#Canis the Apprentic
jjthebunbun · 6 years
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Stats Meme!
Another fun tag from @rainofaugustsith​, thank you! :D Note that my dates/ages are likely off, I’m easily confused by the dating system in Star Wars so do feel free to correct me if they’re wrong hkjgdyugd. Note that my fanfic doesn’t stick rigidly to the canon re: Valkorion/Vitiate’s origins and takeover, though the dates are the same, the actual circumstances do differ for the sake of my narrative (cause it’s fanfiction and I can do what I want within reason and I wanted to do something “different” so yeah! don’t like that then my blog ain’t for youuuu sorry, you go do you and I’ll do me! :D) and I cannot elaborate further than that as of yet without giving spoilers. So yes, Saarai is “very old” in comparison (though not for a Pureblood, she’s still quite young for her species!)  and yes, it is on purpose ;) No pressure to do this, but if you want to great! :D I shall tag @swtorpadawan​ , @resol-nare​ , @koltosaber​ , @a-muirehen​
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Name: Aria Saal-Shenly (Ari (to Vano only), Darth Canis, Commander Canis)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Aria has a streak of blonde dyed into her fringe on the left side which isn’t an option with the in-game customisation, and she also stops hiding the Sith tattoos on her face after the formation of the Alliance. You can see what those look like here in this lovely commission done for me by moonlitalien! :D)  Age: 38 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 24 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 5 ‘ 1″ or 1.54m  Species: Sith Human  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3667 BBY, I think. I’m awful at working out the dates and I have no idea how the months work in Star Wars but if it were in our universe her birthday would be July 14th and she’d be a Cancer  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Seraphim. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Sith Warrior, Vano.  Good Drink: Aria is partial to alcoholic drinks of all sorts and isn’t particularly fussy, she’ll drink pretty much anything, though the stronger the better. Has a particular fondness for Corellian Whiskey and Arkanian Sweet Milk (on occasion)  Food/snacks: Meal-wise, Aria likes good, hearty food like stews or curries, whatever meat they would make it with in the Star Wars verse, I assume Uxibeast/Bantha and so on? hahaha), snack-wise, she’s partial to bantha jerky but will eat just about anything as long as it’s quick and isn’t too fiddly, the last thing she wants is to have to stop working to eat said snack ;)  Day or Night: Either, Aria doesn’t have a particular preference  Pet: Two Tuk’ata named Chwûq and Taral and a Varactyl (who I still need to find a fitting name for)  Colour: Gunmetal grey  Flower: Oleander, Peony, Snapdragon  Sexuality: Demiromantic pansexual  Body Type: Short, very stocky and extremely square in shape, not curvy at all.  Eye Colour: Dark side amber, naturally heterochromic (left is dark brown, right is grey)  Hair Colour: Raven black with a dyed blonde streak in her fringe
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Name: Vano Saal-Shenly (Va (to Aria and Merak only), The Emperor’s Empire’s Wrath (formerly), Commander Shenly)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Vano is missing her left eye circa The Quinncident, that’s not an option in the in-game customiser so I did the best I could with the scar on her face :))  Age: 41 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 27 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 6 ‘ 2″ or 1.89m  Species: Mirialan  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3670 BBY, she’d be a Pisces, somewhere around March 7th is jumping out at me for her birthday for some reason. I’ll update these if I ever figure out the month system in SWTOR hahaha  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Razor. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Jedi Consular, Aria. Briefly involved with Xerid Ferral (my Thana Vesh stand-in) in her younger years before being “apprenticed” to Baras  Good Drink: Green tea. Will drink alcohol, but nowhere near as much as Aria, tends to prefer light, fruity wines as opposed to the heavy hitters.  Food/snacks: Meal-wise is not particularly fussy, will eat just about anything as long as she knows it won’t kill her. XD Loves dried fruit (particularly peach and apple or whatever the Star Wars equivalents of those are, I need to look them up properly I admit, it’s been a while hahaha) as a snack  Day or Night: Day  Pet: A Varactyl (in addition to Aria’s, the two Varactyls are also a mated pair) who also also needs a name, technically Chwûq and Taral as well though they are more Aria’s than Vano’s, they do follow and protect Vano as well because they’re almost always together  Colour: Red  Flower: Edelweiss, Tulip, Violet  Sexuality: Bisexual  Body Type: Tall and muscular, but very lithe, about 80% leg and 20% everything else, looks like a sprint-runner.  Eye Colour: Dark brown, nearly black  Hair Colour:  Black
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Name: Saarai Ahaszaai (Rai, Lord Rubrum, Empress Ahaszaai)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though she does have a scar across her nose and another on her lip that I forgot to add because I put her through the character creator at like 4am when I should have been asleep and my brain was almost pudding. I will be getting her to the appearance designer on the fleet once she’s done Korriban to add as close of one in as I can XD  Age: 110 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (which would be the equivalent of a human 25 - 26 year old according to my personal Pureblood lore/age ranges :))  Height: 6 ‘ 3″ or 1.92m  Species: Sith Pureblood  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3739 BBY, if I’m working these out correctly *keyboard smash* She’d be a Scorpio, with her birthday sometime in November  Residence: Odessen, formally Rishii and Dromund Kaas before that  Marital status/Love interest: Canonically married and Force bonded to my friend’s Nautolan Sash, but in the Subterfuge-verse is married to Lana Beniko  Good Drink: Sparkwine  Food/snacks: Bacon (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is...exoboar fillet? XD), anything with meat in it. Like most Purebloods (in my verse), Saarai is a carnivore, though she can manage small amounts of fruits or veg she usually sticks to meat. Fond of native Korribani and Kaasian cuisine as it’s a reminder of Sith Space, where she has not set foot for many, many years  Day or Night: Night, especially if the sky is clear and she can see the stars  Pet: None  Colour: Dark blue  Flower: Anemone, Carnation, Lotus  Sexuality: Bisexual, but female-exclusive due to a bad past experience with her son’s father. She hasn’t been comfortable letting another man touch her since and never will be.  Body Type: Tall, broad-shouldered and muscular. Slight hourglass shape but very chunky and heavy-set. Literally a tank, not someone you want pelting towards you on the battlefield because she could (and will) run you over but good.  Eye Colour: Sulfur yellow  Hair Colour: Maroon
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Now available from DriveThruRPG in PDF: Adversaries of the Righteous: Isabet Maken, the Master of Cauldron Valley
Born to a life of muck and toil among nomadic horse breeders, Isabet left a trail of human misery on her path to the Guild’s highest echelons. She apprenticed with some of the greatest merchant princes of the age: Alhomzira, the Indigo Queen; Lindyana Calaho, master of the qat trade; Nine Stars in Song, whose smuggling fleet they say outsails the Realm’s own biremes.
Despite her prestigious education, Isabet found herself stonewalled as a lesser Guild factor, disdainful of and unsuited to the empty pleasantries of politics. Only discovering Cauldron Valley, a lush jungle-demesne on the fringe of the River Province, and her own thaumaturgic talents saved her from a life of mediocrity.
Nearing 60, Isabet has reforged herself into a master geomancer, using the Valley’s powers to produce unique slaves. Instead of earning a place on the Directorate, Isabet helped found a secret cabal (see The Gouged Eye Society, Conspiracy of Savants) to further her mastery of geomantic lore. Beyond this, her only concern is for her sons, Imri and Sabet; she would move the Imperial Mountain itself to secure their futures.
Also available in PDF: Hundred Devils Night Parade: Flickerfeather and Grelidaka.
From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region.
In this collection you will find new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the secrets of these denizens of Exalted 3rd Edition’s wondrous world.
Kickstarter Update
Our Kickstarter for a deluxe version of the upcoming Lunars: Fangs at the Gate for Exalted 3rd Edition is halfway over! Exalted fans managed to hit our goal in a mere 39 minutes!
We’re currently sitting at $199,792 of our $60,000 goal, or 333%, with 1816 backers. This means we’ve hit our first nine stretch goals:
Lunars-themed Storyteller Screen
Many-Faced Strangers: 5000 words of additional Charms, 5000 words of quick character stat blocks (~7 animals), Heroes of the Silver Pact (Leviathan, Aum-Ashatra, Aqadar, and Smiling Zamisha), Martial Arts (Toad style, Bear style, Monkey style, Rat style), chapter fiction
Lunars backer T-shirt
Art budget increase
Digital wallpaper
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
Scion: Scion 2nd Edition (Origin and Hero)
They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Vampire: The Masquerade: V5 Chicago by Night
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week (to be updated once DTRPG is back up):
Slarecian Vault Classic Art Pack 01
Slarecian Vault Classic Art Pack 02
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The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
What You Can Teach A Good Dog: 14 New Tricks
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