#Car Symbols Car Brand Car Logo Car Reviews Car News
nazmulhaqueseo · 1 year
Kia Sorento recalled over fire risk - Car Symbols
One of Australia’s most popular cars Kia Sorento brands has been forced to recall several thousand family SUVs due to a software fault that could lead to a fire.
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carsymbolsbd · 1 year
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carbrandnet · 1 year
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advplanet13 · 4 years
The smart Trick of Law Firm Marketing That Nobody is Talking About
Regulation firm advertising and marketing is about long term sustained success. That is why in 2020 your emphasis needs to be tailored in the direction of building a strong lasting brand for your company. In this article, we will review the methods and also strategies for marketing your law office online. These are strategies you can utilize to.
As well as if you wish to be successful you need to approach it the appropriate method. Before applying any kind of strategy, just be sure to: Establish Goals for Your Campaigns: Choose a goal that is certain and can be well specified (Example: Sign 40 brand-new cars and truck crash instances in July): Disregard shiny things and also disturbances even if it's the "brand-new thing".
Any approach or technique you hang out on must get you closer to an established goal. If you set up a data-driven project to track these objectives you will certainly recognize what projects are offering a strong return on financial investment. Don't obtain caught up in vanity metrics like rankings or web site web traffic.
Usually with our customers, they have one of 3 details goals for a campaign. These are: New clients Revenue Per Customer Larger recommendation network Enhanced brand understanding and also positive brand name view Last year we saw a lot more modifications in search than we had in previous years. There were a great deal of big shake-ups, modifications to neighborhood outcomes, and also aesthetic adjustments that had an impact on where your prospective clients are clicking.
Since these snippets take up a great deal of the space at the top of SERPs and also lower traditional organic results, legislation firms that capture them get a bulk of the clicks. (as well as could be going) in search engine result. These are the symbols you see alongside search engine result (usually logos).
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Sometimes, they're harder to identify now. High volatility this year tanked the web traffic of some legislation firms and boosted the web traffic of others. To be in the last camp, focus on quality, comprehensiveness, significance, as well as whatever else it requires to make the web page important to your target audience.Google started to generate income from http://www.adlandpro.com/ad/41465821/Burneikisl-Law__Legal_221__around_oaklamd.aspx#.X1hdbHkzbIU the 3 pack with paid advertisements.
Based on our interior lead monitoring, we saw a significant boost in the variety of leads generated from regional results (people becoming customers by clicking on law office causes the map section of search results page). This was especially common for law practice that had a great deal of great reviews.
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Google altered the method they value web links And also so much more Although this article discusses on the internet advertising and marketing, there are several various other channels where a prospective client can discover your regulation company. Some of these include: Offline references Networking occasions Tv advertisements As well as yet with all these adjustments, the objective truly remains the same.
Was it based upon evaluations, a referral, a trendy internet site, experience with a similar issue, or another thing? According to a research we conducted in 2018, prior to employing a legal representative. Study might be much more common now than it was in years prior because of the occurrence of mobile phones and the capability to obtain your inquiries responded to at a moment's notice.
Recognizing this can help you make smarter marketing choices, rather than shooting at campaigns in the dark. According to Net Market Share (as of January 2019) "the international advertising share percent, in terms of making use of Internet search engine, heavily favors Google," with over 74% of all online searches starting there.
Google most likely takes up over 90% of the share of search from these online search engine. Wondering concerning DuckDuckGo? The search engine that preys on people's personal privacy concerns just recently broke 1 billion month-to-month searches and also is currently at about 0.26% market share. Online search engine market share information can be a bit misleading when we look at the top gone to websites total though.
Just consider the information from Alexa.com to see the top seen websites in the world: This information shows that the 2nd most checked out web site worldwide is YouTube.com, followed by Facebook.com. Do you see the prospective possibility here? When people remain in research setting, they might utilize YouTube for a quick tutorial video.
Also, comparable to a word of mouth recommendation, a prospective client can make a public Facebook blog post requesting for a recommendation from their buddies. People that have dealt with or heard good ideas concerning a particular law company could reply to a post like this with the name of the firm.
In our experience, traffic to legislation company websites from the natural and also local organic outcomes exceed traffic sent out by paid results. To reveal this, allow's take a glance a common search for an injury attorney in Oakland, California. The first screenshot shows "above the fold" (what you see before having to scroll) results on a home computer.
Listed below the paid ads, Yelp remains in the # 1 natural position. Right listed below Yelp rests Google's 3-pack of appropriate neighborhood service listings. Scrolling even more down the page, you'll see a legal directory as well as several law office websites. While advertisements occupy many of the above-the-fold real estate for bottom-funnel (searcher prepares to commit/purchase) keyword phrases, we understand from the information that most individuals click one of the various other outcome choices we just laid out.
You can be in all four areas: PPC ad area Detailed in the lawful directory sites Position in the local pack Ranking in the standard natural results Are you provided where you require to be to attain your advertising and marketing objectives? Or are you solely relying upon Pay Per Click where you might just be picked by 5% of your prospective new customers? Just bear in mind, it takes a considerable amount of time and also effort to make those natural and also neighborhood results much more for legislation companies that simply released a new web site or are just beginning advertising and marketing for the very first time.
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nazmulhaqueseo · 1 year
One of Australia’s most popular cars Kia Sorento brands has been forced to recall several thousand family SUVs due to a software fault that could lead to a fire.
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restaurantclicks · 4 years
Restaurant Name Ideas: How To Come Up with a Restaurant Name
Restaurant Name Ideas: How To Come Up with a Restaurant Name
For some restaurant owners, their business’ name comes naturally. For some the perfect name falls on their lap, and they don’t have to think twice about it. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case with restaurant name ideas.
Your restaurant’s name might not seem like a big deal, but at the end of the day it’s the cornerstone of your branding. Believe it or not, people who are unfamiliar with the area may choose where to eat based on your restaurant name.
Your restaurant name is the first impression the public will have on your restaurant. It should be memorable, but catchy and relevant. If you’re struggling to come up with your restaurant name, here are some ideas to get you started.
Consider Your Restaurant’s Identity 
When considering your restaurant name, map out the distinct elements and qualities of your restaurant. Think about all of the basic things that combine together to make your restaurant unique so that customers know what to expect if they find your restaurant on a review site.
The first element of your restaurant to consider when coming up with a name is your intended audience. Refer to your business plan and mission statement! Here are some examples of potential audiences, and how to speak to them with your restaurant’s name.
Children: If your business is aimed towards children (ex: Chuck E. Cheese) you may want to consider a name with a character in it. This way you can implement this character in future branding and logos. When branding to children, the most important thing is making your product or business seem “cool,” so make a character cool enough to have kids begging their parents to stop the car!
Vegan/Eco-Conscious: If you’re creating a down to earth, healthy, or environmentally conscious business, make sure this reflects in your restaurant’s name. Generally vegan or environmentally conscious people are considered to have a “hippy” personality type.
Referencing the earth, peace, or something to that effect will turn the heads of progressive-minded people in your area. Before even hearing anything about your restaurant, people might try your product out of respect for your views.
Upper Class/High End: It can be difficult to target this group for a new restaurant, especially if there are established businesses in the area with similar goals. A simple name can go a long way for this demographic. In saying this, going too simple could come off as generic, or too boring. Try mimicking other trendy restaurant names. We will discuss more about other trendy restaurant names later in the article.
  Service Style
The next element of your restaurant to consider when thinking of a name is your restaurant’s service style. Generally speaking, there are 3 major types of restaurants; quick service, casual, and fine dining.
If you’re a new restaurant, implying your service style in the title could be helpful to people who’ve never heard of your business before. Words like “stop” or “shack” all insinuate that you won’t be spending much time in the actual restaurant (ex: Burger Stop, Smoothie Shack).
You don’t have to spell these things out, people know from other restaurants what to expect when you use words like this. Even using the word “burger” in the title could hint to people that you’re a fast food restaurant.
Casual dining restaurants can do the same thing. By using certain words, customers will subconsciously associate your business with others that use similar words. Don’t limit yourself as much as quick service restaurants, but if you’re looking for inspiration use words like “cafe”, “bar”, “grill”, or “eatery”.
Fine dining restaurants are similar to casual dining, in the sense where you can be more creative in the naming process. However, due to the competitive nature of these restaurants there aren’t many similarities in word choice. Everyone is looking to stand out, so using proper nouns or single word names are common name structures for fine dining establishments (Ex: Giordano’s, Knife)
One of the more obvious things to consider when looking for restaurant name inspiration is the food you make. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean using food in the title of the restaurant, but you might name your restaurant based on a style of food. For example, bistro, restaurante, and cantina are all words that can be used in a restaurant’s title to infer the style of their food.
It can be extremely beneficial for a brand’s image to represent where they’re from. A lot of people are proud of where they’re from, so adding a town’s name or nickname to your restaurant name could go a long way for locals. If your town is interesting enough to have consistent visitation, visitors may see the name of the town in your restaurant’s name and try it to get the real experience of the town.
Don’t limit this to just the name of your town or county. If there’s significant geography in the area, referencing that could have similar effects. Examples of significant geography could include deserts, mountains, rivers, etc.
A restaurant name is likely to be permanent, so never settle for a name you’re not in love with. If you’ve considered these things but still don’t have the perfect name, here are some ways you can play with words until you get it just right.
  Use Word Play
Having a catchy name can do a lot for business, believe it or not. If a name is memorable enough it will lead to conversation. Talking about restaurants will lead to a desire to go there if the subject is hungry enough.
Try some of these literary tools when naming your restaurant for something that will resonate in customers’ minds.
Puns are tricky, because it can be easy to get carried away and lose people. However, when done right, you can come up with an infectious name that people will get stuck in their head.
An example used in fiction is Cal’s Calzone Zone. The name is a bit ridiculous, but many people would probably end up trying it out of curiosity. The name is long, but could easily be shortened to simply “Cal’s” once the novelty wears off.
Just make sure that if you’re using puns in your restaurant’s name that you’re not being too obscure. Ensuring that the name is easily understandable by your audience is a big deal, or else the entire name might not make sense.
  Unorthodox Spelling & Symbols
One trendy way to turn heads is by spelling normal words in unusual ways. Adding funky symbols or non-traditional spellings will also drive conversation.
For example, &pizza is a pizza chain with a unique name. Seeing that name walking down the street makes you look twice, because it breaks the typical rules of restaurant naming. Sometimes rules are meant to be broken.
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  A post shared by &pizza (@andpizza) on Sep 28, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
Similar to puns, just make sure not to go overboard with the weird symbols or spelling. If people don’t understand your sign in one glance, it won’t resonate in their mind. The whole point of this is to drive conversation, and that can’t happen if you don’t know what to talk about.
Another catchy way to make your name stick is by using alliteration. This is when two words with the same first letter are put right after each other. A name like Pizza Palace is a simple example, but is effective nonetheless.
The first two methods mentioned are more of a high-risk, high-reward situation than using alliteration. Using puns and unusual spellings can have huge payouts if done right, or they could be misinterpreted entirely.
Alliterations are safe in the sense that they won’t confuse your audience. Since they’re so straightforward, you might want to use this if you’re not confident in a flashier brand identity.
Rhyming names can be hit or miss, similar to puns, but more safe. A good example of a rhyming name is Cork & Fork, a winery and restaurant in Harrisburg.
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  A post shared by Cork & Fork (@corkandforkpa) on Apr 10, 2017 at 12:24pm PDT
The name fits the tone of the restaurant and paints a picture of what the restaurant experience is like without even using the word wine. More importantly, the name is catchy and easy to understand.
Try doing something similar when making your own restaurant name. Spelling your restaurant ideas out word for word isn’t the point of your title. In the world of branding, it’s important to give your audience everything they need to get to their conclusion, without making it too easy or too hard. They call this giving your audience “2+2” instead of “4”, because you let the audience draw the conclusion themselves.
  One Word
We briefly discussed one word titles in reference to fine dining. One word titles can be very trendy. For example, “Toast” is an effective one word title for a small breakfast/lunch chain in New Jersey.
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  A post shared by @toastbakerycafe on Dec 9, 2019 at 12:18pm PST
One word titles like these are effective because they have an air of mystery about them. It leaves the readers on a cliffhanger, they want more, and will be more likely to peek their head in the window as they pass by.
One word restaurant names are good for brands that have personality. Whether you’re a trendy hipster breakfast spot or a dive bar, a one word title could be your restaurant name solution.
  Different Language
If you’re serving ethnic foods, consider using words from a different language in your restaurant’s title. Using a different language can boost your credibility, as people will have an authentic first impression of your restaurant. Popular Philadelphia restaurant Zahav serves up Israeli food, and Zahav is Hebrew for “Gold”.
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  A post shared by Zahav (@zahavrestaurant) on Sep 24, 2020 at 11:06am PDT
  Try Restaurant Name Generators
It may seem silly, but restaurant name generators can be surprisingly effective ways to help choose the name of your business. Some generators are actually pretty advanced, and will take your preferred keywords and even the name of your town into the name.
The most in depth one we could find was on fitsmallbusiness.com.  If you type your name, restaurant idea, and location into the designated areas it will spit out a big list of names for inspiration. Not to mention it’s entirely free!
By the end of this guide, you at least have some rough ideas as to what to name your restaurant.
The post Restaurant Name Ideas: How To Come Up with a Restaurant Name appeared first on Restaurant Clicks.
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cardsvistas · 4 years
15 Reasons Why People Love Discover Statement | discover statement
Google appears to accept anchored an affair with Google Discover that was preventing ample angel previews actuality displayed for non-AMP pages.
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This is a aftereffect to a antecedent adventure aback in April in which we arise Google was acquainted of the affair and alive on a fix.
Search Engine Journal’s advance developer, Vahan Petrosyan, initially brought this affair to Google’s absorption and now informs me it has been resolved.
This is acceptable account for all non-AMP sites that are acceptable to arise in Google Discover, as it agency they will accept greater afterimage in peoples’ feeds.
There is still assertive belief that needs to be met in adjustment to affectation ample angel previews in Google Discover, however.
If you’re not accustomed with this issue, and are borderline why it’s a acceptable affair to accept it fixed, actuality is some accomplishments advice to get bent up.
In Google Discover, the agreeable augment beneath Google’s chase bar, web pages can either affectation thumbnail-sized images or ample angel previews.
Here is a allegory of a approved web folio with a baby thumbnail, and an AMP folio with a abundant beyond image.
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Needless to say, the ample angel is activity to get appreciably added attention.
That was a botheration for approved web pages as Google Discover did not accord them ample angel previews actual consistently.
Even back Google’s official belief for announcement ample images was met, Discover would affectation baby thumbnails for approved web pages best often.
This affair was brought to Google’s absorption back it was begin to be an advancing botheration in April.
Three months after and it’s now fixed. Google Discover is consistently announcement ample angel previews for non-AMP pages.
Again, this is based on our developer’s testing. There has been no official account from Google on the topic.
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Although this isn’t article I would apprehend Google to accomplish a account about.
It’s best not to accompany absorption to a botheration that abounding bodies didn’t apperceive existed in the aboriginal place.
But that doesn’t beggarly it’s not account alive about.
Now that Google has anchored the ample angel issue, armpit owners can account from the aforementioned afterimage in Discover that AMP pages receive.
As continued as all belief is met, that is.
All agreeable indexed in Google Chase is acceptable to arise in Discover as continued as it meets Google’s agreeable policies.
By default, Discover will affectation baby thumbnails for anniversary web folio unless assertive belief is met.
Large angel previews will be displayed in Discover if the web folio contains an angel at atomic 1200 px wide.
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In addition, non-AMP pages accept to accredit ample angel previews with the max-image-preview:large setting.
AMP sites do not charge to go through that added step, as ample previews are automatically enabled if the web folio has an angel at atomic 1200 px wide.
It’s account acquainted Google wants agreeable publishers to abstain application a logo as the capital angel if they appetite to be featured in Discover.
Aim for application images that are compelling, high-quality, and unique.
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Quiz: World Logo Game. Guess the logo!
Quiz: World Logo Game. Guess the logo!
Game Quiz: World Logo Game. Guess the logo! là dòng game TriviaBrain Games
Giới thiệu Quiz: World Logo Game. Guess the logo!
Quiz: What's the Logo is: - More than 1000 levels; - More than 200 interesting facts; - Archive of logos and facts, and you will find out what the logo ; - Small size of the quiz; - Tips in Trivia; - Increasing difficulty; - Rate brand; - Ability to change assistant; - High quality graphics; - Many guess brand names; - Frequent and timely updates - new logos are provided! Guessing Logo Game: we want to show you the logos of film companies, mobile applications, airlines and game studios. Guess the brand: - Logos of social networks: - Logo test of instant messengers; - Guess Games about computer companies; - Football and basketball brands; - Brands of cars; - Clothing brands; - Cyber sports logos and more ... Guess the Logo - Name That. You can customize your Hero! Also, you have brand shaker like hint 50:50. You can review brand and rate it. Choose companies brands in - Logo Quiz Game! In the game you will meet a fun assistant for playing Brands and Trends Quiz. He will help and tell news and assignments from around the world. He will also be upset, rejoice after defeats or victories in iconmania quiz :) Logos or Logotypes? Brands or Brends? Logotipos or Branding? Marke or Marker? Iconmania or Icon Mania? By the way, brand and logo are different concepts. Brand - the mental shell of a product or service. Logo Trivia - a graphic sign, emblem or symbol. Now a set of e-sports logos is being developed, if you are interested in this topic or logomania - write in the comments on the game :) Guess the logo: many guessing games. World brand logos are waiting for you! Full list by categories in Logo Trivia: Basketball, Airlines, Cars, Cinema Studio; Comics, Confectionery, Financial services, Food, Football, Game Studios, Hockey, Insurance, Messenger, Music Players, Oil and gas, Personal hygiene, Pharmaceutics, Power engineering, Retail, Social Networking, Soft drinks, Technology, Telecommunications, Toys, Clothing and More ... All logos shown or represented in this game are copyright and/or trademark of their respective corporations. The use of low resolution images in this trivia app for use of identification in a informational context qualify as fair use under copyright law. New Logos; Improvement in Trivia modes; New car brands; Performance improved; "Rate brand" mode changed;
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thinklookdofall2019 · 5 years
Review /Oct 26- Daisy
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1. New Logo and Identity for ACS International Schools by Johnson Banks
For this week I chose two brand identity design/redesign cases to investigate how the design companies interpret the brand identity and incorporate it into the trend or the style in the digital age. The first one is for an international school. While the previous version of logo emphasize the diversity of students through flags of different countries, the new one blur that concept of nationality but turns to a more comprehensive aspect.
The new visual identity builds on this narrative by utilizing 27 separate symbols that help communicate and connect student experiences and ideas. The new globe symbol is built from icons of language, music, art, science, and sport - demonstrating worldliness and learning and representing the internationalism of their schools. Compared to the old one which is very literal, the new one goes to the opposite - presenting more abstract ideas by wrapping different symbols and glyphs around a globe and asking for more of an interpretation from the audience. The transparent globe and san-serif font also help to enhance that brand image. However, the A on the globe is a little bit too appealing and the audience may not be able to fully understand that.
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2. Vroom branding design 
The brand identity, according to the design group, emphasizes Vroom’s convenience, accessibility and ease of use. Instead of using special shapes, the designer group choose to play with the word itself. The logo reinforces the ideas of speed and freedom, key to Vroom’s appeal. The slant of the logotype carries through to other elements in the visual language, including a series of custom icons and a diagonal background line that echoes the angle of the typeface.
The logo design only includes the “vroom” icon, but the poster also serves as a reproduction on that design and there is something intriguing going on. For example, this poster uses repetition and create a sense of depth through scaling. It also successfully lead the viewers to the central feature - the car - by scaling and different hierarchies. The use of color is simple and clear, just white, red and black, which eliminates other distractions to the focus.
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logoengine · 5 years
Branding Agency NYC
Like superheroes, famous brands almost always have a great origin story. Okay, it may not be a radioactive spider bite, but it's often not far away. Family disputes, top secret recipes and strange coincidences fill the history of some of the world's best known companies.
Learning about the origins of famous brands is an excellent way to get an idea of ​​the development process of yours. Part of the method, part of the madness, the art of building a brand implies finding exactly the right elements to tell its story.
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From green armchairs to orange shoes and trips to the zoo, we are immersing ourselves in the origins of five of the world's most emblematic brand identities, and key lessons to learn from each.1. Red Bull: the local heroUbiquitous among adrenaline junkies, long-distance truckers and athletes, Red Bull has dominated the global energy drink market for decades. A well-known brand identity worldwide, the company's aggressive and creative approach to sponsorship has made Red Bull's name synonymous with everything from Formula 1, cliff diving, night clubs, snowboarding and a guy who literally jumps to earth from outer space.
But it was not always like this. Red Bull once led a humble life as a stimulus for manual workers in rural areas of Thailand. Marketed for low-paid workers and motorcycle taxi drivers (who, presumably, were not trying to defy the laws of gravity and sanity like their American counterparts), Krating Daeng was the basis of what would later become, you guessed it: Red Bull .
The powerful mixture of caffeine and taurine was originally modified from a popular Japanese recipe by Chinese businessman Chaleo Yoovidyha, who introduced Krating Daeng in Thailand in the 70s.Chaleo also designed the Krating Daeng logo: two combat bisons in front of a yellow sunset. Sounds familiar? According to the South China Morning Post, the ‘logo" evoked the lively spirit of bullfights that have been popular in rural areas of Thailand. "
Cut to 1984: the Austrian merchant, Dietrich Mateschitz, suffers a time lag while traveling through Thailand for work. By chance, take a strange medicinal-looking bottle with two bulls. Its jet-lag disappears, and the seed of what we now know as Red Bull is sown.
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Seeing the potential of the brand among western partiers and lovers of extreme sports, Mateschitz approached Chaleo with an offer to launch the brand outside of Asia. And the rest is history!While Mateschitz updated the brand, it stayed close to its roots. Red Bull retained the original fighting spirit of Krating Daeng, maintaining, among other things, both the bison logo and the name.Lesson: famous brands have deep roots in our minds. Don't be afraid to be inspired by an idea or formula that already works, but think about how you could improve it in a new and broader context.2. TD: The green chairTD Bank is an iconic brand of North America. Started in 1855 to serve Canada's emerging grain industry, the Bank of Toronto became one of the largest banks in the world.
Although the company went through several iterations and mergers before becoming the TD we know today, it has tried to stay close to a set of guiding values ​​that put the customer at the front and center.
A key symbol of the TD brand, the small but powerful green chair is now synonymous with the bank itself. According to their own estimates, the TD green comfort machine has 86% brand recognition among Canadians. As for the furniture, that makes this chair quite famous. However, despite its role as a centerpiece in the company's brand identity for almost 20 years, the chair is hardly used.
In 2000, TD had just acquired Canada Trust. The company sought to make a bold statement to the large number of Canadians who felt undervalued by the same banks that depended on them. Enter the Toronto agency, Harrod and Mirlin, and the idea of ​​a "habitable metaphor," something that represents comfort and familiarity in a single glance. Along with the chair, the initial list included an open door, a pair of comfortable slippers and a smoking pipe.
Fortunately, however, the chair won. As a brand symbol, it has continued to evoke the openness and relationship that TD actively seeks to seek in its commercialization. Recently, the company updated its iconic upholstery, replacing the old motto "The bench can be so comfortable" with a new and modernized chair and the motto "Ready for you" of 2017.Imagine if they had gone with the pipe!Lesson: Brand symbols, whether they appear in logos or in advertisements and marketing materials, can be an effective way to help your customers make a positive partnership. Be sure to think carefully about finding a symbol that encapsulates who you are but can also stand the test of time.3. Penguin: the dancing birdOne of the most iconic logos ever created, the famous dancing penguin became the crowning symbol of a brand whose history includes meetings of naked meetings, trips to the zoo and an office in a crypt.
The eclectic British publishing house began in 1934 when the young publisher Allen Lane found himself waiting for a train at Exeter St David's and searching the train station's bookstore for something to read.
What he found was too expensive or mediocre. Upon detecting a gap in the market for a more affordable and high quality alternative, Lane and his brothers went to work.
Lane had already discussed the use of an animal logo for the brand, but it wasn't until a typist suggested a penguin as "worthy, but impertinent" that Lane solved. Falling in love with the idea, Lane immediately sent 21-year-old designer Edward Young to the London Zoo, where the dancing penguin finally emerged.
Since then, this little tuxedo bird has gone through some minor revisions, including the version you're probably familiar with today. Updated by Jan Tschichold in 1964 and reviewed in 2003 by Angus Hyland of Pentagram, the penguin has lost a few pounds remarkably.
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The reduction of the mark on its vertical axis, Hyland explained, allowed the logo to be more readable on the back of a book. A great example of considering your logo in your viewing context!Lesson: reducing your brand to a single word or phrase is a great way to clarify the creative direction you want to take. After that, you will have a better idea of ​​the rules that govern the appearance of your brand (including the logo). What words or phrases come to mind with your brand?Uber: the tripUber has had a good amount of wrong turns over the years (driving pun), but it is hard to deny that it has one of the most impressive brand vehicles that exist (there is another!). Like all major brands, Uber started from a personal experience.
On a snowy December night in Paris, 2008, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp were shaking while waiting for a taxi. None came. Timely, the company started at that time as a half-serious joke about asking for a private limousine through an application. After that night, Camp and Kalanick separated, but the idea stayed with both. Shortly after, "UberCab" was born.
In March of the following year, the two co-founders developed the application and proceeded to test it in New York in 2010 using only three cars. Upon returning to Paris in December 2012, they launched Uber, exactly three years after the application was first conceived there.
The company has grown exponentially since then, revolutionizing the meaning of traveling on the road. However, one of the most inspiring elements of that trip is the way Uber has told his story in all the elements of the brand. The entire Uber platform, from the application to the tone of voice and design, is a master class of branding.
Check out the Uber design microsite. It's a great example of how to distill your origin story in your own brand, including "U" shaped frames and logo animation that reads like a map marker would. The entire brand is a dynamic visual metaphor of what the product does.
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Lesson: Think creatively about how your story tells each element of your brand, both online and offline. Consider how to increase your existing brand elements in memorable elements that convey who you are and what you do. What other opportunities do you have to deepen your customer's experience with your brand?5. Monzo: the coral menuIt is rare for half of the population to know their brand instinctively only by the color of a debit card. But that is exactly what the British company FinTech Monzo has achieved.
In just a few years, the alternative banking startup has taken the United Kingdom by surprise. By existing at the crossroads of technology and user experience, Monzo grew in response to growing public dissatisfaction with existing forms of banking.
Following the financial crisis, Monzo (originally called Mondo until he surveyed customers by a new name) worked hard to develop a brand identity based on transparency; challenging big banks about the meaning of money in the digital age. Now, the company is a family name: a claim backed up on its website with the headline: "55,000 people open a Monzo account every week."
But the company's most famous brand asset, its luminous coral debit cards, did not emerge as a typical brand decision.
The CEO of Monzo described how the deadline of a printer caused the company to press its designer to provide final tests, in the absence of an hour and a half. Frustrated, the designer suggested that they could also wear the color of their shoes, a pair of hot coral Nikes.
The CEO loved it, and the color stayed. Ironically, the color of the card became perfectly emblematic of the Monzo brand values: bright, different and bright.
Lesson: Trust the creative process; Be open to happy accidents when exploring your brand identity! Remember that sometimes a little pressure under tight deadlines is where the best decisions can be made. Don't be afraid to set deadlines for yourself to keep the momentum and great ideas flowing.The great design begins with small ideas.Companies that can visually tell the story of who they are and what they do are more likely to captivate customers and establish a deeper connection over time.
Visiting your beginnings again is a great way to get clarity about the direction of your brand. Think about why you started in the first place and how you can portray that as a message, a visual identity and the actions you take as a business.
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
I have a little ritual I put into practice whenever I visit a new city. First, I locate the nearest hospital (ancient Jewish tradition); next, I look up Bon Appetit's recommendations for where to eat in the area (Claire Saffitz, run me over!!!!!); finally, I Google "vintage clothes near me."
This cursory Google search has led me to some of the greatest, weirdest purchases of my life, from an exorbitantly priced, hand-silkscreened robe I bought at a little shop in Ho Chi Minh City under the justification that I would "wear it every day" (I accidentally left it in my Airbnb) to a pair of 5-euro clear plastic clogs I unearthed in a Berlin kilo shop, where everything is priced by weight.
Regardless of what I do or don't purchase, though, my global quest for vintage has nearly always put me in touch with a similar demographic of short-banged, bespectacled used-clothing aficionados; everywhere from Paris to Prague, there's a kind of international language among travelers seeking things that once belonged to someone else. Whether they're frequenting luxury consignment boutiques or my beloved pound shops, they seem to be in search of something bigger than a souvenir, something that will shed some light on what it really means to be an inhabitant of the city they're shopping in.
When I arrived in Moscow, the city of my early childhood, for Russian Fashion Week, my fellow American and Western European journalists and I were enthusiastic about cutting out of a few of the shows early to check out the local vintage scene. Armed only with Yelp and Google reviews, we headed to a promising-looking shop called Yarko Vintage not far from our hotel, only to find...a travel agency.
The logo for Yarko Vintage, a small used-clothing shop in Moscow.
Actually, to be more specific, the travel agency was inside one of Moscow's many shady, car-lined courtyards off a main road, located on the third floor of a dark apartment building presided over by a sleepy-looking guard. We climbed the steps warily and asked a guy outside the travel agency for directions; he pointed us down another hallway, where, finally, we found Yarko "Vintage," a shop of primarily new clothes (Zara-style jumpsuits and cheap polka-dot dresses featured heavily) with a couple of racks devoted to authentic vintage.
What little used clothing Yarko had on offer was great (I scored an '80s-era blazer minus the obligatory shoulder pads, while my friend Sara walked away with an excellent cherry-print top), but it was clear from the shop's out-of-the-way location and limited vintage wares that they weren't exactly catering to a bustling subculture of vintage-seekers. Fashion played its own pivotal role in the fall of the USSR, when Western-style jeans functioned as "a symbol of freedom and success" worth going to jail for, but the vintage Levi's that would go for hundreds of dollars in Brooklyn have been all but abandoned in Russia.
Another couple of shops we visited were closed, and by far our most surreal experience came at another out-of-the-way shop, where we made complicated arrangements via translator to be buzzed up to yet another hallway that contained a pair of long, out-of-the-way cabinets. Busy-looking, chic Russians hurried past us as we dared to pry open the cabinets, both of which were filled with sparkling vintage '60s go-go dresses that wouldn't look out of place on Megan Draper.
At Vintage Voyage, a luxury consignment store in Moscow that boasts a tidy online presence and a heavy supply of Chanel and Dior, I spoke to a 22-year-old salesgirl named Anna, who told me that the tastefully decorated boutique we were sitting in was the only one of its kind in the city. When I asked Anna whether vintage was popular in Moscow, she explained that she and her friends would occasionally to wear "stuff from their mothers and grandmothers," but most people who patronized the consignment store were visiting foreigners.
While Russian fashion tends to devote itself to relentless pursuit of the new, some designers—Roma Uvarov, for one—are proudly invoking the country's Soviet history in their designs, which is in keeping with the 14-year high of Russian nostalgia for the Soviet Union. Still, designers who express interest in using recycled or vintage materials can run into structural obstacles; at Moscow Fashion Week, the designer Ksenia Gerts told me she had approached Chinese manufacturers to incorporate used ecological materials in her latest collection, but scrapped the plan when she learned that those manufacturers simply bought new bottles and then faux-"recycled" them.
Gerts, whose newest line carries scannable chips in lieu of physical tags to avoid wasting paper, says that nonetheless, Russia's upcycling and vintage movements are "picking up momentum, little by little; people are starting to think more about passing clothes on between generations. The big, global brands repress this interest, of course, but it still exists."
Models present a creation by Ksenia Gerts during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow, Russia on March 30, 2019. (Photo by Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Vasily Volchok-Rusakovich, another designer who runs the streetwear brand Volchok and formerly sold Soviet-era clothing online, is cautiously optimistic about the future of vintage clothing in Russia, but he makes sure to note the ways in which the country's infrastructure can limit its view of "recycled," or used, clothing. "We don’t have many recycling facilities and the people are not yet used to it," he tells me, adding, "Russian people think you take your garbage, throw it into the chute and it simply disappears. We aren’t taught otherwise."
When I askVolchok-Rusakovich about how he thinks the average Russian views vintage clothing, he's introspective about the country's USSR roots: "Communism had a good side and a bad one. Constructivism, Malevich – that’s cool. But the bad side is repression. People don’t want to be associated with that. What you see in Russia now is the product of history. It is not possible for us to be European in our attitudes towards used clothing because our history is, well, a bit different. A bit more complicated. And now, too, it is not the best period in Russian history because we are all living in frozen time. We are waiting for change. We all internally want change and so perhaps, for this reason, we don’t want the past."
The history of vintage and recycled clothing is in Russia is a fraught one, explains Christine Ruane, Professor Emerita of History at the University of Tulsa, who specializes in modern Russian and European history. "Due to the constant fighting that persisted from 1917 to 1921, virtually no new clothing was produced. Individuals had to repurpose old clothing or recycle other fabrics such as drapesto make something that they could wear. Once the Russian Civil War was over, it took the economy a long time to recover. The government prioritized the needs of heavy industry over light industry. There were constant shortages of consumer goods throughout the 1920s and 1930s—dresses, coats, shoes, underwear. Many women made their own clothes if they could find the fabric to do so."
I thought back to Ruane's words on one of my last days in Moscow, when I went to visit the historic Izmaylovo flea market. Here, at last, was the Soviet kitsch I'd been looking for, primarily in the form of rusted-out children's toys and old-school electronics, but among them lay the odd pair of spindly high heels, concert tee or '80s-era shoulder-padded jacket.
Clothes and accessories for sale at a flea market at the Izmaylovo Kremlin during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Artyom Geodakyan/TASS (Photo by Artyom Geodakyan\TASS via Getty Images)
Russians do make appearances at Izmaylovo, of course— "Don't touch that, it's dirty," I heard one Russian mother snap at her young daughter as she outstretched one hand toward a vintage locket—but, as had been the case at Vintage Voyage, the average Izmaylovo shopper appeared to be a tourist intent on scoring some Soviet-era swag (albeit for a much lower price point.) In contrast, the actual Russians I got to know were more concerned with American and Western European exports like Adidas and Zara—the most crowded place I visited all week was a Nike store in Moscow's central district.
Maybe, as the U.S.S.R. fades into an increasingly distant memory, Russians will increasingly grow to embrace its history through clothing, as is the case in America, where the apparel resale market is expected to hit $41 billion by 2022. On the other hand, maybe the country's complex legacy of consumer-goods shortages and collective idealization of Western fashion is simply too powerful a force for vintage to ever really go mainstream in Russia. It's a cliche, but one that holds weight; only time will tell.
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mwmediadesigns · 7 years
What makes a good logo?
What makes a good logo? A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic, simple in form and conveys an intended message.
There are five principles that you should follow to ensure that this is so…
An effective logo should be:
Simple Memorable Timeless Versatile Appropriate
1. Simple
A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile & memorable. Good logos feature something unique without being overdrawn.
While in college in the mid-90s an instructor introduced me to the K.I.S.S. Principle of design; Keep It Simple, Stupid (I'm sure there are other translations but you get the idea). Simple logos are often easily recognized, memorable and the most effective in conveying the requirements of the client. It should be easily seen on a well traveled highway at 30 or 70 mph or on packaging of a crowded shelve in a store, as well as any other vehicle used for advertising or marketing and promotion. 
2. Memorable
Following closely behind the principle of simplicity, is that of memorability. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple, yet, appropriate logo.
You may be interested to see some examples of bad logo designs.
Surprising to many, the subject matter of a logo is of relatively little importance, and even appropriateness of content does not always play a significant role.
This does not imply that appropriateness is undesirable. It merely indicates that a one-to-one relationship between a symbol and what it symbolized is very often impossible to achieve and, under certain conditions, objectionable. Ultimately, the only mandate in the design of logos, it seems, is that they are distinctive, memorable, and clear.
3. Timeless
An effective logo should be timeless – that is, it will stand the test of time. Will the logo still be effective in 10, 20, 50 years?
Leave trends to the fashion industry – Trends come and go, and when you’re talking about changing a pair of jeans, or buying a new dress, that’s fine, but where your brand identity is concerned, longevity is key. Don’t follow the pack. Stand out.
Probably the best example of a timeless logo is the Coca-Cola logo… if you compare it to the Pepsi logo below, you can see just how effective creating a timeless logo can be. Notice how the Coca Cola logo has barely changed since 1885? That is timeless design.
4. Versatile
An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications. The logo should be functional. For this reason a logo should be designed in vector format, to ensure that it can be scaled to any size. The logo should be able to work both in horizontal and vertical formats.
Ask yourself; is a logo still effective if:
Printed in one colour? Printed on the something the size of a postage stamp? Printed on something as large as a billboard? Printed in reverse (ie. light logo on dark background)
One way around creating a versatile logo is to begin designing in black and white only. This allows one to focus on the concept and shape, rather than the subjective nature of colour. One must also remember printing costs – the more colors used, the more expensive it will be for the business over the long term.
My Process is to work first in black and white to ensure that the logo will look good in its simplest form. Color is very subjective as well as emotional. This can distract from the overall design – say if you saw your logo were in all red, that color may be the first thing that you respond to and not the composition of the design elements. I will not even consider submitting color suggestions to a client for review until they have signed off on a final black and white logo.
5. Appropriate
How you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended purpose. For example, if you are designing a logo for children’s toys store, it would be appropriate to use a childish font & colour scheme. This would not be so appropriate for a law firm.
It is also important to state that that a logo doesn’t need to show what a business sells or offers as a service. ie. Car logos don’t need to show cars, computer logos don’t need to show computers. The Harley Davidson logo isn’t a motorcycle, nor is the Nokia logo a mobile phone. A logo is purely for identification.
For further evidence of this, take the top 50 brands of the world – 94% of the logos do not describe what the company does.
should a logo be self-explanatory? It is only by association with a product, a service, a business, or a corporation that a logo takes on any real meaning. A logo derives its meaning and usefulness from the quality of that which it symbolizes. If a company is second rate, the logo will eventually be perceived as second rate. It is foolhardy to believe that a logo will do its job immediately, before an audience has been properly conditioned.
Take some and tell us......what do you think makes a great logo?
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Redskins games brought them together, until the name kept them apart. Now, a promise to change.
It’s impossible to know precisely when or how this happened, but with neither announcement nor formality, the movement engulfed other issues and has become about overall solidarity, the righting of mass wrongs and forcing results at a time when the criminal justice system can do no such thing.
The movement, at least at its heart, is about curbing racism and ending police brutality against African Americans. But at some point it also came to include the removal of Confederate symbols and Native American iconography in city parks, football stadiums and racetracks.
“That’s when it clicked for me: This is a real moment,” Higgs Wise, a social worker and activist who is African American, says now.
A few moments after the drums stopped, the crowd in Byrd Park looped three ropes around the neck of the 93-year-old Columbus statue before pulling it down, setting it on fire and pushing it into a lake. It was, Higgs Wise says, one of the most exhilarating moments of her life. Before the rush subsided, she reached for her phone to call friends and relatives. One of the people she always calls in moments like this is her dad.
As usual, David Higgs was relieved when he heard his eldest daughter’s voice. Even though she’s 35 and a parent herself, he can’t help but worry when she’s off raising hell at another protest. Usually he keeps that to himself. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t admire her courage or respect her opinions. That’s why, when she took a stand a few years ago and stopped cheering for their beloved Washington Redskins, another symbol being dismantled amid a nationwide reckoning, David listened.
“She’s doing the right thing,” says David, 58. “Chelsea is a fighter.”
David has known his daughter was a fighter since she was a little girl, when she would scream at the television alongside him as their favorite football team was playing. They would howl at the officials, moan about the team’s bad luck, complain about the meddling and decision-making of owner Daniel Snyder. David fixed her hair and took her to the mall, but Sundays were their favorite activity, just a father and daughter on the sofa together.
In 1988, David took his little girl to San Diego to watch the team and Doug Williams, the first African American quarterback to start in the Super Bowl, beat the Denver Broncos and hoist the Vince Lombardi Trophy. She would later wear her burgundy T-shirt on Sundays, and he would pull on one of his many Washington jerseys: Williams, Dexter Manley, Chris Cooley, Robert Griffin III — names and symbols of the franchise and its changing times.
“I’d see her jumping up: ‘Yes! Yes!’ ” David recalls. “I just sat back and watched her. I got the biggest joy off that.”
When Chelsea and David disagreed or got angry or pouted, one of them would call and use Washington’s latest trade or draft pick as an icebreaker. David and Chelsea’s mother divorced when Chelsea was younger, and the separation cost them a few years of Sundays. But in 2008, Chelsea offered peace by decorating her car with Redskins flags before surprising her dad with tickets to a game against the Dallas Cowboys. It was freezing, and David was ready to leave by the end of the first quarter. But he kept that to himself, too.
“That’s something that really brought us together,” David says.
They screamed with excitement during Griffin’s dazzling run in 2012, yelled with frustration during the disappointments that followed. They cooked big dinners, lamented the team’s revolving door of coaches and quarterbacks, ended frustrating seasons by agreeing there was always next year.
Then four years ago, she watched as Colin Kaepernick, quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, took a knee during the national anthem as a form of silent protest of police violence against African Americans. Kaepernick’s actions divided the nation, and after he opted out of his contract following the 2016 season, he went unsigned for months and eventually years.
She began thinking more about her favorite team’s logo and how Snyder had defiantly insisted in 2013 that he would never change the franchise’s name. For a long time she had convinced herself it was just a name, just a football team. She listened to friends who challenged her on it and asked how she could support a team that caricatured Native Americans. It weighed on her.
So in 2017, Chelsea decided she could no longer support the NFL, nor could she cheer for Washington’s team. She stopped wearing her burgundy T-shirt in public, eventually stuffing it and the rest of her Washington gear into a box before stashing it alongside an old photo album. Occasionally she would check NFL scores on Sundays, in part because she had done it for so long, but she made herself stop looking, reacting, caring. This was, she says, part of a long grieving process of distancing herself from something she had once loved — but which she could no longer justify.
She kept her decision to herself, at least for a while, though David wondered why Chelsea never came over anymore on Sundays, why she didn’t respond to his texts — “Did you see that?” — about the team.
One Sunday he invited Chelsea over, and this time she agreed. But she said she wanted to talk. Chelsea explained she could no longer participate in the father-daughter tradition, wouldn’t be talking or texting about it anymore. And though David still saw their — his — team as just a football franchise, an escape from the all-encompassing blanket of politics, he again kept silent and let Chelsea be Chelsea.
“I was thinking about the time I’m going to miss with her,” he confesses later. “I thought selfishly, ‘I’m going to miss calling her and talking about football,’ the dinners and the talks and having somebody who rooted with me.”
David, who has three daughters, thinks about it before continuing.
“But I raised them to be like that,” he says. “We wanted them to go out and change the world. I was being a hypocrite, and all her life I’ve said: ‘You can change this. You have the power to do this.’ I couldn’t tell her I was disappointed.”
Time to change
Last month, three days after the Columbus statue came down in Richmond and as monuments were falling throughout the United States, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) said during a radio appearance that it was “past time” for Washington’s team to change its name. EventsDC, the organization that oversees RFK Stadium, alerted the team and the league office that on Juneteenth it would remove a monument to George Preston Marshall, the team’s founding owner and a staunch segregationist, from outside the stadium. (The monument was defaced by red paint hours before its removal.) The team announced a day later it was removing Marshall’s name from FedEx Field.
Sponsors FedEx, Nike and PepsiCo called on Washington to change its name, and the franchise announced July 3 it was initiating a review of the team’s branding. After reading about that, Chelsea called her dad. The times were again changing, and David told her the time was right for a new name. Chelsea said she was hopeful that maybe one day she would pull out that old photo album, just a little girl and her father together in San Diego for the Super Bowl, and show her own daughter a few images of the way things used to look.
They kept chatting, and though neither of them realized it at the time, the father and daughter were, in an unusual way, talking about their team again.
“This is the first time,” she says later, “that it’s brought us back to the table. I won’t necessarily go back there, but I think it shows that it gets people who have pushed a lot to keep pushing.”
David listened, taking in the enthusiasm and passion in his daughter’s voice once more, trying to enjoy the moment for however long it lasted. He told Chelsea that he couldn’t promise to avoid slipping up and calling the team by its old name, but he did promise to try.
“I have to change. I have to. We all do,” he would say. “The Redskins — it’s a name. I have to adapt, too. I have to change, too.”
David hasn’t told his daughter this, but he hopes she’ll come back to the sofa someday and sit with her dad. Maybe they would cheer. Maybe they would get mad and turn the TV off in a huff. But at least they would be together.
The post Redskins games brought them together, until the name kept them apart. Now, a promise to change. appeared first on Shri Times.
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howto9jaa · 4 years
How to Protect Your Business with IP Law
New Post has been published on https://howto9ja.com/protect-your-business-with-ip-law
How to Protect Your Business with IP Law
Original Post: Click here to read the Original Post
Whether you run a sole-proprietor company from home, are pioneering a promising tech startup, or manage an international e-commerce enterprise, running a business involves a lot of attention to detail. While most entrepreneurs know what to focus on when it comes to acquiring funding or establishing an initial marketing strategy, intellectual property (IP) law can leave some scratching their heads.
However, intellectual property is one of the key aspects to set a plan for early, since it can define the success or failure of your business in the long term. Although some of the legalese may be daunting, intellectual property protection basics aren’t all that complicated. This guide covers the main facets of IP law, and how to use them to protect your business.
Defining Intellectual Property
In order to start discussing intellectual property law, it is important to first figure out what “intellectual property” really means in terms of business. As per TheFreeDictionary in its legal section, intellectual property is defined as “intangible rights protecting the products of human intelligence and creation.” Let’s break that down.
The important terms here are “products of human intelligence and creation.” Intellectual property is a category needed to be able to govern the rights to non-physical assets, creations of the human mind that don’t adhere to the same exact principles as physical possessions do.
If someone were to steal a car, they would be taking something of use and value from another. However, what does it mean to copy someone’s artwork and sell it? Distribute it for free? Claim it as one’s own creation? All of these examples devalue both the reputation of the
original artist or the monetary worth of the art itself, via imitation and dilution of the market. It is pretty clear that another system of laws must govern intellectual property, and that that system would by necessity need to be a lot more complex.
IP law is a legal system, and it covers a variety of different types of intellectual property. Let’s examine which types of IP can affect businesses and how.
Different Kinds of IP Law
There are, in the U.S., four different kinds of intellectual property. These are trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and copyrights. Each covers a different type of intangible aspect and each can be enforced in different ways.
A trademark is a registered brand-associated element that can help consumers identify a company. Trademarks can include logos, brand names, slogans, and even jingles. They enable companies to distinguish themselves from other companies that exist in the same market, protecting their own brand association and reducing confusion. A registered trademark also lends a certain air of credence to a business, elevating trust in many consumers.
Trade secrets, on the other hand, involve the behind-the-scenes elements of running a business. A trade secret can be anything from a secret recipe to a specific manufacturing technique. The requirements for trade secret protections are that the trade secret grants a company a competitive advantage by staying unknown to others, and that reasonable efforts (such as employee confidentiality agreements) have been made to keep it that way.
Patents are vital elements of almost all small businesses, especially in the startup world. New businesses often get started due to a great invention or new approach to a problem. But manifesting that creative idea into an actual product or service can take years and many millions of dollars in research and development funding.
The patenting process was established in order to give inventors a leg up and encourage further innovation by granting a temporary monopoly for developing and selling an invention, process, or design element. We’ll cover patents in more detail in the next section.
Finally, copyrights protect creative work such as music, art, writing, photography, and the like. Registering a copyright enables litigation against infringing parties, and makes it easy to license the use of creative work to others for a fee or a percentage. Copyrights in the business world often involve creative work that the business produces, but can also apply to any work the business wants to use as part of its marketing or services.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, what should businesses be doing to make sure they get protected with IP law?
Registering Trademarks
It is always a good idea, especially in the modern age of e-commerce, to register trademarks for your business so you can start developing good brand association. The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is in charge of approving trademarks and has an excellent overview of the process, but here are the main things to focus on:
Trademark Search: Once you have determined what you want trademarked (whether that’s a brand name, a symbol, or a sound), it is crucial to search the USPTO database to see whether someone else already owns the rights to it in a way that would cause confusion and a denial of the application.
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Trademark Application: If you determine that the trademark is worth applying for and does not come into conflict with any preexisting marks, it’s time to file a trademark application. This application involves several different forms that can be found online, as well as an application fee. Once the form is submitted, you should receive a decision typically within about three months, though it can sometimes take longer.
Trademark Enforcement: While the USPTO is in charge of granting trademarks and patents, it does not enforce those trademarks. This means that it is up to businesses themselves to identify potential trademark infringement and send cease-and-desist letters or engage in litigation. Businesses must be vigilant and decisive in order to make the most of their successfully approved trademarks.
Throughout this whole process, it is highly advisable to consult with a qualified attorney that specializes in IP law in order to maximize the chances of a successful application and avoid costly mistakes.
Patenting Your Inventions
Patenting is perhaps the most powerful tool enabled by IP law. An invention or process is patentable if it is non-obvious, novel, and useful. A successfully granted patent grants a temporary monopoly for 20 years, which allows R&D-heavy ventures to recoup their investments by being the only seller on the market and defending themselves from predatory companies.
  The patent process is similar to that of trademarking, if more intensive. Again, the USPTO is your guide and the final arbiter of the decision.
Patent Search: Similar to a trademark search, a patent search is a good starting point for the patenting process. In this case, however, you will need to dig much deeper to determine what elements of other granted patents may overlap with yours. Both the USPTO and Google have useful patent searching features to assist in this process.
Patent Application: The patent application (and application fee) can be daunting, but it is one of the most crucial places to invest time and effort in for any company. A patent application is generally made up of three sections: detailed descriptions, drawings and figures, and the claims. The claims constitute the legally enforceable part of a patent and are highly legalistic statements of which elements are
inventive and therefore protected. Patent applications are typically revised many times over before submission, cover both broad and narrow claims, and may only be partially approved (each claim can be individually approved or denied). They can also be submitted online.
Examiner Review: Once a patent application has been accepted, you must work with a USPTO examiner to revise any disputed sections and finalize the patent. J.D. Houvener of Bold Patents stresses the importance of consulting a patent attorney in all steps of the patent application process.
“Patent attorneys have experience in patent searching, writing up patent applications, and in the final review process. Hiring a patent attorney is, of course, a financial investment, but can exponentially increase the chances of approval and the profits that come with it.”
In Conclusion
Not every business owner needs to be an expert in intellectual property, but a fundamental knowledge of IP law can be an invaluable asset in various stages of a growing business. By determining which parts of your company can be eligible for IP protection, you can start the requisite processes that can grant those protections. Not only is it a good idea to register trademarks and file for patents,
but a good knowledge of intellectual property can make it easier to avoid expensive legal battles resulting from accidental infringement or violations on your end. Be sure to conduct a thorough assessment of your business and identify any areas where action needs to be taken; then, with the help of a qualified professional, get to work protecting what needs to be protected!
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incatalogueanpic · 5 years
“I See Sun-tanning People” Established in 2003, Skyscanner is an online travel platform that started as a flight search engine only and has grown into a full travel booking service for flights, hotels, and car rentals. Owned by Chinese company, Ctrip, the largest online travel agency, Skyscanner has been growing steadily with their website available in over 30 languages and with offices in the UK, Singapore, Spain, China, United States, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Last week, Skyscanner introduced a new identity designed by Koto. Travel brands have got lost. Wacky advertising, same-same destination photos, product experiences that are hard to differentiate. As one of the originals, Skyscanner prided itself on product excellence, but was lagging on emotional resonance. We worked with them to build a brand leading the global transformation to modern and sustainable travel. Koto project page Logo. The new symbol is a key step in Skyscanner's brand evolution. It embodies the optimism of a sunrise, and positions Skyscanner as the catalyst for a new era of sustainable travel. We worked hard to create something with global appeal, which would be well-suited to a brand that gives travelers In Ấn Anpic – Nổi Tiếng In Đẹp In Nhanh Số 5 Ngõ 75 Nguyễn Xiển, Thanh Xuân, Hạ Đình, Hà Nội 0963223884 [email protected] https://anpic.vn https://g.page/inananpic In nhãn mác Anpic ✅ In brochure Anpic ✅ In card visit Anpic ✅ In catalogue Anpic ✅ In thiệp cưới Anpic ✅ In tờ rơi Anpic https://anpic.vn/in-nhan-mac-dep https://anpic.vn/in-brochure https://anpic.vn/in-an https://anpic.vn/in-voucher-in-phieu-giam-gia-khuyen-mai #inananpic
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businessliveme · 5 years
VW Unveils New Logo, Affordable Electric Cars in Show of New Era
(Bloomberg) — Volkswagen AG is unwrapping not just new models at the Frankfurt auto show, but a tweaked logo as the world’s biggest carmaker ushers in the electric era.
Little-changed since World War II, the new VW emblem was uncovered atop its headquarters in Wolfsburg on Monday. And in Frankfurt, the manufacturer showed the VW brand’s battery-powered ID.3, the first model in an unprecedented $33 billion push to make electric vehicles for the masses.
The twin steps — both heavy with symbolism — reflect the high stakes involved in Volkswagen’s ambitions to become the world’s electric-car leader just four years after the diesel-cheating scandal plunged it into the worst crisis in its history. The carmaker aims for the ID.3 hatchback to become a trendsetter and take on similar status as its iconic Beetle.
“This evening is a decisive moment for us,” Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess said from the podium. The ID.3 is meant to “take the electric car from being a niche product to the mainstream, making it accessible for everyone.”
Read: Volkswagen Teams Up With IBM’s AI for App to Navigate Cities
VW is pulling out all the stops as it seeks to reshape its image. In Frankfurt, the gathered crowd was treated to vegan sliders with green buns and herbal concoctions garnished with thyme.
Diess called for the end of coal-generated electricity, among other planet-saving measures. “How can we save the world for our children?” read a query emblazoned on an entryway wall.
If things work out as planned, the ID.3’s technical underpinnings, dubbed MEB, will emerge as a new industrial standard for battery-powered cars, giving Volkswagen economies of scale that rivals would struggle to match. U.S. peer Ford Motor Co. has already agreed to use the technology for a high-volume car in Europe and is considering adding a second model. Diess sees nearly 50% of the group’s sales in Europe and China being electric in 10 years.
But if consumers remain on the fence about the cars because of range, charging and cost concerns, VW could find itself stuck with sunk costs, redundant factories and excess workers.
“VW’s bold electric vehicle plans scare this analyst given their huge near-term costs and uncertain demand,” Max Warburton, a London-based analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein, said in a note. Former patriarch Ferdinand Piech, who died two weeks ago, “would have argued that expensive investments in new technology tend to pay off in the very long run.”
The time for VW’s effort to reinvent itself is hardly favorable. A decade of almost uninterrupted growth for the industry — fueled mainly by China — has come to a grinding halt. Global demand for new vehicles contracted last year, and the trade war between the U.S. and China and uncertainty over Brexit is serving up yet more challenges.
“We really now come into situation where the trade situation starts to influence the mood of customers, and that could disrupt the market,” Diess said in a Bloomberg Television interview. “We hope there won’t be a recession.”
VW is tapping the brakes already, even as it still generates vast amounts of cash and profits. The manufacturer has scaled back production plans by some 450,000 cars for this year and has pledged to lower output further if necessary. VW’s cut roughly equals the annual output of one its 122 factories worldwide and exceeds Tesla Inc.’s delivery target for 2019 of between 360,000 and 400,000 cars.
Separately, the German giant has started to make gradual progress toward untangling its unwieldy corporate structure. It regrouped its car brands to focus on luxury cars and mass-market vehicles, and after some back-and-forth eventually completed a public listing of trucks unit Traton SE earlier this year.
In May, VW announced plans to review strategic options — including a possible sale — for the industrial machinery units Renk AG and MAN Energy Solutions. Analysts have urged VW to consider deeper changes including an initial public offering of the high-margin Porsche brand to unlock value. The sports-car unit, which is VW group’s most profitable division, will show off its electric Taycan model at the Frankfurt show after unveiling it last week.
Despite these efforts, investors are doubting VW and other carmakers’ ability to master the technological shift toward electric and self-driving cars. Diess has stressed the importance of reviving VW’s weak market value to help bolster the company’s case for acquisitions and partnerships.
–With assistance from Matthew Miller.
The post VW Unveils New Logo, Affordable Electric Cars in Show of New Era appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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