#Caelis Virmoira
xaeneron · 1 month
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And that is how my poor bard got voted into a relationship with a wizard when I had no plans for this to happen whatsoever. Multiplayer letting everyone vote on chat options is painfully hilarious at times.
Yes this was months ago when the options were making out or violence. Yes it's now March. Shush.
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xaeneron · 8 months
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I really need to stop drawing in one corner and then the opposite one orz
I got trapped in Baldur's Gate 3 hell, oh yes I did. Put the damn game down for a little bit to try and put my two Tavs to paper real quick. Pragmatic, adventurous, has too much fun with fire for a white dragon sorcerer Tavylin, and adorably sweet and awkward cinnamon roll of a bard, Caelis.
Tav I made for solo and wanted to blow things up (yay no sun sensitivity for drow); Caelis spawned from a 4-person campaign where I decided it would be a great idea to play the charisma character and built him on the phrase "himbo bard." Make of that what you will.
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