dynamic-k ยท 4 months
Me me has a quetions :3 when did you start writing and where do your ideas come from?
Ooh, that's a tough one.
Hmm. Well, I know I started getting a like for writing in the 3rd grade. I'd done some random school two-paragraph assignment and Mrs. Meusen, my lovely teacher whom I still remember to this day, had returned everyone's papers with our grades.
And she liked to write custom messages along with the overall score and stars.
She told me in her little markered note at the top of my paper, that my writing was well structured and I make a good author. Something like that, I don't remember exactly how it was phrased, but it was a compliment to my writing.
I have no memory of what I wrote, though. It wasn't significant.
That was probably the first jump-start encouragement I got, though how it affected me in the future was probably subconscious for the most part. It's not the driving force that I remember on a regular basis as "Ah, yes, this event here is what started it all."
That long ago compliment just came to mind when I really started thinking about what the answer to your inquiry was.
My ideas just spawned into existence from my imagination. I was always the kid that found immense joy in reading books and also staring off into space. The wall. The ceiling. Out a window.
I once got lost in space during my 2nd grade Spanish class, while we were doing TESTS.
And I was lost in space, not really looking at what I was looking at... Well, I was apparently looking at someone else's test, lol. Got scolded. XD
My dreams were often the source of cool ideas also. I had entire MOVIES worth of action and everything. Sleeping was always a well anticipated privilege...
I wonder why. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
I remember my very first fanfiction was written for a comic series, Mega Man by Ian Flynn.
Cool robots, action, adventure, fights, suspense, a whole assortment of my favorite types of things to enjoy from any media, be it novel, comic, or movie.
It was... really bad. My family tells me it was good for my age at the time. The ONE friend I randomly decided to share the old google Docs with also gives me positive feedback, but... ehhhhhh.
There's reasons I haven't continued it further for years. It was pretty bad, in my eyes. I definitely had so much fun writing it though. It was a self-insert, sort of? But with an OC that had cool characteristics I just liked. Not really me, but a character that was an amalgamation of ninja skills, smarts, and powers. And was very much, as the term goes [that I would learn about just a few years later], a "Mary Sue". An overpowered character.
At least, my character still had a plethora of issues, and as the story progressed, I found ways to insert Nora [the aforementioned OC] into problems and lessen the overpowered aspects a bit.
I learned from that work. A lot.
I guess, if anyone is really interested, I can post the links to the old docs. I don't suppose I mind all that much, though I'm warning you all. I ATTEMPTED ROMANCE.
It was written by 13-year-old Scarlett. She doesn't exist anymore.
I think I somehow got off topic, why am I talking about my first fanfic...
I wrote a lot of other stories also.
I had originals.
I had fanfics. [My hyperfixation on Beyblade Metal Fusion remains dormant to this day, but I still remember all the ideas I never wrote down yet]
I had dreams that I attempted to normalize and remove dream-weirdness from for story material.
I had school assignments that were fairly tame as far as action, but I kept the docs anyway.
And then I tried to publish stuff.
[By this, I mean, on the Archive. I had technically posted fanfiction before on fanfiction.net but we don't talk about those abominations...]
I was in a Lego Monkie Kid hyperfixation at the time, and was currently on the cliffhanger of season 4. [Before the special came out, I mean.]
And I had a very very vivid dream scenario one night, where my brain decided to imagination its own ending and wrapped up plot for the cliffhanger of season 4.
I decided to post it. And I still have more ideas that I have yet to sort out and add more chapters to the fic, but that was the first published work on the Archive, I think.
And... it was romantic focused, actually. The one OC was a character that fit well into the series, and wasn't just an annoying rendition of overpowered characteristics. (I TELL YOU. I LEARNED FROM "NORA")
And, well, my dreams are good at imaginating romantic scenes. It's just my brain doesn't know how to make it sound good with words yet.
I'll get there... ๐Ÿ˜…
To get back to the point I seem to keep deviating from as I reminisce over older works and my author journey as a whole: I have come very far.
My first Alan Becker fanfic, was A Second's Tale. Which, until Super Sticks appeared, remained my most popular fic.
It started so SO simply. All I knew was, "NEW HYPERFIXATION GO BRRR!" and "I wanna write a fanfic and post it"
Then it escalated.
The AVA/AVM fandom is still my all-time favorite, and I think it's honestly going to stay that way forever. It's definitely the longest fixation I've ever had.
All my others are dormant, or active in spurts. I have a list of like, 60? 65? fandoms I'm into, lol.
Uhm, anyways, yeah.
That's the summary.
Man, that's another thing I suck at. Summarization.
Look at this long schpiel of words!!
No one gonna read this. XD
I have come far from the 3rd grade.
I still aim to make a difference. Make someone's day with my weird unique sense of humor. Make others inspired. ;]
And my imagination go brrrr for ideas. Dreams are just the best thing ever.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk--
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