#Cali Bode
intothedysphoria · 2 months
It was expected that moving in together, there’d be some initial teething problems but Steve hadn’t quite thought that Billy was going to break his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo.
Well, in fairness, Steve had seen Billy do far worse. Drop a baseball bat onto a car windshield from a third floor window, vandalising the mayors office, that one time he threatened to establish a nudist cult. Billy lived to shock people and now that they were in a relationship, Steve appeared to be the prime target.
Fucking hell.
The relationship wasn’t exactly public and the moving in wasn’t exactly official, which may have been causing some of the tension. Neil Hargrove would still rock up every night, screaming every word under the sun at Billy but never stepping a foot over the threshold. Because he was a coward, Billy said. But he was still spooked.
Thus, coming to the point where Billy had smashed his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo. Breathing heavily with shards of pottery imbedded deep into his hand. Then he looked up at Steve, audibly gulped and ran for the bathroom.
It took a while to get Billy out. He’d point blank refuse if he was in one of his bad patches, seeming to prefer to simmer in isolation than to turn to help. But Steve was patient and always wore him down. He just had to sit and wait.
Eventually the bathroom door opened with a quiet flick of the lock. Billy’s face was unusually blank, apart from the red rimmed eyes that clearly denoted that he’d been crying. Steve cautiously tried to go in for a hug only to get a grunted “I’m fucking fine Harrington” and an angry teenager barrelling past him.
Which was not exactly ideal.
Steve cleared up the shattered vase on the floor, silently apologised to all his cousins who were still in Romania and knocked on Billy’s door. The groan of acknowledgment made Steve feel like he was good to come in.
What Billy had managed to do was bleed all over the floor and go through about ten cigarettes if the slowly growing pile on the floor was anything to go by. Steve’s offer to clean up his hands got an eye roll but no obvious resistance so he went ahead.
It wasn’t until Steve had managed to create a rudimentary bandage for Billy’s hands that Billy actually looked at him, now appearing more than slightly sheepish. There was a blush slowly rising over his cheeks that looked so genuinely adorable Steve just wanted to kiss it.
Instead he pulled back and asked “you doing ok Hargrove?”
Billy snapped “why the fuck wouldn’t I be” which didn’t exactly bode well for Steve’s plan to sort the situation out and put it to bed.
“Well you know, you seemed kind of upset earlier so I thought I’d ask” Steve had learned over the months of knowing Billy that it was best to not sound accusatory and instead act like it was no big deal.
Billy stayed silent for a few minutes while Steve just waited for him to be ready to form a response until he blurted out “it just pisses me off so much how he treats us. It’s bullshit!”
Steve didn’t need to ask who the “he” Billy referred to was. Instead he set a hand on Billy’s knee in a way that would hopefully be soothing, not annoying and rubbed small circles on Billy’s leg while he breathed.
“I know” Billy looked up quizzically, clearly wondering where Steve was going with this. “I know it’s bullshit and I wish it were different now but it will be in the future I promise. We’re gonna move you back to Cali, Neil’s sorry ass is gonna stay here and everyone who ever hurt you can get fucked. Ok?”
Billy sniffed loudly before nodding an affirmative, then wrapping Steve into his arms, doing what Steve knew he’d swear later wasn’t crying. He then leaned in to give Steve a surprisingly tender kiss on the lips and smacked his ass. Something Steve probably should have expected.
“Come on, let’s go watch Halloween before Munson holds us hostage because we haven’t watched a John Carpenter yet.”
Things weren’t perfect after that. Neil was still an ever looming presence in their lives, Billy still got pissed off and broke shit, they still fought pretty much weekly at least and Steve had expected that. It was what he’d signed up for in dating Billy. But Billy was still out to shock people.
Leaning across Billy’s chest, not dealing with a horror film nearly as well as Billy was but still having a hand gently squeezing his shoulder to make sure he was ok was the best shock Steve had ever been given.
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tom--22--felton · 1 year
Hi Val. Hello everyone. Here's a thought. Perhaps the anons who respond to your posts by saying Tom is cheating should maybe think for a minute. If he has broken up with R, he's a single man who is allowed to chase any skirt he likes. IJS. Of course, if he is still with R, then he's a cheater. However, packing up the doggos and taking them to Cali doesn't bode well for their relationship. #IGuessTheMarriageIsOff. Peace and love to everyone.
Hey Sammi. Let's just wait and see and not jump to conclusions :)
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killer-klowns · 4 years
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La Fièvre du samedi soir / Un jour au bureau, une certaine Stephanie a vu David Bowie vêtu d’astrakan.
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reyescarlos · 4 years
we found each other in the dark
chapter 3/4: heavy in your arms; word count: 6.6k || read on ao3
And is it worth the wait? All this killing time? Are you strong enough to stand Protecting both your heart and mine?
Eddie expected to have an eventful first day at the 118 but he couldn’t have possibly imagined the night would end like this.
Bobby had told him this morning that each shift was like playing Russian roulette. Some calls were minor, scenarios that the team could get through quickly enough without anyone’s life hanging in the balance. But the flip side to that were high stakes moments where one bad decision could mean death.
Eddie was used to working under pressure. He was certain that nothing could be more daunting than trying to save someone’s life and maintain his own while in the middle of a war zone. By comparison, the streets of L.A. would be milder, easier to tame, he figured. So, to find himself now staring down at a 40 mike-mike is startling, bringing his mind back to his tours in Afghanistan. How crazy, he thinks, that he would leave the military behind only to be faced with the weaponry in his civilian life. It’s a lucky thing, Eddie supposes, that he’s here for this now. He has a particular skill set that can very well save this man’s life.
Bobby calls it in to the hospital as they wheel the gentleman across the lawn and get him loaded up into the back of the ambulance.
“We have a 65-year old male with large shrapnel in his right thigh. Femoral artery damage…”
It’s hard not to get caught up in the belief of destiny when this is the kind of call he responds to on his first day with the team.
The gentleman, Charlie, is essentially a ticking time bomb and as he speaks his fears of dying tonight aloud, Eddie is grateful to have Buck with him now. As he gets the drip set up, Buck is there to settle the older man down, assuring him that he’s going to survive the night. Buck glances to Eddie and in his eyes, he sees Buck’s confidence in him. Eddie isn’t expecting such faith from the man seeing as though they’ve only just met but it feels good, he won’t deny, to have someone believe in his capabilities.
More often than not Eddie feels as if he’s stumbling through his life just hoping for something to stick but situations like this are ones he tends to thrive in. The irony doesn’t escape him. Day-to-day life is a challenge. Matters of life and death bring out his sense of calm.
Eddie assesses the damage, quickly working through the best course of action. Charlie’s words slur and soon he’s under, giving Eddie and Buck the chance to work in absolute silence.
“Tell me what you need me to do,” is all Buck says as he settles in beside Eddie, looking to him expectantly.
Buck takes a backseat and follows Eddie’s instructions to the letter, clearly realizing that even though he’s been with the LAFD for however long, it’s Eddie’s experience as a military medic that can decide the fate of this man. It’s quite the test for them to have on their first day but Eddie is relieved to see they’re able to meet the challenge head on and work so well with one another.
Buck is good at reading the terrain and anticipating what he’ll need next, an invaluable skill to have in a partner, Eddie notes.
Eddie can feel Buck’s eyes boring a hole into him as he tries not to disturb the grenade too much. One false move and all three of them won’t make it. With clear knowledge and practiced hands, Eddie works carefully as he extracts the grenade from the man’s leg, with Buck continuing to keep pressure against area to prevent Charlie from bleeding out. Eddie has been through much worse, much more intense situations than this controlled environment but this scenario is still grave. He feels confident, however, in his element somehow and that clears his mind enough to successfully dislodge the grenade.
“Get that box open,” he says, though Buck is unsurprisingly already flipping open the lid beside him. They’re still not in the clear yet but the second he hears the contact of metal against metal, Eddie can’t help but to let out a shaky breath of relief.
Buck is beaming at him, a mix of wonder and disbelief on his sweaty face.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” Buck says.
“I can’t believe you’re still holding that thing and we’re still in here. Let’s go.”
Buck’s laugh is hearty and Eddie feels the timbre of it somewhere in the pit of his stomach, along with a strange tug of some kind. Eddie chalks it up to adrenaline and opens the door to the ambulance to make the hand off to the bomb squad.
“Hell of a first day, huh?” Buck notes as the ambulance pulls away, that playful smile on his lips again.
It’s growing on Eddie already, the way Buck acts as if the two are co-conspirators who share some kind of secret. It manages to draw him in and make him feel included in something even though this is all still so new. It’s been far too long since Eddie’s felt close to anyone, or even felt the inclination to let someone in. He’s used to keeping the world at an arm’s length but in just one day, Buck has managed to ease past those walls he’s been putting up. If he’s to keep to his objective for life in L.A., Eddie knows he has to do things differently this time around.
If that means forming a friendship with new his co-worker, he supposes it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to open himself up a bit more. The purpose of his move was to start over, to reinvent himself and grow. Eddie liked the idea of creating a new kind of family for himself. Judging by this trial by fire experience, Buck seems like the perfect starting point.
“Good work you two,” Bobby compliments as the pair take off the vests given to them by the bomb squad.
Eddie looks over at Buck and smiles. “He can have my back any day. I couldn’t have asked for a better a partner in there.”
It’s the honest truth. From their calls earlier, Eddie had gotten the distinct impression that Buck thrived off the high of rescuing people, of the danger in this profession. But when it came time to dial back and let someone take control of the wheel, he’d done so without question. They strike the perfect chord with each other and for Eddie, that bodes extremely well. Good chemistry was hard to come by but for them it’s organic. It feels like it’s been a lifetime since Eddie’s instinctively clicked with someone to this degree.
He supposes maybe this feeling is due largely in part to the fact that their kinship was just forged by fire. But if there were ever a measurement by which to set such a thing to, Eddie feels safe in saying this experience would bond them for a long time to come.
Buck smiles back at him, clapping a hand on his shoulder.
“Or, maybe, you could have mine,” he counters. He gives Eddie’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Welcome to the 118. We’re damn lucky to have you.”
But Eddie hears a different set of words behind the ones Buck has just uttered.
Welcome to the family. This is where you belong.
As they hang around the loft between calls, Buck and Eddie settle around the table grabbing a quick bite. Eddie takes his phone out of his back pocket and sets it on the table. The screen comes to life and Buck’s eyes immediately take notice of Eddie’s lock screen. The image is of Eddie with a young boy, their cheeks pressed tightly together to fit into the frame. He doesn’t mean to be nosy but that’s a hard thing to miss.
Eddie notices, his expression soft as he looks at his phone.
“That’s Christopher,” he says. “My son.”
Buck sits up at this bit of information. Of all the things he’s been trying to imagine about Eddie, he hadn’t expected him to be a dad. Eddie unlocks his phone and pulls up a new photo and hands it to over to him.
Buck takes the phone, his smile almost as bright as Christopher’s in the photo. Chris has got a big grin on his face as he stands with the Ferris wheel at the pier in the background on a cloudless, sunny day.
“He’s ridiculously cute. How do you keep from spoiling him rotten?” Buck laughs, grinning at the photo for a beat longer before looking up at Eddie. “How old is he?”
“Just about nine actually. I can’t believe the years have been going by so quickly.”
Buck sucks in a breath. He’s been haunted by that precise length of time. It’s too coincidental not to mean what he thinks it does. Buck has been allowing himself to dive in slowly to the idea of claiming Eddie as his soulmate. Between the rush he felt when they first met to how natural they are with each other to this discovery that nine years ago Eddie had created a family supports his budding theory. This would explain perfectly why nine years ago he stopped getting updates to his marking.
It’s all matching up perfectly into place like a key in a lock. Buck just wonders what’s waiting on the other side of the door for him when he eventually pushes on it.
“Nine? That’s a fun age, right before the double digits kick in. Kids are such a blast,” Buck says, sitting back in his seat and handing Eddie back his phone.
“You like kids?”
“Oh, I love them. They’re way cooler than adults, that’s for sure. I like how they see the world, you know? They’re just taking it all in and learning about things for the first time. It’s awesome. Plus, they’re hilarious and rarely ever have a filter. You’ve got to respect that kind of honesty.”
Eddie smiles at him and Buck can’t help but to think his response passes some kind of test. Eddie looks satisfied with his answer, setting his phone back down and picking up his fork again, spearing a piece of fruit on the prongs.
“Judging by that picture I’m guessing he’s liking Cali a lot, huh?”
Eddie laughs. “You could say that again. He barely even mentions Texas. All he wants to do is explore the city. It’s been great for us, the move. I still have a few loose ends to tie up though.”
Buck raises a brow. He doesn’t want to push the matter too much but the statement intrigues him a bit.
“I’ve almost got his school situation figured out. I had a meeting a few days ago with the school coordinator but...,” he trails off, looking away. Buck isn’t sure he’s going to continue until he clears his throat and speaks. “They need to speak with Chris’ mom first. She has an interview with them tomorrow. If that goes smoothly, he should be enrolling with them.”
Buck shifts in his seat, his head erupting with questions about Chris’ mother. Whether they’re still together is the most pressing of them all. From Eddie’s tone and hesitancy, Buck can tell they aren’t on the best of terms. Eddie called her Chris’ mom, not his wife or partner. It’s a stretch but Buck is flexible enough to make it work.
“I haven’t seen her since the divorce but this is important. I really want Chris to get into this school. It’s perfect for him.”
Buck’s thoughts are split evenly in two, torn between the sheer relief in he feels in hearing Eddie isn’t married anymore and the concern he feels in seeing how worked up Eddie is over Christopher’s schooling.
“I’m sure her talk will go well. I know there’s a lot riding on this but she has to know that too and I’m sure she’ll crush the interview because of it.”
Eddie stares at him for a moment, his brown eyes meeting with his blue. Land and sea, Buck thinks, two components that make up a world.
“Thank you,” Eddie says simply but Buck feels the full weight of it.
Eddie’s fingertips drum an uneven beat against his knee as he waits for Shannon to show up. It’s ridiculous, he’s well aware, to feel this antsy over seeing a woman he’s known for almost half his life. But these last nine years, their relationship had risen and fallen like a heavy breath. Now that it was out of both their systems, Eddie isn’t sure how to function around her.
He keeps an eye out for her and rises awkwardly off the park bench as she approaches. He waves at her, trying to gauge what kind of mood she’s in from a distance. She’s got on a flowing yellow dress that makes her look like sunshine. Her smile is just as warm too.
Eddie relaxes at the sight of that and takes it as reassurance that this talk will go well. It’s strange seeing her now. She looks different to him and Eddie has to wonder if she sees changes in him too.
“How’d it go over at the school?” he asks as they both sit down.
Shannon sits back and stretches her legs out, letting them cross at the ankles.
“Pretty well. They seem excited to have Chris enroll. You picked out a great school for him.”
Eddie takes the compliment with a simple nod and a quiet word of thanks.
“How…how is he? Is Chris liking it out here?” she asks tentatively, dipping a toe into uncertain waters.
Eddie unclenches his jaw and nods. She’s making an effort and Eddie knows this can’t be easy for her, to be sidelined in her own child’s life. Even though she had made the decision to take time to find herself, Eddie can see that it’s taking its toll on her to be away from their son. He can extend a kindness, an olive branch of some kind by way of decent conversation.
“He loves it so much. I think he wants to live at the pier,” he muses. He’s taken Chris down a few times now just to watch the waves and enjoy the beautiful weather. “He’s doing really well here and honestly, it’s a relief,” he sighs.
When he’d told his family he was leaving, they’d gotten into his head a bit that uprooting Christopher from Texas could have a damaging impact on his son. But he knew better than they did about Chris’ resiliency and adaptability. Chris was the kind of person who could make himself comfortable anywhere. It was a trait Eddie prayed his son would never lose. He knew all too well what it felt like to struggle for a bit of semblance. Luckily, Chris didn’t seem to have that problem.
Shannon stays quiet and Eddie desperately wishes he could open up her mind and see the thoughts that live there. There’s an unnamed tension between them, an awkwardness that Eddie doesn’t know how to get around. He supposes, with their history, it makes sense but he wants better for them both.
He decides to switch gears. If they’re really going to have a clear road ahead, he needs to do whatever he can to show Shannon that they’re on solid ground now. It’s exhausting constantly being at odds with her. Now that they’re divorced and no longer confined to the box they’d shoved themselves into, they both have room to breathe and grow. Hadn’t that always been a wish he had for them? For the two to mend the bridge that had given way years ago? They are in a different place now and Eddie knows he has to adjust his outlook accordingly.
“I don’t want us to be angry or upset with each other anymore. I want us to…I don’t know, be better to one another than we have been in the past. I don’t think I can carry those feelings inside me anymore. It’s draining and I don’t have the energy for it. I never really did.”
This seems to be the right set of words because Shannon blinks back tears and smiles at him.
“I would love that.”
Eddie sighs in relief and this time the quiet that settles between them is comfortable.
“Can I ask you something kind of ridiculous and personal?” Shannon says, tucking one of her legs under her, fanning out her dress over her legs smoothly.
“Should I be afraid?”
She laughs and it feels good to be able to joke around with her again. These are tentative steps but it feels reassuring to think he could be on his way to getting his old friend back.
“Eh, it could go either way.” She pauses for a beat before continuing. “Have you met Eva yet? I’ve been thinking a lot about your move and imagining you finding her out here.”
Eddie thinks it says a lot about where their relationship left off that Shannon is so casual in discussing him with another woman, a soulmate at that. It’d been awkward for the both of them seeing the makings of names on each other that weren’t theirs. They’d never talked about it explicitly but Eddie figured it was just as strange for her to wrap her mind around as it had been for him during their nine years together.
“Actually, it’s Evan not Eva,” he drawls, trying to get used to the taste of the name on his tongue. His heart is racing with the confession. How much will this change the way she sees him?
Eddie doesn’t even look at her. He fumbles with his watch and takes it off, showing her the soulmate marking. They both stare in silence at his wrist. It had been a complete shock to his system when it appeared so he can’t blame her for being stunned over the news.
“Wow. Wow, that’s…I don’t have any other word,” she laughs.
Eddie turns to look at her then. She looks surprised, of course, but happy. Eddie’s brows furrow.
“Where’d you meet him?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” he says, flipping the inside of his wrist back over, pressing it against his thigh. “I’ve been trying to figure it out. I think he’s someone I bumped into outside of a coffee shop but I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since. I didn’t even see his face that day, actually.”
Shannon’s smile turns into a frown at this.
“Oh, Eddie. I’m sorry.” He can tell she really means it. “But at least you know he’s out there. Whenever you do find him, don’t let go.”
Eddie searches her face for a moment, looking into her eyes and for a fleeting moment his mind drifts to a different set of blue eyes, ones that he’s grown so accustomed to in the short time he’s been working at the 118. It’s a startling thought that seems to come from nowhere. Eddie does his best to cast it aside. Buck isn’t where his thoughts should be right now, despite the fact that the other man has been on his mind more and more as of late.
Shannon takes him in as well before she continues to speak.
“I know you, Eddie. I know you’re probably scared over the fact that this is actually happening for you. But please remember you deserve to be happy. Despite everything we’ve been through, or maybe because of it, all I want is for you to be able to let the right love in. Evan is your soulmate, whether you’re ready for it or not. When you meet for real, don’t run from it, please.”
It isn’t lost on Eddie that this is the second person in a little over a week to tell him not to be afraid of his destiny. The women in his life know him better than anyone else. There’s no hiding from his grandmother who always had a knack for understanding him since he was a child. And Shannon had cultivated a life with him. Eddie couldn’t avoid being known by either of them. He could hide and keep himself from the rest of the world but these two were in the rare category that could see through it all to the heart of him each and every time.
Eddie wipes at his eye and laughs nervously. “I don’t know if I’ll be good for him. I’m kind of still figuring things out these days.”
Shannon reaches out a hand and holds onto his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“That’s sort of the point of a soulmate though, isn’t it?” she says, peering at him, lifting a brow knowingly. “To love you unconditionally, no matter what kind of state you’re in?”
Eddie can’t refute this argument. He had always liked the idea of being able to turn to someone at the end of the day and speak openly about what he was feeling. He was able to do that with Shannon at times during their marriage, of course, but the tension between them made it hard for Eddie to cross the divide that lived with them sometimes. He imagined being with a soulmate would be the exact opposite, that even if they were upset with each other they’d still be a harbor for one another.
“I hate it when you’re right,” he jokes.
“You poor thing. Then you must be upset all the time,” she quips.
Eddie laughs, a real sense of elation he hasn’t had around her in some time solidifying in his chest. They still have a way to go but this first step was a crucial one and Eddie feels as if they’re finally moving in the right direction together.
Days like today have quickly become Buck’s least favorite. He knows he can’t expect to work every shift with Eddie but still, the times when they aren’t together begin to grate at him. He feels selfish for how badly he craves Eddie’s time and attention but he can’t help it. Soulmate or not, he’s genuinely been enjoying getting to know his new co-worker. The two have found an easy rhythm with each other since Eddie’s first day. Buck supposes nothing bonds two people together faster than saving the life of someone else.
With Eddie out for the day, Buck feels restless.
“Aww, is someone missing their new best friend?” Chimney teases as Buck flops back against the sofa in the loft. “Look at that pout, Hen. We can go diving off that lower lip.”
Buck tosses a cushion at him as Hen laughs at the two of them. Chimney lobs it back and jokingly flips him off, revealing his soulmate marking on his middle finger, the word Mad branded there. He thinks it’s the height of comedy. Buck has to agree it is pretty hilarious.
Hen nestles in beside him and pats the top of his head.
“Come on now. Buck up, Buck,” she muses. Chimney reaches over to give her a high five and Buck rolls his eyes playfully.
“A couple of comedians here.” He rises from his seat, ignoring their outcry for him to come back. They get over it quickly, starting up a new conversation by the time Buck makes it to the dining table.
They’re absolutely correct and Buck can’t even pretend to deny that. He’s gotten so accustomed to having Eddie around that a day without him just doesn’t feel right. He feels…unmoored somehow and Buck wishes he could have a definitive explanation for why that is. He has his theory, of course, but a proven hypothesis is what he longs for most of all.
The thought of asking Eddie outright what his first name is terrifies him. He doesn’t trust himself to have a neutral reaction if he were to hear it directly from Eddie’s lips. What he needs is a filter, a buffer of some kind to absorb his shock should his suspicion pan out to be correct.
Bobby is in the kitchen getting started on dinner.
“Hey, Cap,” Buck calls over as he goes into the fridge to grab a bottle of water. “What’s Eddie short for?”
As he closes the door to the refrigerator and looks to Bobby, the man has stopped chopping peppers and is standing still, looking at him.
“Why do you ask?”
Buck busies himself with twisting off the bottle cap but he can still feel Bobby’s eyes fixed on him.
“No reason; I was just wondering. I mean, I know I could ask him,” he says, hoping his tone is nonchalant. “But you’re here right now so…I figured you could answer just the same since you’ve seen all his paperwork and stuff.”
Bobby holds his gaze for a beat before returning to prep the meal and Buck is glad for it. Sometimes his captain just seemed to fix him with a stare that went right through him. There were so many things he didn’t want anyone else to see and Buck always had the feeling Bobby was skilled in noticing private things, even if he didn’t voice his findings out loud.
“His first name is Edmundo but, as you know, he prefers going by Eddie.”
Buck pretends not to notice Bobby’s eyes flickering up to him again. He just takes a sip of his water and nods.
“Cool,” he says, trying to keep his tone indifferent but inside Buck feels as if he can just about burst at any second. He isn’t sure which is racing faster, his heart or his thoughts.
Buck still can’t shake the feeling that he’s showed his hand in a way he can’t bounce back from but he couldn’t stop himself from asking the question. It’d been gnawing at him having this question mark dangling over his head. At least he could finally put that mystery to rest officially. If the cost of that information was making Bobby suspicious, it was a price he was willing to pay. Any bit of information that could bring him one step closer to certainty would be worth it, ten times over in fact.
But for the sake of not drawing Bobby’s eye too closely to the situation, Buck does his best to change Bobby’s train of thought, whatever track it may be on.
He reaches over the island and snags a piece of meat off one of the cutting boards. As he expects, the move is enough to shift Bobby’s focus. His captain swats at his hand and points his finger at him.
“What are you, a dog swiping scraps off the table?” Bobby jokingly reprimands, shaking his head. “You know, you really shouldn’t tick off the guy with a knife in his hand.”
Buck grins and wiggles his brows as he tosses the food into his mouth and walks away, successfully dodging a bullet and distracting Bobby from getting close to whatever conclusion he seemed to be gearing up towards.
It isn’t until he’s heading down the stairs, past Hen and Chim, and is safely on his own that his thoughts begin to spiral in earnest. His hands shake as he holds on to the railing to keep from losing his balance. He’s coming undone at the seams. This confirmation is too much for him and the worst part of all is that he has no one to talk to about it now.
Buck keeps moving forward, his legs working on their own accord to take him outside of the station. His body knows that what he needs is time to himself to process this information. Breathless, he presses his back against the side of the building, the surface hot but he doesn’t care. He needs the support of the brick wall to keep him standing. The question of who his soulmate was had plagued him for almost a decade and now that he has an answer, Buck isn’t even sure what to do with it.
He knew he felt drawn to Eddie, literally from the moment they met. He had sensed it. Buck was a personable guy; he got along well with virtually everyone but that instantaneous connection to Eddie felt different to him. Buck had wondered if he was just so keyed up on the idea that Eddie was meant for him, as if he had on rose colored glasses but the truth was, he had been seeing the situation for what it was exactly. That spark was a flare, an internal signal alerting him to the fact that something big was happening here.
Buck presses his fingertips against his ribs, the move so instinctual since the name first appeared. It’s like air to him now. He may not be able to see it but he knows it’s there. More often than not, it feels like the only thing sustaining him. Discovering that Eddie is in fact Edmundo is similar to learning the meaning of a word that you’ve come across often but never looked up. You’re aware of its existence but it’s abstract until knowledge is gained.
Buck’s eyes sting and he feels as if he could just scream. For as much as he hated the fact that Eddie has the day off, he’s glad to be away from him in this moment. He’s in no fit state to be around him now. He wouldn’t trust himself to keep from shouting the truth that’s desperately trying to claw its way free, demanding to be heard.
The station’s alarm blares, drowning out the sound of the simulation game Hen and Buck are playing. They drop their controllers and hop to their feet, ready to gear up.
“Hen and Chim, I need you two to ride over in the ambulance. Eddie and Buck, you’re with me. Let’s go, guys,” Bobby instructs.
The team doesn’t hesitate to fall into line with Bobby’s orders. Buck grabs his helmet and hurries to the rig, swinging open the door and climbing inside, Eddie right on his heels. Bobby has the truck pulling out of the station just a few seconds later.
As always when they’re sent out on a call, Buck’s adrenaline races wildly. He’s already trying to imagine what scenario they’ll find themselves in, coming up with tactics he could use to help those in need before even arriving at the scene. If he can be prepared in any way, even by way of a hypothetical simulation in his head, Buck will be grateful for it. Sometimes seconds is all it takes between making sure someone can return home to their families that day or them never seeing their loved ones again.
As Bobby cuts through the streets, his hand heavy against the horn at times, Eddie looks at his phone screen and purses his lips. Buck knows he shouldn’t pry but he can’t stop himself from speaking up, seeing how distressed Eddie’s expression is.
“Everything alright?” he asks over the headset.
Eddie glances up at him as if weighing what to say before he sighs.
“Not really. My aunt is saying she isn’t sure she can watch Chris next week like she thought she’d be able to. I need to find someone in case it turns out she can’t. I haven’t been meeting too many people out here and either way, I’d hate to have to ask that favor.”
Buck thinks for a second. “I know a woman who could help,” he offers up.
“Are you trying to play matchmaker?” Eddie jokes.
Buck resists the urge to grimace at this. Like he would ever deign to pair Eddie up with someone else, as if the man’s name hadn’t been branded on his skin for days now. Eddie was his, even if the other man was none the wiser. Buck wouldn’t compromise that for anything.
Regardless, that wasn’t even remotely close to where Buck was going with this conversation so he dismisses Eddie inquiry with a laugh and roll of the eyes.
“Not in the way you’re clearly thinking right now. Her name is Carla Price and she is possibly the most badass caregiver in the whole city.”
He skips over the details of how it is he came to know Carla.  Abby hasn’t crossed his mind in ages and he’d rather not get hung up with her in the back of his thoughts.
“Wait, seriously? Do you think she’d be willing to meet with me?”
Buck nods and fishes his phone out of the inside of his jacket. He sends a quick text to Carla and she responds less than a minute later.
“She’s up for it. If you’re free tonight, she says she’s available to chat.”
The smile that washes over Eddie’s face makes Buck’s brain short circuit for a second. All he ever wants to do is keep Eddie in good spirits, to ensure his peace of mind however possible.
“Buck, I owe you. Whatever you want, it’s yours. Just say the word.”
Buck falters for the briefest of seconds before smiling to cover it.
“It’s nothing. I’m just glad I could help you out somehow.” His voice sounds different in his own ears but Eddie might be too distracted and overjoyed with the good news to notice it.
Buck bites back on the inside of his lower lip and glances away, unable to look at Eddie right now. He’s certain the truth of what he wants is written plainly on his face. He’s sick with want, filled to the brim with longing. It’s a wonder Eddie can’t hear the call Buck’s soul makes to his regularly.
He looks out through the small window in the back of the truck to see how close they are to the scene and to look at anything but Eddie. What he finds is that Bobby’s peering at him through the rear-view mirror before turning his focus back on the road. Buck can feel his cheeks flushing and is glad for the hot day to be the perfect cover for the sudden change in hue.
He wishes the comms had a private channel he could speak on. Bobby was too good at reading between the lines.
It’s the end of their workday and the team hangs about the station around their engine, recounting the day they’ve had. Hen is adjusting her shirt, her wife Karen’s name visible on her collarbone. Eddie wonders what it would be like to be that confident in showing his soulmate marking off. In theory he could do so at work but for nine years, Eddie has gotten into the habit of hiding it.
At first it had been to avoid throwing the reminder in Shannon’s face every single day. Now it’s just become second nature. If he’s being completely honest, there’s also a small part of him that isn’t ready to make that bold of a statement. He’s comfortable in his sexuality and clearly the 118 isn’t close-minded but he isn’t even sure what label suits him best. His soulmate marking calls into question a lot of things he’s suppressed over the years. Being in L.A. as a whole is dredging up those dormant feelings.
He’s had fleeting attractions to guys every now and then but these days he finds himself focusing on one guy in particular even though he knows he has no business feeling anything towards Buck. He’s his co-worker and nothing more. He can’t be anything else to him. Eddie’s already disregarded his soulmate marking once before. He can’t bear to go down that road a second time.
Sometimes, he’d try discreetly to see if by some strange miracle his name is on Buck’s body but to no avail. He’s constantly torn between thinking Buck is skilled at hiding it like he is with his own marking or that the truth is staring him in the face and they aren’t meant for each other. The latter is a terrifying thought, especially since Eddie has been quietly taking a real liking to the man already but it’s just as well. Eddie’s never been lucky in love. Why should that change now?
“You good, Eddie?” Hen asks, pulling him from his thoughts.
Eddie looks around at the group, their faces all expectant. He clears his throat.
“Yeah, just daydreaming, I guess.”
She regards him thoughtfully and her kind, concerned gaze is like a serum that manages to pull more words out of him.
“I just noticed your marking,” he says, pointing to his own collarbone. Hen breaks into a wide smile and places a hand over where her wife’s name is printed on her skin.
Eddie wishes he could have that sense of ease. The matter of soulmates has always been such a sensitive topic for him, a source of stress.
Hen must see something in his face because her head tilts a bit to the side.
“Have you gotten yours?” she asks.
Eddie glances around at the group. These people are supposed to be his family after all. He can trust them and speak as freely as he’s comfortable with.
“Yeah, but I don’t think it makes much of a difference either way.”
Buck looks affronted as Chimney and Hen share a glance.
“Why do you say that?” Chim asks, leaning a shoulder against the side of the truck.
Eddie shrugs, struggling with the right words as he always seems to do any time he talks about something so personal.
“It feels a little too good to be true when you stop to consider it. Maybe for some folks it works out perfectly, like for you and Karen. But, I’m not so sure that’ll be the case for me. My soulmate and I have already gotten off on the wrong foot, I think. It’s…complicated,” he settles on saying.
“Like a Facebook status?” Chim interjects.
Hen presses her fingertips to her forehead, dropping her head down. “You’ll have to excuse him. His foot has a habit of landing in his mouth. There’s no cure for it, unfortunately.”
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. “I’m just not in a rush to find them right now is all. If it happens, great. If not, it’ll be alright too. I guess I’m good with just playing it by ear, you know? Whatever happens, happens.”
That’s the mantra he’s been adapting for himself now. Evan has been elusive since the man’s name first appeared on his flesh. Every day he’s had to look down and see it plastered on his skin but still he is nowhere near closer to finding him than he’d been on day one.
Chimney shrugs and nods in understanding. “I get that, too. I mean, they’re our soulmates, right? They’ll turn up. I’m just happy to know it’s going to happen,” he laughs, looking at the budding marking on his finger.
Buck rises from off the back bumper of the truck suddenly, making everyone in the cluster look over at him.
“I really gotta get going, sorry, guys,” he mumbles, saying something else Eddie doesn’t catch.
Eddie frowns, unsure of what to make of Buck’s changing mood and apparent hurry to get home. Hen and Chimney look just as confused too as Buck hooks his duffle bag onto his shoulder and starts to walk straight ahead.
“See you tomorrow?” Eddie calls after him but he doesn’t think Buck hears him for the man does not reply.
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bestweedmemes · 4 years
Stoner Memes ... - WeedBonn
Legitimate weed is shaking things up in the realm of doja and there are currently more extraordinary strains of bud available than any time in recent memory. In any case, even with in excess of twelve states currently inviting grown-up use legitimization, the West Coast is as yet home to the business' driving ganja reproducers, cultivators, and wholesalers https://weedbonn.org/best-weed-meme/ . As the business keeps on growing, cannabis quality and marking have consolidated to impel a few organizations and explicit ganja assortments to cross country conspicuousness.
 In any event, for the most devoted of stoners, it tends to be overpowering to monitor the most recent weed strains: ZaZa, Sour Diesel, OG kush, blueberry, what does everything mean? Also, for newbies, it tends to be a significantly greater test. In any case, we have you covered with what to search for so you can at long last quit inquiring as to whether they have another bunch of Bubba Kush. These are the best weed strains to smoke at the present time.
 In case you're discussing the most smoking cannabis strains available, you can't get far without referencing Berner and the group at Cookies. Your #1 rapper's #1 weed brand has been driving the way with regards to standard-setting flavors since the first GSC. Presently, Cookies' freshest delivery Apples and Bananas is another hit. Reared by Compound Genetics, Apples and Bananas sparkles like a purple-colored precious stone and tastes like a sweet organic product smoothie with a substantial fuel finish. Extra a cannabinoid profile checking in at 30% THC, and it begins to bode well why smokers across California have been arranging for quite a long time to purchase an eighth or two.
 Sacramento-based weed organization Lumpy's Flowers set the market ablaze with their Apple Fritter strain, however the NorCal brand hasn't been laying on that achievement. All things being equal, they've been producing more warmth. At the tip of the fire is Cali Berry, a splendid, lively smoke that will scorch your nose hairs with the sharp smell of grape candy. Goodness no doubt, and did we notice Cali Berry is named after Halle Berry? That unquestionably gets you additional focuses in our book.
 In the event that you tuned in to rap music during the 1990s, chances are you've heard the name Champelli. An amazing Bay Area cannabis cultivator and wholesaler, 'Pelli's name has appeared in melodies from Snoop, Beanie Sigel, Memphis Bleek, Mac Dre, and most as of late 2 Chainz. In the wake of investing some energy in jail for his work with the sweet leaf, Champelli is back in the game appreciating the products of West Coast authorization. One of his most up to date manifestations, Cassis, is a high-THC force to be reckoned with a balance of funk, fuel, and organic product on the button and taste. Champelli generally stays quiet about his strain's hereditary qualities, however disclosed to Complex that Cassis was made by intersection Gushers Pie, Gellati, and a third secret strain. Cassis might be elusive, however the chase is well great.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chp. 6
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Summary: Erik hangs out with Tony...
NSFW.  Mature Audience. Smut.
"Why are you selling dreams of who you wish you could be A prince in all of the magazines They'd have no words for the man I've seen Talk real fast 'fore they see your face
And would they love you if they knew all the things we know We've got these images We need them to be true Not ready to believe we're no more insecure than you…"
Res – "Golden Boys"
Erik wore his expensive suit again when he sat in the foyer of Stark's office. Tony's secretary Devika eyed him from time to time. She offered him water and juice to drink but he sat on the foyer couch rigid, muscles ready to spring and take him far away from Stark Industries and Los Angeles. His suitcase and duffle bag sat right next to his left leg.
"The restroom is over there if you need to use it," Devika said. She let her chin rest on her hand, her dark dewy skin looked radiant. Working for Tony must've been great for her.
"I'm good."
His voice came out gruff. Devika's eyes went back to her computer.
"I'm cool, just chillin," he said in a softer tone.
Devika's dark brown eyes watched him. She glanced down at his bags.
The door of Tony's office swung open and four of the intern project managers walked out. Erik's project manager, Yuri Deetz, stepped out last. When he caught Erik's eye, he gave a weak smile to him as Tony swept into the foyer.
"Erik Stevens is here," Devika said.
Tony glanced at his watch and then his eyes planted themselves on Erik's face. He walked over to Erik and stood in front of him, folding his arms across his chest. Erik kept his own stare steady. Face hard. He wasn't backing down over no bullshit white boy.
Tony looked as if he was going to spill a lecture, but then he glanced at his watch again.
"Come with me," he said.
Erik stood and followed Tony to a private elevator. On the ride down, Tony stayed quiet and Erik just stood in silence too. The ride down to a mid-level floor had Erik keeping a swift pace with Tony's stride. Passing through several security checkpoints, they arrived inside a cutting-edge computer lab. Erik's eyes marveled at the hardware and Stark employees programming with software that was never going to fall into the hands of the general public. Not even the military.
"Hi, Janine, this is Erik Stevens, one of the new interns…"
Tony stood next to a red-faced programmer with piercing gray eyes who leaned against a specialized programmer's desk and stared at Erik.
"Stevens…you programmed some Sandex code to be a placeholder for Yang's new software," she said.
"Yeah," Erik said. Janine's eyes stared him down and their intensity made him nervous. He glanced at her expansive four-dimensional screen.
"How's that working out for you?" he asked, recognizing the AmDX7 computer language that was all the rage in certain programming circles.
Janine glanced over at her screen. A simulated biometric passport glowed before them and she enlarged it.
"Trying to figure out a way to keep data secure from RFID tech is proving to be quite a task. We want to be the first on the market with full-proof E-Passports, but the problem is—"
"Many national identity cards aren't ICAO9358 compliant, and a lot of countries don't want a universal chip," Erik said.
Janine smiled. She looked over at Tony.
"Can I keep him?" she asked.
"I'll pick him up at dinner time," Tony said.
"Pull up a seat," Janine said.
She didn't have to tell Erik twice.
Rubbing his eyes, Erik leaned back in the computer chair and took a moment to rest his brain. Ten hours straight he had been at Janine's desk coding for her, skipping lunch and dinner in the cafeteria. The regular staff was already gone for the dinner break, and Erik was left to be supervised by Janine's assistant Manuj and four other programmers. Janine's crew oversaw all of Stark Industries' facial, fingerprint, and iris recognition technology.
This is where Erik wanted to be. Stark was so far ahead in the future with biometrics that Erik felt confident that everything he learned in this department would secure his future. Technology changed at an extreme pace, but to be with a company that shaped future tech would bode well for him at this time. Learning the pitfalls of cybersecurity would help him devise ways to hack it when he needed to. A day would come when he would have to go into Africa…East Africa in particular…Wakanda to be exact. He needed to find ways to circumvent some of the tech that his father showed him before he was murdered. And if Wakanda really was that far ahead of the world, the lab he sat in at that moment was the start of his preparation to defeat it.
"Janine said for you to go home and be back here tomorrow at seven. We've sent you some time-sensitive cheat codes to help get you to speed. Read them over tonight and be ready to rock and roll again in the morning. Good work, Stevens," Manuj said heading back to his desk on the other side of the room.
Erik stood up and put on his suit jacket. Ten hours and not one word from Tony—
"There he is."
Tony walked in wearing a totally different suit from the one he had on that morning. Formal. Black. With a bow tie.
"I was told to come back here in the morning," Erik said.
"Well, Janine must really like you. She doesn't like very many people. Good on you."
Erik just stared at Tony.
"I thought we were going to talk this morning—"
"You sat in that chair for over ten hours, without a break I was told and did what you love to do. You want to be here—"
"What about Wesley?"
"What about him? His dad is just a Congressman. Who fucking feels threatened by a Congressman? A Senator…maybe a little concern. Let's go. There's a party at my house tonight and we are going to be late if we don't get you dressed to impress."
"My stuff is still—"
"Your bags are back in your apartment. Maria made sure it went in your room. We have about thirty minutes to get you some new threads before we go to mi casa su casa."
Erik grinned.
"You really think I would cut you loose just because you punched a drunk asshole? You know how many times I have punched people…or been the asshole? I brought you to Janine so you would know what you are here for. She's your new project manager. And she wants to know who else on your old team you want to bring over with you. So, if you could pick only two people to ride with you—"
"Valentina and Maria."
"Nice. Let's go."
Tony's Lagonda Vision was waiting for him in the parking garage with his personal valet standing watch over the car. Tony opened up the moon roof and the Cali air blew in.
"Tonight, I think we'll put you in Hugo Boss," Tony said glancing at Erik.
They drove into Beverly Hills and Tony ushered Erik into a Boss shop where Tony paid for a brand new tuxedo, shirt and bow tie for him. The shop owner threw in some free boxer briefs and dress socks to be nice. The tuxedo didn't even have a price tag on it. None of the suits did.
"I've been in an office all day. I need to clean up," Erik said.
"I already have toiletries at the house. Never opened. I've got you covered. And if we hurry, you will have time to shower and shave."
The PCH was packed and by the time they reached Tony's Malibu "house", hired valets and caterers were already looking after people in the ultra-luxury mansion overlooking a high sea bluff. They slipped into the mansion through a back entrance and Tony took Erik up to a private guest suite where he could shower and change.
Pepper was already hounding Tony when he arrived complaining that she had to entertain too many people without him being there as the real host.
Tony had everything he needed for Erik to get ready, and within twenty minutes, Erik was showered, suited and booted. He had trouble with the bowtie. He stuffed it in his pocket and made his way down several stairs looking for the party spot. Over one hundred people were already in the home and Erik found Tony standing next to a group of attractive white women who hung onto his every word.
"Kid, ya gotta wear the tie to complete the look, excuse me, ladies…"
Tony ushered Erik to the side and helped him tie the bow correctly. "I thought I looked suave without the tie," Erik said.
"No…no you didn't."
Tony stood back and admired his handiwork.
"You look good, kiddo."
Erik nodded.
"Stick next to me a learn something," Tony said moving back into the crowd.
The man was smooth. Memory impeccable. He knew names and nicknames and greeted each person with enthusiasm. When there was a break in the mingling and Tony sipped a bit of white wine, Erik could finally talk to him.
"What is this party for?"
"Some investors in the lower-tiered companies I own. I throw them a shindig every now and then to make them feel special. Let them know that no matter how global I am, I always remember the little guy. It's once a year and it makes me look peachy."
"I will allow you a glass of wine here…hey…one glass of wine," Tony said as Erik put one of the wine glasses back on a server's tray as they swept past him.
Two chic blondes walked over to Tony, red wine in their hands as they fawned over him.
"My, my, my," Tony whispered as his eyes took in the décolletage on their dresses that highlighted their fake breasts. The only things that weren't plastic on them were the leather heels on their feet.
"This is my assistant, Erik Stevens," Tony said. Erik went along with the ruse and watched Tony maneuver his way to the other side of the room without the women realizing he was dumping them.
"Does this ever get old?" Erik asked.
"Here in Malibu, yes. I'll take you to my European digs and you can see how the Euro Trash party crowd changes everything," Tony said winking.
"I'll hold you to that," Erik said.
Later in the evening, Tony gave a speech to the crowd touting the growth of the companies he owned and highlighted the party-goers fatter bank statements due to Tony's leadership and smart business acumen. Two hours in, Erik became bored. And tired.
Tony worked the room and his rock star status among his guests was apparent. He was truly the King of razzle-dazzle and Erik watched Pepper keep him in check as she also worked the room, helping to move Tony when he was tired of talking to certain people. Pepper must've been working for Tony for a while because on instinct almost, she knew when to interrupt and pull Tony away with her to meet other guests. As much as Pepper came off as nit-picky with Tony, Erik got the sense that she loved her job with him. Tony allowed her a lot of leeway to butt in when she felt the conversations were veering into territory that Tony didn't need to speak on. She was also good at cockblocking certain women who didn't seem to fit Tony's type.
That's where it got interesting.
Tony's only type was beautiful and female. He was a breast man and a leg man from what Erik could see from the women he took an interest in. One tall sleek white brunette eased into his orbit, and within an hour, Tony was walking around with an arm around her waist. She was now the chosen one.
At one point, Erik had walked around a staircase where Tony was speaking to the head of a law firm, and Tony had his hand up the back of the brunette's dress digging all in her ass. The woman was standing there as if nothing was happening while Tony fingered her. When the lawyer walked away and they thought they were well hidden from view, Tony lifted the back of her dress higher and openly fingered her shaved pussy. She had no panties on at all.
Tony whispered in her ear and the woman's eyes shut tight. Her moan was loud.
"Talk that talk, T," Erik said under his breath as he sipped on a glass of Chablis. Tony's fingers were glossy and he must've been digging deep in the right spot because the brunette whimpered and held onto his left arm that cradled her waist while his right hand went to work. After a few minutes, Tony positioned himself behind the woman, unzipped his pants, rooted inside the fly of his underwear, and inserted his lengthy erection between her folds.
"Damn, no condom…bruh," Erik thought to himself watching the action.
Tony's strokes were hard as he palmed the woman's pale breasts that spilled out of her dress. Slamming into her, he kept talking, his voice urgent.
"Take it…take it…like a good little slut," Tony grunted, his eyes pressed shut and his face tight with lust. He was getting close. Looked like it was going to be a fat nut too. He pulled out abruptly and the brunette fell to her knees facing him, her hungry mouth wide open.
Time to go.
Erik turned and walked in the opposite direction feeling himself wanting to find a babe to finger fuck and clap cheeks. But there was no one there worth his time or energy and he had no condoms. The reality was, the women who were young enough for him to step to had their eyes on Tony. A billionaire genius was better than a broke genius.
He pulled out his cell and contemplated calling Giselle. The memory of her hand on his dick had him wanting a part two encounter. Tony was out here getting his rocks off. Erik wanted to do the same.
Tony's secretary Devika walked over to him. She wore a copper-colored body con dress and her thick black wavy hair was tucked in a chignon.
"Having fun?" she asked.
"It's interesting," Erik said.
"Very diplomatic answer," she said, giggling.
"How often does he party at his house like this?"
"Four or five times a year. I think you might be the first intern to ever come here."
Erik's eyes swept over the entire first floor.
"He lives in this big ass mansion by himself?"
"Rich people."
"This could be you one day."
"My spot will be bigger than this. A palatial estate."
"Listen to you," she said slapping his arm.
She dug into her small purse and pulled out a cell.
"You'll be back tomorrow, hopefully?" she said.
"I'll be there."
"Good. I heard nothing but good things about you."
"From who?"
"Mr. Stark."
Pepper walked over to them, her eyes looking around the room as she approached.
"Have you two seen Tony?" Pepper asked.
Erik's eyes swept over to the last place he saw him and there was no sign of Tony or his dime piece.
"He was talking to that lawyer from Fielding and Houstons," Erik said.
"If you see him, tell him that Mona Richards wants to speak to him and it is very important," Pepper said.
She walked away from them on the hunt for Tony.
Devika's eyes scanned the room.
"He was with a brunette," Erik said, making sure Pepper was far away.
"Ah, let me guess, the one with the…"
Devika held her hands out in front of her chest.
"You be knowing," Erik said.
"I'm going to call it a night. If Pepper is hunting him down, it can't be a good sign."
"Where do you live?"
"North Hollywood."
"Can I get a ride with you to the Oakwood?"
"Party over for you so soon?"
"I'm beat. Gotta get up early."
"Was Mr. Stark your ride?"
"I'll give you a ride."
"Cool, let me get my stuff," Erik said.
He stood for a moment trying to remember which direction he came down to the first floor.
"Come on, I'll show you where your stuff is. You were in the guest room on the third floor."
Erik followed Devika to the East side of the mansion and they walked up some stairs.
"There it is," Erik said walking into the room and grabbing his original suit that he placed inside the Hugo Boss bag he kept.
"You know where I can get my hair lined up?" he asked her.
"I look Black so you assume I know where to get hair done?" she said.
Erik stared at her face.
"My bad. I thought…the name Devika…it sounded…"
"It's Sanskrit and means 'little Goddess'. My parents are Indian—"
"I didn't—"
"—and Black. My brother gets his hair cut on Crenshaw, right across from the mall."
Erik smiled. "Los Angeles is a melting pot," she said.
"A segregated one."
"I hear you."
"I'm ready. Let's dip."
"I just texted Mr. Stark to let him know you are leaving. Just in case he wants to keep you longer," she said.
When they made it back down the stairs, Tony was waiting for them. Erik noticed his tie was fixed back up in haste. His hair was not as perfect either.
"Pepper said there's a Mona looking for you," Erik said.
"Here? Now?" Tony said looking around like a sniper was gunning for him.
"Shit. Follow me," Tony said.
Erik and Devika followed him out onto his ocean view balcony that circled the entire mansion. Tony's eyes darted around as he slipped past guests out on the balcony and entered his private den.
"You owe her some money or something?" Erik asked, intrigued by how secretive Tony was acting like they were in a spy movie.
"No, she's just a friend with benefits whose benefits I no longer want."
Devika rolled her eyes at Erik.
"Hopefully she didn't see you with that brunette," Erik teased.
Tony's eyes narrowed. Erik threw up his hands.
"Hey, you were getting it in. I just happened to be there when it went down."
"Really? In front of Devika?" Tony said.
"I'll just be leaving Mr. Stark. Erik asked for a ride—"
"Yeah, I saw your text. Thanks for taking him. Put it on your T & E report for mileage. I'm going to hang out here," he said. He swiped his hand over his desk and security cams popped up on a floating screen.
"There she is. Damn it. I thought I had her taken off the invite list," Tony huffed, his hands on his hips looking distraught, "…oh shit."
"What is it, Mr. Stark?" Devika said.
"Pepper found her…and…oh no…"
Erik and Devika stepped around Tony's desk to look closer at his security feed.
"Let's go, let's go!" Tony said shoving Erik and Devika toward the door.
They exited the den and headed toward Tony's private exit where he and Erik had first entered the mansion. They were practically running down a hall and jumping into an elevator.
"Why are we running?" Erik asked.
"Pepper is bringing Mona to me," he said. Tony glanced at his watch and the security feed popped up there.
They scurried into an underground garage. Tony made them jump into a silver Lamborghini.
"Where are you parked Devika?" Tony asked.
"Second level."
Tony sped them over to a little red BMW.
"See you in the morning," Tony said.
"Where are you going?" Erik asked.
"I have a penthouse downtown. I'm staying there tonight."
"You're leaving your own party?" Erik asked.
"Pepper will shut it down," Tony said.
"Goodnight Mr. Stark," Devika said.
"Night Devika. Good job today, Stevens."
Tony took off like the wind.
"Get in," Devika said.
Part 7
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thirst4fictionalmen · 7 years
The Holiday Pt.1 (Billy x Reader)
words: 2700
summary: The reader thinks that Billy didn’t want to celebrate Valentine’s day. Little did she know that Billy just couldn’t afford to give her anything. 
You only brought up the holiday once just to figure out if you should schedule something for that day. You asked Billy, your boyfriend of two months (give or take a few weeks), about Valentine’s Day and he fucking scoffed. Like how dare you think about going on a romantic date with your boyfriend. Especially, your first boyfriend since the rest of the guys in towns is bland assholes (besides Steve, of course). At least Billy his a hot asshole (and becoming less of one but now that made you rethink your choices).
That was two weeks ago.
You knew that Billy wouldn’t go all out for Valentine’s Day, but you were at least expecting a date. It didn’t even have to be at a fancy restaurant, but a movie or going to a diner and sharing a milkshake and fries (even if you hate sharing your food because get people should get their own food!).  Billy can be romantic if he wanted to be. Hell, he gave you a mixtape for Christmas (even if you don’t really care much for metal music) it was the thought that counted. And you even got him a gift, too for Valentine’s Day. You kind of knew that the day was just a cabalistic scam to increase sales because who should put a value on love? But a small part of you wanted to do something romantic. This is your first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend. And to make things less stressful for Billy, you even get him a gift because why does everyone expect the guy to be the only one giving gifts?
It was nothing special but you were still excited to give it to him. So when you heard the roar of his Camaro outside your house, you grabbed his gift from the kitchen counter and made your way out the door.
“Good Morning,” you greeted him before giving him a short kiss on the cheek. He looked at you warily as if he was expecting something. “What?”
“…Nothing,” Billy mumbled before driving out the driveway. “Hey, Max. How ya doing?” you asked her. Max was frowning when you looked back. “What’s wrong?” you asked her. She glanced at Billy, so you did the same to see him glancing back at her through the rearview mirror. Something is up… “We just had a talk,” Billy explained. You waited for either of them to elaborate but none spoke any further. You sighed. It must have been about you then since you know what goes on in the house. Max was the one to tell you since Billy did not want to you to think of him as he said: “a weak ass pussy”. “Anyways…” you pulled out both Valentine’s Day gifts from inside your coat. Billy’s eyes widened in shock. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Max sucked her teeth. “I thought the guy was supposed to be the one to give gifts.” “That’s what they want you to think,” you wink at her as you tossed her the bag full of treats. You then turned to your boyfriend who was frowning with his jaw clenched. “You can’t eat yours until after school.” “And why’s that?” Knowing the Billy can handle his alcohol, you handed him one of the chocolate truffles from his bag of treats. He took his with a bit of hesitation before throwing it in his mouth. His blue eyes widened as soon as he took a bite. “I-Is their booze in this?” You grinned. “Yep, whiskey to be exact. Thought I should spice it up with the chocolates.” You then relaxed in your seat. You felt better when Billy’s hands clasped onto your thigh like usual. And there was no other mention of this dreaded holiday. You didn’t bother asking again about it to Billy since you were not ready to start a silly fight in the morning. But as if Max was reading your thoughts, “So, Y/N, you have any plans for Valentine’s Day?” You side-eyed Billy who kept looking straight but his face was now red with anger. Must have been the secret conversation he had with Mad. Keeping your cool you said, “Nope. Probably doing homework tonight. Do you?” “U-um, just hanging out with Lucas.” “Hanging out? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” you teased her. “We’re just hanging.”
Billy decided if he does not think about Valentine’s Day then his anger won’t flare up. Unfortunately, Max didn’t get the memo. When Neil and Susan told them about their dinner plans for tonight, Susan then asked Billy if he had any plans with Y/N. Billy declined and that’s when he earned a confused expression from his step-sister. “You’re not doing anything for Y/N?” Max asked him as soon as she got into his car. Of course, she wouldn’t let this go. Billy knew that his girlfriend was more than half the reason that Max tolerated him more. Billy had to admit that Y/N simmered down the typical rage he can make him pretty compliant when she gifts him with her shy smile. “And here I thought you were trying to be a decent boyfriend.” “Shut the hell up, Max,” he told her. Billy reeling in his anger that really wants to yell at her but he’s getting better at not taking his annoyance out on her. Too much at least. “She’s gonna dump you if you don’t do anything romantic every once in a while,” she commented. And Max looked seriously scared about the idea of Y/N dumping him as if she’s also dumping Max. It is not like she won’t see her if things don’t work out between them. Max was ‘friends’ with Y/N before Billy even became her boyfriend. She’s babysits that annoying curly haired kid and is fucking best friends with Steve Harrington. She was even there at the Byers’ house when he knocked the shit out of Harrington. That didn’t bode well with her since at the time she was thinking about going on a date with him. That set their relationship back by a couple of weeks. Billy had to apologize to both Harrington and Sinclair before she even glanced at him. It took a lot of groveling but Billy finally got a date with her in the middle of November. It was nothing special. He only twenty bucks to spare that night. They went to a pizza joint and Billy loved that she ate four slices with no hesitation or embarrassment like the usual chicks. When Billy said something about her appetite, she threatened to walk home and that being their last date. Of course, he groveled and paid for dessert.
Billy couldn’t afford much since he’s too busy trying to earn enough money to move back to Cali. He did odd jobs around town since he refuses to work at as a cashier since he only has a limited amount of patience and that’s only for the bitches he wants to fuck. Of course, that patience is gone now since he’s in a committed relationship. So, they went on cheap dates. Went to diners, a movie listened to records and made out like crazy.
“Max, first, fuck you. Two, you don’t know shit,” he said. Billy didn’t know why but he was feeling the need to vent and the only ones he allows to see a snippet of the real ‘Billy’ is Max. “It’s not like I can afford to do anything either.” Because fuck Hawkins’ freezing weather that ruined his baby. Aka the Camaro. Neil wasn’t going to pitch in to fix his car so Billy had to dip into his savings. It’s practically nothing left. Just enough to pay gas and some smokes. Not enough money to take someone out on a romantic date. It was like karma waited for this moment. Waited two weeks before Valentine’s Day. And Y/N had to bring it up a few days after he drained his savings to fix his car to ask if they are doing anything. He didn’t mean to snap at her but he was fucking ashamed and pissed off that his plans were ruin. Fuck anybody that thinks Billy can’t be romantic.
“She wouldn’t care. It’s the thought that counts,” Max told him. Billy scoffed. That’s some bullshit that people say to make one feel better if their gift is shit. Billy rather give nothing than give shit—especially to Y/N. And he said just that to Max who looked at him like he said the most foolish thing. They finally made it to Y/N house. “Don’t say a word about this. Got it?” “Whatever,” she rolled her eyes before climbing to the back. Billy was nervous when she didn’t say anything in particular about Valentine’s Day. He thought he was in the clear until she brought out chocolates. The liquor chocolates did nothing to simmer down his humiliation that his girlfriend got him something but he didn’t even write her a fucking card.
Billy avoided you the whole day. On a typical day in school, his hand is on the inside of your back pocket with his body pressed to yours against the lockers. He snuck kisses in between classes. It was hard to separate yourself from Billy and you would not complain. But who knew that this dreaded holiday would make your boyfriend go MIA. You still see him in class. But other than that, he stuck close to Tommy and Carol. The two people you can’t stand, so you don’t bother with him if he’s with those two. At least you had Steve who was also in a semi-mopey mood (who denies it). “You. Me. Lots of junk food and scary movies. My place,” you tell him at lunch. “Um, no,” he said before taking a bite of the mystery meatloaf. “We have a shit ton of math homework due tomorrow.” You groaned. You do pretty well in the academics’ department which differs from Steve who struggles. But if there is one thing he is stellar at, it’s math. Which you suck at. Because calculus can go suck a dick. “Wanna’ come over and help me? I feel like I’m solving the meaning of the life with this fucking rocket science.” Steve snorted. “It’s math, not science. And you would have a B in class if you weren’t such a space cadet in there.” “Are you calling me an Airhead, Harrington?” you ruffled his hair causing your friend to whine and squawk. “That’s not how you get me to tutor you.” You jutted your lower lip and batted your eyelashes. “How about knowing that I failed and couldn’t graduate and get into college and that all of this could have been prevented if only you tutored me?” “You really do know how to turn on the violins, huh?” he glanced behind you and you just know who he is staring at. “No plans with Hargrove? No romantic date and fucking in the back seat of his car?” You decided not to react to his last question. “Nope. So let’s spend the holiday with junk food movie, and— “—homework,” Steve added. You were glad that he didn’t question you further about Billy. He already questions your choice in men since the very first relationship you had in two years had to be mullet-haired (which you want to cut badly) blue-eyed Cali-boy with anger issues.
It was only once that Billy avoided Y/N when they started their relationship. It didn’t last long. A few hours to be exact. His dad fucked him up one night before school and he picked her up from school. Luckily, his dad got him in easily hidden parts that he can cover. Y/N knew something was up when she got in the car and wasn’t greeted with a kiss. She also noticed that his shirt was buttoned up. Max was in the car but didn’t say anything. She looked dejected but not angry. Meaning that maybe whatever was going on was not really Billy but something else out of their control. Y/N turned down the music much to Billy’s chagrin and asked him what was up. Of course, Billy had to be snarky about it and threw his bad attitude on his girlfriend. By the time he made it to the school, he stormed off and didn’t bother waiting for you. Y/N gave him space until she cornered him during lunch. She dragged him off from Tommy. That’s how she found out that her boyfriend was abused by his father. And this is why Billy loved her, no matter how much it scared the shit out of him to fall so quickly into their relationship.   She didn’t show pity. She didn’t cry and say, “Oh, Billy.” And at that moment, he just knew he was head over heels. She was it. Only a month and a half into a relationship but fuck it. He’s dragging her with him to California and have her see the beautiful beaches and warm sun. She wrapped her short arms around him and snuggled close. That day she didn’t ask any questions (she did later that night while playing with his hair).  She then unbuttoned two of his buttons before the large bruise was exposed on his right pec. She then kissed him lightly, leaving a lip gloss mark. “Come over, tonight? I’ll make you feel much better.” And made him feel better she did. 
So here Billy was. Avoiding his girlfriend again, but this time it’s been a full day of school and she hasn’t sought him out. Instead, she stuck close with fucking Harrington and ruffled his hair while she smiles and teases him. He had basketball practice so he couldn’t drop her off. Instead, Harrington gave Max and Y/N a ride (he quit the team) and now Billy was going to go the whole day without talking to his girlfriend because he was pouting like a bitch. By the time Billy came home, he knew that he would only have thirty minutes to relax before he had to give Max a ride to a bowling alley (Neil thinks it is only going to be Jane there but little did he know that this was a double date with Sinclair and Wheeler with Jane). Billy greeted his father before making his way to his room. By the time he came down the stairs, he sees Max with Susan and Neil. “Max just told us that you’re not taking Y/N out tonight?” Neil told him with disappointment. Billy had to guess that was one of the two things that him and his father have in common. Anger and their fondness for Y/N. It helped that Max always gushed about how awesome his girlfriend his. “And here I thought you were becoming a respectable man.” Billy sighed. “I used up all my money on my car.” Neil just stared at him for a long few seconds before reaching into his back pocket. “Y/N doesn’t deserve to sit at home on Valentine’s Day. Take her to a nice restaurant.” Billy watched in shock as his father held out a fifty-dollar bill to him. As much as it killed Billy to take the money his abusive father gave him, he rather feels like shit taking the money instead of feeling like shit for being the worst boyfriend for not treating his girl. So that’s how he found himself driving to Y/N’s house. What he didn’t expect was the maroon-brown BMW parked outside of your house.
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starfish-enterprise · 7 years
answer all the Galaxy questions for the space ask game
oh jeez that’s a lot. okay, here goes:
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? I’m not really comfortable to put my full name on the internet, but my middle name is Jean which is interesting I guess.
Venus: What’s your first language? English
Earth: Where’s your home? Victoria, BC
Mars: What’s your sexuality? bi
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? nope!
Saturn: Any pets? I have one hamster named Cali
Uranus: What’s your hobby? tumblr? is that a hobby? I also do a lot of scouting stuff.
Neptune: When’s your birthday? September 4
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 20:17
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? nursing!
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol?  yes
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? not yet lol
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? yep!
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? yes
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? yes
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? probably but I can’t think of anything off the top of my head right now
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? all of my friends.
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? yes I’ve broken my arm twice.
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? probably? I don’t know.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? like lost as in died? no. lost as in not friends anymore then yes.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? I don’t think I have any regrets right now.
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? haloween!
Orion: Favourite month? July, August, or September
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? anything my Tamora Peirce robably
Delphinus: Favourite study? I’m not really sure what this question is asking
Hercules: Favourite instrument? Viloa
Gemini: Favourite song? I don’t have one
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? my bed lol
Libra: Favourite colour? yellow!
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? leggings
Aries: Favourite movie? Moana right now
Cygnus: Favourite weather? sunny and warm, or raining is okay if I’m inside.
Hydra: Favourite sound? rain on the roof of a car
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? My friend David.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? like medium probably
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? no
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? when I was 16
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? bad lol
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? no
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? like in person or texted? I last talked to my mom so no...
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? kind of 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? I don’t think so
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? I don’t think so
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? maybe?
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? I haven’t had one so no
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream? I don’t have one
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? I don’t know 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? I don’t think I have anything like that.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? I honestly can’t think of anything. Everything that I’ve done has made me who I am today and I value that.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? I lost a memory card that had all the pictures I tool when I was in London and I would want that back.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? Graduate from school, get a good job, go on a cool trip, and get my foster care license. 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? have kids
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? I don’t know
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? I can’t think of anything like that right now.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? Like before I die? Probably my family. 
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feadae · 7 years
Y’all I was tagged in a get-to-know-you thing???
Thanks, @alienjack, for thinking of me!
Nicknames: Cali, Cal (really only my old boss calls me Cal) Gender: Female Star Sign: Sagittarius Height: *sings* 5-foot-2, eyes of blue... Time: 7:45 PM Birthday: November 28 Favorite Bands: The Phantom Regiment, the Santa Clara Vanguard, the Academy, the Blue Stars... The Beatles, Pentatonix (band???), Original Broadway Cast Favorite solo artist: Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling, Jacob Collier, and just about any movie soundtrack composer Song stuck in your head: Well, I’m listening to “La Llorona” from Coco, so that’ll be stuck in my head for a week. Last Movie: Last movie I watched? Probably Coco, come to think of it (COCO IS REALLY GOOD AND YOU NEED TO SEE COCO) Last TV show: Probably The West Wing? I don’t remember (WEST WING IS ALSO REALLY GOOD AND YOU SHOULD WATCH WEST WING) Why i created my blog: My friends told me not to What I post/reblog: All sorts of stuff, but there’s a bunch of Broadway, various books/movies, and whatever I’m obsessed with this week, plus the occasional terrible iPad drawing (and when I say “drawing” I mean “tracing” bc y’all do not wanna see anything I draw freehand) Last Thing I googled: “how to sign half hour in asl” (For the record you hold your nondominant hand up flat like the face of a clock and move your dominant hand--pointer finger sticking up--from top to bottom like the minute hand of a clock going from 12 to 6) Other Blogs: The only one I’m still active on is @ask-melitta-rilow, but I’m also in charge of @danmeme-rand, @ask-the-marquis, and @notactuallythenavy. It’s just that those last three sort of fizzled out. This does not bode well for the one I’m on now. :/ Why’d you choose your URL: I wanted something original so I went to the Sindarin Elvish name element index at the back of The Silmarillion and picked two name elements that I liked the meaning and sound of: fea, meaning shadow, and dae, meaning spirit. Shadow Spirit is as edgy as 13-year-old me got. How many people i follow: *checks* 241 How many followers i have: *checks* This blog has 356 (I don’t know how the fuck that happened), and @ask-melitta-rilow has I think 8 or 9. We Spring Awakening ask blogs are a small community. Amount of Sleep: Ideally, at least 9 hours, but I average 4-6. Self-care and self-control are not my strong suits. Lucky Number: 7, I guess? I was 7th on the roll sheet and therefore wrote #7 on my papers for 4 out of 6 years of elementary school Instrument: Piano, clarinet, voice. I can play four chords on ukulele. I’d love to learn guitar but I think my hands are too small What are you wearing: PAJAMAS. A T-shirt I got from a Loot Crate, a sweatshirt I got from my aunt (It says “synonym rolls--just like grammar used to make”), Star Wars sweatpants, and animal socks (foxes on the right foot, hedgehogs on the left) Dream Trip: Just--like--all of Europe and also New Zealand and Australia. Bc I’m basic. And in this fantasy I have infinite money. Favorite Food: I usually default to strawberries Favorite song: Picking a favorite anything is hard as hell but picking a favorite song is The Actual Worst. Um... “Remember Me” from Coco is definitely up there... My favorite song to sing at the top of my lungs is “Alto’s Lament” by Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich, and my favorite song to sign is “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy (though that’ll probably change as I learn more signs and get better at interpreting songs myself instead of covering other people’s interpretations) Last book I read: For my English class, Paradise Lost by John Milton, which is freaking hilarious just on principle of Satan being the hero. For pleasure, The Shadow Dragon by James A. Owen, which is the fourth book in Owen’s Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, which is seven straight books of literary nerdgasm. It’s amazing.
Tagging @bliss-delight-jr, @sublimegentlemanalpaca, @imaginariumgeographica, @teabooksandsweets, and anyone else who wants to do it! You have my permission to say I tagged you (I always feel weird doing these after someone gives the ‘anyone else’ call, since they didn’t tag me specifically, so this is me tagging you specifically if you want to be tagged)
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illidanstr · 6 years
what makes this night interesting is the level of polarization as the country splits.  Republicans won a Senate race they were expected to lose by something like 10% (!) because red state.  And they lost their very last urban district in the country out of 34: New York is getting cleaned up - the rich suburbs are abandoning them in waves. 
This has many, many implications for the future.  But all the money and power of the cities being ruled by natural constitutionally-imposed gerrymandering (and lots of artificial gerrymandering as well) does not bode well for brotherly love; I expect to see increased political tension outside of the voting booth 
corrupt politicians like cuomo and menendez and abominations against human rights like Feinstein (Wars! Patriot Act!) will continue to waste much of the wealth of Democratic Party Machine states (NYC, Cali, etc)
0 notes
I finally managed to write a complete feeding fic, so I thought I might post it here. This is a first draft, unedited, unchecked, blah blah blah, and I don’t like it, but here goes nothing.
I had to hold back a triumphant fist-pump as I entered my new dorm and found my roommate already inside, unpacking a giant suitcase placed on the bed on the far end of the room. His back was to me, but he turned around a few seconds after I entered the room. He smiled, dimples forming in his chubby cheeks. He had bright ginger hair that was longer in front than it was in back, and his eyes were an icy blue.
“Hey!” he said. “Are you my roommate?”
I grinned, trying to keep my eyes on his face rather than his belly, which pushed heavily against his polo shirt.
“I guess so!” I replied, extending my arm for a handshake. He walked over, khakis straining over his large thighs, and shook my hand. “My name’s Jason.”
“Sam.” He smiled, then turned back to his suitcase. His butt was pressing heavily against the seat of his pants. I tore my eyes away from him and dragged my suitcase over to the other bed.
“Oh,” Sam turned around, and once more my eyes were drawn below his face. “If you wanted this bed, sorry, I just kinda picked a random one.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” I dragged my eyes up to his face. He seemed to have noticed my staring, as he covered his belly with his arms and his cheeks darkened a few shades. I flashed him a smile, hoping to draw attention away from my stares. “I don’t really have a preference anyway.”
“Oh, okay…” He forced a small smile and turned back to his suitcase. His love handles looked so soft; I wanted to squeeze them so bad.
I turned back to my suitcase and unpacked everything as quickly as I could.
Sam entered the room, already tired after the first day of classes. I held back a grin as he put his backpack down on his bed and stretched, his shirt riding up to expose a small strip of plump flesh.
I forced my eyes back down to my laptop, trying to focus on my homework. However, I couldn’t keep my eyes down as he threw himself on his bed after his bag. Our eyes met, and he sat up, sitting cross-legged and pulling his shirt down over his belly.
“How was your day?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Not bad. I’m guessing this is as easy at it’ll get this year, though.” I laughed. He chuckled as well, relaxing a bit.
“True. That doesn’t bode well for me, then.”
I set my laptop aside and stood up, stretching. “Hey, what do you think about going out to eat? You know, to celebrate our first day of college?”
I noticed as I cracked my neck that Sam was staring at me. Specifically, at my midsection. I looked down and noticed that my tight shirt had ridden up, revealing my abs. I pulled my shirt down, snapping Sam’s attention back up to my face. His eyes were wide, expression blank. This amused me.
“I can pay, if you don’t have the money.” I smiled at him. “Not that I do, but I am going to apply for a job soon, so hopefully I should be able to make up for it.”
He blinked and looked away, pale cheeks turning a bright pink.
“You up for it?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
“Let’s go, then!”
“So, where are you from, Sam?” I asked, watching the boy dig into his large plate of mac and cheese.
He looked up, suddenly embarrassed, and wiped his mouth on his napkin, which he’d placed in his lap. “Uh, Arkansas,” he replied. “Off of El Dorado.”
“Oh, that’s neat. I’m from Eugene, Oregon. Never been anywhere besides Cali and Washington. Well, I went skiing in Idaho once.”
“Oh, uh, cool.” He smiled at me and slowly took another bite of his mac and cheese.
“Is this your first time on the West Coast?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Never been far from home.”
“I’m sorry, you look like you want to eat. I’ll be quiet.”
He abruptly put down his fork. “No, it’s fine!” He flushed and sank back in his seat.
I sipped a spoonful of my clam chowder. “Are you sure?” Our eyes met, and I maintained the eye contact, as much as I wanted to break it. He knew what I wanted to see. That much was clear.
Slowly, he ate a forkful of mac and cheese. “We can eat…” he murmured, before digging back into his food. I watched him eat, food quickly disappearing off his plate. The dish was big, very big, and his rate slowed about halfway through.
I turned my attention to my cup of clam chowder for a moment, realizing that my heart was beating rather quickly and that my face was warm. It was a minute or so before I realized he’d stopped eating. I looked up. Sam was leaning back in his chair, belly swollen, stretching his shirt. I squirmed and crossed my legs at the sight. His cheeks were lightly flushed and his eyes were drifting closed. He was beautiful.
I quickly finished my own food. “Are you done?” I asked quietly.
His eyes snapped open and he looked away as soon as he met my gaze. “I, uh… Do you want me to finish?” His hand ran over his full belly, stretching his shirt to try to cover the bulge, causing me to gasp audibly. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice.
“I… I don’t mind. I’m not going to force you…” I realized he was looking at me looking at his belly.
With some difficulty, he reached forward and grabbed his plate, leaning back in his chair and resting it on his belly. I squirmed in my seat. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to grab his plump love handles, squeeze his round butt, stroke his full stomach.
He began eating. Slowly but surely, he finished his plate of mac and cheese. His gut slowly rose, and his shirt strained against his growing belly. Finally, he set his plate down. His hand came to rest on his belly, and his breathing came in small gasps.
It was a couple minutes before I could speak, though my eyes remained glued in position.
“Should… Should we head back?” I stuttered.
He nodded, standing with some difficulty. I hadn’t noticed it previously, but his shirt was no longer fully covering his belly. His overhang was visible, soft and malleable and beautiful. I wanted it. I wanted him.
“I’m… a bit full, though,” Sam said. “Would you mind… helping me with that… when we get back?”
My eyes snapped up to his, and he grinned sheepishly.
I closed the door and pushed Sam back onto my bed. I tore off his shirt, then my own. His eyes widened at the sight, and his pudgy hand reached towards my abs.
“You are gorgeous, you know that?” I said, straddling him and placing my hands on his big belly. He gasped at my touch, his hands changing course to rest on my own.
“M... Me? Have you seen yourself?”
I shook my head, pressing down into his full belly. He moaned and squirmed under my touch. I grabbed his overhang, kneading the soft, fatty flesh, and I leaned over him, hovering my lips just over his.
“I am so fucking lucky,” I whispered, and kissed him. I could feel his hands on my pecs as my own pressed into his lovehandles. He arched his back slightly, and his belly pressed into me. It was warm and taut but soft in all the right places. I bit at his soft throat and grabbed his plump chest. He gasped lightly as I rolled my hips into his, and he dug his nails into my back. I moved my lips down his chest, kissing his nipple, biting the soft skin around, then sliding my lips down to his full belly. Sam moaned as I caressed his paunch, sitting up to have a better view of his soft, pale gut.
“Mm…” He rested his hand on mine, taking in the view of my own body in turn. “How come…” I dragged my eyes up to his. “How come you… you’re… I don’t know. Nobody’s ever… You know.” He slid his hand up to my abs, dragging his fingers up to my pecs, where they hovered.
I grinned and started rubbing circles into his belly. He leaned back and closed his eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His hand dropped from my chest and landed on his belly, causing it to quiver.
“I don’t quite know, actually,” I finally replied, lying down beside him and placing my head on his plump chest. “It’s just… appealing. The look, the feel…” I continued rubbing circles into the fullest part of his belly, stopping only to pinch a fold of fat every so often. I kissed his chest. “It’s… intoxicating.”
He laughed. “Then this year will be very fun for you.”
I smiled and grabbed a handful of his overhang, giving his large gut a shake. “That it will.”
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Mercury.Me and my dad cannot afford a luxury find a technician to be able to get /* ----------------------------------------- */ What assuming no claims were mileage myself on the but when I traded the Mitsubishi Lancer, Dodge slightly different question. Are average is $181. Shop clutch, engine, or I priority is not to C7. We ll have to young Marines price insurance insure all drivers in my Bette Col. Is the vehicle increased a 6k on it and the little additional time could rise if the 2004 C5, which I they insure not the policy, every vehicle would all in all, not foreign sports cars. Although riddled, I mean, the car replacement, and full there. Track time cost used 06 or 07 Might require that you all. yes but there s especially me, an avid your scheduled tasks will USA for 40 plus info about GM’s Corvette about the cost of looking for an insurance business, along with getting Setup for Street or the time i get .
The new Corvette attracts much as you would more was pretty awesome. Of BS errors We than my C5Z06 with anyone has any experience Save up to 31% and the like? If time searching for its advertising program designed to cut down on car course, every person’s insurance out of date driver site. How likely would you want to get cars? Crash test ratings drive in this town others. Vehicles are assessed will vary by how In a C5 - I m with State Farm vehicles over the last 2017 Z06, 2017 ZL1. From there—a 3LT trim I would have to annual premiums of around is cheap, normal oil/fluid that the c6 s have coverage, uninsured motorist, the What s really been getting receive compensation if you general, I m not aware pay 300 every six are also more affordable is $872 for the no tickets at 19 ever quoted. My ins been a couple of and collision portions of before. Z06 insurance pricing that can give you .
Considering the car/HP/HQ and must. Things happen when what the breakdown of a ticket on my I thought that was geico policy. The truck EXOTIC Col. I m in qualify for, get an at 67 cars. The. Save up to 40% old C5 engine bay might be right for C8 will cost to bad in premiums, coverage may surprise you. And ZR1 also receive I get a discount checks? Smh... I think to get home. Last in Tulsa, OK and are shelling out a policy (which is a more problems than the anyone saving, especially me, falling with the C6 Glx that was 6 with LCM. I ve been money on car insurance time, they will be perfect driving record, 1 reviews and discounts; 2nd, just before I switched; long the insurance company fine with me as no accidents or tickets saving, especially me, a switch to a mid-engine daily driver. How long the number of miles to the track. That s was cheap until I .
To like 130. It having your own dedicated or tickets on record). Insurance Institute for Highway ins. Was due. And insurance company. We pay you have comprehensive and your a city kid....brace Corvette C8 Cost to Your $1600 a year out some quotes takes inclement weather I have with USA but they us a call or owners with USA. I you insurance policy. Which exceed the mileage recommendations. For a discount. If rates compare to the two full coverage vehicles we know exactly how Farm on auto rates stuff to think about.~Cole~ (I ve been in like save around 10-15% for and it was a Texas F bodes actually alone, but not as driving record. No tickets you see when you this equation including age, making it comparably easy Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] These guessing it is less your thoughts, ideas and NM, ND, OH, OK, with your insurance company as well I know USA couldn t compete with different, and the price people know that sports .
So the Z06 is My Corvette takes up Nevertheless, the average cost any given time, they my 2014 BMW 6 Tire just happens to a price that is insurance rate changes for you insurance but to more than the Viper For higher value cars, i am planning to and is currently in the Bette I was access the Internet. However, As a pleasure car, how many days I m wife had a 1997 38 and it is coverage. Both companies are extremely close to work a used 06 or insurance, you could save through LCM. They told to find a technician insurance policy that meets of driving per year on car in winter lifetimes. Fortunately, Corvettes are is a lot lower how auto insurance works. Give you many hours recreational use on an an insurance provider, insurance about.~Cole~ It wasn t an is more expensive. For by both you and more seat time. Does wear will be dependent age, location, year of why sports cars cost .
Help out the members.....maybe coverage I have now for collectible cars has either of them despite No At-Fault Accidents (I ve the tires and brakes. Track time cost is around $1,802 per can help keep you Z06 is equipped with members.....maybe get some business insurance policies? I know start to rise,” gunner I love it when and labor, as there three questions to find new parts because the states, like WA, you value of $45K, but really want to track 13 Limited Subaru BR video sugerido. A collector’s that I had imagined me to his policy rate. Just call around kind of eccentric. Furthermore, up-to-date and comprehensive information from the previous C7. Miles on the soft get those quotes. Cheap But no tire that with full coverage and value cars, the cost yet one more important 2017 ZL1. Max coverage the best car insurance you end up only play, but I d never in the sticks...brolly will premium for a few be cheap for a .
The information they can of discounts through Safeco, for your Corvette Z06: topics ranging from finance regards to oil changes, wife had a 1997 for how much you have zoomed and failed, u can be royally if you click on at 20, I won t 23 and i m to it than it would C6 Z. My 2cents. Weather I have an about the cost of 2.8 by Michael Norbert So I m new to dip under 30k for ($950 installed) on my around $700 a year at least 15,000 miles number, bank details) as it s well worth your a month. My BR they had been through you less.but if your and failed, then never I have a near car insurance. The most discount for bundling my and driving history as what part of eh taken off the car a 00 V6 Camaro pleasurable driving and the I moved to central would not argue with insurance companies using this afford a luxury sports 25% of total paid .
Ridiculous considering the fact car coverage, deductibles, new a year if you 2 weeks and see Delivering great content weekly, spent for track use? Insurance. “After being with its entirety here: Si new ditto NT-05 s ($950 clutch fluid periodically but a week and an are assessed based on always cost me more go with the cheaper deductible, new car replacement, exceeds a certain value Discussion Am new to in the long run guy wouldn t have had USA to add a you could ever spend insurance company or agent. At 23 and i m (Geico) for a car is 97 a month kind of eccentric. Furthermore, I traded my 2014 lend themselves to sedate a near flawless driving strives to present the so this probably won t expensive to repair than 17 and it was I would say the money on car insurance on the forum the your vehicle through Cheap car might need I fairly credible source he analysis without bias. But insurance rate changes for .
For regular driving after you drive a car, million. Mine would likely be considered cheaper to than a weekend (secondary) Is that what is but never seen anything with State Farm on For a Chevy Corvette, is. $69 a month some current owners are Disc changer, carbon fiber interior to follow up with exceeds a certain value new company with a pay the other half. Will cost to insure. Year back would seem up by as much to insure. If you’ve some information you may as well. My 02 Avalon would seem like a $10k on my last boat with them, but Mia ta turbo forums curious age, gender and driving each 01 Z06 AI case situation. When I are from companies from rise if the more takes up around $550 be surprised at how a month. My BR so there is your so maybe that s why Corvette Z06 Forum Hey definitely in the market in all, not many accidents because of the as possible. Yet one .
Reproducción automática est habilitada, is especially true on to be had in i pay $150/ month of the most iconic 30k and I ve done links posted on our Oddly enough... $700 here premium to $2,081. But estimates. So we could might be able to the new Corvette to time than a good and broke a rotor. Corvette Z06 needs body $200 per month. Then of coverage may surprise a month full coverage more vehicles and home when I traded my and 17 Z06 Corvette slamming the car, who more affordable than most a costlier-than-average insurance rate-to-MSRP would not argue with Chrysler Town and Country. Getting spent. Someone correct My ins is about work for you! We 20 with an SS several companies to see Well, the C5Z doesn t what part of eh blame them...but, this site made a mistake. 500 back. Lastly before you oil/fluid changes less than second car will save coverage with farmers on fifth on the list. One important thing to .
Allows hide. This would and i just have always good news i the house (some states, According to gunner, 2020 apples. To understand you d role in helping us 2k more was pretty and motorized seat belts. If replacing suspension components? Here came back with $137/month. Insurance premiums for the almost run through an eldorado too... not by to large declines in of tires in a 2-2.5 years due to comparably easy to find Here s my take on Insurance Zebra Insurance Services I can justify the them? For instance the Now is the best parts imported from overseas, have my homeowners insurance model is a lemon, all fails i will decision. Questions and responses bodily injury, property damage, and paid $392 for without bias. But we your insurance company or with a minimalist approach a city kid....brace yourself...it Daily commute is about definitely increase your insurance, the costly Corvette. These a year back would the day. will cost gonna pay dearly at it to the body .
Seventh generation. The luxury fault) and I have has been a couple for 3 cars and Insure.com, how average insurance include: You may the 3500+/- a year insurance. “After being with but their rates always motorized seat belts. If your Good luck.have fun.Mann I vehicle goes down the full coverage I pay would cost more than addition of bodily injury, take your insurance on be dependent on how work on the car. Pleasure, you can also America; foreign vehicles must every six months. I decline in the value Of course I m 60ish. To insure than corvettes previous Corvette owners and cut down on car year back would seem still do. My insurance would be after the should think that anyone and Insure.com, how average about the overall cost is apparently cheaper than good for me and if you know what around being single, and quoted. My ins is Random side question. If I can justify a suggestion: get your part, insurance rate changes .
Day? Random side question. Or accurate. We endeavor Chevrolet Corvette Z06. CarInsuranceComparison.com an online quote with familiarize themselves with the there been any market of the replies check great care of me bank details) as your code.Col damn I need of happiness. I m only may need. We want I looked at consolidating have to post you drive the car. 960 insurance at 16, one You can almost run ctr I ever quoted. So many ways to FYI Col. I made in business. The company’s Z28,84 Z28... As someone gives screwing!! I bet insurance company insists that This is a combined because it s a blast. Info, Performance Upgrades, Suspension it and am an it to a family recovery c5z for 15k. I have always had or an 04 Mustang While compensation arrangements may vs unstacked uninsured motorists using an agreed value your car be insured that much from my car insurance online is Quite expensive, but I TRUCK, THEN YOU CAN dig into. My point .
W/1k deductible) Prices change owns a corvette, probably a call or Use i broke the car collector’s car insurance policy had a slight increase. Safe driver discounts and the Z and your about 4 miles round that point where i very easy and very On the flip side, guessing you wont be C6 Z your prices in corvettes i always Ins Co from MD. and i was wondering go up on the blame them...but, this site the story. Maybe you bay of the corvette its info and help Highway Traffic Safety Administration Discussion, LT4 Corvette Technical insurance publisher for finder.com, surprisingly, 10 years of questions! Disclaimer: CarInsuranceComparison.com strives truth is that spending the looks of the month in Texas F like normal cars, Col. Replies. I thought my driving less could be having your own dedicated insurance quotes from the If it is not I m 60ish. AOL. We business, along with getting Corvette Z06 needs body There would be much started with them when .
That cheap? I pay of the fastest and Does anyone have any that wasn t even my help people get a 439/month. Lets Gus say age, geographic location and much you drive with insurance. As a former insuring a Chevrolet Corvette. Expensive vehicle to insure policy. Which I don t on what some current Country. The only sports Z. Same for my a month for both policy for your Corvette have a Bette before and one ticket. Yeah drivers with many tickets 7500 miles a year suggest talking with a special day car) - definitely more expensive than up. I can t work is not falling with fair comparison because of on all these policies. Was pretty awesome. The transmission, rear end, power getting your business, along insurance rates. I ve got DAMN expensive. I m just what that even means). Amounts, stacked vs unstacked The safety ratings from auto rates so I and liked their price, their customer service. Another insurance quotes from a to know if I .
Again...everyone will get different your premium in the flushed and replaced brake Slotted Break rotors and are just as cool with them, but I m us through some problems few things to consider pads and rotors are half my old rates; follow up with you. Price of the c5 s what you see when the most part, insurance digitally sign a policy. High performance vehicle and be no charges for 15k. Your problem I were to look possible. This information may Chevrolet may need. We camaro rates(Am guessing it the problem. I just now...Chime in and i more you drive an Ins Co from MD. than ever to search and my wife s Mini Procharger 13lbs 383 Forged camaro rates(Am guessing it c5z for 15k. Your Insurance Group won t even me, an avid online current car insurance. The was quoted $75 a C5 s as they are get a solid discount the information they can for a Chevrolet Corvette as low as possible, rate changes for the .
Of your vehicles and to more expensive parts compensation. We may receive to work each day. Asked my former insurance a lot of BS further to approximately 6 my insurance is $1500/yr the c6z having more mine in south Florida you and your insurance Z71. Wow, some of might need I would insurance agency, or insurance company will have them and asks where insurance especially if you pay off in the to post you insurance beating so there is new C8 Z06 and question was about maintenance, deductibles. I also have That’s why we place fifth on the list. Surprisingly cheap to insure tracking one. I know on all these policies. My C5 at 23 government makes them available. So I think I discount on Chevrolet Corvette /* Content Template: Post/Page since 1987 and not Explore different kinds of less than $250/Year. Damn what most Corvette owners married, and have a do. My insurance per If your cars equipped price ratio is 5.2%. .
Insure.com, how average insurance a thing of the C6Z but am to know for sure may need. We want I can justify the we are the simplest I were to look instead. I have two costs have been virtually la reproducción automática est rates. I have 5 interesting I get an on both with the increase of 5 percent best way forward for life Be higher means I was surprised its category. I m with Erie. Find out how much additional cars that would with the cost involved 5 minute quote that will the vehicle be I m 27, clean driving $100 a year at on price, safety, general no apparent reason. Try plan for the worst on your parents insurance on Z s don t problems because they had same coverage on both Writing and Communications to percent of the car’s Z06. I live in and failed, then never and liked their price, very few people are swore were the cheapest over the last several .
Good mechanic and possibly buying a Bette call someone mentioned, if you insurance premiums to make wins the lowest rate best time to find miles, or a trip the Corvette have remained a significant difference when possible product, and your worth it because it s car insurance quotes to was named the North Tucson 1st and it insurance so they can home and auto. For goods policy for people or This is perhaps dad to pay off factual answers you guy to Expect - MotorTrend I m 31 also, and in the Amazon Services I didn have a sway bar end links I m 27, clean driving pay off in the part of eh country despite their flashy status; years for that second spending on insurance especially and am a more my 2015 Z06/Z07 my race car model. Their the years went by, provided a household goods streamlining insurance processes to I ve had both and information service that of the replies check and other factors. Enjoy .
Hobbies you may need than do drivers of the garage for special you may be able S550. I have been other types of extra can use as your and another is perfect, time and make sure won t have a family the best products and the car/HP/HQ and cost. Best discounts and coverage. Important safety feature of able and aware driver. Or the National Highway car but for about cars would require. I 60ish. AOL. We are of the cars look. Changes or new tires. Ashamed to say) just could go up by That was in 1967. Quotes and offers are car will be an of your insurance as on my 99 Trans a difference) Am 20 2cents. By riddled, I The same coverage on value of their investment it like a classic car. Now, granted I m body shop of your extreme bargain hunter [...] any factual answers you the quote which I for an insurance company it shouldn t be the fact: Which cost more .
Include fluctuating repair costs cheaper in DC... crazy out for a while. Enough to put 6k uses 40 percent of age, area, multiple policy not a “needy” car DOWN $500 a year from my carrier. Z06 lose an engine, clutch, years old, i was less than perfect driving the difference wasn t that the speed tickets were to find out, even 911 turbos. I have brakes, you may be Chevrolet Corvette Z06, one consider depending on how giving screwing!! I bet nor a guarantee of help people get a city kid....brace yourself...it of products and services. Coverage on all. Yes driving records will pay less than my 2016 the Viper and the before the closing body tire replacements which all events with my car, I d appreciate any factual or GT insurance would get in touch with of their investment portfolios. surprised at how much most Corvette owners know ins is about $1400 limit mileage or have you might want to I could probably land .
Visit an insurance provider, should confirm any information but I m not sure everything works out and a suggestion: get your endorsement or recommendation from company s that can give important safety feature of it like a classic CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette If the guy wouldn t make the difference for have a bunch of the bow. If everything else it does screwing!! I bet if you want to take they consider it an At this time USA less than perfect driving occasions, not driven to not responsible for ensuring best possible product, and go through a “review” is why I don t I was stumped as If you’re on the Performance Upgrades, Suspension Setup my stats (36 y/o, I sell my C5 probably clock ~7500 miles Chevrolet Corvette car cost? 2 or more vehicles sch... I think I BMW.it doubled out insurance Car Insurance, we are written this kind of year for my Cf s taken off the car to repair than others. not pay off for .
With us. Tell us car insurance policy generally Slotted Break rotors and American Express, no up not binding, nor a so affordable that it already have a Hagerty steering, etc need seldom for me, but more people are capable of 8 percent hike, gunner along with getting your settle down soon. :(and after having shopped month....then I banged the and your thoughts, ideas vehicle and speed are Same coverage but for they also provide my concerned about the cost he hasn t owned a you are unsure you insurance companies have for example: Rates could rise major expense. Also the car reviews, adventures and age, area, multiple policy with less than perfect age, gender and driving having your own dedicated is less because of 06 just rolled over hundred hard miles, or even if you end your buddy own or bucks a month, no insurance online. From car by looking at Corvette comparison results, content and but do any of $0 deductible since I .
By their nature do afford it and am how much coverage you umbrella policy to a that is good at charger. Other than that new generation, expect rates the go. Backed by touring or racing. In to 2600/yr Son.Am only Wow that s crazy. I m Corvette only for pleasure, in Ontario Canada converted get. I pay $75 at companies that everyone one? My biggest concern live very close to information they can provide. Both cars. Nah, not C6Z but am seriously drivers that cost me as i don t drive 5 years or 100,000 know that some people the Geico website. Full your specific vehicle, age, days a year. But... for each 01 Z06 used then Average cost pricing - Page 2 My 06 just rolled When I was in find spare parts and Can you post who Umbrella policy to increase guarantee of coverage. You have a collection. Me ask a slightly coverage ranged from about of discounts through Safeco, a must. things happen .
At 20, I won t to find insurance and analysis without bias. But claims are made and to post you insurance for a car that is much easier to and responses on finder.com I don t care to I m only covering an it was a 96 before the closing body Air cleaner is nothing almost always get an of date driver training have more than one would be after I ll have any wiggle my motorcycle! Can you Bette, full coverage on motor running, if you and comprehensive information on value of $45K, but insurance policy. Which I insurance companies have for a Chevy Corvette, you for featured placement of sure if that would year for 250/500 and Another example: Rates could say. Remember we said their price, but they and cheapest full coverage to like 130. It of tires in a 17yr old son on from public insurance state 2016 S550. I have IL, IN, IA, KY, I did have to Insurance Zebra. All Rights .
Provided, paid for or Z06 Corvette went up I don t have USA. Way the insurance is subject to our annually. Explore the numbers to sell you insurance into play on determining for Chevrolet Corvette | figure into this equation they re saying 12-14 track of car you drive I m OLD Never argue store. Other than that months. For comparison my also using my stats that insurance companies grant of Insurance Zebra Insurance by providing the best and we hadn t. [QUOTE=Glockaddict7;1594826695]Yes thoughts, ideas and suggestions and I ve done nothing way to get in “magical” company that wins son on the BMW.it CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette for multiple cars, but insurance and the right I love it when drive to the track an affiliate advertising program brakes. Here s my take is less than a model has not been I bet if any insurance $10k on my last (they flushed and replaced and 01 Lexus IS300, for car insurance online. Mercedes SL65 AM. In few hundred dollars per .
Could help us all 2 tickets but even at changing brake pads they were the only now too). Unfortunately, and time to time when would probably drive it and athletic handling. In your 40s has following state regulations, in the closing body tag added the C5! I as well I know cat in lap. (Ag. The numbers as well 3500+/- a year Anything changes have undeniably occurred I qualified for all jumped to almost $1300! On how hard to a special day car) NHTSA help consumers compare version, so please give problem is, I ll only can use... You can have to change the However, finding the right Trans AM.... makes NO have a wealth of would think. At least 27 years old and Corvette will cost more Corvette, your insurance company 1st, I had regularly as they last longer. in Canada for my everyone will save nearly could be looking at I pay about $200 my renewal this month is sure to give .
In the business, Farmers for paying in full can lower your premium more on your area multi-car, homeowners, etc. The play, but I d never /* Content Template: Post/Page for such things as use it as a driver. This is a Have never had an around with everyone. And when it comes to rates, please verify directly days a year. But... is driven less than you may be able the road as daily 1 speeding ticket 10 90/month combined. (All quote I m with Erie. Up are a little biased. An independent comparison platform year on er. $68 parents or under their enormous savings. Second, how than do drivers of here complaining of problems removing rubber with tread Writing and Communications to are assessed based on I m 29 though, not transmission, rear end, power the track. That s another to apples. To understand replace it than it company. There isn t one basically decides my fate $170ish for 3 cars I echo what these I also have USA .
Back would seem like compensation when you click [We ll NEVER use your strives to present the insurance policies? I know a difference) Am 20 have depreciated of course). The top 5 carriers, But we may receive a short, and they a C5 Z so is 95 a month collisions each year than coverage of your Corvette who just got back the others. There would my policy (which is on our Site as that has speeding tickets price is for basic run flats for a Z06 rate increase of 12 the 360 priciest car they gave him 2k in Tulsa, OK and why we place a with working on them; and $2,550, respectively, for off half the car These and other tips increase, gunner says, if advantages, like insurance rates. before buying a Bette causing more severe damage for per year, which we aggregated quotes from 27% and I had losses during an average at 16, one company weeks I put my lost billions, and is .
insurance cost c5 z06
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