#CW teen small town supernatural drama t-birds
krakenshipwreck · 1 year
Absolutely living for your thunderbirds content this post season. Thank you for your dedication to the CW universe which will live on forever with this team 😌
i know this ask is a few weeks old, but it did prompt me to put some thought into the particulars of the CW teen small town supernatural drama that is the seattle thunderbirds. here’s how i think it would shape up…
reid schaefer and dylan guenther are well established in their own separate high school spheres. reid’s a football player. not the all-american quarterback kind, though. more like a linebacker, the kind that hits hard and you give him wide berth when you see him in the lunchroom.
dylan’s a bad kid. wrong side of the tracks, bad crowd of friends, even though sometimes teachers tell him he’s too smart for all that. he and reid have an uneasy kind of peace. they don’t really like each other but they each respect that the other one’s hot shit in his own sphere. sometimes reid buys weed from dylan.
brad lambert’s the new kid in town. goes out for football and turns out to be the best kicker anyone’s ever seen. quiet kid though. keeps to himself, despite the best efforts of quarterback/captain lucas ciona to make him feel like part of the team.
somehow reid and dylan witness something fucked up and supernatural, and they don’t know what to do about it. do they tell someone? should they do something? if they pretend it never happened will it just go away, or will everything get even more fucked up?
it’s possible this happens behind the 7-eleven, during a little cash transaction. the oblivious clerk at the 7-eleven is kyle crnkovic, who graduated last year and is working this dead end job and going to community college. he’s seen some stuff on the night shift. he’s probably seen some supernatural shit but he doesn’t even realize it because the night shift at 7-E is already weird enough.
reid and dylan endure a week of simmering tension. hostile whispered conversations. narrow-eyed stares when they pass each other in the hallway. then reid notices something that makes him think brad lambert might be involved in [supernatural thing]. he pulls dylan into an empty classroom after school to tell him about it and it turns into another fight about whether they should try to do something or leave it alone.
just as voices are escalating and it seems not only possible but likely that somebody’s going to get punched, jeremy hanzel pokes his head out of the back room, where he’s been quietly working on some sort of project. he’s the kind of kid who’d usually steer clear of reid’s ominous high school meathead aura. but he couldn’t help but overhear them, and hey, are you guys talking about [supernatural thing]? because [insert information that jeremy hanzel knows about supernatural thing because he’s a sharp kid in his own overlooked way].
soon the three of them are in reid’s pickup, with jeremy directing them to an abandoned house on the outskirts of town where there are signs of [supernatural thing]. there’s a tense moment when they hear noises coming from another part of the house. who’s there? ghosts? [supernatural thing]? other kids up to no good? actually it turns out to be brad lambert.
i have no idea what the supernatural thing is, but the important part is that while they’re all investigating/combatting it, reid and dylan are each intrigued by brad lambert, and they each notice and are not pleased that the other one is intrigued by brad lambert. but brad’s really just the catalyst to set off reid and dylan’s enemies to lovers arc. or, more specifically, mutual suspicion to reluctant comrades to fervent comrades to frantically making out during an illicit kegger in the woods by the old railroad arch. something fucked up and supernatural happens while reid’s got dylan pressed up against the crumbling brick, and that sets the relationship arc back a little. also at some point in all of this reid derisively calls dylan “spicy dyl,” as is canon.
here are some other characters in this fic:
—colton dach is reid’s sidekick/best friend. he’s a defensive end on the football team. he recognizes that reid’s keeping secrets from him and getting closer to dylan and he doesn’t like it.
—kevin korchinski is a cornerback of course. comic relief, gets along with everybody. helps bridge the gap between jeremy hanzel and reid/dylan (they need jeremy’s knowledge about [supernatural thing] but he’s kinda scared of them!)
—nico myatovic, gracyn sawchyn, and sawyer mynio are twerpy little sophomores on the soccer team. they are important to the plot somehow.
—luke prokop is a first-year teacher and assistant coach who is trying very hard to establish a professional reputation and have good boundaries but also he thinks these kids have stumbled onto something with [supernatural thing] and he’s ready to support them when his colleagues dismiss their concerns.
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krakenshipwreck · 1 year
the soccer twerps are important bc they get abducted maybe? I'm living for this universe lmao
all i know is that the soccer twerps are constantly hanging out at the 7-eleven, buying sour patch kids and slurpees and trying to annoy kyle crnkovic. (they are unsuccessful, kyle finds them dumb and endearing and sometimes he lets them take the expired taquitos.)
possibly one of them is imperiled by [supernatural thing], but neither reid nor dylan is going to be the steve harrington babysitter type and save a bunch of sophomores. instead, that turning point comes when reid or dylan unexpectedly goes out of their way to save the other and their tenuous alliance starts to shift into trust.
hmmm, i think it's dylan. i think after he hauls reid out of [supernatural peril] he's swearing and shaking him and trying to confirm that he's still breathing. and then reid wakes up and there's a moment where their faces are very close together, and then dylan jerks back and lets go of reid's shirt that was fisted in his hand and tries to disguise how relieved he is.
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