cvaartist · 9 months
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Instagram / DeviantArt / Telegram / Patreon The last third manul in my collection!)
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drugstorecowboi · 3 months
Paint It Black: “Less Deicide, More Minor Threat” CVA (2003)
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mcatmemoranda · 2 months
Cardiology review
21 days of DAPT, and then clopidogrel alone is ok if mild stroke. Alteplase if 5.5 hours after symptoms. Thrombectomy within 6 hours; but some pts can benefit from thrombectomy within 24 hours of symptoms onset.
Jardiance prevents hospitalization in pts with HFpEF.
Lower to BP no more than 25% in the first hour for pt's with hypertensive emergency.
From Up To Date:
Acute management – Optimal therapy, including the choice of agent and the blood pressure goal, varies according to the specific hypertensive emergency. It is generally unwise to lower the blood pressure too quickly or too much, as ischemic damage can occur in vascular beds that have reset their autoregulatory threshold to the higher level of blood pressure. For most hypertensive emergencies, mean arterial pressure should be reduced by approximately 10 to 20 percent in the first hour and then gradually during the next 23 hours so that the final pressure is reduced by approximately 25 percent compared with baseline. [So it is 25% in 24 hours].
[According to the rationale for the question, it said to lower the BP 25% in 1 hour, then to 160/100 mmHg.}
The major exceptions to modest and gradual blood pressure lowering over the first 24 hours are:
•Acute phase of an ischemic stroke – The blood pressure is usually not lowered unless it is ≥185/110 mmHg in patients who are candidates for reperfusion therapy (table 2) or ≥220/120 mmHg in patients who are not candidates for reperfusion therapy.
•Acute aortic dissection – The systolic blood pressure is rapidly lowered to a target of 100 to 120 mmHg (to be attained in 20 minutes).
•Spontaneous hemorrhagic stroke – The systolic blood pressure can be rapidly reduced if no contraindications exist.
Stop the ACEI 36 hours before starting Entresto in pts you are switching from ACEI to Entresto for HFrEF.
Non-DHP CCBs (verapamil and diltiazem) are not good for pts with HFrEF. The pt already has a poor EF and these meds slow the HR.
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crystalized-dreams · 1 year
Cows vs Aliens... but Puppies vs Squeaks too??
I was recently made aware of a specific excerpt in the February 2023 edition of the Big Toy Book which I have highlighted below: And while I had been already aware of Cows vs Aliens and had been waiting for the first reveal of them (as I know they were shown to investors already at this point), I don’t think anyone was aware of the reveal of Puppies vs Squeaks as well. I still don’t entirely…
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itsallabouttags · 1 year
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#itsallabouttags #graffiti #hanstyles #graffitidortmund #futo #fog #gms #cva (hier: Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrPwXkoEM-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wausaupilot · 2 months
Newly renovated CVA Shop to open to public with reception
WAUSAU – The Center for the Visual Arts has announced the official reopening of the CVA Shop, and will host a public reception April 12. The reception will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 427 N. Fourth St., and includes an artists reception for two of the CVA’s newest exhibits. It is free, and offers beverages and appetizers. The shop has been renovated with new furniture, lighting and signs.…
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ramlawnj · 4 months
Jay Mascolo, Partner at RAM Law, understands the difficulty a sexual abuse victim may have in addressing and disclosing sensitive details of abuse and assault. At RAM, we are here to listen and to provide the support and guidance you need.Learn more about our practice at 
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insidecroydon · 6 months
Charities shocked to find council set to sell their buildings
Under threat: Mind in Croydon fear the council could soon sell the building in South Croydon that their rent Not content with withdrawing all grant aid from the borough’s voluntary groups, cash-strapped Croydon Council is now looking at making 17 charities and community groups effectively homeless by selling the buildings that they currently use. At the start of the year, as well as hiking…
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americanqualitycare · 7 months
Common Cardiovascular Diseases
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Elderly adults are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than younger people. These diseases may narrow your blood vessels, heart valves may not work right, and you might experience irregular heart rhythms.
Learn More: https://www.americanqualitycare.com/common-cardiovascular-diseases
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metal-cn · 7 months
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strokerehab · 9 months
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cvaartist · 9 months
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Instagram / DeviantArt / Telegram / Patreon Kitty's ready 🧡
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grupomrmendes · 2 years
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Financiamentos do programa Casa Verde e Amarela devem começar a ser ofertados a partir de setembro com prazo de pagamento de até 35 anos. Hoje, o prazo máximo da operação é de 30 anos. A informação foi dada ao Estadão/Broadcast pelo diretor executivo de habitação da Caixa. A medida vai ajudar a colocar mais gente para dentro desse mercado. É esperada para hoje a publicação de uma medida provisória pelo governo federal ampliando o prazo limite para financiamentos imobiliários com recursos do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) , de 30 para 35 anos. O Casa Verde Amarela é o principal destino dos recursos do fundo. O banco estatal já trabalha com prazo de financiamento de 35 anos fora do programa habitacional, em linhas de crédito que contam com recursos da caderneta de poupança. A nova medida é bastante aguardada por empresários do setor da construção, pois o aumento no prazo de pagamento no CVA permitiria maior diluição do valor das parcelas do imóvel ao longo do tempo – estimulando o fechamento de novos contratos. ● Desembolso Um financiamento de R$ 200 mil em 30 anos, por exemplo, gera hoje parcelas iniciais de R$ 1.686. Esse valor cairia para R$ 1.607 (considerando uma taxa de 7% ao ano no Sistema SAC) com um prazo de financiamento de 35 anos. O pano de fundo para a edição da nova medida provisória é a disparada nos custos de construção, que fez muitos empresários suspenderem lançamentos de projetos dentro do programa habitacional porque as contas não fechavam mais. A partir daí, houve uma articulação dos empresários no governo federal e no conselho do FGTS para aumentar subsídios à população atendida pelo CVA, reduzir taxas de juros e ampliar a faixa de renda dos beneficiários. O diretor de habitação da Caixa disse que não espera grandes dificuldades operacionais com o prazo ampliado nas linhas do FGTS. A nossa carteira de crédito imobiliário é paga pelos clientes em dez anos, em média. Sempre que ganham o décimo terceiro ou um dinheiro extra, procuram amortizar. Na média, a inadimplência na carteira habitacional é inferior a 2% Fonte: Estadão #financiamento #imoveis #CVA #GrupoMRMendes #VdC #Caixa #contabilidadeOnline #contabilidadeVCA (em Grupo MR Mendes Imobiliária) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsDklSgmi6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mcatmemoranda · 8 months
Stroke Alert ED Order Set
CT stroke head w/o contrast
CT head perfusion
CT stroke angio head+neck with AI stat
Elevate HOB 30 degrees
POC blood glucose stat
Consult to neurology stat
Bedside swallow
Neuro checks
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opcaoturismo · 2 years
FMI: Cabo Verde Airlines vai precisar de 30 ME até ser reprivatizada
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A Cabo Verde Airlines, nome comercial da Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde (TACV), foi liderada (51%) por investidores ligados ao grupo Icelandair entre 2019 e 2021. Há precisamente um ano, o governo de Cabo Verde renacionalizou a companhia, devido à crise provocada pela pandemia – a TACV não operou qualquer voo desde meados de março de 2020 a final de dezembro de 2021 – e após desentendimentos com a administração islandesa. As estimativas preliminares sugerem que a Cabo Verde Airlines precisará de cerca de 30 milhões de euros (1,7% do PIB) durante o período de 2022 a 2023 para apoiar as suas operações, aguardando a sua reprivatização, revela o FMI, após reconhecer que a pandemia de covid-19 tornou as reformas do Setor Empresarial do Estado (SEE) cabo-verdiano mais desafiadoras, estimando que só a Cabo Verde Airlines necessite de 30 milhões de euros até ser reprivatizada. Recorde-se que o FMI aprovou em 16 de junho um acordo para uma Linha de Crédito Alargada de 59,1 milhões de euros para Cabo Verde, com 14,8 milhões de euros disponíveis para desembolso imediato. Read the full article
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wausaupilot · 2 months
CVA seeks art for 'Change of Physical State' exhibition
WAUSAU – The Center for the Visual Arts in downtown Wausau seeks artworks for its June exhibition of “Change Of Physical State: Metal, Stone, Glass.” This exhibit will highlight metalwork, jewelry, blacksmithing, metal casting, welding, stone carving, stone jewelry, found metal sculptures, glass mosaics, fused glass, blown glass, stained glass and other artworks that feature the materials as a…
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