cymkfunk · 5 months
Daily #2
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I call it "The image is 348 pixels by 348 pixels in size. The background, #F2A400 specifically, or R 242 G 164 B 0 for you RGB value fans, which is the color Dirk Strider uses for his text, as according to [ https://balentay.tumblr.com/homestuckcolors ] this post on tumblr I found that is super useful. Anyway, I wonder who the drawing is of. That's right. Bro Strider. In my glorious 1px pure black brush that makes everything look like a sketch I have personally given birth to Bro Strider, with a jawline and polo shirt (dear god how do you draw polo shorts. Shirts. Shit. Keeping that typo in there.) and cap and really pointy stupid glasses. Everything. Except, what's this? Bro Strider is filled in with a white paint bucket, but the white silhouette extends outwards. Giving him a sort of aura ouo (French word for "of" but spelled wrong because I don't know French) de Dirk Strider. I bet there's all kinds of meaning there. Is it about how one could've been the other? Is it about how they're similar? Or is it just that Bro Strider looks awesome with a sorta white flaming sphere around him? Or did I just make a mistake while drawing Dirk Strider and hardcore pivot into Bro? It's that last one. Signing off. Mic drop." Day 2 was super fun! Did a lot today. I promise tomorrow won't be Dirk.
Alts and Bonus under the cut!
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Two additional drawings. I call them "the same things but different." I also worked on my musical skills (made garbage beats in FL studio) and my coding! You can tell I was working on coding because I made this:
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Shitposts mmmmm delicious.
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cymkfunk · 5 months
In case anyone is wondering that Kankri Shitpost is part of something far more sinister. I hate Christmas so much you guys aren't even close to ready for the year 2007.
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