brassharrier · 8 months
Getting My Mercs Started
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As always, more pics below the wall of text! Quick little side note, these are the guys I used for writing my coffee basing tutorial. :3
Since we're most likely getting Battletech: Mercenaries shipped this year I decided to get a jump on my main faction. One thing to note is that I'm one SRM carrier short, but I decided to just wait for the Force Pack instead of printing one. I'll proxy until then. My colors for these guys started as a need to figure out how mercs with a cause would paint their hardware. I think they would go with heavily utilitarian colors that can be quickly painted so more time can be dedicated to meaningful hardware upkeep. Maybe a few mismatched panels because it's what they had on hand and paint won't help the armor deflect incoming fire.
I love the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers and wanted to create some sort of company comprised of individuals who still believed in he Magistracy. Originally, its members were from the 3rd who were committed to keeping their group together even though it was forced to disband in 2588. I present the Cackling Harriers. I haven't settled on an emblem yet, but I know it'll have a hyena at the very least.
I still need to sit down and really flesh things out. At the very core of the merc company will be a tight social structure that reflects their tactical heritage putting communications and wit above brute force and material superiority. The Cackling Harriers will also never take a job that would directly or intentionally harm non-combatants. I'm toying with them having agents keeping an ear open for the Magestrix or other officials speaking openly of problematic incursions or enemy build-up outside their territory. I'm still conflicted if the Magistracy of Canopus would just happen to leave unguarded hardware and supplies lying around on a minimally inhabited planet after said issue was resolved. Long story short, I'm working on it.
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Bonus Round! Here's a few details I'm super happy with. It's just some triangle and hazard stripes, but it was my first time every doing freehand this tiny. Some of you may recognize the red triangle inspiration right out of the gate. If you do, you're a nerd. I mean, I am too, but so are you.
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