phexart · 2 years
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The Captain of the Dawnrunner and his mandalorian.
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tenander · 1 year
9: FUTURE ⭐ -Does your OC have a goal they’re working towards? -What will your OC look like when they get older -Do you have a planned ending for their story?
Today's Special is my other Star Wars OC, Calico Lan aka Calic'olan aka Cal.
Cal's big driving goal in life is to become someone who is having as much of a positive impact on the lives of others as his fathers (a former freedom fighter and a farmer who managed to become successful business owners and now use their wealth to support Ryloth), by just as much of his own power as they did. He struck out into the galaxy as a Bounty Hunter to ~fight crime~ and ~reunite people~, but is honestly more of an adventurer and keeps lending his skills to much larger causes.
Calico has a condition that slowly discolours his skin, and so in some years down the line he will be completely white-, well, beige-skinned. (ATM he still has patches of his original orange.) He'll probably have some more scars (his adventures involve a lot of danger somehow), and wear more decoration. Have a tattoo, thanks to his best friend's influence.
I don't have a clear ending for his story or his life in my mind. But I like to think he will do one last dangerous stunt as a very very old Twi'lek that will save many lives at the cost of his own. Perhaps his best friend died before him and he passes happy he'll get to see him again. "Will you look at that, buddy. I'll be right there."
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phexart · 2 years
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Drawing’s hard lately so I’m doing a meme
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phexart · 6 years
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Some dudes a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
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phexart · 6 years
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Thankfully for both of them, that didn’t last.
I made Bounties for our Edge of Empire characters, based off the bounties you can see in Clone Wars. I suddenly realise now the bounty format might’ve changed by the time of the galactic empire but woops too late now. It a surprise for @tenander, because he’s great. Ty for being around and playing stuff with me. TwT <3
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phexart · 6 years
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at the edge of an empire, somewhere
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