#Caregiver serial designation n
radiant-fanon-maker · 2 months
ahhh,,hulloo there !!! uh- could I request a regressed uzi playing with plushies/rambling about some made up plush story with caregiver n ?
apologies if I’m bothering or if this is weird to ask,/nm/gen
this wasn't a bother but i am sorry I took almost a month I think to get to this?
I am.. quite slow
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moonshineplaydate · 2 months
Hiya against starlights! I’m taking a quick break from Hazbin content because I have been dying to pump out some Murder Drones Agere content, because it is very underrated and there is a new episode coming out which I am very, very excited for! Here’s some long overdue headcanons!
Ps, sorry for my absence, exams suck.
Tw: Mentioned knives, not proofread (very sleepy).
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Uzi Doorman
•Uzi is a switch, that flips between an involuntary regressor and babysitter!
•Her age range can be anywhere from 2-6 depending on why she’s regressing, she’s normally younger if she’s scared or upset.
•Uzi wasn’t much of a fan of her regression, it totally ruined her dark and edgy aesthetic if she was acting like a little kid!
•Though, after meeting N and seeing him regress, she began to soften up juuuuust a little bit. She ended up slipping after the whole Promening ordeal and pretty much clung to N. She didn’t want to lose him again.
•And afterwards, she felt a lot better now that someone had taken care of her! N pretty much became Uzi’s full time caregiver after that, always trying to be there for the little one!
•Since she had a caregiver, she was actually about to regress more and slowly came to terms that it was a part of her.
•Uzi is scared of the dark when she’s little, part of her little gear is a night light that makes it look like they’re stars on her bedroom ceiling. She says it’s her ‘favouritest thing ever!’
•Speaking of her little gear, she has a purple paci along with some cozy black PJ’s to wear!
•She’s partially touch averse, things like hugs or kisses are a big no no, but being picked up, head pats, hand holding are all things she loved when she’s small.
•Uzi can be pretty quiet when she’s little, when she’s with someone she doesn’t know/like/doesn’t know about her regression, she just doesn’t talk at all. She’s really only verbal with N and V.
•She sees V like a big sister when she’s little, and V doesn’t have the heart to be mean to what’s basically a kid and plays along with her.
•Uzi likes nicknames when she’s little, even if she doesn’t show it her whole face lights up whenever she gets one!
•Her favourites are, ‘Baby Bat’, ‘Little Rascal’, and ‘Honey’.
•Uzi can get fussy when she’s little, not for any particular reason, she just doesn’t like listening to people all the time.
•N has to be patient with her to avoid tantrums.
•Uzi actually really loves bed time, she finds it peaceful, when she’s either a little or a caregiver!
•Uzi makes a pretty decent caregiver, usually to N.
•Has the vibes of a very chill babysitter, who says they hate kids but really doesn’t.
•N really cried once when he was little because he heard her say that, and she had to spent an hour comforting him and telling him she didn’t mean it.
•Can be a very relaxed babysitter, but whatever she says goes and she will not back down on that.
•Acts a bit softer with the littles just so she doesn’t upset them, is still pretty edgy though.
•Uzi sometimes makes little robots or machines to keep littles entertained when she can’t watch them fully! No rail guns though.
•She talks to littles like normal, and not like their a child. But she still uses nicknames for them and can be affectionate.
•Lowers herself down so she can look her littles in the eye when she’s talking to them.
•All in all, pretty fun and chill to be around when your little, especially if you wanna get away with things!
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Serial Designation N
•Oh, the sweet baby boy. Literally.
•N is definitely a flip, though I see him forced into being a caregiver role more often than not. Not maliciously or anything, he just gets caught up with looking after Uzi and very rarely V. (Never J though, she still doesn’t like him, even if little).
•N is a pretty versatile caregiver. He’s able to lower himself down, so to speak, to his little’s personality/how they’re feeling. If he’s got a quieter little, he’ll also be quieter. If he has one that’s more excitable, he’ll be pretty happy and bubbly with him! If he has one that’s violent, well, that’s something he has to sort out.
•N first learned about regression through some books in the mansion, but didn’t think robots could do it until he saw V regressed once. Since then, he just took up the roll of being a caregiver.
•And he was (and still is) amazing at it! He keeps a bag with some emergency little gear (things like pacis or toys) in case anyone needs them, he never leaves the littles unsupervised, is great at calming them down or getting them to bed.
•Even though N is great is interacting with littles, he’s not the best when he’s the little.
•N’s age range can be from 7 to younger than that, again, depending on his mood, usually how stressed he is though.
•N first started regressing after everything that went down with Cyn, and didn’t really do well at hiding it on a small spaceship from V and J.
•J was still disinterested in the whole thing and basically pawned him off to V to take care of him, who did a decent job. She wasn’t that emotionally intelligent and usually just bribed him with toys, and rarely cuddles, to get him to stop crying.
•It probably took N a while to explore his little side, mainly because he didn’t have many opportunities to regress. Or rather he did, he just didn’t want to bother anyone.
•But oh my stars once he was more open, he became a total sweetie!
•N is definitely a very giggly little, everything is funny to him when he’s in his little space!
•He can be a little shy and usually keeps his hands over his mouth or his arms at his sides, he sometimes has trouble speaking but it depends on how he’s feeling. He can get pretty loud if he’s excited!
•N loves being picked up, but it’s a little difficult due to his size so it’s usually V who has to do it, or he’ll have to settle for sitting in someone’s lap (which he also loves)
•N’s little gear consists of a blue paci, some nice, comfy PJs, a couple sensory toys that he can fiddle with, with his hands and a golden retriever teddy that he called Vun!
•He LOVES Vun, little or big though he’s a lot more clingy to it when he’s little and practically needs to sleep, or power down with it.
•N has a hard time speaking if he’s feeling really small and has to rely on gestures, like holding up his arms if he wants to be carried, pointing to things he wants, etc.
•N really loves nicknames when he’s little, his favourites are ‘Special little guy’, ‘Sweetie’, ‘Darling’, and ‘Baby boy’!
•He calls his caregivers a variety of things, V is usually just V since it’s easy for him to say, Uzi is usually too hard for him to pronounce and he just babbles whenever he tries to say her name! Tessa is also one of his caregivers but they don’t get much time together.
•Had a really bad habit of thumb sucking before he got his paci.
•Not good with asking for things when he’s little so his caregivers have to make sure that N is doing what he wants to do and not just whatever’s easiest for everyone else.
•All in all, just a total sweetie, big or small!
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Serial Designation V
•V is a flip (I’m saying that a lot, I can’t help it, these fit being a flip so well, I can’t imagine them not taking care of at least one of the others) whose regression is a lot more rare than N’s or even Uzi’s.
•I think she’d be more of a sleep regressor or even a trauma regressor, whichever it is though her regression is definitely involuntary.
•She wouldn’t want to be vulnerable like that in front of someone, so would try and hide to be alone while regressed.
•V generally regresses to around four, so she thinks she’s big enough to be on her own.
•She really likes small spaces when she’s small, like in a closet or underneath a bed, it feels secure.
•That’s also the reason part of her little gear is a weighted blanket, however those work for robots, she loves hiding underneath one! It’s best for her caregiver to leave her alone if she’s like that and not let know that they’re watching her, otherwise she’ll get grumpy someone’s interrupting her independent blanket time.
•Speaking of, her main caregiver is N and very rarely Uzi if N isn’t around or if Uzi doesn’t want to leave N while he’s taking care of V. V doesn’t outwardly dislike Uzi while she’s little, she could even be a little scared of her but N assured her that she’s safe there.
•She’s absolutely terrified of the Solver when she’s little, which isn’t much of a problem since it’s not like it’s just going to show up but she gets nightmares sometimes which really, really upset her.
•It’s one of the reasons she refuses to sleep alone while later, she’ll normally curl up next to someone since she doesn’t want outright cuddle with her caregiver but once she falls asleep, she usually clings to their arm.
•Other than her weighted blanket, V doesn’t have much little gear, she doesn’t really like using pacis but she has a ton of different PJ’s she likes getting into, some with little stars on them, some with angel wings, they’re all really important to her! She can’t really sleep without them when she’s small.
•One thing she really, really loves is lullabies, it doesn’t matter who she gets them from, she’ll be out like a light the moment she hears a lullaby.
•When she’s not sleepy, she has a few toys that she plays with, namely her bubble blowers since she’s not allowed to play with knives when small, also a stress ball because she likes squishing it.
•V has a love hate relationship with nicknames, she loves feeling small but when people treat her like she’s small, she can get upset and embarrassed, feeling like they’re talking down to her.
•The only nickname she’ll tolerate is ‘baby’.
•In terms of her being a caregiver, she does a pretty good job! She’s not amazing with kids but is a lot better at getting down to their level then someone like Uzi.
•As stated, she lowers her guard just a bit with the littles, she knows they actually think like children so she’s safe with them but being vulnerable is still hard.
•V’s really good at guessing what a little needs, even if they can’t/don’t feel like talking. They’ll be times where N could try for hours trying to find out what a baby Uzi wants and V just walks in and figures it out in a couple seconds.
•Not that attentive of littles, she’ll keep an eye on them for sure and stop them from getting hurt but wouldn’t really mind them doing something dangerous, like standing on high places.
•N usually has to look out for things like that.
•Speaking of, she loves little N, taking care of him feels like she’s making up for him looking after her when she was in a coma back at the mansion.
•Plus, he’s a sweetie and V is actually capable of carrying him so they just work well together.
•She doesn’t keep things like toys on her but she does have a bag of batteries to give to the littles as treats.
•Has a kind of stern mom energy to her when actually enforcing a role, she is a very stubborn caretaker and will get the littles to listen to her.
•She can have fun though, it’s one of the few times she can let down her guard with the group.
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Serial Designation J
•J is the first person on this list that I see as strictly a regressor, I can’t really see her looking after someone else
•Plus she deserves some time to relax, being the leader of the murder drones and dealing with Tessa is definitely a lot.
•J regresses from about 1-5, she needs some baby time where someone can take care of her.
•In the mansion, it was always Tessa looking after her so she stopped regressing after she was sent away on missions and couldn’t see her anymore, but did slip up a few times with V.
•She basically threatened her to not tell anyone about it, she was obviously mortified of being in a small state of mind in front of her.
•J was meant to be a leader after all and behaving like that wasn’t…leader-ish to her but that was just the first crack in the wall as she found she actually liked V as a caregiver and would slip around her more frequently, but it was still pretty rare.
•J also tried to look after a regressed V once to ‘make things even’ but failed hard and only managed to get V to go to sleep to keep her calm. It’s why she’s only a regressor.
•J considered letting N look after her but, no.
•How she acts when she’s small depends on why she regressed as it’s usually involuntary. Generally, she can be a bossy little who also demands attention, essentially a Princess regressor.
•One thing she loves while being little is sitting in between her caregiver’s legs and having her hair brushes, she finds it really relaxing.
•Surprisingly, J can be a bit physically clingy when she’s little. Normally when she’s smaller or sleepy , she’ll try and hug her body around her caregiver’s.
•She had a ton of little gear, namely sparkly outfits and PJ’a, some pink or yellow pacis, a few auditory toys (like pressing them and they make a sound) and also a white noise machine. Being able to relax is super important to her little routine and she will throw tantrums if something is bothering her.
•J doesn’t have total meltdowns though, she’ll throw one or two things or maybe flail her arms and legs about for a bit if she’s frustrated just to get it out of her system. Afterwards, she’ll still be a bit grumpy but as long as her caregiver can help her relax, she’ll be fine.
•One random thing that J loves while little is money, coins, notes, she loves holding it, playing with it, eating it occasionally. One of the toys she had a piggy bank.
•Tessa was the first person she regressed around and she became very clingy to her once she got to regress more afterwards.
•Tessa honestly loved little J, she could be demanding but she was also so much more happier and adorable; J being little was the first time Tessa heard her laugh. She was too smiley and giddy to not give her all the attention she wanted.
•And J, clearly being someone who wants the attention of people with authority, ie Tessa, soaked it all up.
•J can be really protective over the little gear she got from Tessa. Since she can’t regress with her anymore, it’s the next best thing. She ended up crying and regressing when she thought she lost one of her pacis but V helped her find it.
•J’s speech while little isn’t the best, when she’s feeling a little bigger, she can actually speak pretty well but for when she’s smaller, it’s mainly just babbling.
•She loves being praised for anything while she’s little, knowing she’s doing something good when she’s in a headspace that doesn’t feel productive is really nice for her.
And that’s all I’ve got for this post, starlights! I was originally gonna try and write some Tessa Headcanons but episode 7 put me through a roller coaster of emotions, so I wasn’t sure how to write for her! If I do, it’ll probably just be younger Tessa! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these, lemme know if you want to see anymore!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 9 months
Uzi regression on th trip in episode 4?
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Uzi: I wwanna go homme
N: We are on the way home. Don't worry
Uzi: Mmmka...
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Envy [Either platonic or romantic, no particular intent] Edits
Pfp Matching Edits
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Together Edits
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Bab alternative edits
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N has a paci clip on his belt!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 6 months
If it’s okay, may I request caregiver N looking after little J please? I don’t care if they’re worker drones or disassembly drones, I simply think she also deserves to be taken care of.
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radiant-fanon-maker · 3 months
Heyyooo! :D
I was wondering, can you draw little Uzi and cg N? That’d be so cutteeeeee! ,,>v<,,
hehehe of course!!!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 11 months
can i politely request some art of a regressed uzi being cared for by n? maybe they're playing together as well.. 👉👈 only if you want to! thank you in advance, and/or hope you have a great day!
You. Me. Best friends now
Glad to see another agere md fan :>
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Little Sister J
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Human 1: Take these dishes and clean them.
Human 2: You have to catch up on the laundry.
1: You have to dust the room up.
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1 & 2: You need to... you got to... have to...
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J: Of course, si-
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1: Shush. Just work. And straighten up.
J: ...
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2: Get going.
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J: Dishes Laundry Cleaning Dishes Laundry Cleaning Dishes Laundry Cweanin- mmp!
[Specific blush appears: sign of regression]
J: Go away...
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J: Juzt do y-your work... huh?
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N: Boop Boop do Boop~ Boop! Doo doo doo
J: N-N?
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N: Ah! Hi, J! ooo I'll take these!
J: W-why are chu..?
N: Because Cyn hates the risk of touching wet foods.
J: N-No! Why are chu doing ch-chorez in ta firzt plaze?! I waz told to do dishez... [No! Why are you doing chores in the first place?! I was told to do dishes]
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N: I'm a worker drone. I have to work like you. And... You seem... overwhelmed with work today... We thought we would help you relax!
J: W-we?
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N: Cyn and V are also doing your chores.
J: Ch-chu guyz... ... I waz owdewed ta do tings and I have ta work on tem... C-C-Cowporate will hurt me for not doing my jobz... [I was ordered to do things and I have to work on them... Corporate will hurt me for not doing my jobs...]
N: Oh... Little sis...
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N: They won't tell the difference when it's done. You'll be safe. Tessa's room is open for a while, so you can have a break there.
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J: o-o-okay
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radiant-fanon-maker · 5 months
Can You Draw baby Uzi cuddling with Big N? Im an IRL of Uzi and my Boyfriend is an N Fictionkin :3
heh that's fine.
And that's nice to hear about :]
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radiant-fanon-maker · 5 months
can I request regressed V and J and CG N please?
well you can't tell N is there but he's reading a bedtime story
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radiant-fanon-maker · 6 months
not 100% sure if requests are open, but if they are, id like to request a bit of wholesome fluff of a teeny tiny uzi being taken care of by n, probably reading a book— but ill leave you decide on what, so go wild, or dont, its all cool 👍👍
also guess whos back at least :)
— 🥀
I'm so happy to see you!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 8 months
I have one for when you’re not busy; 🌃 — Cyn and 🌠 — Murder drone N, please?
i love these two!!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 11 months
may i request some art of a regressed uzi listening to n read her dog facts from one of his books? maybe they're cuddling as well.. 👉👈 i just like seeing these two bein happy goobs
Of course you can request them! I love these little drones <3
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radiant-fanon-maker · 9 months
maybe little cyn and big brother n 👉👈 coloring together or something
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I love these two
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radiant-fanon-maker · 11 months
might be more of a lil comic than an art request, buuuuut...
ok, so its back at the manor, and cyn and v have regresed, and they both go to n in the library, and ask him nicely if he'll read to them, which, he does. snuggles ensue, and facts about doggos are read. ba-boom.
also im back- *le epic explosion*
Happy to have you back! And this request is fine
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Cyn: Big Brother N?
V: Bubba?
N: ?
Cyn: Up.
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C: She couldn't. walk. I got. her. resting. Can you. read to us. big brother?
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N: 3... 2...
Inspired by this post prompt by @healtraumagainyou, it was too cute but I wasn't in a writing mood T-T
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