS IS NOT THE END. There will be a proper chapter by chapter story fic. Thank you.
Author’s Note : I was looking for another name for Vampire when I remember about the webtoon that I’ve read years ago (its still on going) it’s a Korean manhwa title: NOBLESSE. I borrowed the title or the race and some places. I just don’t want to say just a vampire.
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