#Cal if you see this one thank you- our convo really got the brain juices flowing
babacontainsmultitudes ยท 9 months
Thinking about Normal who so badly needs validation and to be loved but struggles to seek it in a manner that is honest. Thinking about Lincoln who loves all his friends deeply but has developed a strong aversion to lying after being lied to all his life. Thinking about Lincoln and Normal's hearts being in the same place but never at the same time. Thinking about Lincoln's attention constantly being divided and pulled apart in the struggle to care for all of his friends at once, and Normal needing the surefire but infinitely distant reassurance of being someone's one and only. Thinking about their current relationships with their dads being the most similar in the group, and what they both saw in Wrath. Thinking about them never actually having time to talk with each other without something or someone getting in the way. Thinking about a cleric and a paladin who really have so much in common and could be such good friends, but whose circumstances leave their trajectories perpetually misaligned and their relationship one of the weakest in the group.
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