eepy-buneary · 4 months
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Day 7- Free Day
Click on the image for better resolution.
For the last day the only thing I felt to be appropriate was a thank you to the host, @heropartnerweek / @smilepebble
A special thanks to @puppy-pmd , @tineymang , @cybers-sillyzone and @fleetingfutures / @skittysketches for allowing me to include their amazing art.
It's been wonderful seeing everyone's art this week, seeing how people who have improved through the years along with all the new faces this year has been an amazing experience.
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mollyandmuddy · 10 months
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Hanging out
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habken · 1 month
just wanted to say ur glitterbomb art genuinely changed my brain chemsitry .
let’s gooooo bakugou/aoyama superiority!!
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What if Stede did used to read about/have crushes on the pirates in his books but the one latched onto wasn’t Blackbeard. It was like Captain Kidd or something
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bulevar-revolucije · 1 month
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Kakav deda takav unuk (1983) dir. Zoran Calic // Scarface (1983) dir. Brian de Palma
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marperskid · 1 year
Why can't I ever win? Like for ONCE
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arianwen44 · 1 year
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Two days, and my diva Calix has a finished painting all to himself~ 💖✨😩 (full background under the cut because damn it took so long…)
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friskafriskito · 4 months
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A friend of mine runs an online magazine where you can submit short stories, illustrations and poetry and I occasionally send in stuff! He was like "do you have anything to submit for this issue" and I showed him a short story I wrote, not thinking much of it.
He asked if I could pair it with an illustration, and here it is! My writing is not the best, but it was fun! Also, the original sketch which I've used as a sort of under-painting.
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wizaringworld · 1 year
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tk-duveraun · 11 days
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eepy-buneary · 4 months
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Day 3- Morning/Night
When going through Ideas for today I ended up finding a piece I did last year and thought it would be cute to complete the other half with the same game from a different point in time.
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aitan · 2 years
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Prosit, cin cin, good health, etc. etc.
L'illustrazione è del grande Milo Manara.
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imagescuisantes · 1 year
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
calice en céramique (origine : Arezzo) - Le Mans, an 0
coupe en céramique (origine : Centre de Gaule), lion, cerf, etc - Le Mans, 100-150 apr. J-C.
flacon de bain en bronze - Yvré, I-IIème s.
tasse en céramique (origine : Allier) - -Le Mans, 50 apr. J-C.
inscription votive de Sextius Aemilianus Faustus (esclave affranchi) à Serona, déesse guérisseuse des eaux - Le Mans, IIe s.
compas et poids de fil à plomb en bronze en forme de gland - Le Mans, I-IIème s.
tête de porc, embouchure de récipient - I-IIIème s.
maquettes des thermes du Mans
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Dans la version "director’s cut" de Zack Snyder, vous serez invités à plonger au cœur de la saga de SF, avec des versions plus sexy et plus violentes de Rebel Moon : Chapitre 1 : Calice de Sang et Rebel Moon : Chapitre 2 : La Malédiction du Pardon.
Une paisible colonie sur une lune aux confins de l’univers se retrouve sous la menace des armées du tyrannique régent Balisarius. Dès lors, Kora , mystérieuse étrangère, devient le meilleur espoir de survie des villageois dont elle partage le quotidien. Chargée de recruter des combattants aguerris pour repousser le Monde-Mère, Kora réunit une petite troupe de soldats : des marginaux, insurgés, paysans et orphelins de guerre qui ont en commun le même besoin de rédemption et de vengeance. Alors que l’ombre d’un royaume tout entier s’abat sur la plus vulnérable des lunes, une nouvelle armée de héros voit le jour.
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im-suchanicegirl · 1 year
Are you mad that everyone likes Danskimo now?
I’m… not quite sure where this is coming from / how to respond? LOL
Dan isn’t mine or anyone (except himself?!). Yes it’s more rare that he’s someone’s fave than let’s say, kevin or nico, but still. Doesn’t mean he’s mine and can’t be anyone’s fave.
And if people really are more into him because I can’t stop posting about him / because he posted that thirst trap shirtless picture, then good. He’s a cool, talented dude that deserves all the fans in the world.
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