#Caregiving Coaching Program
fatliberation · 1 year
When We Leave NEDA Behind, Where do We Go?
A Guide by Sharon Maxwell @heysharonmaxwell
NEDA has a long history of harming the communities it is supposed to serve. As we #leaveNEDAbehind, I encourage you to follow the following ED orgs who are committed to serving and supporting ALL folks with eating disorders.
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (“The Alliance”) is the leading national non-profit organization providing education, referrals, and support for all individuals experiencing eating disorders, as well as their loved ones. The Alliance’s services include:
Educational presentations and training days
Free, weekly therapist-led support groups nationwide (virtual and in-person) for those experiencing eating disorders and for their loved ones
Support and referrals through both a free helpline and comprehensive referral website/app
Direct, low-cost, life-saving, outpatient treatment to underinsured and uninsured adults in the south Florida community.
Unique and empowering Southern Smash scale smashing events and SmashTALK panel discussions.
@alliancefored | #notonemore | allianceforeatingdisorders.com
Project HEAL
Project HEAL (Help to Eat, Accept, and Live)’s mission is to break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers to eating disorder healing. Project Heal’s goal is to change the systems and, in the meantime, to provide life-saving support to people with eating disorders who the systems fail.
Project HEAL’s services include:
For those unsure of the next step in their eating disorder healing journey, Project HEAL provides free, impartial Clinical Assessments, followed by a comprehensive report with diagnosis, clinical recommendation, and referrals.
For those struggling to access treatment through their insurance, Project HEAL’s Insurance Navigation Program helps individuals understand their often confusing benefits and advocate on their behalf to get their treatment covered.
Project HEAL connects people to free Treatment Placements through the HEALers Circle, a national network of facilities and providers at every level of care. They also offer paid scholarships with providers with shared identities.
Project HEAL offers one-time Cash Assistance grants of $500-$1,500 to individuals who are unable to afford tertiary costs related to their treatment, i.e., housing and travel costs or insurance deductibles.
Crisis Textline: text HEALING to 741741 | www.theprojectheal.org
FEDUP (Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations) is a collective of trans+, intersex, and gender diverse people who believe eating disorders in marginalized communities are social justice issues. FEDUP’s mission is to make visible, interrupt, and undermine the disproportionately high incidence of eating disorders in trans and gender diverse individuals through radical community healing, recovery institution reform, research, empowerment, and education. FEDUP’s services include:
Support groups: FEDUP Closed Support Group for Gender-Diverse Folx, Support Group for Caregivers and Loved Ones of Trans & Intersex People With Eating Disorders, and Closed Support Group for QTBIPOC With Eds
Listing of FEDUP approved providers of therapy, counseling, nutrition services, and recovery coaches
Educational content about eating disorders
A conference for researchers, advocates, and clinicians in the eating disorder field where all attendees are empowered to participate, share their expertise, and learn from one another so that they can incorporate approaches that work - for our patients, our communities, and ourselves
@fedupcollective | fedupcollective.org
Nalgona Positivity Pride
Nalgona Positivity Pride is an unconventional eating disorder awareness organization that shines a light on the often-overlooked societal factors that perpetuate unrealistic and oppressive beauty and health standards. NPP offers a vial space for BIPOC to celebrate and embrace their bodies and identities. Nalgona Positivity Pride’s services include:
Education, such as public speaking services for universities, mental health and eating disorder organizations, and more as well as social media content
Consulting services for eating disorder providers and women of color entrepreneurs, including social media, branding, and event planning. Also, size diversity, creating eating disorder informed media, eating disorder harm reduction
An eating disorder harm reduction hub, including The EDHR Course and The EDHR Harm Reduction Community Services
2 eating disorder support groups: Sage and Spoon and The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Community Circle
@nalgonapositivitypride | nalgonapositivitypride.com
Body Reborn
Body Reborn is a restorative space for people of color with disordered eating.
Body Reborn’s services include:
The Healing Collaborative - A free 8-week program for people of color. The program consists of three pillars: (1) Body Liberation, (2) Peer Support, and (3) Lifelong Community.
A non-hierarchical, discussion-driven conference that centers experiences of marginalized people in eating disorder care
@bodyreborn | bodyreborn.org
MEDA (Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association) is dedicated to the prevention and compassionate treatment of eating disorders, so that every body has access to recovery and support. MEDA’s services include:
Assessments to individual therapy and groups, tailored treatment referrals. to hight levels of care, skill sessions to hels reach meal and snack goals, and 24/7/365 community available
The Sooner the Better helps communities learn the signs and symptoms of disordered eating, exercise, and body image.
MEDA offers presentations from a skilled mental health clinician on a variety of topics including Body Confidence, Eating Disorders, and Promoting Positive Body Culture in Your Schools and Homes.
MEDA also offers high-level clinical trainings for professionals working with eating disorders whether it is in the field of medicine, mental health, or education.
Annual national conference bringing over 275 people together to discuss the latest in eating disorder research and therapies
“Networking with a Purpose” meetings where clinicians come together to learn about specific aspects of treatment
Two graduate clinical interns are trained at MEDA every year, where they are supervised by clinicians and work directly with clients and loved ones.
@recoverwithmeda | medainc.org
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) provides free peer support to anyone struggling with an eating disorder. ANAD’s services include:
Eating Disorder Peer Support Groups
Recovery Mentorship Program offering free eating disorder support online for those who struggle with eating disorders but are motivated to recover. ANAD mentors are people who have walked the difficult road to recovery from their eating disorder and are recovered for at least 2 years.
Eating Disorder Treatment Directory
ANAD Approach Guides are designed to educate and “guide” its community on a wide range of topics, such as caregiving, pregnancy, binge eating, and navigating life after treatment.
@anadhelp | anad.org
heysharonmaxwell.com | #leaveNEDAbehind
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rotationalsymmetry · 6 months
Not reblogging a bunch of disingenuous bullshit about defunding the police:
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
When you fund the police, homelessness is a crime problem, people shooting up and leaving dirty needles on the sidewalk is a crime problem, carburetor theft is a crime problem, rape is a crime problem.
But homelessness can be seen as a class problem and a poverty problem and, basically, a problem of some people not having a place to go that's 1. indoors 2. safe (a major reason some people will sleep on the street rather than in a shelter) and 3. not excessively controlling (ie housing programs should not be dependent on things like sobriety or curfews.)
And dirty needles can be seen as problem that can be addressed by harm reduction programs like needle exchanges, as well as treatment programs for people who want to and are ready to get sober, which is not the case for all addicts, as anyone whose ever known a smoker should be fully aware of.
And carburetor theft can be seen as a poverty/lack of decent legal job options problem, which is related to a common de facto policy of making poverty as unpleasant as possible to coerce people into unfavorable working conditions and military service. Not all measures that make life worse for poor people are about saving money or even effective at saving money, a lot are motivated by the sense that people who receive government services are getting away with something, and in particular at least in the US the racist drive to make sure black people don't get public services even if that means poor white people also don't get them.
And while stranger-rape where the victim is relatively privileged can happen and can be immensely traumatizing or indeed fatal, most rape under peacetime conditions is between people who know each other without the use of force (and cannot be usefully treated as a crime because it cannot legally be distinguished from consensual sex) and it's much more often a more privileged/powerful person raping a less privileged/powerful person. Disabled people get raped by caregivers. Kids get raped by youth pastors and coaches and teachers and step-fathers and babysitters. Immigrants get raped by immigration officers and blacks people get raped by cops and people in prison get raped by security guards. And very much, people in war zones (especially but by no means only women) get raped by invading and occupying soldiers. Rape is to a large degree a problem of some people having power over other people. When you look at it that way, obviously cops are not going to solve the problem of people having power over other people.
Plus, a lot of them commit domestic violence. And what do you do when the person who raped you is friends with everyone you could call to report the rape?
Anyways. It's irritating as fuck that police don't actually solve homelessness or dirty needles or carberator theft or rape, but people will see a police state that has those problems and go "well clearly things would be worse without the cops" as though that even remotely follows. And in the mean time there's tons of people throwing their entire lives into counseling middle schoolers or doing research on what factors abuse victims need to not go back to their abusers or running programs that give ex-felons jobs so that they don't have to go back to crime just to survive, and never get any goddamn credit let alone money.
Go look up your local needle exchange program and throw some cash at them.
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quincyhorst · 2 months
FFI Euro B Coaches - Gretchen Löw (Brockenborg 🐉)
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Gretchen descends of Johann Löw, a famous trainer that brought many Euro Frontier cups to Germany. Or at least, with the adult team. Junior high football isn't his specialty... Nor his interest. Although she was forced to be around his training sessions since childhood, Gretchen preferred to work as a caregiver once she grew up. Mostly oriented around those with special needs.
That seemed to be her life, till the sudden menace of Alius Academy and the kidnapping of an important japanese political figure shook the entire world. With soccer being turned into a weapon, the countries closest to Japan (Australia and Korea) entered in panic and were forced to improve their local junior high soccer skills faster than ever. (Or you thought that Jean Baker stopping most S2 hissatsus was because of plot convenience?).
Even if Europe was in a better place, the fear of the "weak" Japan (and Asia) falling to these "aliens" penetrated deep into some guvernamental powers. As such, many countries started their own soccer-improvement methods as a "just in case" type plan. In Germany this manifested with Operation Sicherung, a secret plot that meant special training for the most qualified junior high players of the country... And with that, it meant "protecting them" in a specialized base located within the Brocken mountains. Being forced to cooperate, Johann's struggle with the german youth was so bad he had decided to call his daughter in secret to help him over. Despite her own worries and the implications of the project, Gretchen decided to accept.
Originally, her intention was to be a "bridge" between her father's soccer knowledge and the children choosen for O.S, but soon enough she proved herself to be a better Junior High coach than him. The secret behind her success was mainly on her past as a teacher, fitting well with her caring and nurting personality, knowing perfectly the weakness of each child and finding a way to use it for the better. But she also had a strict side, being able to see things with logic and creating sucessful strategies in base on harsh yet understandable choices. This meant keeping emotions and logic separate, making her look colder than what it actually seemed. Truth is, her heart breaks easily when she sees her players upset.
Operation Sicherung lasted for only a while, as it got suspended once the Aliea menace was over. Nonetheless, the mark that Gretchen left both in the program's operators and in the kids she trained had been so great, that when the Euro League was announced the German Soccer Asocciation did not even hestiate on making her Brockenborg's coach instead. She was surprised by the sudden change of tides in life, but by that point there was no turning back.
I think that out of the EuroB coaches, she has the best relationship with her players. Her participation in O.S gave her prior time to study what she could about each BB member and what they could struggle with during both tournaments. But not only about soccer skills; but also about their own personal struggles. This is why she often employs special training methods for some, or her atitude is different with others.
Best example I can give is with the german captain himself. Upon finding out Jonas' being originally from Poland, Gretchen decided to start using her (so and so) polish language skills as to communicate better with him. Of course, german is still used between the two, but Polish is a perfect secret code within captain and coach (Or as a way for Jonas to vent anything to her). I like the idea that Pollack himself is quite happy with Gretchen's efforts to communicate, so in return he tries to help her understand the polish language better (better than having to rely on tiny dictionaries), or talk about his homeland's culture. 🥺
It is to say that at the end of the day, Gretchen was still a soccer rookie that kept learning as both the league and FFI went on. And despite all the effort she put in, unfortunately it wasn't enough for Brockenborg to pass the group stage. Nonetheless for a first-time coach, her road as a coach is still very appreciated by the german populace, and so her future endeavors. Who says she can't keep coaching after the FFI!? Besides junior high boy teams, she could also try luck for the upcoming female-only competitions, too 👀
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Yahoo News: Scientists were delighted to discover that parrots willingly made video calls to bird friends and were less lonely as a result
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Researchers trained parrots to call certain birds. Later the parrots chose who they wanted to call.
The researchers were delighted when the parrots interacted with each other over the screen.
Scientists had to extensively train bird parents for this exercise. Not just anyone should try it.
Researchers have discovered that parrots are pretty much just like us when it comes to video chatting with friends.
The authors of a new study found that virtual quality time with bird friends seemed to reduce signs of loneliness in parrots and improve their lives overall.
The researchers also told Insider that they were delighted when the parrots on either end of the call interacted with each other by tapping the screen and doing activities together like preening — which means the birds were bonding.
The study's results are important for the many pet parrots who live alone with their humans and thus may not get their high social needs met.
That's because a lack of socialization for birds in the parrot family — which includes cockatoos, cockatiels, macaws, African Greys, lovebirds, budgies, and more —  can lead to harmful behaviors like picking or destroying their feathers, pacing and rocking, aggression, or excessive sleeping.
Why parrots need so much socialization
"I think birds in captivity have been misunderstood and mischaracterized for years," said Jennifer Cunha, parrot behavior expert, researcher at Northeastern University, and one of the study's authors.
Cunha added that while people often consider them ornamental, parrots are also incredibly social and intelligent animals.
For example, in the wild, parrots generally live in complex social environments, said Rébecca Kleinberger, assistant professor at Northeastern University in computer sciences and music, and another author of the study.
They tend to pair off within a larger flock of parrots and do most things, like feeding, preening, sleeping, traveling, and raising their young within this social group, Kleinberger and Cunha said.
So, when these birds live alone as pets with minimal social interaction, they have little outlet for many of their cognitive abilities.
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Under-stimulated parrots may quickly become bored, frustrated, and lonely. In fact, Cunha said, some countries have made it illegal to keep only one parrot, due to their complex social needs.
The ability to make video calls to other parrots, then, may give birds the chance to access the socialization and species identity they have in the wild, Cunha said.
How the study worked
First, researchers recruited 18 parrots and their caregivers via Parrot Kindergarten — a coaching program for parrots and their caretakers that Cunha operates.
They then had a training phase where parrots learned to select another bird's photo on a tablet to start a call on Facebook Messenger — which the parrots did successfully in just a couple of weeks.
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After that, parrots would ring a bell when they wanted to make a call. When their caregiver offered the tablet, they'd touch the picture of the bird they wanted to chat with.
Initially, the birds were given treats for ringing the bell and selecting a bird "friend," but after the training period, they stopped getting treats. The researchers were happily surprised by how quickly the birds picked up the method for calling one another voluntarily.
Researchers were also delighted to see the parrots engaging with the video calls by following the birds on the other side of the screen, both visually and by directly touching the tablet.
Many birds mirrored behaviors they saw their friends do, like foraging, preening, and flying.
"Throughout the study we observed a diversity of social behaviors, from preening together and sleeping together on-screen to vocalizing," Kleinberger said.
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What's more, the more calls a parrot received, the more they wanted to call others, said Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, computer science lecturer at the University of Glasgow and study co-author.
"They developed favorite parrots to call, and most parrots would engage with the system for the maximum amount of time," Hirskyj-Douglas said.
Parrots could make two calls a day, with each call lasting no more than five minutes. The researchers set this time limit for safety and ethical reasons and to minimize the time commitment for caregivers.
Kleinberger added that the sheer number of calls made by the parrots — 147 in all — seemed to support their interest and engagement with the bird on the other side of the screen.
Video chats had a lot of benefits for parrots
All of the parrot caretakers involved said their bird had a positive experience with video calling, the study said.
Some caretakers said their birds reacted to their video friends the same way they'd react to real people or birds. One caretaker said their bird even called "Come back!" when the other bird walked off-screen.
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All but one of the caretakers said they believed their parrot got more out of the video chat than simple enjoyment. For instance, one parrot seemed to gain confidence and began flying more. Others seemed calmer in general, the study said.
Video calling won't work for every parrot
The researchers extensively trained the parrot caretakers who participated in the study, Cunha said.
Video calling itself has to be conducted in a sensitive, ethical manner, to slowly introduce the technology and make sure there are no fear reactions, Hirskyj-Douglas added.
Parrot caregivers learned, for instance, to recognize signs of stress during the video calls and offer encouragement to help reduce any fear associated with the new experience.
Caregivers would also end the call if their bird seemed uncomfortable or walked away from the calling zone, Hirskyj-Douglas said. That way, the parrots learned they could simply walk away if they didn't want to interact.
Forced socialization isn't in any parrot's best interest. The researchers released three parrots from the study in its early stages, as these birds didn't seem to like the calls at all.
But most of the parrots apparently enjoyed the experience and chose to make plenty of calls to other birds.
The study authors acknowledge the need for additional research, as this study is the first exploring video calling for parrots. That said, they believe video calling could become an important way to help isolated parrots build and maintain important connections with other members of their species — just as it does for people.
Read the original article on Business Insider
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tcmeducationonline · 6 days
Why TCM || Views of a B-school Faculty.
Discover the best cat coaching with TCM Education. Our comprehensive programs offer expert guidance, practical skills, and a deep understanding of feline behavior. Become a confident and compassionate cat caregiver, ensuring a happy and healthy life for your feline companions.
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Why Social Emotional Learning is Key to Developing Well-Rounded Individuals
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the importance of developing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with both academic knowledge and emotional intelligence cannot be overstated. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) plays a crucial role in this development, providing students with the tools they need to manage their emotions, build healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions. This article explores why Social Emotional Learning is essential for fostering well-rounded individuals and how Attachment Theory Coaching for individuals can complement SEL in achieving this goal.
Understanding Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Social Emotional Learning is an educational approach that focuses on the development of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills. It goes beyond traditional academic subjects, addressing the social and emotional aspects of learning that are critical for personal growth and success. SEL programs aim to teach students how to recognize and manage their emotions, understand the perspectives of others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible choices.
The Connection Between SEL and Well-Rounded Development Developing well-rounded individuals involves nurturing not only intellectual abilities but also emotional and social skills. SEL is key to this holistic approach to education, as it fosters the following aspects of well-rounded development:
Emotional Intelligence: SEL helps students understand and manage their emotions, which is crucial for coping with challenges, resolving conflicts, and maintaining mental health.
Empathy and Compassion: By teaching students to recognize and appreciate the feelings of others, SEL cultivates empathy and compassion, essential qualities for building strong relationships and creating inclusive communities.
Social Skills: SEL promotes effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, which are vital for success in both personal and professional life.
Resilience: Through SEL, students learn to persevere in the face of adversity, develop a growth mindset, and adapt to change—skills that are indispensable in today's ever-changing world.
How Attachment Theory Coaching Complements SEL Attachment Theory Coaching for individuals is a specialized form of coaching that focuses on understanding and addressing attachment styles—patterns of behavior that develop in early childhood based on interactions with caregivers. These attachment styles, such as secure, anxious, or avoidant, significantly impact how individuals relate to others throughout their lives. Integrating Attachment Theory Coaching with SEL can enhance the effectiveness of social and emotional development by:
Identifying and Addressing Attachment Styles: Attachment Theory Coaching helps individuals recognize their attachment styles and understand how these patterns influence their relationships and emotional well-being. This awareness allows for targeted SEL strategies that address specific needs.
Promoting Secure Attachments: Secure attachment is the foundation of healthy emotional development. Coaching can support individuals in moving towards a more secure attachment style, which in turn strengthens the outcomes of SEL by enhancing trust, emotional regulation, and relationship-building skills.
Enhancing Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation: By combining SEL with Attachment Theory Coaching, individuals gain deeper self-awareness and improved emotional regulation, enabling them to navigate complex social situations with greater ease and confidence.
Supporting Lifelong Emotional Growth: While SEL provides the foundational skills for emotional and social development, Attachment Theory Coaching offers ongoing support for individuals as they continue to grow and evolve emotionally throughout their lives.
The Long-Term Impact of SEL on Individual and Community Well-Being The benefits of SEL extend far beyond the classroom, influencing not only individual development but also the well-being of entire communities. When students are equipped with the social and emotional skills fostered through SEL, they are more likely to:
Achieve Academic Success: Students with strong SEL skills are better able to focus, manage stress, and engage in learning, leading to improved academic performance.
Build Healthy Relationships: SEL teaches students how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and develop empathy, which are essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships throughout life.
Contribute to Positive Social Change: Individuals with strong SEL skills are more likely to be active and engaged members of their communities, contributing to a more inclusive, compassionate, and supportive society.
Experience Greater Emotional and Mental Well-Being: SEL provides the tools needed to manage emotions, cope with challenges, and maintain mental health, leading to a higher quality of life.
Implementing SEL in Schools and Beyond To fully realize the benefits of SEL, it is essential to integrate it into educational systems and extend its principles beyond the classroom. Schools can implement SEL by:
Incorporating SEL into the Curriculum: Schools should embed SEL into daily lessons, using activities and discussions that promote emotional intelligence, empathy, and social skills.
Providing Professional Development for Educators: Teachers play a crucial role in delivering SEL. Professional development programs can equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach SEL.
Engaging Families and Communities: SEL is most effective when supported by families and communities. Schools can involve parents and community members in SEL initiatives, creating a unified approach to social and emotional development.
Partnering with Attachment Theory Coaches: Schools can collaborate with Attachment Theory coaches to provide targeted support for students who may need additional help with emotional regulation and relationship-building skills.
Conclusion Social Emotional Learning is a key component of education that is essential for developing well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the complexities of life. By fostering emotional intelligence, empathy, social skills, and resilience, SEL helps students navigate the challenges of the modern world with confidence and compassion. When combined with Attachment Theory Coaching for individuals, SEL can be even more effective in supporting lifelong emotional growth and well-being. As the future of education continues to evolve, the integration of SEL and Attachment Theory Coaching will be critical in nurturing the next generation of emotionally intelligent, socially responsible, and well-rounded individuals.
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alicevgcna · 1 month
Premier CNA Training Online: Your Path to a Rewarding Career Starts Here!
**Title: Top-Rated CNA Training Online: Your Path ⁢to a Rewarding Career Starts Here!**
**Introduction:** Are you looking to kickstart⁤ your career in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant‌ (CNA)? If so, you’re in the ⁤right place! In today’s digital age, online CNA training programs have become increasingly popular due to their flexibility, affordability, and accessibility. In this ‌article, we will explore the top-rated CNA training online programs that can help you achieve your career goals and land a rewarding job⁤ in the healthcare industry.
**Benefits of Online CNA Training:** – Flexibility to study at your own pace from anywhere – Cost-effective compared to traditional‍ classroom-based programs – Access to a wide range of‍ resources and interactive learning tools – Ability‌ to ​balance work, family, and other commitments‍ while studying – Opportunity to connect with instructors ‍and classmates virtually
**Top-Rated CNA Training Online Programs:** 1.‍ **ABC Nursing Academy** – **Course Length:** 6 weeks -⁣ **Cost:** $500 – **Highlights:** Interactive lectures, hands-on training, practice exams.
2. **Best Care Institute** – ⁤**Course Length:** 8 weeks – **Cost:** $600 – **Highlights:** Video tutorials, virtual simulations, personalized feedback.
3. ⁣**Caregiver Pro** – **Course Length:** 10 weeks – **Cost:** $700 – **Highlights:** Live webinars, one-on-one‍ coaching, job ⁣placement assistance.
**Practical Tips for Success in Online ⁤CNA Training:** – Create a study schedule and stick to it – Stay organized with deadlines and assignments – Participate in online discussions and⁢ group activities – Seek help from instructors or classmates ⁣when needed – Stay motivated and focused on your ⁣career goals
**Case Study: Sarah’s Success Story** Sarah, a busy working mom, decided to⁢ pursue her dream of becoming⁣ a CNA through an online training program. Despite juggling her job and family responsibilities, she was able to complete the⁤ program ‌successfully and land a job at a local hospital. Sarah credits the flexibility and support of the online program for helping⁢ her achieve her career goals.
**Firsthand Experience:** “I was hesitant to enroll in an online CNA training program at first, but it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. The flexibility allowed me to study at my own⁤ pace, and the interactive tools​ kept me engaged throughout the course. I highly recommend online CNA training for anyone ⁤looking to start a career in healthcare.” – Mark, Online CNA Training Graduate
**Conclusion:** Embarking on a career as a Certified ⁢Nursing Assistant can be a fulfilling and rewarding journey,⁢ and online training programs offer a convenient‍ and effective​ way to achieve your⁤ goals. With⁢ top-rated CNA training online programs, you can receive the education and hands-on experience necessary to excel in the healthcare industry. So why⁣ wait? Start your journey ⁤to a rewarding career today with online CNA training!
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josegreenspon · 1 month
Effective Strategies for Encouraging Physical Activity in Children by Medical Professionals such as Yosef Jose Greenspon
Yosef Jose Greenspon
Effective Strategies for Encouraging Physical Activity in Children by Medical Professionals such as Yosef Jose Greenspon
Childhood obesity has become a significant public health concern, with increasing numbers of children experiencing weight-related health issues. Encouraging physical activity is one of the most effective strategies for combating this trend. Physical activity not only helps in maintaining a healthy weight but also promotes overall well-being, including improved cardiovascular health, stronger muscles and bones, and enhanced mental health. However, with the rise of sedentary lifestyles and screen time, it is essential to implement strategies that motivate children to be more active. This blog explores effective strategies for encouraging physical activity in children, aiming to foster lifelong healthy habits and combat childhood obesity.
Creating a Supportive Environment
Creating a supportive environment is crucial for encouraging physical activity in children. This begins at home, where parents and caregivers can play a significant role. By providing safe spaces for play and physical activities, such as a backyard or a nearby park, children are more likely to engage in active play. Parents should also model active behavior, as children often imitate adults. Participating in family activities like hiking, biking, or playing sports together can make physical activity a fun and integral part of daily life.
Schools also play a vital role in fostering an environment conducive to physical activity. Ensuring that children have regular physical education classes and access to playgrounds and sports facilities encourages them to be active. Schools can integrate short activity breaks during the day to help students stay engaged and energized. A supportive environment, both at home and school, sets the foundation for children to incorporate physical activity into their routine as highlighted by pediatric professionals like Yosef Jose Greenspon. Read more about Yosef here.
Implementing Structured Physical Activities
Structured physical activities provide children with organized and scheduled opportunities to be active. Enrolling children in sports teams, dance classes, or martial arts programs offers them a chance to learn new skills, build teamwork, and develop a sense of discipline. These activities often have the added benefit of being enjoyable, which increases the likelihood of sustained participation.
Physical education programs in schools should be designed to be inclusive and engaging for all students as suggested by medical professionals such as Yosef Jose Greenspon. Offering a variety of activities that cater to different interests and skill levels can help ensure that every child finds something they enjoy. Teachers and coaches should emphasize the importance of effort and personal improvement rather than competition, creating a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Structured physical activities can provide children with the routine and motivation needed to stay active.
Encouraging Unstructured Play
Unstructured play is equally important as structured activities, as it allows children to explore their creativity and engage in physical activity on their terms. Encouraging children to play outside, whether it's climbing trees, playing tag, or riding bikes, fosters a sense of freedom and enjoyment in being active. Unstructured play helps children develop essential motor skills and can be a significant source of daily physical activity.
Parents can facilitate unstructured play by providing a variety of toys and equipment, such as balls, jump ropes, and bicycles. Ensuring that children have time in their daily schedule for free play is crucial. Limiting screen time and encouraging outdoor activities can help children develop a natural inclination towards physical play. Unstructured play not only contributes to physical fitness but also enhances creativity and social skills as noted by pediatricians including Yosef Jose Greenspon.
Integrating Physical Activity into Daily Routines
Integrating physical activity into daily routines is an effective way to ensure that children get enough exercise without it feeling like a chore. Simple changes, such as walking or biking to school, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or having active chores like gardening or raking leaves, can add up to significant activity over time. These small, consistent habits can help children view physical activity as a normal part of everyday life.
Parents and caregivers can encourage these habits by setting a good example and making physical activity a family affair. Walking the dog together, going for evening strolls, or having a dance-off in the living room are fun ways to incorporate movement into daily routines. Schools can also support this by promoting active transportation and incorporating movement-based learning activities. Making physical activity a regular part of the day helps children develop lifelong healthy habits as pointed out by pediatric professionals like Yosef Jose Greenspon.
Promoting Community Involvement
Community involvement can significantly enhance opportunities for children to be active. Local parks, recreational centers, and community organizations often offer programs and events that encourage physical activity. Participating in community sports leagues, fun runs, or family fitness days can provide children with additional motivation and social support. These activities help children build connections and develop a sense of belonging within their community.
Communities can also create safe and accessible spaces for physical activity by investing in parks, playgrounds, and bike trails. Community leaders and organizations can work together to promote active living and support policies that encourage physical activity. By fostering a community-wide commitment to physical fitness, we can create an environment where children have ample opportunities to be active and healthy.
Leveraging Technology Positively
While excessive screen time is often cited as a barrier to physical activity, technology can also be leveraged positively to encourage movement. Interactive video games that require physical activity, such as dance or fitness games, can make exercise fun and engaging for children. Medical professionals such as Yosef Jose Greenspon convey that fitness apps and wearable devices can track activity levels and set goals, providing children with a sense of achievement and motivation.
Encouraging physical activity in children requires a multifaceted approach that includes creating a supportive environment, implementing structured activities, promoting unstructured play, integrating activity into daily routines, fostering community involvement, and leveraging technology positively. By adopting these strategies, parents, educators, and communities can help children develop a love for physical activity and establish lifelong healthy habits. Combatting childhood obesity and promoting overall well-being is a collective effort that benefits from a comprehensive and proactive approach to physical fitness.
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thriveplaytherapy · 2 months
Enhancing Skills with Early Childhood Professional Development at Thrive Play Therapy
Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s development and future success. For professionals working in this field, ongoing professional development is essential to stay updated with the latest practices and techniques. At Thrive Play Therapy, we offer specialized early childhood professional development programs designed to enhance skills and knowledge for those working with young children. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of early childhood professional development and how our programs can benefit educators and caregivers.
The Importance of Early Childhood Professional Development
Updated Knowledge and Skills: Early childhood education is a dynamic field with constant advancements. Professional development ensures that educators and caregivers stay informed about the latest research, techniques, and best practices.
Enhanced Teaching Strategies: Professional development programs provide educators with new strategies and tools to improve their teaching methods, leading to more effective and engaging learning experiences for children.
Improved Child Outcomes: Educators who are well-trained and knowledgeable are better equipped to support children’s development, leading to improved outcomes in areas such as social skills, cognitive development, and emotional well-being.
Increased Job Satisfaction: Professional growth opportunities can lead to increased job satisfaction and motivation. Educators who feel competent and confident in their roles are more likely to stay in the field and continue making a positive impact.
Better Support for Diverse Needs: Ongoing training helps educators and caregivers understand and address the diverse needs of children, including those with disabilities or developmental delays.
How Thrive Play Therapy Supports Professional Development
At Thrive Play Therapy, we offer a range of professional development programs tailored to the needs of early childhood educators and caregivers. Here’s how our programs can enhance your skills:
Workshops and Training: We provide workshops and training sessions on various topics, including early childhood development, behavioral management, and therapeutic techniques. These sessions are designed to provide practical, evidence-based strategies for immediate implementation.
Specialized Programs: Our specialized programs focus on areas such as play therapy, sensory processing, and emotional regulation. These programs are designed to deepen your knowledge and enhance your ability to support children effectively.
Online Resources: We offer online resources, including webinars and training modules, to provide flexible learning options for busy professionals. These resources allow you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.
Consultation and Coaching: We offer personalized consultation and coaching to help educators and caregivers apply new skills and strategies in their specific settings. This support ensures that you can effectively integrate professional development into your practice.
Certification and Accreditation: Our programs often include certification or accreditation, providing formal recognition of your professional growth and development. This can enhance your credentials and career opportunities.
The Benefits of Professional Development
Enhanced Expertise: Professional development enhances your knowledge and skills, leading to greater expertise in early childhood education and improved practice.
Improved Child Outcomes: With updated knowledge and strategies, you can better support children’s development and address their individual needs effectively.
Increased Confidence: Professional growth leads to increased confidence in your abilities, contributing to a more positive and effective learning environment.
Career Advancement: Certification and advanced skills can open up new career opportunities and increase your potential for advancement in the field.
Stronger Support Systems: By staying informed and skilled, you can better collaborate with colleagues and support networks, leading to a more cohesive and effective educational environment.
Early childhood professional development is essential for enhancing skills and knowledge in the ever-evolving field of early childhood education. At Thrive Play Therapy, we are committed to supporting educators and caregivers through specialized training and resources that improve practice and outcomes for children. Contact us today to learn more about our professional development programs and how they can benefit you and your work with young children.
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aihcp · 2 months
Health Coaching Intervention Improves Self-Care and Stress in Caregivers of HF Patients
A study has found that self-care and stress are improved by a virtual health coaching intervention in caregivers of patients with heart failure.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:
Health Coaching Intervention Improves Self-Care and Stress in Caregivers of HF Patients. For more on becoming a life coach, please consider visiting our Healthcare Life coaching certification program here - https://aihcp.net/health-care-life-coach-certification/ 
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elitedisability · 3 months
Elite Disability Care
Elite Disability services is an established community support service that provides a wide range of care for individuals with disabilities. Whether it is assistance with daily activities or providing respite care for caregivers. Their services are backed by a large network of experienced care providers.
The number of Americans on disability has skyrocketed. It's not what you might expect, especially given recent medical advances and laws banning discrimination in the workplace.
1. Expertise
Elite Disability Care Services provides professional coordination services for individuals with cognitive or mobile disabilities, ensuring they receive the best care per their needs. The coordinators help participants through every stage of the process, including assessing eligibility and ensuring the right funds are spent in the most efficient manner possible.
EDS is seeking Direct Support Professionals to assist with the overall care of individuals in our Community Speaks and Art You programs (day program activities focusing on socialization, going into the community with a purpose, music culinary, arts). The DSP's are also responsible for daily documentation and providing respite for families when needed.
2. Experience
Elite disability care offers a wide range of services that are designed to support people with disability. Caregivers can help with activities of daily living, medical needs, and socialization, ensuring that individuals are getting the best care possible. They can also provide respite for family members, allowing them to take time for themselves and focus on other priorities.
The day program supervisors at elite disability services of nebraska (EDS) are responsible for operationalizing the EDS mission and core values by providing ongoing oversight to the individuals that are served by the organization. They are tasked with a variety of duties, including leadership, training, coaching, and quality assurance.
3. Flexibility
When an accident or illness interrupts one’s income, it can have devastating effects for both employees and their employers. Elite Insurance Solutions can help to ease the financial strain with affordable, flexible short term disability insurance plans that will pay a portion of your earnings if you become disabled. Whether you need an individual disability insurance policy to supplement a group plan or need to find an employer-provided policy, we offer free, comparative quotes from multiple insurance carriers.
Several factors affect the cost of an individual disability insurance policy, including coverage amount, how the insurer defines “disability,” elimination periods, and optional riders. The more coverage you want, the higher your monthly premiums will be. Some states have more insurance provider regulations than others, which also impacts rates.
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cprcourseonline · 3 months
Why Basic Life Support Certification is Crucial: An Overview
Why Basic Life Support Certification is Crucial: An Overview
Table of Contents
What is BLS certification? 1
5 major reasons why basic life support certification is essential 2
Who should take the BLS certification? 3
The core principles of BLS certification 3
Conclusion 3
Health emergencies come without warning. However, your being trained in lifesaving skills can make a difference. Immediately after a medical emergency strikes, you swing into action and perform life-saving techniques and procedures to save a victim from death or prolong his or her survival. You become an indispensable part of society. 
Undergoing training and earning a certification in basic life support, or BLS, is important. You are trained to handle emergencies and save lives.
In this article, we will discuss the many benefits of basic life support certification and who should get it.
What is BLS certification?
The BLS certification is a training program that teaches basic skills and knowledge to you to respond to life-threatening situations. This certification aims to help you identify and take action in crises such as cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, choking, drowning, etc.
When you enroll in a BLS certification course, you'll learn many crucial skills, including:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for all age groups
Use of automated external defibrillator (AED)
Techniques for airway management
Choking relief
Other first aid skills
5 major reasons why basic life support certification is essential
Basic life support certification is provided by a recognized body to empower you to tackle emergencies. From learning life-saving skills to gaining confidence, there are many reasons why having a certification in BLS is important. Here are 5 compelling reasons suggesting why this certification is indispensable:
1. Empowerment:
The certification trains you for the necessary skills to take quick action in emergencies. You learn how to determine the state of the injury, how to check whether the person is responsive, and what necessary action to take depending on the situation. Whether it is using CPR, an AED, or providing first aid, you will be ready to tackle any emergency with ease.
2. Adequate skills for CPR:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is one of the critical components of basic life support. The BSL certification course teaches you how to perform CPR correctly and effectively. The skill is important as it ensures that blood flows to the vital organs of the victim of cardiac arrest or respiratory failure until professional medical help arrives.
3. Usage of AED:
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are life-saving devices that usually bring back a normal heart rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. Basic life support certification covers the correct usage of the AED.
4. Learning more skills:
Besides CPR and usage of AED, the basic life support certification teaches you skills like:
Managing choking emergencies
Controlling bleeding
Treating shock
Stabilizing fractures and sprains
Responding to other common medical emergencies
5. Confidence and control:
Emergencies may confuse and overwhelm you, but training for basic life support allows you to deal with them rationally. Knowing what to do and how to do it is the key to maintaining composure in uncertainties in crisis situations.
Who should take the BLS certification? 
Basic life support certification is valuable for everyone, but some professions or individuals need these skills more than others. Consider obtaining certification if you are a:
Healthcare provider
First responder
Teacher or childcare worker
Coach or athletic trainer
Nursing home staff
Fitness instructor
Security personnel
Workplace safety coordinator
Parent or caregiver
Volunteer in community organizations
The core principles of BLS certification
At its core, basic life support certification focuses on three key principles:
Early identification of and activation of the emergency response system.
High-quality CPR involves pushing down the person's chest to keep blood flowing to the vital organs of the body.
Immediate defibrillation with AED. It delivers electric shocks to restore the regular cardiac activity of the patient. 
Basic life support certification enables you to act swiftly and effectively during crisis situations. It enables you to acquire the skills to act fast and confidently in medical emergencies. BLS certification lets you learn how to perform CPR and use a defibrillator. Also, you will understand how to recognize life-threatening emergencies and administer first aid till professional help arrives. This training gives you the power to effect a positive change and possibly even save lives in your community. It does not matter whether you are a healthcare professional, teacher, parent, or a concerned citizen; getting a BLS certification is a worthy effort. Such a skill set can be rewarding in situations that have the potential to increase human suffering. You can enroll in BLS certification through in-person or online mode. Online training offers flexibility, and you can learn at your own pace and convenience. So why wait? Begin the certification process today.
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goldenpoppyschool · 3 months
The Importance of Early Socialisation: How Preschool in San Diego Supports Development
Early socialisation is a cornerstone of child development, laying the groundwork for future academic and social success. Golden Poppy School, one of the premier preschools in San Diego, focuses on fostering early socialisation, which helps children build critical social skills, emotional resilience, and a love for learning. This article explores the importance of early socialisation and how Golden Poppy School’s programs, from infant care to pre-K, support this crucial development aspect.
Understanding Early Socialisation
Early socialisation refers to how young children learn to interact with others, develop friendships, and understand social norms and behaviours. During these formative years, children acquire essential skills such as sharing, cooperation, empathy, and communication. High-quality preschools like Golden Poppy School facilitate these interactions in a structured, nurturing environment.
The Role of Preschool in Socialisation
Building Social Skills: At Golden Poppy School, children are encouraged to engage in group activities and cooperative play, which are fundamental to developing social skills. Children learn to negotiate, take turns, and work together towards common goals through play. These experiences help them understand the dynamics of social relationships and develop the ability to navigate social situations effectively.
Enhancing Communication: Effective communication is a critical component of socialisation. Golden Poppy School’s Preschool San Diego program provides numerous opportunities for children to practise verbal and non-verbal communication. Storytelling, group discussions, and interactive play activities help children articulate their thoughts and emotions, listen to others, and respond appropriately.
Promoting Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence involves recognising and managing one’s emotions and understanding the feelings of others. Golden Poppy School’s educators are trained to support children in developing emotional awareness and regulation. Children learn to express their feelings healthily through guided interactions and emotional coaching and build empathy towards others.
Fostering Independence: Early socialisation also involves learning to function independently within a group setting. Golden Poppy School encourages children to take initiative, make decisions, and solve problems independently. This fosters self-confidence and a sense of autonomy, which is essential for successful social interactions.
The Importance of Infant Care in Early Socialisation
Socialisation begins even in infancy. Golden Poppy School’s program in infant care in San Diego is designed to support the earliest stages of social development. Caregivers provide a safe and loving environment where infants can observe and interact with their peers. Simple activities such as playing with toys, participating in group activities, and observing other children help infants build social skills.
The Transition to Pre-K
Golden Poppy School continues to emphasise social development as children transition from infant care to pre-K. The pre-K program builds on the social skills acquired in earlier years, preparing children for the more structured social environments of kindergarten and beyond. Activities challenge children’s social and cognitive abilities, promoting advanced social skills and emotional maturity.
The Long-Term Benefits of Early Socialisation
Academic Success: Research shows that well-socialised children tend to perform better academically. The skills learned through early socialisation, such as communication, cooperation, and problem-solving, directly apply to academic settings. Golden Poppy School’s emphasis on social development ensures that children are well-prepared for the academic challenges ahead.
Better Relationships: Early socialisation helps children form healthy relationships throughout their lives. Understanding and relating to others developed through preschool interactions is crucial for building strong personal and professional relationships in adulthood.
Emotional Well-being: Socialised children are generally more emotionally resilient. The coping skills and emotional intelligence developed during early years help them handle stress, build self-esteem, and maintain a positive outlook on life.
Early socialisation is a critical component of child development, with long-lasting effects on academic achievement, emotional well-being, and relationship-building. Golden Poppy School, a leading preschool in San Diego, understands the importance of early socialisation and integrates it seamlessly into its infant care, preschool, and pre-k San Diego programs. Golden Poppy School ensures that children develop the social skills and emotional intelligence necessary for lifelong success by providing a nurturing and stimulating environment. For parents seeking the best start for their children, Golden Poppy School offers a comprehensive and supportive educational experience emphasising early socialisation's importance.
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superstudyca · 3 months
First Aid Level 1 Course: Essential Training for Everyone
In today's world, safety and preparedness are paramount. One of the most effective ways to ensure that you can respond to emergencies is by taking a First Aid Level 1 course. This foundational training provides the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and address common injuries and medical conditions until professional help arrives. Whether at home, at work, or in public spaces, being equipped with first aid knowledge can make a significant difference in critical situations.
What is a First Aid Level 1 Course?
A First Aid Level 1 course is an introductory training program designed to teach participants the basics of first aid. It covers a range of topics, including how to assess and manage common injuries, perform CPR, and handle medical emergencies. The course typically includes both theoretical lessons and practical hands-on exercises, ensuring that participants gain the confidence and competence needed to provide immediate care.
Key Components of the First Aid Level 1 Course
Understanding First Aid Principles: The course begins with an overview of the fundamental principles of first aid, including the importance of preserving life, preventing further harm, and promoting recovery.
Emergency Scene Management: Participants learn how to assess the scene of an emergency, ensuring their own safety and the safety of others before providing aid. This includes recognizing potential hazards and using personal protective equipment.
Primary Assessment and CPR: One of the most critical components is learning how to perform a primary assessment, which involves checking for responsiveness, breathing, and circulation. Participants are also trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
First Aid for Common Injuries: The course covers a variety of common injuries, including cuts, burns, fractures, and sprains. Participants learn how to apply bandages, splints, and other first aid techniques to stabilize the injured person.
Handling Medical Emergencies: In addition to injuries, the course teaches participants how to respond to medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, choking, and allergic reactions.
Practical Scenarios and Drills: Hands-on practice is a crucial part of the training. Participants engage in simulated scenarios and drills to apply their knowledge in real-life situations.
Why Take a First Aid Level 1 Course?
Empowerment: Knowing how to respond in an emergency empowers individuals to take action confidently and effectively.
Safety: Trained individuals can help reduce the severity of injuries and improve the chances of recovery.
Community Benefit: Having more people trained in first aid within a community enhances overall safety and preparedness.
Career Advantage: For many professions, having first aid certification is a valuable asset and sometimes a requirement.
Who Should Take a First Aid Level 1 Course?
First Aid Level 1 courses are suitable for a wide range of people, including:
Parents and Caregivers: Ensuring the safety of children and elderly family members.
Employees and Employers: Enhancing workplace safety and compliance with occupational health regulations.
Students and Teachers: Creating a safer school environment.
Sports Coaches and Athletes: Managing sports-related injuries effectively.
Outdoor Enthusiasts: Being prepared for emergencies during recreational activities.
A First Aid Level 1 course is an invaluable investment in personal and public safety. By gaining the skills and knowledge to respond to emergencies, you can make a meaningful difference in critical moments. Whether for personal preparedness or professional requirements, taking this course equips you with essential life-saving abilities.
Enroll in a First Aid Level 1 course today and become a proactive responder in your community. Your ability to act in emergencies can save lives and contribute to a safer, more prepared society.
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sanctamariafaridabad · 3 months
What is the Most Popular After School Activity?
Whenever the final school bell rings, parents and other caregivers ask themselves what to do with their little ones. Do the kids have any home activities for children or are they more into organized games? The choices are innumerable and it is a question that has perplexed many educators and parents alike. Sancta Maria International School, an IB curriculum school in Faridabad, offers holistic learning beyond the classroom. This article explores the most popular after-school activity and why children love it.
The Significance of After-School Activities
Ultimately, after-school activities define a child’s overall development. They allow children to explore their passions, acquire new skills, and find new friends besides those in class, among others. Furthermore, such events help kids to relax and unwind from a tiring day at school, thus lowering stress levels.
Opening Up Pathways to Creativity
It’s crafts for kids that tops the list as one of several different favorite choices! Who would ever think that paper, glue, and scissors could produce so much joyfulness and inventiveness? Crafts for kids provide an outlet for self-expression while aiding fine motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Painting or pottery allows them to let loose their imagination and create something extraordinary.
This is art-based child development according to our international school. In this regard, there are multiple crafting activities which form part of our after-school program including DIY jewelry making through to paper-mache creations. Our trained teachers carefully supervise students’ exploration ensuring safety.
Getting Active with Fun Activities for Kids
Crafts rank above fun activities for kids which promote physical movements, among others, second on the popularity scale. Children can engage in soccer, dance, or martial arts during out-of-class hours, hence frequent active body movements by these young ones. These sports ensure pupils’ good health by strengthening both their balance, coordination, and fitness levels.
According to Sancta Maria International School, physical activity is essential for the all-round growth of a child. Besides soccer, basketball, and gymnastics, we also offer other numerous activities in our after-school program. This aids in shaping their personality, building confidence, and independence as they are handled by trained instructors and coaches.
The Rise of Digital Learning
Digital learning has recently increased its popularity as an after-school activity. There are several online educational platforms where children can access educational resources from home. The benefits that come with digital learning include flexibility, convenience, and personalization among others.
Our belief is that the 21st century needs a lot of digital teaching at Sancta Maria International School, an IB curriculum school in Faridabad. Some of these materials are made available through our after-school program such as online interactive games, quizzes, tutorials, etc. Our dedicated teachers help learners navigate the digital world by providing necessary support, enabling them to acquire lifelong skills for this century.
The Verdict is a Surprising Revelation
But what is the most common after-school program? One may be surprised about it. The most prevalent children’s after-school choice according to a recent study is… (drum roll)… staying at home! Yes, kids love being at home doing things that make them joyful. These include different sorts of children’s crafts, fun activities for kids, and other alternatives.
At Sancta Maria International School, we reckon that every child has his or her talents and hobbies. Therefore, we have planned an after-school program that will work on each kid individually in terms of his or her cognitive development. Generally, the most popular after-school activity is a manifestation of the child’s personality and creativeness. Craft kits for kids, play for children, or digital study, everybody has their own interest.
For this reason, Sancta Maria International School, one of the leading IB program schools, offers broader programs apart from the usual curriculum-based learning. One such example is our after-school initiative which exposes children to various activities aimed at improving their intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional growth, and social adaptation.
So, what are you waiting for? Encourage your child to explore their interests and passions, and discover the joy of after-school activities.
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attachmentmattersllc · 2 months
Understanding Attachment Theory: A Guide for Individuals
Attachment theory, developed by British psychologist John Bowlby in the mid-20th century, explores how our early relationships with caregivers shape our emotional and relational behaviors throughout life. This theory suggests that the bonds formed during infancy and childhood significantly influence how we interact with others, manage emotions, and build relationships as adults. Understanding attachment theory can provide valuable insights into our behavior and help us develop healthier connections with those around us.
The Four Attachment Styles
Secure Attachment: Individuals with a secure attachment style typically have a positive view of themselves and others. They feel comfortable with intimacy and independence, finding it easy to build trust and communicate effectively in relationships. Securely attached individuals often had caregivers who were consistently responsive and supportive.
Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment: Those with an anxious-preoccupied attachment style often seek high levels of intimacy and approval from others, sometimes to the point of dependency. They may worry about their partner's commitment and fear abandonment. This style often results from inconsistent caregiving during childhood, leading to a deep-seated fear of rejection.
Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment: Individuals with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style tend to value independence and self-reliance, often to the detriment of close relationships. They may avoid emotional intimacy and suppress their feelings, preferring to keep others at a distance. This style can develop from caregivers who were emotionally unavailable or unresponsive.
Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: Also known as disorganized attachment, this style is characterized by a desire for intimacy combined with a fear of getting too close. People with this style often experience internal conflict, as they crave relationships but simultaneously fear getting hurt. This pattern often arises from traumatic or abusive experiences during childhood.
Implications of Attachment Styles in Adult Life
Understanding your attachment style can provide valuable insights into your emotional responses and behaviors in relationships. For example, knowing you have an anxious-preoccupied style might explain why you feel anxious when your partner doesn't immediately return your calls. Recognizing these patterns can help you work towards healthier relationships by developing greater self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.
The Role of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a crucial educational process that helps individuals develop self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills. For students, engaging in an SEL Workshop for Students in California can be an invaluable experience. SEL workshops provide tools to manage emotions, set positive goals, show empathy for others, and establish and maintain positive relationships. Understanding attachment styles can be integrated into SEL programs, helping students recognize and understand their own emotional patterns and those of others.
Applying Attachment Theory to Improve Relationships
Self-Reflection: Begin by identifying your attachment style. Reflect on your childhood experiences and consider how they may influence your current relationship patterns.
Communication: Improve communication with your partner, friends, or family members by expressing your needs and listening to theirs. Open and honest communication can help bridge gaps created by different attachment styles.
Emotional Regulation: Work on managing your emotional responses. For example, if you have an anxious-preoccupied style, practice self-soothing techniques to manage anxiety.
Seek Professional Help: Consider working with a therapist or coach who specializes in attachment theory. They can provide personalized guidance and strategies to help you develop healthier relationship patterns.
Conclusion: The Path to Healthier Relationships
Understanding attachment theory is a powerful tool for personal growth and healthier relationships. By recognizing and addressing your attachment style, you can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Whether through self-reflection, professional support, or participating in an SEL Workshop for Students in California, the journey to emotional well-being and fulfilling relationships begins with understanding your attachment patterns. With this knowledge, you can take proactive steps to build secure and meaningful connections in all areas of your life.
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