#Career Horoscope
subir-astrologer · 3 months
The native wants to know if he can go abroad in February or March 2024 for a job as per Vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 29 July 1991 at 5:10 AM in Patna, India and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows kark lagna / cancer ascendant with sun n Jupiter in 1st house, mercury mars n venus in 2nd house, rahu in 6th house, Saturn in 7th house, moon in 8th house and ketu in 12th house.
The moon is in dhanistha nakshatra in kumbha rashi / moon in aquarius sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
In order to learn if the native can go abroad for a job as per his horoscope, one need to study the 12th and 10th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 12th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 1,6 and 9th house in the planet level as well as in the sublord level and mercury signifying 2,3 and 12th house in the nakshatra level.
Mercury is in conjunction with mars signifying 2,5 and 10th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with venus signifying 2,4 and 11th house.
The 10th cuspal sublord is moon and its strongly signifying 1 and 8th house as its untenanted in the planet level as well as in the sublord level and mars signifying 2,5 and 10th house in the nakshatra level.
Mars is in conjunction with mercury signifying 2,3 and 12th house.
Mars is in conjunction with venus signifying 2,4 and 11th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter and the analysis of Jupiter is already done so no need to repeat it again.
From the analysis I conclude that foreign travel is a promise in the horoscope and the native can go during February or March 2024 for a job as per his horoscope.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Career astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on providing insight into an individual’s career path and potential. By analyzing an individual’s birth chart, which includes the position of the planets at the time of their birth, a career astrologer can provide guidance on suitable career options, strengths, weaknesses, and potential obstacles. This can help individuals make informed decisions about their career path, enhance their job satisfaction and success, and achieve personal fulfillment. Career astrology can also provide insights into the best time to pursue career changes or make important career-related decisions. However, it’s important to note that while career astrology can provide valuable guidance, it’s ultimately up to the individual to take action and make the necessary changes to achieve their career goals. Astrology for Career Selection, picking career that is most useful, astrology might help people choose the career this is certainly best, provided the astrologer is competent. The above mentioned instance clarifies exactly how tough its to see the job this is certainly best for a person from the birth chart. 
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gurusgraceworld · 1 year
Professional Occult Services for Spiritual Guidance - We provide numerology graphology, astrology and tarot reading services.
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divyaastro-ashram · 20 days
Doctor on Call? Astrology Reveals Your Medical Calling
Embarking on a career in medicine is a profound journey of service and healing, but the path to becoming a healer is often shrouded in uncertainty. In such moments of contemplation,  Astrology emerges as a guiding light, offering insights into one's cosmic blueprint and potential calling in the medical field. Through an exploration of planetary placements, Nakshatras, and Dasha dynamics, individuals can uncover hidden facets of their healing inclination and gain clarity on their vocational path. Join us as we delve into the intricate interplay between astrology and medicine, illuminating the cosmic threads that may reveal your destined role as a healer.
The Cosmic Blueprint of a Healer 
●  Planetary Pathways: The arrangement of celestial bodies in your birth chart unveils clues about your suitability for medicine. Key planets like the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter illuminate your potential.
●  Sun's Influence: A robust Sun placement signifies natural leadership qualities crucial for guiding patients through adversity. It fosters confidence and authority, essential traits for medical practitioners.
●  Mars's Impact: A well-positioned Mars signifies the courage and decisiveness required in medical emergencies. It empowers individuals to take swift action and make tough decisions, qualities highly valued in healthcare settings.
●  Jupiter's Wisdom: A prominent Jupiter placement hints at a profound desire to alleviate suffering and acquire healing knowledge. Individuals with strong Jupiter placements often possess a deep sense of compassion and empathy, driving them towards service-oriented professions like medicine. 
●  Lunar Mansions Insights: The 27 Nakshatras reveal nuanced facets of your healing inclination. Nakshatras like Dhanishta and Punarvasu shed light on your innate healing talents.
●  Dhanishta's Drive: Ruled by Mars and associated with healing, Dhanishta Nakshatra individuals possess an innate desire to alleviate suffering. They are often driven by a sense of purpose and determination to make a positive impact on others' lives.
●  Punarvasu's Nurturing Energy: Governed by Jupiter, Punarvasu Nakshatra emphasizes nurturing qualities essential for medical care. Individuals born under this Nakshatra are often compassionate and empathetic, with a natural inclination towards caregiving and support. 
●  Dasha Dynamics: The ongoing planetary cycles in your life, known as Dashas, sway your career trajectory. Favourable periods ruled by planets like Jupiter or Venus might signal an opportune time to pursue medicine.
●  Jupiter's Influence: Jupiter Dasha amplifies your thirst for healing and learning, ideal for embarking on medical education. It encourages individuals to expand their knowledge and skills in the healthcare field, fostering personal and professional growth.
●  Venus's Nurturing Touch: During Venus Dasha, your compassionate instincts thrive, guiding you towards patient-centric roles. It emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in medical practice, encouraging individuals to prioritize patient care and well-being. 
Unveiling Ancestral Threads 
● Family Footsteps: Ancestors' karma can pave your professional path, especially if your lineage boasts a history of healers. The karmic resonance of your family's healing legacy could nudge you towards a medical career.
●  Ancestral Karma's Guidance: Your ancestors' healing lineage may subtly influence your career choices, echoing past-life connections. Their experiences and contributions to the field of medicine may inspire you to follow in their footsteps and carry on the family legacy.
●  Reincarnated Roles: Past life experiences as a healer may linger in your soul's memory, nudging you towards medicine in this lifetime. These subconscious memories and inclinations can manifest as a deep-seated passion and calling for healing others, driving you towards a career in medicine. 
● Ancestral Influence: In astrology, it's believed that our ancestors' actions and professions can leave a lasting imprint on our lives, shaping our inclinations and choices. If our ancestors were involved in the medical field or had a strong connection to healing, it could influence our own vocational path. This ancestral influence extends beyond genetics, encompassing spiritual and karmic connections that resonate across generations. 
● Karmic Connection: The concept of karma suggests that our past actions and experiences influence our present circumstances. If our ancestors accumulated positive karma through healing and service, it might manifest as a strong inclination towards medicine in future generations. Understanding these karmic connections can provide insight into why certain individuals feel drawn to the healing arts, even without direct familial influence. By acknowledging and embracing these ancestral and karmic threads, we can gain a deeper understanding of our vocational calling in the medical field. 
Nurturing Your Calling with Astrological Guidance 
Consulting a seasoned  astrologer can unveil deeper layers of your cosmic blueprint, helping you align with your true calling:
●  Astrological Alignment: Discover if medicine resonates with your chart's planetary placements and Nakshatras.
● Tailored Pathways: Explore specific medical fields aligned with your astrological inclinations, be it surgery, pediatrics, or Ayurveda.
● Overcoming Obstacles: Identify potential career hurdles and leverage your astrological strengths to navigate them. Astrology can offer insights into challenges you may face and provide guidance on how to overcome them, ensuring a smoother path towards fulfilling your medical calling. 
The Heartbeat of Your Calling
Astrology serves as a potent tool for self-discovery, offering profound insights into our innate healing talents and guiding us towards a fulfilling career in medicine. While a career horoscope unveils cosmic whispers, it is our passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to service that ultimately define our journey as healers. So, heed the call of the cosmos—could there be a doctor on call within you?
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karmaastro · 4 months
Know How Your Career Be In 2024
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Many of us are curious about our careers when we think about what might happen in 2024. We wonder if we'll see progress, face challenges, or experience changes like transfers or new jobs. There are so many questions about our professional lives. Don't worry; we're here to help and share what you can expect in your career in 2024.
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Career horoscope
Career horoscope
World famous best astrologer in India & Jotish Acharya Devraj Ji says that luck also has its own rules, everything is not a chance for the wise. Luck can be made even more easily by the association of stars and constellations & Opportunities will or won’t happen, or you create them. Your success in your career will be proportional to the work you do or in what proportion will you get what you are expecting to get after the karma you have done It all depends on the combination of planets-constellations and sub-nakshatras located in your birth chart and it depends a lot on the present time running planetary Dasha. Build your successful career with the help of India’s best Career Horoscope  . Astrology’s roots lie in an ancient worldview that perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order intelligence.
Finding your career path with Career horoscope today? Do you have questions about your career? Not sure which field to choose? Will you be promoted this year? Now you can ask questions about your profession and get the most accurate answers to your problems!
WHAT DO YOUR PLANETS AND NAKSHATRAS SAY ABOUT YOUR CAREER? A career is a very important aspect of one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to follow will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in society in addition to your lifestyle. Namely, your career will determine your social circle and relationships. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the correct career path.From a very young age, we aspire to be something or the other. While someone aims to be a doctor, some wish to be a painter. Our career choices depend on a lot of things.Thus, it is important to consider all factors before choosing a career path. And you must consider them before deciding on your career as they play a pre-eminent role in your choice.
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akashvaaniteam · 5 months
Astrological remedies offer a unique approach to enhancing focus and concentration on personal goals by aligning oneself with celestial energies. By tapping into the wisdom of astrology, individuals can explore specific remedies tailored to their astrological profiles.
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futurepointpvt · 8 months
Why is Professional Life Important to You through Astrology?
Navigating the twists and turns of professional goals and hurdles has become a defining part of living in our rapidly moving era. We strive for success, financial stability, and personal growth in our careers. But have you ever wondered how the celestial bodies above might influence your professional life? Astrology, a millennia-old belief system, has intriguing insights into the significance…
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banglakhobor · 9 months
অগাস্টে চাকরি হতে পারে কোন কোন রাশির জাতক-জাতিকার? কী বলছে জ্যোতিষ জানুন
যাঁরা জ্যোতিষ মানেন, তাঁদের জন্য এটি খুবই জরুরি। গ্রহের অবস্থানেই জ্যোতিষের বড় কর্মকাণ্ড। এ মাসে কোন কোন রাশির জাতক-জাতিকাদের চাকরির সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে জানুন। এর জন্য প্রথমেই জানতে হবে অগাস্ট ২০২৩-এ গ্রহের অবস্থান। (Disclaimer: এই প্রতিবেদনটি কেবলমাত্র সাধারণ তথ্যের জন্য, তাই বিস্তারিত জানতে হলে সর্বদা বিশেষজ্ঞের পরামর্শ নিন।) Source link
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subir-astrologer · 5 months
The native wants to know about his career as per Vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 20-01-1997 at 4:35 PM in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology of his horoscope.
The plotted horoscope shows Mithun lagna / gemini ascendant with moon in 1st house, mars n rahu in 4th house, mercury n venus in 7th house, Jupiter n sun in 8th house and Saturn n ketu in 10th house.
The moon is in mrigrashira nakshatra in Mithun rashi / moon in gemini sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
In order to learn about the career of the native as per his horoscope, one need to study the 6th and 10th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 6th cuspal sublord is mars and its signifying 4,6 and 11th house in the planet level, moon signifying 2 and 12th house in the sublord level and Saturn strongly signifying 8,9 and 10th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sub sublord level.
Mars is in conjunction with rahu signifying 1,4,6,7,8,9,10 and 11th house.
Saturn is in conjunction with ketu signifying 4,6,7,8,9,10 and 11th.
The 10th cuspal sublord is Saturn strongly signifying 8,9 and 10th house as it is in own nakshatra in the planet level, venus strongly signifying 5,7 and 12th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sublord level and mars signifying 4,6 and 11th house in the sub sublord level.
Saturn is in conjunction with ketu signifying 4,6,7,8,9,10 and 11th.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 1,4 and 6th house.
Mars is in conjunction with rahu signifying 1,4,6,7,8,9,10 and 11th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter and its strongly signifying 7 and 10th house as its untenanted in the planet level, sun strongly signifying 3 and 7th house as it is in own nakshatra in the nakshatra level and mercury strongly signifying 1,4 and 6th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Jupiter is in conjunction with sun signifying 3 and 7th house.
Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter signifying 7 and 10th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with venus signifying 5,7 and 12th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the native will have good career but with multiple job change, and the native will also take a bit time for job satisfaction as initially it will be less and with time and maturity the career will get its stability. Work in foreign / abroad or in MNC company or very far away from the birth place will give more success.
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saininews · 9 months
Career Horoscope, 25 July 2023 Horoscope: People of these 4 zodiac signs including Cancer, Scorpio will be very lucky in terms of career and money, know their financial status
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Money Career Horoscope 25 July 2023, in terms of finance and career, Tuesday, July 25, will be very auspicious for Cancer and Scorpio people in career and financial matters and will pave the way for profits. While the people of Sagittarius will have to pay some attention to their work. See how the day will be for you in terms of your job, business, and money. Read More...
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horoscopedaily · 10 months
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It's crucial for Tauruses to remain aware of how cosmic forces are affecting all facets of their lives. Discover the secrets of your Taurus horoscope to learn important information about your profession, health, and commercial endeavours, among other areas.
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divyaastro-ashram · 2 months
Choosing a path that contradicts your values and life's purpose from your career horoscope may lead to dissatisfaction and hinder the fulfillment Jupiter seeks to bring to your professional life.
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abroadastrology · 1 year
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Career Horoscope Prediction
Dr. Vinay Bajrangi insightful predictions and solutions and helped countless individuals achieve success in careers as per astrology. Dr Bajrangi's approach is based on a deep understanding of planetary influences and their impact on one's professional life through a career horoscope.
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kayras-kingdom · 1 year
My Horoscope: You will be experiencing a much needed change in your professional life soon Me (after literally doing 0 to alter the state of my professional life): Fucking Finally
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usalateslynews · 1 year
Career Horoscope 15 February 2023: Aries and Gemini will have strong financial position, financial gain
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Money Career Horoscope 15 February 2023 Venus transits Pisces on Wednesday 15 February. This will affect the economic status of all zodiac signs.
Gemini people will get support from senior officials in terms of career and Leo people will get financial benefits from friends. Let’s know how will be the economic status of all zodiac signs from expansion Aries to Pisces. (Read More: Career Horoscope 15 February 2023: Aries and Gemini will have strong financial position, financial gain - usalateslynews.com)
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