yourcarnevoreuspal · 2 years
An Imposter on Polus
Welp, ik I’m late to the party, but I like Am/ong/U/s. So I wrote vore inspired by it. Are you proud of me? This is also one of my first times writing vore, sooooo let me know how to be better. Warning: This is vore. The fatal kind. Also M/M, M/F (mentioned), unwilling prey. No Shipping (haha aside from y’know, the spaceship. I'm not apologizing.)  Also I wrote this kinda serious with some explanations for stuff. I may even write a chapter 2. #Carne’sImposter will be the tag for this series if I continue it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Arriving to Polus undetected was a challenge for the Red spaceman. He'd successfully infiltrated the crewmember's ranks back at headquarters and dispatched in a new team headed towards an unexplored planet. During the trip he found himself struggling to keep his appetite in check and ended up devouring the Yellow crewmate, causing suspicions to arise far earlier than intended. With the disappearance of Yellow, safety precautions were implemented right away and all crewmembers were required to travel in pairs.      As far as the crewmates could tell, this method had worked and there were no other incidents. However, the Imposter knew that this was only because he was biding his time, in no hurry to eliminate each of them. After all, this was his all-you-can-eat buffet, why rush?        Staring up at the falling snow, pondering just how he'll go about getting his first meal, Red is suddenly pulled out of his daydream by Cyan- his current task-partner, "hey are you gonna help me with this node or what?"     "Hm…? Oh! Yeah… Sorry…" Red apologizes, sheepishly, carrying on with his friendly act. Red squats down, opening a panel at the bottom of the node and begins the setup for it to become functional.     "You seem so distracted lately…" Cyan comments, beginning his own task with another part of the node.     No way he's catching on, right? I haven't done anything yet… Maybe he's just still on edge from Yellow? Or I'm overthinking… "Yeah… I'm worried about what happened to Yellow… We still haven't found her."     "Ah… I think everyone's still thinking about that. I know I am. I think we should give the ship another once-over, there's gotta be clues somewhere!" Cyan has been adamant about looking 'just one more time' for weeks now, and each time there's never a single clue.      "Maybe we should… But now that we're on Polus we have so much to do, I don't think we'll have time for quite awhile." Of course, Red knows exactly where Yellow's gone to. Just thinking about it, it's hard not to lick the phantom taste on his lips, and shudder in delight.     Cyan sighs, "you're right… I just wish we knew what happened to her…" he notices Red's shivering and squints from behind his helmet, "you good, man?"     "I'm alright… It's just so cold here, even with my suit on! I might need to have it checked to make sure it's working properly… I don't want to freeze!" Red plays it off, sort of jokingly as he finishes up his task in the node and closes the panel.     "Dang, you're really cold? I'm sweating in this thing. After I'm done here maybe we should head over to the Medbay to check that out and make sure you're not sick from a suit breach or anything…" Cyan trails off, beginning to rush his task so they might head over sooner.     "I don't think it's that serious, but if you insist… I have a few tasks over that way anyways, so as long as we make sure to do all our tasks…" Red agrees, not worried about any medical examination uncovering his inhuman nature. Besides, this might be his chance to slip away and get a bite to eat.    The node lights up, signaling Cyan's successful task. With a 'follow-me wave', Cyan begins trudging through the heavy snow, towards the Medbay doors. Red decides to linger slightly, standing from his crouched position slowly. While Cyan walks ahead a few steps, he reaches his hand into the node where Cyan was working. Under the cover of snowstorm he slices at the wires, exposing them to the climate where they might eventually cause problems.      At the Medbay, Red and Cyan find themselves alone, having yet to see any of the other crew.  Red removes his suit, per Cyan's demands, and hands it over to be inspected. He then heads over to the scanner, where he requests Cyan stay outside the curtains- as one has to undress for the scanner to work properly. This is where Red makes his first move.      After ensuring Cyan is out of view- with him over at the table checking the suit- Red pulls a device from his pocket, something he got his hands on back at the base. It allows access into normally secure data that only captains and other higher-ups should have. If Red were to be caught with it, it would spell the end for him. Sticking it into a slot in the Scanner's computer, he quickly pulls up an old scan of his from his time on the ship and creates a copy of it onto this scanner, effectively giving him an alibi. Red sets off the Scanner, allowing it to create the copy and the noise it should be making to keep Cyan from getting suspicious, then- with a peak around the curtains to check if Cyan is looking- Red dashes from the Medbay into the hallway that creates the bathrooms and decontamination doors. Doing his best to stay silent, he darts to the far end of the bathrooms, where a vent is set to be installed, but at the moment is only a tunnel. He dives inside and the first step of his plan is in the clear.     Here in the unfinished vent Red is a little freer to show his alien nature and allows his tentacles to rise from his back. They’re decently long, fairly strong and he uses them to propel himself through the tunnel quickly. Once on the other side, he pokes his head out and finds he's surrounded by snow once more. This vent has led him to the outside of the medical building, near the pit of lava. Conveniently, he also spies two crewmembers, Green and Orange. He can hear them chatting, but can't quite make out what they're saying. Red watches patiently as they walk away from the thermometer device that tracks the Lava's temperature and towards the large boulder in the center of the clearing. It seems they have a brief confusion about which side of the rock they will be walking around, they laugh and split apart, Green goes left and Orange goes right.     A silly mistake, really, as this provides exactly what Red was looking for: an opportunity. Without hesitation, Red leaps from the vent and before Orange even notices him, he sends his four tentacles to wrap around Orange. He moves swiftly, knowing if Orange calls out to Green it could be over, but he also knows he shouldn't leave any trace in the snow leading this way. In one motion, he lifts Orange just off the ground, then towards him and down into the vent, which he follows.     "Ah-!?" Orange cries, unheard by Green due to the muffling snowstorm. It's dark in the tunnels and while Orange can't see a thing, Red sees just fine. "Wh-WHO'S THERE?" Orange demands, backing himself further into the tunnels as he tries to get away from his assailant.      "Oh, Orange… It's only me," Red speaks, crawling after his soon-to-be meal. His tentacles contract around Orange to pull him closer to his destination.     "Red…? What are you doing in the. . . Vent. . ." Orange trails off, he almost relaxed at first, once hearing it was his trusted companion, Red. But Orange was smarter than that and was quick to conclude what Red really was, "it was you…? You killed Yellow, didn't you!?" Orange's anger grew with each word, "what did you do to her!?"     "Well," Red yanks Orange closer a final time, now face-to-helmet with him, "you're going to find out, aren't you?" He grins madly, reaching his hands up to said helmet, pushing the buttons on either side and lifting it off of him. A hissing noise starts briefly as the cold air enters Orange's suit.      "No-!" Orange gasps, then coughs as his face is hit with freezing air. He tries to back away, but Red is practically on top of him, with some sort of appendages restraining him. "Let go! How could you do this-!?" Orange cries, trying to keep Red at bay with his hands.      Red, however, is just strong enough to get what he wants, "quite easily, dear Orange- I'm starving," he knows he needs to be quick about this, so he decides to simply go for it. Red leans close to Orange's face, one hand moving to the back of the Crewmate's head. The Imposter's grin widens as he opens his mouth, his smile growing jagged as his true self peaks through his disguise.    "Stop-! What are you doing?" Orange demands, only able to see an outline in the darkness. But Red has decided he's done talking, so with that he shoves Orange's head into his maw and begins to greedily lap at the flavor. He knows he doesn't have time to savor, so he gets on with it, using his extra appendages to rip away more of his prey's clunky space suit, then takes the first swallow.    Orange's panic rises as he desperately tries to free himself, but his adversary has overpowered him and there's nothing he can do as Red swallows again and again, getting around his shoulders, up to his chest. Orange doesn't know what sort of lifeform Red truly is, but he racks his brain trying to figure it out, hoping he might recall a weakness.     With the crewmate's arms pinned in his throat, his maw wrapped around his waist, Red lifts his prey as best he can in the cramped vent before grabbing onto Orange's flailing legs and swallowing thickly. He purrs in delight from his prey's struggling, enjoying as much as he can from this quick meal. Only his prey's legs are left and he's running out of time, so he ensures Orange's shoes have been removed then gives the last few swallows, sending Orange to his fate.   Red pants as his throat clears, but can't stop to rest or let his stomach settle and begins racing down the vent to return to Medbay before his absence is noticed. He could enjoy this properly later. His stomach sways as he rushes through the vent, but isn't nearly as large as one might think after his meal. This is because his anatomy is far different than that of a human's, and while his disguise does help with that, there is no hiding it after he's eaten. His stomach region starts from the top of his chest, down to his waist, leaving room for concealment so long as his prey isn't larger than himself, with only a small bump to show for it.     Pulling himself out of the vent, Red places a hand on his stomach, trying to help the weight and keep his prey quiet. He eyes the decontamination doors, checking that no one is coming out, then scoots to the corner to peek at Cyan. He finds that Cyan is still messing with his suit, facing the other direction, so Red takes his chance to slip back across the hallway, behind the curtains into the scanning room. He sighs with relief and finally gives himself a chance to catch his breath.     His prey has been struggling wildly the entire time, presumably trying to right himself and keep from being jostled. Red runs a hand down his stomach, enjoying the sensation for a moment. He chuckles at his prey, pushing down on him until his attention is caught by the sounds of the scanner completing.     Red removes the device from the scanner and tucks it safely into his suit, then waits a few moments longer to mime the time it would take to dress if he had really scanned. He grabs the scanner's tablet to show Cyan the proof, then walks out from the curtains.     "I've finished scanning, it says everything is normal," Red declares, walking up to the table where his suit lies and placing the tablet down for Cyan to see, "find any breaches?"    Cyan glances over at the tablet, reading that it is indeed normal, then looks back to the suit, "that's good, we don't want you sick. I haven't found anything unusual yet, but I'm still looking…"  "Ah, okay, thanks. I'm gonna do my tasks over here," Red replies, heading over to the telescope, away from Cyan, hoping he's kept his distance enough that the crewmate can't hear Orange. He brings his eye to the telescope, starting his search for anything unusual around the planet. Every few seconds Red is sure to adjust settings on the telescope as noisily as he can, really testing those squeaky knobs.     After a few moments, Cyan sighs loudly and looks up, "are you doing that on purpose?"    Red turns to his partner, "whatever do you mean-?"     His attempt to sound innocent is interrupted by a loud alarm blaring and a voice coming from their tablets attached to the suits, "EMERGENCY MEETING," it announces loudly in a monotonous voice.
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